I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 354: 353 Great Expedition Failed?

Chapter 354 353. Did the Great Expedition overturn?

After all, Lloyd still couldn't bear to break little Olga's beautiful fantasy about the pendant, so he just said in passing:

"By the way, as for what I promised your father before, it's best to do it as soon as possible if possible, otherwise I'm worried that I will break through to the fifth level after a while."


Little Olga had not recovered from the ecstasy of receiving the power pendant when she heard Lloyd bringing such an even more explosive news.

"But now... aren't you only at level three?"

"Well...the third level to the fifth level is not that far away, right?"

Lloyd spread his hands and said as conservatively as possible:

"Two weeks should be almost there, right?"

"Two weeks? My friend...are you really not kidding me? That's Level 5!"

Little Olga asked with disbelief on her face.

When he was promoted to the fifth level, he was already 35 years old, and now he is only 40 years old. He is already one of the few young talents and rising stars in the City of Illusion.

According to incomplete statistics from various sects, the average age of a normal transcendent when he breaks through the fifth level is about 55 years old. It is rare to be older or younger. Those who can reach the fifth level in their early 30s. Basically, there are only a few that can be counted on your fingers.

But breaking through the third level, the fourth level can be very young very quickly. As far as little Olga knows, the fastest record for the third level is 15 years old, and the fourth level is 18 years old, but without exception, all these young geniuses have disappeared. , those who are lucky can still return to the ordinary, but those who are not lucky enough will die midway.

The extraordinary path is so dangerous and difficult. It is never a good thing to be promoted too quickly. There is a lack of accumulation and preparation. You have to bear greater mental and financial pressure than the normal progress. If there is a slight deviation, you will collapse directly.

Especially the fifth level, which is a very critical and qualitative level, the slower the better, the more stable the better. Little Olga herself relied on her deep family background to dare to complete the fifth time at such a young age. detachment]

So when he learned about Lloyd's thoughts, he was shocked at first, and then quickly stated his interests, trying to persuade Lloyd to be more stable.

Lloyd couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this. He knew that the other party was also doing it for his own good. It was not because of jealousy or anything, but he really didn't have that much time to fight steadily...

Who knows if I wake up tomorrow and the city is slaughtered by a giant monster that appears out of nowhere...

He then advised in turn:

"I understand your good intentions, but don't worry. Mizkatok is a very special place, and young fifth-level people are not uncommon there."

Now that Mizkatok had been moved out, little Olga naturally didn't say anything more.

"That's right! I almost forgot that magical academy you came from. It seems like I was overthinking it. I'm sorry."

Lloyd waved his hand and said there was no need to apologize. By the way, he also sensed some interesting gaps through his advice.

For example, powerful people in high positions such as the presiding judge, big brother, housekeeper, and dean all seem to know that they should be promoted to the fifth level soon, so they are all trying to persuade themselves to seize the time to get married and have children.

On the other hand, people like little Olga, who has only just reached level 5, have a clear gap in their ideas from the big guys. What they consider more is safety and a steady approach.

Sure enough, there are still different levels and different cognitions, right?


"Hey... So Xiaoyi, you've been through so many things in the past two days?"

Everol said, putting down the pen in her hand, her cute little face full of a look of shock and worry.

After saying goodbye to little Olga, Lloyd went home to cook for his sister. Afterwards, he briefly talked to her about the incident, but concealed many unnecessary details.

Everol listened very carefully, took out a pen and paper and wrote down the whole story completely, and then said with great relief:

"Fortunately, nothing happened to you, Xiaoyi..."

After that, she came closer to Lloyd, hugged his arm, and said softly:

"Xiao Yi... can you... stop taking risks like this in the future? My sister is really worried about you..."

"Well, not anymore."

Lloyd also answered seriously.

It means that you will be fully prepared to participate in such things in the future to ensure your own safety. This will definitely not be considered a risk, right?

