I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 307 Chapter 306 Give you some cultural shock from another world

Chapter 307 306. Give you some cultural shock from another world

Before coming in today, Lloyd clearly remembered that through contact with Eloro last night and the giant flower bud this morning, he just upgraded a little more than one level, and then increased all the attributes to 275 points.

So what's the matter with the extra 30 points now?

30 attribute points means a 6-level upgrade, which means that he has suffered 60,000 mental pollution...

Where did it come from?

But fortunately, Lloyd did not lose consciousness from beginning to end, and the panel continued to operate, so his mental state was still normal.

Let's add the points first...

10 points [rationality], 10 points [spiritual power], 10 points [cognition], comprehensive development of balanced addition!

[Ding~ Adding points completed]

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: Normal]

[Madness value: 233/10000, upper limit: 28500]

[Rationality: 285]

[Spiritual power: 285]

[Inspiration: 150]

[Cognition: 285]

[System: Distortion LV4, Denial LV3, Can be enlightened by the materialization system]

Well, comfortable, it fits the definition of the bucket of formal liberalism.

Lloyd nodded, and while cooking, he traced back the panel prompts to find the origin of this large amount of madness value.

After a look, he found that during the period when he just started learning, he did not suffer from mental pollution, but occasionally obtained a skill fragment.

If nothing unexpected happens, it should be related to [Space Domination].

Unfortunately, he got a lot of fragments, but there was no sign of upgrading the skills, still LV1...

And when he had studied for 8 hours, the skill fragments disappeared, replaced by a large wave of more or less madness values.

[Ding~ Madness value +3]

[Ding~ Madness value +1671]

[Ding~ Madness value +23]

This wave of Madness value fluctuated greatly, from a few points to thousands of points, and even the frequency was very random, sometimes jumping every few seconds, sometimes jumping every one or two minutes, highlighting a sense of chaos and willfulness.

It also made Lloyd unable to see whether his body was adapting.

But fortunately, there was no particularly strong and rapid mental pollution, so the panel accepted it all.

After four hours, a total of more than 60,000 Madness points became part of the bucket attribute.

Is this why Professor Lawrence asked me to study only for eight hours?

But what is this weird situation? Why was it safe before, but then it was mentally polluted again?

Lloyd didn't quite understand.

But fortunately, this is also a good thing for him. It happened that he was worried about whether joining Mizzkatok would affect his upgrade speed, but this time he was not worried at all.

Adding the ten-fold time difference here, Lloyd was a little afraid to think about how this attribute would expand after he graduated.

That probably couldn't be described by "version update", "value expansion", "forced krypton to cheat krypton" and other terms, right?

It should be the level of expansion from Italian plumbers to the level of Nephalem in Sanctuary, right?

Lloyd's mood improved when he thought of this, because the fatigue accumulated from long-term study was also relieved a lot.

He simply added a few leftover squid tentacles to the kitten's goat milk to supplement its nutrition.

As for what he ate...

Maybe because he was busy looking at the panel and didn't pay much attention to the stove in his hand, the dishes he made today were not up to standard. He could only recognize a black lump in front of him, which had the temperament of a certain oriental country's cuisine.

Let's call it Indian curry rice...

Lloyd casually named the new dish tonight and then took a few bites at random.

It won't kill anyone!

It is easy to cook for one person, and even if you can use your cooking skills freely, you can still fill your stomach.

After finishing the meal, Lloyd collapsed on the sofa in the living room, and then looked at the luxuriously decorated but empty living room, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little sour.

My sister is not around, I miss her so much...

When Lloyd was feeling melancholy about this, he suddenly felt a kind and gentle power surging out of the air around him, and took the initiative to get into his arms and stick to his chest.

It felt like when he was empty, lonely and cold, his childhood sweetheart next door would "take advantage of the opportunity" and comfort his loneliness with her tenderness.

Lloyd's heart suddenly felt warm, and his hands subconsciously hugged the invisible waist, and his mood gradually calmed down.

But then again, it is not surprising that this power can cross the barrier of space and come to him, after all, there is that giant flower bud as a channel and medium.

But how did she bypass the barrier of time?

This "childhood sweetheart" next door is really unfathomable...

Lloyd pondered carefully in his heart, and did not dare to think too much. He hugged his "childhood sweetheart" who was invisible and much older than him, while launching the student handbook and then going straight to the "message board" section.

