I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 301 300 Join our [Twisted] department!

Chapter 301 300. Join our [Distortion] Department!

After hearing what Professor Hazlade said, Lloyd couldn't help but start a series of random thoughts in his mind.

Did Hiltina veto the saint's name?

It sounds so nice, it feels soft, like the kind of girl-next-door childhood sweetheart...

Uh... No, no, why am I still thinking about this now?

The more important question should be that my Hiltina actually already knows about my involvement in [Distortion]? Does she know that I am actually a mole lurking in her cult?

Although it is a bit unexpected, it seems reasonable, right? After all, they are in that kind of relationship and have had close contact. It would be strange if she didn't find anything...

But why didn't she send someone to arrest me or deal with me personally? She even helped me many times?

Just because I'm handsome? Or that she has a gentle personality?

Obviously impossible, right?

While he was thinking wildly like this, he heard Professor Hazlade add in the air:

"The so-called 'legal' and 'taboo' are just some external value standards. The so-called saint may not recognize this set of mortal ideas. What's more, she has always been a maverick and independent top student. Will not be coerced by her followers.”

For what he said, Lloyd had actually guessed before. The saint was high and had a transcendent status. It was even more difficult for the people below to guess her thoughts. It was impossible to use the "public order and good customs" of mortals to demand a saint.

What's more, he still remembered what the butler mentioned before. Before Hiltina became a saint, [veto] was also a taboo system.

Professor Hazlade continued:

"So you can rest assured now? Your [distortion] is not as 'taboo' as you thought. At least in my opinion, and in Hiltina's opinion, it is a special extraordinary system, very Dangerous, but also very powerful, very magical...

However... considering the acceptance ability of those mortals in this world, you should not make a big fanfare. After you are promoted to a saint, everything will fall into place. "

As he spoke, Lloyd felt a force surge from the air, forming a tea table and a chair in front of him, with corresponding tea sets and tea sets. He heard the mysterious professor continue:

"Okay, now can you tell me how you took back the Book of Truth from that damn traitor?"

Lloyd then sat down on the chair, but did not dare to touch the refreshments, and then truthfully told the process of obtaining the "Book of Truth".

From seeing the book in the memory fragments of criminals in the early stage, to the inexplicable and weird desire in my heart, to finding the dungeon through divination, and the encounters in the dungeon, to the final action of encircling and suppressing the consultant.

He spoke in great detail and added many details. Probably influenced by the intimacy in his heart, coupled with the relationship between the other party and his Hildina, he felt that Professor Hazlade can be trusted.

But he still chose to conceal everything about the panel and said nothing.

The professor opposite listened patiently. He probably believed Lloyd's words and did not ask about the several loopholes that appeared due to the concealment of the panel's functions——

For example, why can Lloyd withstand such severe mental pollution?

He even thought up excuses and explanations for Lloyd:

"Sure enough, as I expected, it was not you who got the "Book of Truth", but the "Book of Truth" who got you. That despicable and shameless Eskimir obviously did not expect that the "Book of Truth" would betray him. Bar?"

These words sounded strange and made Lloyd feel a little numb...

Could it be that the "Book of Truth" is not alive?

He wanted to ask, but he didn't dare to ask...

I could only listen to the other party continue:

"No matter how you put it, the traitor has been punished, and the Book of Truth has returned to Mizkatok. This is really a gratifying good thing... Well, I see you are full of questions, what do you think? You know, just ask.”

Since the professor said this, Lloyd was not polite to him and asked quickly:

"Does the Book of Truth have its own thinking and will?"

"Huh? How is that possible? Have you ever talked to it?"

"Ah? Then what did you mean by 'choice' and 'betrayal'..."

"This is just a way of describing it. You don't need to pay too much attention to it. It's simply because this book is very special. Although it does not have rationality and thinking, it has its own 'destiny' like human beings...

Hmm... This is a very complicated concept. It may be difficult to understand with your current knowledge base. It is better to read more about it yourself to understand the mystery. "

Professor Hazlade explained.

After hearing what he didn't understand, Lloyd could only shake his head and changed his angle:

"Then what is the specific function of this book?"

"Huh? I didn't expect you to be a little slow in this regard? Didn't you realize that it has the function of 'recording and presenting reality'?"

"This...I have some feelings, but..."

"This is a very important and powerful function that can affect the fate of our human civilization, so be sure to read it more in your spare time."

Professor Hazlade still gave the same answer. Anyway, he just suggested that Lloyd read it himself.

Feeling that if he continued to ask more questions, he would get the same answer, so Lloyd simply changed the question:

"It seems that the previous 'consultant' Eskimir used this book to get involved in the [distorted] system, right?"

"Yes, there is no doubt that this is a very stupid choice, and it does not bring out the true value of the "Book of Truth", so his mastery of [distortion], even after so many years, is still at the same place...

Of course, you must also feel the danger of getting involved in [distortion], right? So the traitor had to choose some tricky methods, thus giving you a chance to take back the "Book of Truth". "

Hearing what the other person said, Lloyd quickly went through the causes and consequences of the consultant, gradually realized something, and made some bold assumptions:

"So, the traitor's trick is to let his students hold the "Book of Truth", read the knowledge in it, and get involved in the [distorted] system to help him find a safe path? Or simply steal his Student 'outcomes'?

So, that guy is crazy about murdering all kinds of human geniuses outside and becomes a heart-rending lunatic? "

The invisible professor replied:

"Yes, although Eskimir did not dare to return to Mizkatok, and I did not have any contact with him again, his method of trickery should generally be what you described."

