I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 330 329 I saw the future and hope of mankind!

Chapter 330 329. I saw the future and hope of mankind!

Lloyd, after returning to the laboratory he was most familiar with, was surprised to find that it had become three stories high, and there were so many people and it was so lively, it looked several times more popular than the Distortion Department.

But the two acquaintances not far from him, Professor Lawrence and Researcher Dandy, both looked shocked, their eyes wide open, as if they didn't want to see him come back?

Lloyd could only smile awkwardly, waved at them again, and said hello:

"Uh... Hi?"

But the two familiar faces on the opposite side were mumbling to themselves:

"He is not human, he is not human, so I can understand and accept it, I am just surprised..."

"He is just lucky, um... yes, just lucky, so he can come back alive."

After trying hard to deceive himself, Professor Lawrence gradually relaxed, and he couldn't help but secretly feel lucky in his heart. Fortunately, the dean gave him a shot in advance, otherwise if he suddenly saw Lloyd alive in front of him, the space department would really lose a professor in the future.

Dandy's situation is easier than the professor's--

After all, he doesn't know much about space storms, lacks an intuitive understanding of the power of storms, and is not very clear about what it means to escape from space storms, so his cognition is not too solidified, and there is no very serious dogma in his mind, so his acceptance of Lloyd is much higher than that of the professor.

Fortunately, the other two professors were not present. One of them was responsible for rescuing valuables; the other was responsible for preparing more space equipment to prevent the worst possibility, so the laboratory was handed over to Professor Lawrence to coordinate.

With Lloyd's hearing, he could naturally hear what the two were whispering, and he couldn't help but feel a little sympathy and worry in his heart.

Sympathy naturally needs no explanation; as for worry, it was mainly because he didn't know what kind of expression they would have after knowing that he was planning to "take the space storm for himself"?

But it hasn't come to this point yet, so let's resolve the crisis of the college first.

So Lloyd ran to the professor and said very impolitely:

"Professor, I have a way to deal with this storm, but I need some space equipment, like elevators, and the more the better."

"Well? What's your plan?"

Professor Lawrence asked back.

Lloyd quickly told his general idea:

"If there is a corresponding container, I can compress the storm into a small area, gradually decompose and eliminate it, and thus resolve the crisis."

As a result, these words did not cause a strong cognitive impact on the professor and Dandy. The two were just very confused and surprised, and did not encounter more dangers.

This is probably because Lloyd's idea is too outrageous and too advanced. It has greatly exceeded the cognitive scope of the two people, to the point where it is simply incomprehensible, and can even be said to be a completely different field.

So this kind of too advanced idea is easier to accept than the matter of "surviving the storm".

It's like the classic science fiction work on Earth, in which aliens interfere with particle collision experiments, which can force the top physicists to commit suicide one after another, but it has no great impact on material scientists.

So the professor and Dandy's reactions were similar to the 'materialist', and they just said:

"Do you know... what you are talking about?"

"Lloyd, this is not the time to joke!"

"I'm not kidding, time is running out, please believe me."

Lloyd couldn't explain much, so he could only deal with it first.

And Professor Lawrence also realized that he shouldn't ask the truth about this matter, nor should he think too much about why Lloyd could do such an outrageous thing. Now he just needs to choose whether to believe him.

So after hesitating for a few seconds, the professor nodded and said:

"Okay, anyway, I don't have a better solution, why don't you try it...but I don't have any space equipment here, only this..."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and pulled a light screen in front of Lloyd, on which was a long string of data and three three-dimensional maps, which looked like three-dimensional structural maps of three school districts.

Lloyd took a quick look at the data that he didn't understand at first, and immediately understood what the professor and others were doing.

It turned out that they were planning to give up some school districts to impact the space storm and interfere with it?

Theoretically, there is a certain possibility, but it requires very high-precision operations to ensure that the school district "collides" with several key nodes of the storm to achieve the interference effect that the professor and his friends want.

If the collision is not so accurate, it is likely to have the opposite effect, causing the storm to intensify and accelerate.

But even if I go up, it is difficult to ensure the accuracy of this collision without sufficient preparation and the constant interference of space turbulence...