Let's see what the seniors in the lunatic asylum have done.

Lloyd first looked at the "campus news area" and found a serial message called "Mizkatok Daily Record" here.

This is the so-called ‘school newspaper’, which is collected and compiled by the Art Department, and the time is calculated according to the college.

So eight days have passed since Lloyd last saw this...

But it seems that the seniors have been very quiet in these eight days, and have not done anything serious, so they can only publish some insignificant news-

For example, a senior failed to confess his love to a junior, and jumped from the top of a 15-story tower, smashing the lawn of the extraordinary school district. Originally, only a few credits were deducted as repair costs, but the senior tried to run the accident, and was arrested by the patrolling teacher, so some credits were deducted, and the loss was heavy...

Another example is that a student in the medical department secretly tampered with the research topic of a biology student and put people The singing sunflower that the family had cultivated with great effort was turned into a sunflower that could only curse. The two of them fought fiercely in the duel field, with blood flying everywhere and it was hard to tell who would win...

There was also a bold lunatic from the engineering department who tried to destroy the ugly statue in the Knowledge Square with the self-disciplined mechanical device he developed. He was reported and exposed, and the action failed. He was punished by deducting credits...

Well, although there was nothing eye-catching, fortunately, the content of these news was concise and the events were detailed and true. There were no "shocking" or "only ranked third" titles, and there were no rumors or slander.

It seems that it was a wise choice for Mitzkatok not to open a journalism major?

Lloyd looked at the news, and then moved to the "story area" that he was most interested in, looking at various wonderful stories in history.

However, these stories seemed quite fresh at first, but after reading a few more, Lloyd also discovered a common problem in these stories -

Too realistic...

There is no Dragon King's son-in-law, no God of War being wronged, and no upgrade points.

Even if it is a fictional story, it is a bit too focused on rationality and logic, and it is not exciting enough to watch.

In this case, let you experience the cultural impact from another world!

Lloyd chose to "post a message" and planned to bring some impressive works on Earth to bring some imagination shock to the students of Mizkatok.

He thought about it and chose this as the first story -

"Do you want to know the meaning of life? Do you want to live truly?"

Of course, as a quality young man who has received higher education, Lloyd still specifically stated before the story began that the story was purely fictional and was completely reprinted, indicating his identity as a porter.

Because the "input method" of the student manual is very convenient, it can perform "consciousness input" that even Earth technology cannot do, so Lloyd wrote very quickly and the content of the first chapter was completed very quickly.

Although there are definitely some deviations from the original, there is no way. I have read it for so long that I naturally don’t remember it so clearly.

Some character names have been localized to facilitate others’ understanding, but the general plot should be fine, so he chose to ‘post a message’.

There is no need to worry about it afterwards. Anyway, posting these things will not bring any royalties or rewards, and it will not even bring any goods. There is no data for likes and clicks. It is just for fun, so Lloyd didn’t care too much.

It happened to be quite late, and it was time to go to bed.

But before going to bed, Lloyd still went back to the [Thinking Field] and tried to [sneak] to Ai Luoluo.

As expected, it failed...

I don’t have the ability of ‘childhood sweetheart’ to cross the barriers of space and time and go to Ai Luoluo.

But ‘childhood sweetheart’ also disappeared unknowingly. Maybe it disappeared quietly when he saw that his emotions were stable?

She was as gentle as ever...

Lloyd was thinking about this and slowly fell asleep.

Then when he woke up the next day, he entered the [Thinking Field] again and reached out to touch the giant flower bud to see if there was any more Madness Points.

The result was no surprise. He still got exactly 10,000 Madness Points and upgraded to another level.

Lloyd nodded involuntarily, thinking that this was good.

Originally, the burden on the ‘childhood sweetheart’ was too heavy, but she was so gentle and still cared about her mental state, and didn’t want to let her share too much at once.

Now it’s good, I can upgrade more efficiently, and she can be more relaxed, which is good for both of them.

5 points of [Rationality]

Lloyd added [Rationality] to 290 points.

Then he got out of bed and started morning exercises.

But just after doing a few sets of squats, the student handbook couldn’t wait to vibrate.

It was from Professor Hazleid, and it asked a strange question:

"Did you study too long yesterday? More than eight hours?"

Hmm? How did he know?

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