I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 334 333 Outstanding Contribution Medal

Chapter 334 333. Medal of Outstanding Contribution

Lloyd watched his classmates chatting and expressing their yearning and longing for the Space Department with a smile on his face. He also posted a message, intending to tell everyone about the more realistic Space Department.

"The Space Department is not as exaggerated as you describe. Even the junior girls are here... Why didn't anyone send me one? In fact, I didn't see many girls, but a lot of seniors with hairlines in danger;

As for the coursework, it is also very obscure and difficult to understand. I feel very stressed when learning. I can't understand it instantly after just one look;

And we really don't change junior girls every three days, let alone sleep with two junior girls every night. I still don't know any junior girls...

When I go out, I won't step on the backs of E-rated students, nor will I bully D-rated students, and I won't sneak into the girls' dormitory;

We are all human beings, not monsters. We also need to eat, sleep, rest, and go to the toilet."

He didn't mention too much, just briefly talked about it and clarified those rumors that were too far-fetched.

Even this is not the most outrageous thing. Later, it was said that the Space Department was secretly controlling the college, oppressing and enslaving other subjects, and catching a poor student every day for live experiments.

Why don’t you say that we have to eat children every day?

However, these rumors are too outrageous, and everyone is not stupid, but no one believes them, so Lloyd doesn’t need to clarify them specifically.

But Lloyd doesn’t know what the reputation of the Space Department is? The high welfare and high treatment at the beginning made people yearn and look forward to it, so why did it gradually become demonized later? It was described as a cave of demons...

If it weren’t for this, he wouldn’t want to speak out to clarify.

And after he made this clarification, the student handbook soon sent a series of vibrations, reminding that there was new news.

First, several people responded to his rumor-refuting statement:

"I didn't believe what you said at first, but I took a look at your information. You are actually from the Space Department? And you are really a freshman? So you are the special freshman discussed above?"

"Wow! Everyone come and visit the freshmen of the Space Department. Um... Lloyd? I remember you!"

"Can you please tell me how you joined the Space Department as a freshman? I am very confused about this."

"Yes, yes, if you are a powerful high-ranking expert, I will admit it, but don't you only have the third-level [Veto]? Not as good as me..."

Lloyd saw these replies and then remembered that the message board in the student handbook is not an anonymous area or a 3D area, but everyone's "real name online".

Just click on the name of the speaker, all kinds of information, including but not limited to name, gender, grade, rating, subject, rank, project resume, reward and punishment record, speech record, etc., are all clear at a glance.

Even the city in the present world, the time spent in the academy, and whether you are still in the academy are recorded, so you can easily open the box with one click without any pressure.

Based on rational and objective thinking, Lloyd can understand such a design, which is normal and necessary.

After all, Mitzkatok is very large, with many disciplines and students, and often carries out multidisciplinary cooperation projects, and also encourages communication and mutual assistance among students, so this information query function is actually very necessary.

Students can more easily understand each other's quality, professors and lecturers can know the level of students more clearly, and can effectively prevent various anthropomorphic creatures such as "argumentative", "sprayers", and "brainless black" derived from the anonymous system.

In the final analysis, the message board in the student handbook is for everyone to communicate and share, not a lawless place like the Internet on Earth.

However, Lloyd still retained the habit of browsing forums on Earth. When he spoke, he was in a hurry to refute rumors, and he was careless for a moment, and as a result, he was hit by the "box"...

He was "besieged" by so many people at once, and he was panicked. He hurriedly wanted to reply and explain, but other people's replies came faster and more:

"Eh? Wait! Look! The information of this classmate Lloyd has been updated again, and there is an additional medal that I have never seen before?"

"I saw it too, the "Mizkatok Outstanding Contribution Medal"? This... What is this? I have been here for so many years, and this is the first time I have heard of this term."

"That's because you didn't look carefully. There is a line of small words next to the medal, "In recognition of classmate Lloyd's outstanding contribution to the space storm invasion incident."

"Ah? This is What does it mean? My brain is not enough... "

"Let me explain, this 'Mizkatok Outstanding Contribution Medal' is the highest level of honor currently established by the college. The ratings and credits you always talk about are worthless in front of this medal...

The honor it represents, the achievements it records and witnesses, are even higher than the 'Lifetime Achievement Award' and 'Excellent Academic Award' that many of you have heard of.

As the literal meaning, only those who have truly made outstanding and outstanding contributions to Mizkatok are eligible to receive this medal.

And I checked the award record of this medal earlier. From the new era to the present, in the past 1,800 years, the college has only awarded a total of ten such medals, but most of them were issued during the special period of the 'Doomsday Reconstruction Period'.

This is not to disrespect the winners of the medals, but the situation was special and the conditions were difficult. These predecessors did make great contributions to the college and naturally deserved such awards. It’s just that it was obviously much easier to obtain them during that period than later.

When the college entered the current stable period, only two medals of outstanding contributions were awarded.

One of them belongs to a big man you may have heard of - the veto saint of the Brilliant City.

The other one is Lloyd from the Space Department.

By the way, I am willing to guarantee you with everything I have, including reputation, achievements, ratings, etc., that Lloyd is absolutely worthy of this medal.

So from the perspective of etiquette, if you meet Lloyd in the future, please remember to bow slightly to him to express your respect and gratitude. Of course, I am no exception. "

Lloyd patiently read this long reply and was stunned.

When did he receive this amazing medal?

He quickly opened his profile and took a look.

It really is there...