So if the professor and his friends really implement this plan, it will most likely fail...

Lloyd couldn't help but feel a little scared about the professor's crazy plan. If he didn't come back in time, the college might have been finished, right?

"I'm afraid this won't work. The success rate is too low."

Lloyd said quickly.

"I know, so I plan to give them to you for use. Since all you need is a 'container', it's better to use a bigger one."

The professor explained.

container? Indeed, purely from the perspective of large capacity, three school districts are definitely better than scattered space elevators. Not only can they greatly simplify the next operation steps, but they can also better preserve the integrity of the storm!

The original idea of ​​dividing the storm into dozens or even hundreds of parts is definitely not as complete and complete as dividing it into three parts like this.

And a more complete space storm equals stronger weapons and stronger experience packages!

After Lloyd briefly thought about it, he nodded vigorously and said with a smile on his face:

“It would be great if we could use these three school districts as containers!”

"Then go ahead and do it. How can I help you?"

"Just help me loosen the space anchor they use for positioning, huh? Have you loosened it already? That'll be no problem!"

Lloyd said, and immediately stretched out his hand to open a portal in the air, preparing to walk in.

"Wait? What...what are you going to do?"

Professor Lawrence stopped him quickly.

"I'm not strong enough. If I want to control those three school districts, I have to get closer."

Lloyd didn't explain much, simply replied, then opened the door and walked in, leaving the professor and Dandy looking at each other.

"Professor? Lloyd... seems to have opened a portal in the space storm?"

"It seems so..."

"Is this...is this reasonable?"

"He is not a human, but some kind of humanoid creature that is very sensitive to other dimensions, so it is reasonable, right?"

"Then... he seems to be planning to control those three school districts without the help of instruments? Is this... reasonable?"

"Well... although humans can't do this, it would make sense if he were some kind of special creature."

"Then he also said that he was not strong enough..."

"We cannot measure a creature like him by our human standards...Okay, stop asking, do you want to drive me crazy?"

The two of them never expected that Lloyd would quietly and suddenly perform a wave of ruthless acts...

But fortunately, they had already received enough 'vaccination shots', so through this 'registration to keep warm', the two of them reluctantly accepted it, and their originally shaky understanding became stable again.

"Although I don't understand what he wants to do specifically, I hope he can do it, right? The dean said that this kid will never disappoint."

Professor Lawrence sighed in a low voice, and then ordered:

"Turn off some recorders, especially those in the three school districts, and do not leave any data or records."

Dandy was stunned, and immediately realized the necessity of doing this, so he quickly performed a series of operations on a light screen.

Finally, he took a long breath and said with emotion:

"He's obviously still a freshman, but why do I feel like he's almost ready to become a professor?"

These words made Professor Lawrence stunned, and then he fell into thinking, as if he was seriously considering Dandy's suggestion?


On Lloyd's side, as soon as he passed through the portal, he felt that the 'wind' blowing in front of him became sharp and biting.

This school district looks like a wilderness with mountains and trees. It might be an outdoor testing ground for a certain department, right? Because it is relatively empty, it was chosen as the first school area to be released.

And the strength of the spatial structure here is indeed, as Lloyd felt, completely insufficient to withstand the storm——

In front of his eyes, he could see those mountains, rivers and woods disappearing at an extremely fast speed without any rules or signs, just like a painting being erased randomly with an eraser, and the erased parts , leaving only a dark space crack.

Fortunately, Lloyd arrived in time, so that at least a large area remained here and was not completely 'erased'. Although it was riddled with holes, the overall spatial structure was still barely intact and could still be used.

So he quickly released his [Projection] and began to repair and reinforce the areas that had been 'erased'.

This kind of 'repair' is not enough to make the disappeared trees and mountains grow back, but it can fill the dark cracks with a white emptiness, making the picture in front of you look like it has been covered with correction fluid. Same.

Then, Lloyd knelt down on one knee, touched the ground here with both hands, then injected his inspiration and spiritual power into it, and controlled it with [Space Control].

This step is not difficult. It is similar to the way he used the canteen to modify the 'rescue cabin'. The only difference is that the scale here is larger and consumes more money.

