I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 263 262 is probably a rare monster?

Chapter 263 262. Maybe a rare monster?

"Sir, are you a superhuman? Are you from the Inquisition?"

After walking out for a few minutes, the child who led the way suddenly asked, apparently recognizing Lloyd's gray uniform.


Lloyd responded, followed the child's footsteps, and scattered inspiration, constantly observing the surrounding environment.

As the last ray of sunset fell to the west, this shantytown soon fell into darkness. In the absence of street lights, only a little bit of weak candlelight from the windows around could provide some light, making the atmosphere around it cold and weird.

Fortunately, Lloyd found a guide in advance, otherwise he would have no idea where to go.

"Sir, will your Inquisition clean up our place? And the underground city below?"

The child suddenly asked again.

Lloyd asked back:

"I don't know, it's not up to me to decide, but since you're worried about this, why haven't you considered leaving?"

"Leave? I don't know where I can go? I've lived here since I was a child, and I can eat enough here every day. If I leave, I don't know what to do."

"Well? Eat enough?"

"Yes, Lame Dad will provide us with food. If someone is very smart, they can go to school outside, but no one wants to go, and we dare not leave here."

"Lame Dad?"

"Yes, we all eat under Lame Dad. He may not be the strongest boss here, but he has the highest prestige."

The two chatted casually, and the child gave Lloyd a brief description of the current situation of this abandoned city.

Although this area is not very large, even with the underground city below, it cannot be compared with the magnificent Brilliant City, but there are dozens of various "gangs" and "brotherhoods" mixed in it...

They all have their own sphere of influence and "business", doing various illegal or gray livelihoods.

And their main customers actually come from the new city area not far from here...

But the new city area is obviously a booming financial center, representing the "brilliance" of the entire city...

Maybe this is the shadow under the sun?

Lloyd was not willing or able to solve these social problems, so he just casually learned about them.

It was just a little surprising that the lame dad mentioned by the child was actually engaged in a relatively legal business, mainly providing cheap labor to factories and mines on the outskirts of the city, similar to the nature of labor dispatch.

Of course, his means of recruiting workers were somewhat coercive and induced, but it was much better than those outright evil forces, and he was considered one of the few "decent people" in this abandoned city area.

"This is the tavern of the lame dad. If you want to inquire about the haunted things, you can go in and ask. I will wait for you outside."

The child stopped in front of a tavern and suggested again.

This tavern looked quite simple, just surrounded by a few pieces of rusty rotten iron sheets, emitting a strong smell of alcohol.

However, it was one of the few lively places in the area. It was full of noise and there were "luxuries" such as electric lights and record players.

Lloyd thought for two seconds and asked:

"How far is it from here to where I want to go?"

"Go a few hundred meters south of this road, and you will see the place where the ghost was first seen."

The child pointed to a fork in the road next to him.

"Then wait for me outside for a while."

"Okay, sir."

Lloyd then walked into the bar.

As soon as he opened the door, all the drinkers inside turned their heads and saw his gray uniform. The hustle and bustle just now suddenly quieted down. Everyone looked nervous and stared at him as if they were facing a great enemy.

Some people even secretly reached under the table and around their waists and grasped the knife and sword handles hidden there.

The silence was broken only when a bartender sitting at the middle bar counter spoke up:

"Are you from the Inquisition? How did you find this place?"

Before Lloyd could speak, the child who led the way poked his head out from the side and explained:

"Dad, I brought this gentleman here. He is looking for the ghost from a few days ago and wants to get some information."

"Oh? Got it."

After hearing this, the bartender waved his hand, and the atmosphere in the room immediately eased. The drinkers began to drink and chat, and soon returned to the noisy atmosphere as before, as if nothing had happened.

Lloyd walked to the bar counter and asked:

"Are you the 'lame dad' he mentioned?"

As he said that, he looked at the other person carefully again. He looked like a foreman in his fifties, with a pretty easy-going face, and felt like the type that was easy to talk to.

After [exploring] the attributes again, he was just an ordinary person, and the threat level line was directly blank, probably indicating that there was no threat.

