I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 33 33 Practical Tips

Chapter 33 33. Practical Tips

Wei Ya was silent for a while before continuing to speak, preparing to enter the 'coercion' stage:

"Of course, you also have the right to refuse, but..."

"I accept it!"

Before she could finish speaking, Lloyd spoke on his own initiative and chose to skip this stage.

Wei Ya nodded slightly and said:

"Very good. As expected by the presiding judge, you will not refuse."

As soon as he heard her mention the presiding judge, Lloyd thought of the strange man he had seen in the prayer room before. He was the one covered in black robes, wearing a metal human mask, and walking like he was floating, so he opened his mouth to confirm:

"Miss Wei Ya, the presiding judge you are talking about...is the big shot who appeared in the prayer room that day?"

"Yes, he is very optimistic about your prospects."

"Well, thank you to the presiding judge for your kindness. I will definitely work hard to complete tomorrow's task."

After Lloyd said that, he was about to leave, but he looked at the little milk cat squatting obediently on the desk.

Wei Ya noticed his gaze and said before he could speak:

"When you become an executioner, you can take it to places like the library, but before that, you still have to leave it with me."

"Uh...you won't eat it, will you?"

"No, cat meat doesn't taste good."


Little milk cat: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Wei Ya didn't feel there was anything wrong with her statement at all, and continued to urge:

"Any more questions?"

Lloyd shook his head and walked out of Wei Ya's office, but before he took a few steps, he suddenly remembered another little thing. He turned around again, pushed open the office door, and said:

"I almost forgot, I also want to ask about Buster's side..."

As soon as the door opened, he saw Wei Ya holding the little kitten to her chest and rubbing it hard with her beautiful cheek...

She was stunned for a full two seconds before a blush quickly flashed across her face, revealing the cuteness of a shy little girl. She quickly put the kitten back on the table and said:

"I will have a public class soon. If you are interested, you can come and listen. It may be helpful for tomorrow's actions."

Although the tone was still serious, the content was somewhat off-topic.

She is probably not very good at changing the subject...

Lloyd didn't dare to pester him and said instead:

"Okay, I will come, it's just about Buster's situation..."

Wei Ya hurriedly rummaged through a large pile of documents on the table, and finally took out a telegram-style note and replied:

"There is no serious problem anymore. His mental condition is recovering steadily. He should be able to leave the mental hospital this month. However, he cannot come back. He may be transferred to the Crusaders in District 5 later."

"I understand, thank you."

Only then did Lloyd really leave Wei Ya's office, letting her play with the little cat in peace.

As for Buster's situation, it can be said to be very optimistic. It is a very lucky result to be able to recover from [moderate madness] and continue to hang out in the cult.

"Good luck."

Lloyd whispered.


There are several different open classes held every day in Tower No. 9, but Lloyd never went there, worried that he would not be able to keep up.

But now that Wei Ya has spoken, let’s go and support her.

Lloyd went to the fourth floor of Tower 9 for the first time. He checked the get out of class schedule and found that Wei Ya was teaching the "Practical Combat Skills" subject. The teaching location was not in the tower, but at a shooting range outside?

Lloyd rushed over and found that there were already many people here. They all seemed to like Wei Ya's class?

These people were whispering in groups, and Lloyd overheard various discussions.

"Tell me, does Miss Wei Ya have a boyfriend?"

"I heard no, but it's your turn for such a great beauty?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I've been pushing Miss Wei Ya since she was born. I really want to lick the black silk on her legs..."

"Disgusting! Get down! I suggest you commit suicide by taking poison!"

Uh... It seems that what these people care about may not be 'practical skills' in the traditional sense, but another level of 'practical skills'?

Not long after, Wei Ya's beautiful figure appeared at the shooting range, which suddenly added a lot of color to the originally bare environment. It also made the air at the scene become a bit colder, and those whispers about her disappeared in an instant. .

Wei Ya's gray eyes first looked at the people who came to class today, but when she saw Lloyd, she withdrew her gaze, picked up a very classic bolt-action rifle next to her, and introduced:

"This is a new weapon that has been installed on a large scale not long ago. The 1841-type rifle adopts a more advanced back-pull design. Its rate of fire, accuracy, power, and feel are far superior to the previous old models..."

As she spoke, she installed two spear spurs under the muzzle of the gun. The style looked like a dagger version of psychic blades. They were arranged at right angles, one pointed forward and one downward, allowing the entire gun to look at it. More like a halberd, or should it be called a halberd?

After briefly introducing the basic performance of this 'new weapon', we entered the actual combat demonstration session.

Wei Ya clapped her hands, and with the gentle sound of gears turning, dozens of targets slowly rose up, with some low-risk monsters painted on them.

Then she walked into a pile of targets and began her performance.

First, she shot and smashed a "monster" with long-range attack capabilities, then she spun the halberd like a flower gun, dancing a ball of gun flowers, and cut the two closest "monsters" with the dagger-like spear, and reloaded it at the same time.

She was like an elegant dancer, taking elegant steps, moving among a large number of "monsters", and the halberd in her hand either hit the enemy accurately or danced a series of exquisite arcs, harvesting one "monster" after another.

This didn't seem to be a battle, but a gorgeous performance, or in other words, it was interpreting the true meaning of the word "heroic".

As she moved, her long silver-gray hair spread out, as if a gorgeous white flower was blooming, and with the black uniform, she looked like a gorgeous black abyss white flower.

Lloyd watched intently, more seriously than reading and studying, unwilling to miss any frame in front of him, and didn't realize that his breathing and heartbeat were secretly accelerating.

It's a pity that there is no pause and playback function, otherwise every frame would be a wallpaper.

I feel that my eyes are not enough, and I am overwhelmed. I don't know whether I should pay attention to her gorgeous performance, her beautiful face, her charming curves, or her slender legs in long boots and black stockings.

In short, Wei Ya is really beautiful at this moment.

Wei Ya's performance lasted only 30 seconds, which is exactly the limit of the time that people on Earth can concentrate.

Finally, she stuck the halberd in her hand to the ground and let out a shallow breath. She looked calm and calm, as if this exercise was not even a warm-up.

Lloyd wanted to applaud, but when he looked at the others, they kept quiet. He didn't know whether they were intoxicated by Wei Ya's beauty or afraid of her coldness.

Lloyd had to keep quiet, and then he noticed that most of the "monsters" in the field had been solved, but there were still two left, one far away from Wei Ya.

I heard her say again:

"The demonstration just now was just a simple performance. It has no practical significance. You don't need to master it. You need to practice diligently. It's actually very simple..."

As she said that, she slowly raised the gun, carefully aimed at the monster target a little further away, pulled the trigger, and smashed it.

Then, with a simple and simple action, she stabbed the closer "monster" to death with the bayonet on the gun head.

"This is what will really be used in actual combat."

Viya finally concluded.

The style of the painting changed a little too fast, from elegant and gorgeous to simple and practical.

Lloyd couldn't help but recall the scene when Viya saved him.

It was just a simple "single-knife chop".

She knows how to make herself beautiful and reliable.

Thanks to the strong steamed bun_ for the 700 points

Thanks to the summer sauce for the 500 points

Thanks to Benares No. 114 for the 100 points

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