"I see……"

Lloyd has now filtered out the causes and consequences. No wonder he was able to get the "Book of Truth" in the dungeon in a relatively easy process. It was precisely because the consultant placed his hope on others, so he had to put the "Book of Truth" in the dungeon. Give the book to someone else.

After that, this guy must have hated himself so much that he traveled thousands of miles to hunt him down.

And at that time, I also had a strong intention to kill him...

Looking back now, that "murderous intention" that comes from the heart but has no beginning or end is probably some of the "side effects" brought about by the "Book of Truth", right?

After some thought, Lloyd shook his head again and said:

"The trick he chose doesn't seem to work, right?"

"That's of course. If his attainments in the [distortion] direction reached your current level, then with just you, Demani, and Tiltus, even with the help of Hiltina, I'm afraid Nothing can be done to him."

"Well... this guy is really strong. He was able to overpower the two presiding judges and even almost won..."

"That's of course. Although he chose to become a shameful traitor, he is indeed the first 'S+' grade top student trained by Mizkatok after the Doomsday Era, so his betrayal, That’s why it’s so annoying.”

"Then if that's the case, why did he betray him in the first place?"

Lloyd asked quickly.

Faced with this question, Professor Hazlade was silent for several seconds before answering:

"I actually don't know much about his true thoughts, but it's probably because he wants to prove that he is the one who can control [distortion]..."

"This... But he is obviously so strong. He doesn't need [Distortion] to be the strongest eighth level, right? Why bother..."

"Haha, it seems you don't quite understand..."

Professor Hazlade chuckled inexplicably, and then said in a slightly proud and proud tone:

“In today’s world, strictly speaking, there are only two extraordinary systems—

One is [distorted] and the other is [other]. "

After hearing this, Lloyd couldn't help but be slightly startled.

I didn’t expect that this mysterious professor would have such a high opinion of [Distortion]?

"Sure enough, our [distorted] system is the strongest!"

"Haha, you're right! Our [distorted] system is the strongest!"

Professor Hazlade echoed, and the next sentence was immediately obvious:

"So, join our [Distortion] Department! Don't hang out with that old gangster Lawrence, there is no future for him!"

As expected, this is not a high tower of the [Embodiment] system...

Lloyd couldn't help but said something in his heart.

In fact, he had been vaguely aware of it before. From the various details in the other person's words, he could guess that this was not a [manifest tower] at all, but a [manufactured tower] that had stricter requirements in all aspects than even the space system. Twisted] is a high tower.

I am afraid that from the very beginning, Professor Hazred's power of [Distortion] has affected my perception, so I came to the top of this place without realizing it.

However, Lloyd could also sense that his influence was probably not much, and was probably limited to the visual perception.

As for the inexplicable feeling of intimacy in my heart, it is not [distorted], but the natural feeling of intimacy generated by finally finding someone of the same kind.

Then...do you want to accept it?

Lloyd couldn't help but think of the 'S+' rating given by Professor Lawrence.

But Professor Hazlade seemed to be more generous and gave him ten credits as a gift...

But the laboratory in the space department looks very high-end and sci-fi, and the people in it are all talented people.

On the other hand, this tall tower is huddled in a remote corner, and the door is covered with spider webs...

The abilities of the space department are very cool, very practical, very noble, and their status is transcendent and respected by others.

As for the distortion type...well...their combat power is really strong. If they were to fight against those from the space type, it would be difficult for them to fight back, right?

The prospect of the space system seems to be able to open up a path for the future of mankind?

The prospect of twisting the system, seems to be able to become a high-ranking saint?

After comparing all kinds of things, Lloyd not only felt that his mind was a little confused, but for a while he didn't know what to choose?

But then he thought about it, and his current worries were somewhat unfounded. It was like having only ten resources in hand, but worrying about which wife in the card pool to draw?

So he turned around and said:

"But...Professor Lawrence has admitted me to the Space Department, and the admission procedures have been completed, so..."

"Haha, it doesn't matter. I will convince him later. Well... let's do this for today. When I convince that old gangster Lawrence, I will contact you through the student handbook."

Professor Hazlade said confidently.

Lloyd's vision suddenly blurred for a while, and he found that he had instantly returned from the top of the previous tower to the foot of the tower, standing in front of the door with a spider web.

The intact spider web showed that he had never entered it from beginning to end, and everything just now was some kind of 'hallucination' before his eyes.

But Professor Hazred did not sugarcoat anything. This tower, which represents [distortion], is still in a remote location, its appearance is still dilapidated, its surroundings are still desolate, and its popularity is still low.

I'm afraid there is no one at all...

Forget it, let's wait until the two professors decide the winner... Oh no, let's talk about it after the academic dispute is resolved.

Lloyd pouted and wandered around casually again.

At the same time, in the science fiction-style laboratory of the Department of Space, Professor Lawrence was looking at a large amount of data in front of him, analyzing and calculating something.

But he suddenly froze, and a disdainful sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, that old gangster, the dean, invited me to come over and meet him?"

"Huh? Professor, you have a new academic dispute with the dean?"

A researcher next to him asked curiously.

"No, it's still about that boy Lloyd. The dean is probably unconvinced and plans to argue with me again. Haha, it doesn't matter. I'll come as soon as I can."

Professor Lawrence said confidently, then stretched out his hand to open a portal in the air and walked in.

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