I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 298 297 Test your magic talent

Chapter 298 297. Try your magic talent

After packing up the storage bag, Lloyd looked at the tie clip and hourglass he had received.

This tie clip is not a holy object, but a very high-end space equipment that can teleport itself back to the set safe zone at the moment of fatal danger.

This is undoubtedly a good thing, which can save lives at critical moments.

As for the last synchronized hourglass that was praised by Dandy, Lloyd played with it for a long time, but he didn't find out what it was specifically used for? There was no corresponding knowledge in his mind?

But Dandy had no reason to lie to himself, right?

Lloyd thought about it, and finally decided not to think too much, and still believed the advice of other seniors and kept the hourglass close to him.

So far, he finally finished the new things he had acquired, and he also had a basic impression of Mitzkatok in his mind.

He took out his pocket watch and checked the time. It was still early for 6pm, and there was nothing to do at the moment, so Lloyd simply took the kitten with him and prepared to walk around to get to know the place better.

He left his dormitory and walked around the dormitory area again.

The remaining luxurious dormitories here seemed to be occupied by people, and there was a breath of life. Some of them even grew some flowers and plants in the garden.

For example, the one who lived next to Lloyd had a lot of plants in the garden in front.

But this flower... why did it grow a bloody mouth? It looked so fierce...

This thing that looked like a sapling, why did each branch look as sharp as a spear?

And the fruit on this tree, why do I always feel like it's looking at me?

And as Lloyd approached, these plants suddenly began to slowly wriggle, and all turned their heads to look at him.

Lloyd's scalp tingled as he looked at it, feeling that his neighbor seemed to be raising monsters?

But he still remembered the "Survival Advice" in the freshman handbook, so he was not too surprised. He just shook his head and backed away.

It's better not to provoke...

Then, Lloyd walked to the door of another neighbor across the street from him.

This villa looks very deserted.

But it's not the kind of desertedness that there is no one, but the kind of desertedness that exudes a bone-chilling chill...

The overall atmosphere is also very strange, giving people a feeling that there is something alive hidden inside.

Although on the surface, the style of painting here is similar to where he lives, Lloyd always feels that this place is not a place where living people live...

On the contrary, it is very similar to the soul-eating haunted houses and man-eating villas described in horror movies and thriller novels.

Why do the two neighbors living next to me look like they have special skills?

Obviously, I was quite satisfied with this dormitory before, but why are the "neighbors" next to me like this?

Lloyd couldn't help but complain in his heart, feeling that as a normal young man with mental health, he was incompatible with their painting style, and couldn't help shaking his head repeatedly.

Fortunately, I am a day student and will not live here permanently.

Let's go somewhere else...

Lloyd didn't finish visiting this luxurious dormitory area in the end, because he was a little afraid of meeting more bizarre and dangerous "neighbors".

He touched the novice manual in his pocket with inspiration and turned on the [Map] function. A complete and detailed school map appeared in front of him.

But what's strange is that this map is not like a normal map, which is integrated into a whole, but is divided into hundreds of areas. Each area is an independent map and has no roads connecting to other areas.

For example, the area where Lloyd is currently located is marked as the "Excellent Student Dormitory Area" on the map. The road layout is completely closed and there is no way out.

There is only one place marked as "entrance and exit" for the outside world to enter and exit.

This... Are all these areas independent different spaces?

Lloyd was slightly surprised by this discovery.

No wonder the Space Department seems to be so superior here, is it because the entire academy uses a lot of space technologies?

Let's take a look...

Lloyd found the place marked as the entrance and exit according to the guidance and navigation of the "small map" in front of him.

This place looks like a street newsstand, but the shelves are not filled with newspapers and books, but a palm-sized crystal ball.

Touch the crystal ball with inspiration, and a lot of maps will pop up in front of Lloyd for him to choose where to go.

It's really magical, just like playing a game.

Lloyd sighed in his heart again, and then randomly chose a "supernormal school district".

His vision immediately became blurred, and the scenery around him changed rapidly, and soon he came to a new area.

Lloyd thought about the style of this place, and the word "ivory tower" was the most appropriate to describe it.

The area here is very large, with prototype towers standing one after another, and each tower corresponds to a subject, or a supernormal system.

This tower-style building complex always reminds Lloyd of District 18 where he lives. It seems that District 18 is deliberately imitating this style? Instead of choosing a more ordinary teaching building style.

Even the "self-study" model is a follow-up?

Considering that Tiltus, the presiding judge of District 18, is also an honorary professor of Mizkatok, is it normal for there to be such a similarity?

It's just that the towers here are much taller and more numerous than those in the 18th District, and the surface color is not the brand-new white of the 18th District, but a slightly primitive gray.

This couldn't help but remind Lloyd of his own [Thinking Field]...

If you put a filter on the picture in front of you and add a little distortion...

No, no! How could I have such unwarranted associations?

Lloyd quickly shook his head vigorously and explained to himself in his mind:

The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant here, the greening is very good, the environment is elegant and quiet, and you can see a lot of people walking around. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it is dead and panicked.

Well, that’s it!

He forced himself to stop his random thoughts and began to wander around here again, planning to visit the 'Reality' and 'Ancient Magic' departments that he was interested in.

Although I have joined the space department, it won’t violate the school rules, right?

Not long after leaving, I met two bright bald heads...

Two bald brothers who had met in a duel before?

"Huh? Aren't you the freshman just now?"