Fortunately, Lloyd has leveled up a lot this time and has 440 points of [Spiritual Power]. He rested for a while and recovered his spiritual power, so he can still keep up with the consumption rate.

And the Shandu Ta's pendant sacred object he was holding, [Desperate Counterattack], also came in very crucial use. Its effect of passively restoring spiritual power helped Lloyd relieve a great deal of pressure.

It's ironic to say that the selling point of this pendant was supposed to be a full-strength blow that could draw enough spiritual power, but in the end, what really played a key role was the passive recovery of spiritual power...

Lloyd smiled inwardly, and then continued the previous process while supporting the ground with one hand, while using his free hand to rub around in the storage bag, trying to find a suitable spiritual material.

This material is used to 'engrav a mark', which is equivalent to installing a unique controller for this school district to facilitate subsequent remote control.

Therefore, it is best for this material to be as unique as possible to prevent it from being cracked; it is also better to have stronger spirituality, so that it can be more easily controlled.

At first, Lloyd planned to use the 'remains of ancient strong men' that Master Elfredy gave him as a reward to advance to the fifth level.

The other two school districts used another fifth-level material given to him by the master, and the 'remembered time' given to him by the housekeeper.

Although it would be distressing to use three pieces of [Transcendence] materials here, compared to the preciousness of the space storm, Lloyd felt that it was still profitable.

But after Royd fumbled around in his storage bag, he unexpectedly came across something that he had almost forgotten, but that was very suitable for his current needs——

Those bronze fragments exploded by the opponent when facing the Hexahedron before.

The material of these fragments itself is not special, it is just the most ordinary bronze, but there is a little flesh and blood of the evil god's descendant mixed inside, giving it an advantage that ordinary materials cannot match in terms of spirituality and existential level.

It is perfect for making imprints.

It can even emit Lloyd's favorite mental pollution.

It just so happened that Lloyd had never had the time to plate these fragments before, mainly because the plate could not bring out anything interesting. This thing was too mysterious, so he just kept it and couldn't find a suitable use.

But now, after coming into contact with and understanding the different space, he discovered that the "mysterious feeling" on it that he could not understand before was actually related to the different space.

Obviously, the hexahedral descendant also took some control measures over the cult sanctuary, and the idea happened to coincide with Lloyd's idea.

Maybe it shouldn't be called a 'coincidence', but Lloyd's [Space Domination], which was originally a skill obtained by destroying that guy's alien space, so it should be called an inevitable closed loop?

Lloyd then took out one of the slightly larger bronze fragments and examined it carefully using his inspiration. He confirmed that this thing was pure material and had no hidden connection. It would not be because it was mixed with some of the descendants of the evil god. The flesh and blood will come to life on its own, or it may be controlled and used by the evil god's descendants, so you can use it with confidence.

It seems that even a being at the level of a descendant of the evil god cannot control his own flesh and blood.

After checking and confirming that it was correct, Lloyd injected some of his own spiritual power into it, turning it into his own exclusive [mark], and the level was extremely high.

Then, he threw it casually and let the bronze fragments disappear into the air.

This is the original function of [Space Control] - moving objects through the air. Using this function, Lloyd moved his [Imprint] deep into the core of the school district and buried it deeply.

Originally, Lloyd thought that this function was used to move lead blocks, bombs, poisons, etc. to the enemy's head, and then smash them down to give the enemy a wave of unexpected attacks. Now it seems that the pattern is smaller, and it is used like this. , is the real value of this function.

After deploying the [Mark], the preparations were completed, so Lloyd stopped his [Projection] to repair it, deliberately leaving a space crack.

Then he pulled it with his hand, opened the second portal, came to the second school district, and continued the previous process, repairing, strengthening, and leaving a [mark].

Then came the third school district. After doing the same thing, Lloyd controlled the [projection] to return to himself, and then changed into the form of an invisible bubble to protect himself.

His movements were fast and his operations were very skillful. It only took him less than five minutes to complete all the preparations.

So... next, it’s time to witness the miracle!

Lloyd whispered in his mind.