"Yes, they all call me that, even though I'm not lame, I just have some old rheumatism... Then what should I call you? Gray Judge?"


Lloyd didn't care about that, and continued to ask:

"Tell me about the haunted story? I heard that several people have died there?"

"That's true. We've been disturbed by it these days, and my business is not doing well. I tried to find a supernatural person to deal with it, but the price was too high... What about you? How much do you want?"

"I can help for free, as long as you provide me with more information about that thing."

"Oh? It seems that I met a good person? All right then..."

The bartender smiled, waved at the next table, and called two people over.

"Tell this gray judge everything you saw before."

The bartender's attitude was unexpectedly serious. He found more than a dozen witnesses in succession and described the ghost's condition to Lloyd one by one.

According to these people, this thing appeared only at 4-5 in the morning, when normal people were sleeping soundly.

But for people living nearby, this time is just the time to go out to work and make a living, and it is also the time for drunkards to wake up and go home.

That's why many people saw that thing and spread the news so that Evelor could collect it.

And the place where it appeared was in the direction pointed by the leading child. It seemed to be running around without a clear purpose, as if it was looking for someone or something, but it would not actively attack humans.

But its actions would not deliberately avoid humans, but would be extremely domineering and floating around. Once it approached a certain distance, people would go crazy for no reason and then try every means to commit suicide.

This is very consistent with the symptoms of suffering from mental pollution, and the biggest threat of the weird derivative is its elusive characteristics and difficult to prevent mental pollution. It is a powerful source of pollution that may hit people in the face at any time.

It is even more deadly for these ordinary people with low rationality. As long as they get close, they can fall into madness in just a few seconds, and they don't even know what happened. But it is quite terrifying, much more powerful than the traditional ghosts that rush up to carry out physical attacks.

Over the past few days, more than ten people have been killed...

After hearing these descriptions, Lloyd was basically sure that this was the strange derivative he was looking for.

But there were two details that concerned him more-

In the descriptions of the witnesses in the tavern, this ghost did not have a clear and unified image?

Some people said it was a piece of flying cloth; some people said it was a woman in white pajamas, whose face could not be seen clearly; some people said it was a big white bird; and some people said it was a white balloon.

In addition to the unified color, there were completely different opinions on the image.

This is different from the strange derivative described in the textbook...

In addition, it is strange that this thing can be seen directly by ordinary people without psychic vision.

The powerful thing about the strange derivative is that it has no entity, and it needs to use inspiration and psychic vision to observe, but doing so is prone to more serious mental pollution, so it makes many people feel difficult.

This kind of thing that can be seen directly by the naked eye is considered a relatively special type, probably a rare monster?

So Lloyd asked again:

"I remember there are also extraordinary people in the nearby dungeon, right? Have you not looked for these people?"

The bartender nodded, then shook his head, and said hesitantly:

"I have looked for them, and it cost me a lot of money to invite a fourth-level strongman, but that guy..."

"He died miserably... It is said that his stomach is completely empty, his heart and intestines are all gone, and the whole person is like a deflated ball, with only skin left..."

A drinker next to him helped add.

The bartender also showed a look of fear and said:

"Yes, it was the first time I saw such a weird way of death, so I had to find someone outside to solve it, but I couldn't afford such a high price... If you can really help solve this big problem, I will owe you a big favor."

Lloyd didn't care too much about this, and continued to ask:

"Are there still people living in that area?"

"No, they were all evacuated to other places by us. At present, only these people are left in this area, responsible for guarding the territory to prevent people from other gangs from taking advantage of the opportunity Occupied."

"Is the territory more important than life?"

"Almost. For people like us, losing the territory is almost the same as losing our lives."

Lloyd did not comment on this idea, and said:

"Can someone take me there?"

"Of course, if you need anything else, just ask."

The bartender asked two customers to lead the way, and then asked:

"Did the little rascal outside take your money?"


"I'll ask him to return it to you."

"No need."

Lloyd answered generously.

For those dirty kids, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of empathy in his heart.

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