Everol didn't seem to understand the meaning of his words, but she still smiled sweetly and continued:

"That's good... Xiaoyi, can my sister help you polish your story this time and publish it in the next issue? Hmm... I also want to make it a serial..."

"Okay, no problem, but I just don't know if readers will like this kind of story?"

"Hehe, I'm sure you'll like it. Just leave it to my sister."

Yverol just did what she said, and immediately lay down on the sofa, opened her notebook again, and started writing and drawing on the story she had previously recorded, thinking about how to polish it.

She seemed to enjoy this kind of work and was in a good mood, so much so that her little feet in white stockings kept dangling back and forth, as if she was tempting Lloyd with two pieces of sweet ice cream.

Lloyd was so dazed that he simply grabbed it and held it in his hand.

As a result, I got a piece of ice cold, and the texture of the stockings was also extremely smooth, really like ice cream.

Yifroel just laughed and said naturally:

"Hehe, I just feel a little cold. Xiaoyi is so considerate, just like when we were little."

Lloyd simply hugged his sister's jade feet in his arms and used his body temperature to warm her up, just like when they were living on the streets.

Yifroel didn't sit up again until she had revised the story roughly, and handed her revision plan to Lloyd.

Lloyd took it and read it quickly.


How should I evaluate it?

In the story revised by Everoel, the male protagonist "Roy" who used her own pseudonym and "Ortega" who used little Olga's pseudonym are not teammates, but competitors for the inheritance?

And the conflict between the two is not just about the inheritance. They actually fell in love with a girl named "Mary Sue" at the same time?

Where did this girl come from? It turns out that she also came to fight for the inheritance...

In addition, there are many more supporting roles, turning a simple adventure into a table of werewolves, with all kinds of love, hatred, and hatred erupting in the middle, and love and killing each other all the way.

Until the end, everyone found out that the inheritance was actually a scam, and it was involved in a shocking conspiracy that "has not been thought out yet"!

So the few people who were originally fighting each other had to unite again, fighting against each other while dealing with the biggest crisis.

After a battle of wits and courage that "has not been thought out yet", the heroine "Mary Sue" fell off the cliff because of "not being thought out yet", so the hero shouted "No!" and jumped down with her.

The remaining villain, Ortega, turned evil and became an accomplice of the mastermind for a reason that he hadn't figured out yet, and began to plot another conspiracy that he hadn't figured out yet...

The story ends here, and the rest is all "not figured out yet"...

After reading it, Lloyd didn't know whether to complain about his sister's big imagination or too rich imagination. In short, the whole story was completely changed...

But he didn't dare to compare his literary attainments and market understanding with a magazine editor-in-chief, so he could only say reluctantly:

"Well... not bad?"

"Hehe, I knew Xiao Yi would like it. Next, I will mobilize everyone in the magazine to help supplement and polish this story, and strive to make it the trump card series of our magazine..."

Everroel said with great interest, his eyes wandering, as if he was already imagining the moment when the story was well received.

After a long while, she tried to collect her thoughts and asked Lloyd for his opinion:

"By the way, I almost forgot to ask, Xiaoyi, do you think there are any additional changes?"

Since you want to ask me, don't blame me for being rude...

Lloyd said in his heart, and then began to explain his ideas:

"Well, you can set the identity of the male protagonist as a reborn god of war, and then set the female protagonist as his wife, he is a son-in-law who marries into the family..."

"The uncle's legacy can also be more specific, set as a super giant robot, as long as you drive it, you can easily conquer the world, so it will attract so many people to fight for it..."

"Well... after the male protagonist falls off the cliff, it can also be designed as a reversal of blessing in disguise. He meets a white-bearded grandfather in a cave in the mountains, and then snatches a special belt from the grandfather. Through the belt, he can summon his own stand-in..."

After a lot of fabrication, this story can not be said to be a thousand miles away from the original process, it can only be regarded as crossing the dimensional wall.

As a result, Everoel actually wrote down all of Lloyd's nonsense very seriously, and also said very seriously that it was very exciting and interesting.