And it is posted in the most conspicuous place on the profile page, and you will notice it at the first glance.

Uh... Is it a little too ostentatious? Will it damage my reserved and low-key young persona?

By the way, there is only one medal? No corresponding reward and award ceremony?

Lloyd thought of the previous long-winded commenter and glanced at his name and profile.

Hmm? Toledo, lecturer in the Department of Engineering, have you recovered enough to open the student handbook?

Lloyd remembered that he had saved this When he was a lecturer at the quasi-teacher level, he was too old to speak. He only left himself the fun transforming trolley and passed out.

I don’t know if he is so tenacious or if the medical department of Mitzkatok is really good. He was out of danger so quickly and can already post on the message board?

Lloyd couldn’t help but think of the classic picture of the old man’s hand on the subway…

As the quasi-professor personally went to popularize science, Lloyd’s student handbook instantly vibrated like some kind of sex toy, and he could hardly hold it.

It was as if all the people who were posting student handbooks gathered together and started to post on the screen, replying to his message:

“It’s Lecturer Toledo? Lecturer Toledo who is about to become the youngest professor in Mitzkatok? Am I dreaming? I actually met the legend of our engineering department on the message board? ”

“No, no, no, compared to meeting a legend like Lecturer Toledo, what I care more about is that I can actually witness the birth of another legend in my lifetime! This is really an honor for me, classmate Lloyd! You will be my idol in the future!!!”

“Oh my God! I feel like I am dreaming! A winner of the Outstanding Academic Award and a winner of the Outstanding Contribution Award are actually discussing the same topic with me? Oh my God! Someone come to save me! I am about to faint!”

“No wonder classmate Lloyd can join the Space Department. It turns out that he has won such a heavyweight medal just after entering school. This is really incredible!”

“According to the instructions on the medal, classmate Lloyd made outstanding contributions in fighting against the space storm? What kind of contribution can make him win the highest honor of the college as a freshman?”

“Do you still need to ask this? Just check the resume of Professor Lawrence, who presides over the Space Department, and you will know. Even this veteran professor didn't receive a medal of this level, only an excellent academic medal, so you can boldly imagine what kind of contribution Lloyd has made, right? "

"Uh... Could it be that this space storm was resisted by Lloyd? He saved our college? But isn't he only at the third level?"

"Hehe, it seems that you haven't realized that in Mizkatok, rank is not that important. What is more important here is the academic level... In other words, Lloyd's attainments in space are probably beyond your and my cognition."

"In that case, please accept my gratitude, Lloyd, thank you for preventing this terrible disaster! You saved the college and saved me."

"Me too, thank you, Lloyd, it is my luck and honor to be a classmate with a person like you."

"I'm not good at talking, anyway, thank you, Lloyd! ”


Lloyd looked at the lines of thanks that filled the screen, and his heart was warm, relieved, and fulfilled.

It didn’t matter if it didn’t make the headlines of the school newspaper…

But as he continued to read, the message started to feel wrong…

“Lloyd? You just said you don’t have any junior girls around you? Then how about me? Although I’m already a sophomore, I can also be your junior girl…”

“Lloyd, can we meet in the real world? I’m also from the Brilliant City, and I’m currently running a folk association. I sincerely invite you to come and give guidance…”

“Lloyd, I look prettier than girls in a skirt. Can we get to know each other?”

“Wow! Ah wow wow wow!”

“Jigujigu, waibuwaibu?”

“Yansheyansheer, I’m here! ”


Let’s not talk about the first few messages that wanted to establish interpersonal relationships with me, what’s going on with the rest? Why can’t I understand anything at all?

Uh... Could it be that those non-human students are also speaking?

Although Lloyd has not come into contact with them yet, he saw that it was mentioned in the student handbook that the college is not only for human students, and it is also recommended not to discriminate against other people's races...

Although I don't know what they are saying, I think they are also expressing their gratitude, right?

Lloyd was also at a loss for words, and then he began to think about whether he should say something else.

But suddenly, Professor Hazlade's voice came to his ears:

"Lloyd? Are you still in the college? Why don't you reply to my message?"

Lloyd was stunned and quickly looked at the student handbook. Only then did he realize that Professor Hazlade had contacted him earlier by sending a message. As a result, it happened that after he posted the message, the student handbook began to vibrate wildly, and he didn't notice the professor's contact.

So he quickly replied:

"Yes, yes, what's the matter?"

"Come to my office to receive the medal."

Professor Hazlade said very directly.

So there is an "honor ceremony"? But before that stage, he was discovered by others.

Lloyd didn't care about the student handbook, and quickly tidied up his appearance, stretched out his hand and opened a portal, and walked in.

He was secretly looking forward to what kind of reward would be along with the medal?

When he came to the dean's office that looked like a duel field, he found that there was an invisible figure behind the empty desk?

It was the figure he was very familiar with and very close to.

But she no longer had the feeling of a "childhood sweetheart". Instead, she looked high and mighty, cold and arrogant, and completely lost her usual gentleness.


Lloyd was very surprised and became nervous all of a sudden, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

He couldn't help but wonder if the "childhood sweetheart" who hugged him every day and had close contact with him was not the veto saint he imagined?

Then what about her...

Just when Lloyd was daydreaming, he suddenly heard a silver bell-like chuckle in his ear:

"Hehe, you are not so reserved in front of me usually? Is it because there are outsiders present?"

With these words, she put away her previous indifference and arrogance, and turned back into the 'childhood sweetheart' that Lloyd was familiar with.

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