The bald brother with a weathered face greeted him quickly, and his younger brother also asked:

"Didn't you follow Professor Lawrence? Why are you here again?"

"That's it..."

Lloyd smiled and briefly explained to the two of them, omitting some details.

Although they did not mention the matter of opening the door, the two bald heads still widened their eyes and asked in unison:

"What? You actually joined the space department?"

Lloyd nodded and replied:

"Well, Professor Lawrence said I have a talent for this."

"This... you are still a freshman. Isn't it against the rules to join the space department directly? Wait, could it be that the aura of fighting just now was Professor Lawrence helping you convince the dean?"

"It seems that's right...I really didn't expect that the legendary Professor Lawrence would actually have a new student who values ​​​​so much? You are really enviable..."

The two bald seniors spoke to each other and looked at Lloyd differently.

But they were not so surprised that their cognitive system was shaken. Maybe it was because they were not from the space system, right?

"So you've completed the admissions process now?"

"Yeah, I just walked around and got familiar with it. I just happened to come here. I won't offend anyone, right?"

"That's not the case. Our place is a public area and every student can come and go freely. So since you are here, we will take you around."

The bald brother took the initiative and looked particularly enthusiastic.

His younger brother also quickly followed and said:

"You seem to be from the [veto] system, right? Then why don't you take a look at the [veto] we have here? It may be different from what you encounter outside."

"I'm more interested in your system."

"Haha, is that right? That's right. After all, [ancient magic] is inaccessible from the outside, so let's take you to the place where we usually study and research."

"[Ancient Magic] is relatively rare outside. In Mizkatok, it is a very common subject with a very large number of people. In comparison, your space department is more enviable. Like us two brothers, neither of us had the courage to apply for the exam..."

The bald brother chatted with Lloyd while taking him to the 'Ancient Magic Tower', where the two of them usually hung out.

As soon as Lloyd entered, he felt a large amount of chaotic aura coming towards his face, as if many people were using extraordinary abilities, making the supposedly quiet atmosphere "noisy".

From time to time, I can hear someone shouting:

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Give me power! Gaia!"

"Earth! Fire! Wind! Listen to my orders!"

"Jigujigu, Waibu Waibu!"

"My magic will tear you apart!"

"Free yourself!"

Uh...is this some kind of shame play?

Although Lloyd hasn't seen anyone yet, he feels that this place is particularly popular, which is very different from the space system where everyone is silent.

The two bald heads couldn't help but look embarrassed, and each explained:

"Ahem... It's the holiday now, and everyone is taking the time to practice, hoping to pass the exam or improve their rating before the new school year, so everyone is working hard!"

"Well...those incantations...don't take them seriously. There are actually no fixed incantations for releasing magic. These people are just yelling to help themselves concentrate and mobilize their spiritual power. Well...we won't need to recite them after we become proficient. What a spell."

In order to ease the embarrassment, the bald brother continued to suggest:

"By the way, are you interested in trying your magic talent? It's free. Maybe your talent is outstanding. After graduating from the space department, you can continue your studies in ancient magic?"

"It doesn't matter even if you fail. You are already a member of the space department anyway, so just play around and let you know more about us."

"Okay, just think of it as a long experience."

Lloyd nodded repeatedly.

Two bald heads immediately led Lloyd through a corridor.

Along the way, we met several students wearing stereotypical wizard robes, who greeted the bald brothers and Lloyd politely and friendly.

However...the hairstyles they chose were all shiny bald heads...

And in terms of body shape, they were almost all strong men with broad shoulders and waists.

Lloyd was feeling a little strange, and was led by the bald brothers to a place that looked like a school infirmary.

It looked like a large area with many equipments, and various instruments with a bit of sci-fi style were prepared, all of which Lloyd had never seen outside.

There were two people who looked like teachers on duty inside, wearing the same wizard robes, the same big bald heads, and the same sturdy bodies, with muscles all over their bodies that almost squeezed the wizard robes.

What's going on? Is this hairstyle popular here?

Even a skeleton knows to choose a thick and thick wig for himself!

And why are all of them so strong? Do you play wizards with full strength?

Is this a wizard tower or a monk temple?

Lloyd couldn't help but complain in his heart, and heard the bald brother negotiating with the two teachers.

"Oh? A new student in the space department? This is a rare creature, let me check it out!"

"But he looks so thin, with not much meat on his body..."

"That's how the space department is, a bunch of skinny dogs and nerds..."

Lloyd could only pretend not to hear it, and followed the instructions of the two teachers and sat down at a long table.

"Student, don't be nervous. I can guarantee with my hair that you will not be hurt in the process, so you can relax. Um... take a deep breath. Yes, that's it..."

"Please put your hand on this crystal ball, try to empty your mind, and then silently say the word "magic" in your mind. We need to see your subconscious understanding of the concept of "magic". This is very important for subsequent testing..."

"Remember not to make associations, try to empty your mind, otherwise the result will be inaccurate."

The two teachers made some strange requests. Lloyd had to be stunned for a while, try to empty his mind, and then silently said the word "magic" and reached out to touch the crystal ball.

The crystal ball suddenly lit up with a dazzling blue light.

"Oh? Good talent?"

A bald teacher praised hurriedly.

As a result, the next second, the blue light on the crystal ball suddenly turned into a dead gray, and then suddenly several octopus tentacles emerged from it, twisting and waving rapidly in the air.

Thanks to the name guy who couldn't think of a name and gave Everole 100 points to buy candy

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