"Hehe, you are worthy of being Xiao Yi, the plot you came up with is much more interesting than what I designed!"

As she said that, Everoel also stretched out her little hand and gently pinched Lloyd's cheek.

She has always liked to pinch her brother's cheek like this since she was a child.


When it was time to go to bed at night, Lloyd looked at the date and thought that it seemed that the "Human Future Seminar" had not been held for a while, so he went back to [Thinking Field] and found the product manager Tentacle Grass.

As a result, Tentacle Grass imitated the human appearance, shook his head, spread his hands, and said that he couldn't do it, and then transformed the light curtain from behind and presented it to Lloyd.

It was still the familiar black and white chessboard, but it was fragmented and completely irreparable, so of course the seminar based on this thing could not be held.

"What's wrong?"

Lloyd asked.

Tentacle Grass thought for a while and answered:


Uh... when did this guy learn to speak?

But who would understand what you said?

Lloyd was also at a loss for words, so he had to say forget it, I know, don't say anything.

Then he looked back at the [Distorted Seed] left on Lao Zhan and the others

He didn't notice anything unusual, which meant that the people should be fine, but he didn't know why the chessboard was broken?

I'll write a letter to ask later...

But when it comes to writing a letter, Lloyd suddenly thought that he had received the inheritance from the Supreme, but he didn't even have a messenger?

Using [Projection] combined with spatial coordinate calculation, you can send messages over long distances like a butler, but this is also quite troublesome.

Is it better to find a full-time messenger?

And I don’t know much about this, so I’d better wait until I get back to the academy and take the time to ask someone.

But this is just a small thing after all, so you don’t need to pay too much attention to it.

Lloyd briefly thought about it, then [sneaked] to Eloro, continued to help her share the mental pollution, and also played with her stupid hair and feet, and then fell asleep in a daze. .

That night, he didn't have any strange dreams about being hit with a knife. He woke up from a normal sleep and ushered in the last day of the three-day vacation.

He didn't have anything to do today. After waking up, he helped Hiltina share the mental pollution step by step, and then added the 5 attribute points he obtained to [Rationality], reaching 505 points.

Then he told Hiltina that since he had nothing to do today, he might as well come to [Meet the Saint] and try to complete the fourth [Transcendence] as soon as possible.

However, Hiltina gestured with her sign language, telling him not to worry, and then asked him to exit the [Thinking Realm]. Then she heard an ethereal voice floating over from a far distance:

"In the early hours of this morning, Demani received a contact from Tiltus. He seemed to want to seek enlightenment from me, but the distance was too far and he could not contact me directly...

I'm worried that he's in some kind of trouble. Can you help me check it out? "

Is it actually the news from the presiding judge?

Lloyd was a little surprised, but still said without hesitation:

"Okay, I'll go there now, but I can't directly calculate the coordinates of the presiding judge. I need more clues, preferably tokens and imprints with clear direction."

"Well, you can go find Demani later. He should have what you need...but you must promise me not to take risks."

In this way, after Lloyd hurriedly combed his sister's hair, he put on the gray uniform he wore most, then opened the portal and went downstairs to the Veto Sanctuary.

The guards here seemed to know that he would come, so they took him to Big Brother's office.

As a result, as soon as Lloyd pushed the door open and entered, he heard a commotion inside. It seemed like a dispute was breaking out?

Among these people, except for Big Brother and a colorful clown-masked judge who he had met once before but was very unhappy with, Lloyd didn't know the rest of them.

And because of his sudden arrival, the already noisy office suddenly became quiet. Everyone in the room looked at him, and then an old man with a white beard asked:

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Lloyd wanted to introduce himself based on etiquette, but Big Brother said before him:

"Okay, okay, don't bother with them anymore, let's go!"

After saying that, he ignored the rest of the people. Dang even put his arm around Lloyd and dragged him to another office next door. Then he took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Lloyd, giving a simple explanation. road:

"Don't pay attention to those guys who worry about gains and losses. They are destined to be different from us, they just happened to bump into each other."