Then, he used the guidance function of [Space Control] to have these three school districts arrange a 'windbreak wall' in the spatial dimension to block the direction of the storm.

Lloyd did not choose to leave, but stayed where he was, intending to stand at the forefront and face this terrifying storm.

Perhaps compared to this majestic storm, he seemed extraordinarily small, like a lonely figure under a huge tsunami.

But Lloyd straightened his waist and did not let himself look humble due to his small size.

At this time, the 'storm login countdown' estimated by the space department had just reached '0:00'.



Professor Lawrence suddenly clenched his fists when he saw the countdown to the end.

He had no way to contact Lloyd and didn't know what the progress was on his side.

Anyway, there is no need to think about this now, just wait for the ending quietly.

As soon as the professor finished speaking, he felt the floor and walls of the laboratory begin to tremble slightly, as if a hurricane was really sweeping through.

This kind of trembling is caused by the fact that the space anchor here in the laboratory has not been pulled up yet, so that it will not be directly swept away by the storm, but will hold on for a while.

The students and researchers who were busy here before now also put down their work, closed their eyes, and felt the coming storm.

The light curtains that were originally floating in the air began to go out one by one, and then fell to the ground, colliding with a series of glass shattering sounds, just like a hurricane smashing a window.

Occasionally, two or three pieces would be completely suspended, and the values ​​on them would no longer change, indicating that the related monitoring equipment had been completely destroyed.

The trembling of the space was rapidly intensifying, making the shaking in the laboratory more violent.

But everyone present hoped that such shaking would continue.

Because if the shaking ended, it would mean that the space anchor was uprooted, and the laboratory was completely swept into the storm, leading to an unimaginable end...

However, contrary to expectations, the shaking only lasted for a short ten seconds and quickly subsided.

"It's over..."

"The space anchor has been pulled out, we are dead..."

"I am so stupid, really, I only knew that it would be dangerous to come back, but I didn't expect to die here..."

"Damn, I haven't seen the end of that novel yet! The author updates too slowly!"

The people in the room did not hide under the table or in the corner, because they all knew it was meaningless, so they just stayed quietly in their seats and made some last words before dying.

No one cried for their parents, because when death is really imminent, people often can't cry...

According to the inherent cognition in everyone's mind, someone will disappear inexplicably, or a part of the body will disappear inexplicably, as if someone erased it from the screen with an eraser, leaving only a dark and deep crack...

"It shouldn't hurt, right? I'm most afraid of pain..."

"Then you'd better hope that your head doesn't fall off first, not your limbs or lower body..."

"Oh... It doesn't matter, even if it hurts, it will only hurt for one or two seconds, right?"

"Then this may be the longest two seconds in my life..."

"Wait! Why do I feel that time is passing so slowly? Is it because I'm about to die, so my perception of time has slowed down?"

"Uh... Are we already dead? Are we discussing in the form of souls?"

"But I don't see the revolving lantern of my life in front of me?"

The people in the room chatted randomly, and it was not until three minutes later that someone realized that something was wrong.

"Hmm... I suddenly thought of a question. Do you think there is a possibility that we are not dead, but survived?"

After hearing this question, everyone present reached out and touched their chests to check their heartbeats, and then touched their bodies to check the integrity of their limbs.

Then, a burst of cheers suddenly broke out:

"I'm not dead! I'm really not dead! I'm still alive!"

"The storm is over! The storm is over!"

"Haha! Ahahahaha!"

"I'm going to confess to that boy, and then go to the hotel with him. No one can stop me!"

The laboratory, which had a solemn atmosphere before and was in a desperate situation, instantly turned into a sea of ​​carnival. Those students, teaching assistants, and researchers who were more serious than each other on weekdays, all became real "crazy people" at this time, jumping around and shouting like baboons.

Only Dandy, who was following Professor Lawrence, was relatively calm. He just wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said awkwardly:

"Professor... I want to change my pants..."


Professor Lawrence nodded.

After Dandy left, he instantly collapsed to the ground as if he had lost all his strength.

But he had a smile of relief and excitement on his face, and whispered:

"I saw... I saw the future and hope of mankind!"

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