Lloyd didn't rush to ask questions, so he picked up the letter and read it.

The letter was sent by Judge Titus, and it roughly described his current situation.

To put it simply, it’s not good…

Their ‘intellectual expedition’ was a huge success at the beginning, and they did find some clues——

The [Forgetting] powerhouse hiding in the dark seems to have some deep grudge against the advisor. Although I don’t know what love and hate there is between the two parties, the other person has always been wanted by [Intellect] even though he is wanted. He is constantly retaliating against people and forces related to the consultant.

However, because of the special nature of [Forgetting], even if there are many people chasing him, he still behaves with ease, leaving the [Intellect] department in an embarrassing situation where they can find clues but cannot catch the tail.

He was played like a headless fly, scurrying around but never gained any concrete results.

After being tortured like this for a period of time, no matter how tenacious the big guys in the [Intellect] department are, it is inevitable that they will become somewhat dwindled and their people will become distracted.

And just when everyone was exhausted physically and mentally, the strong man of the [Forgetting] department finally bit the bait that had been prepared for a long time——

That is, the client that Jenkins handed over before, the former student of consultant Eskimir.

Since this guy accidentally fell into the hands of Judge Tiltus, [Intellect] quickly realized the value of this guy through the hatred between the target and the advisor, and then used him to arrange The trap placed this guy in a remote town and lived an ordinary life.

And this entire town is under the surveillance of a group of big guys headed by the presiding judge, just waiting for the fish to take the bait.

But [Forget] is not stupid over there either. After testing a few times on the edge, they obviously discovered something and they never took the bait. They obviously saw through the ‘fishing law enforcement’ here.

But just when [Intellect] thought so and relaxed its surveillance of the town, a wave of raids came from [Forgetfulness].

Fortunately, the presiding judge and several other bosses stayed there. After discovering the abnormal movement, they immediately sent a wave of strength to the opponent, causing the enemy some moderate damage and forcing the opponent to flee.

[Intellect] Of course they refused to give up. Even if the chief judge tried to dissuade and remind them, several other big guys stubbornly chased him out and dragged the chief judge in.

Then something unexpected happened...

They in turn fell into each other's trap and were trapped by their enemies in a place they didn't even know where they were.

The Great Expedition turned into a huge overturn...

Although the presiding judge said in the letter that they could hold on for a while and there was no immediate danger, he repeatedly reminded people outside not to get into trouble and not to rush to rescue people. This was an obvious trap.

Because the other party obviously has ten thousand ways to block their contact with the outside world, but they allow them to write letters to the outside world asking for help, and their intentions are still obvious.

The other party obviously wants to use these hostages to attract more people to join the trap, just like the snake spirit catching the gourd baby.

"Sigh... I didn't expect that Titus had been cautious all his life, but in the end he fell into such an obvious trap..."

The big brother on the side concluded helplessly, spread his hands again, and continued:

"I guessed that they must be trapped in a different space, so I contacted the old monster in the space department. The other party said that he didn't need to take action personally for this trivial matter. He only needed to find the best person in their space department. Just Assistant Coach Lloyd...

Little brother, how did you become an assistant coach in such a short period of time? And it’s still that damn place in the space system? "

Only then did Lloyd realize why this matter was brought directly to his head...

"Uh...the school rules don't allow me to say...but there should be no problem. I'm confident that I can rescue them first."

"Well... Her Majesty the Saint said the same thing. She also specifically told me to keep an eye on you and not let you take risks."

"Don't worry, I'm just saving someone, there's no need to take risks... Please help me arrange a quiet room, and give me some more tokens or marks related to the presiding judge."

"No problem, just wait a moment."

Big Brother then ordered the people to make preparations. Lloyd waited patiently and then asked curiously:

"Those who were in your office before were..."

"Hmph~ Don't worry about it, they're just a bunch of rats worrying about gains and losses."

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