I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 368 367 The world is changing

Chapter 368 367. The world is changing

"Why is it still raining?"

While Lloyd was combing Everol's hair, he looked at the rain that was still falling outside the window. Although it was not as earth-shattering as last night, it was more annoying.

Yverael also disliked the rain. Although the pair of small feet hanging outside the chair had been put on white stockings and became as smooth as ice cream, they were no longer dangling as before, and they were still a little uneasy. said:

"Yeah, it feels like the rainy season came a month early this year, right? As soon as the rain ends, the weather will get colder... By the way, Xiaoyi, do you have enough clothes there? Do you want sister to buy you some more thick clothes? of?"

"No, no, no, extraordinary people are not afraid of the cold."

"That's right, it's at this time that I envy you the most."

Everol smiled reluctantly.

After the siblings finished breakfast, Everol originally planned to take her little umbrella and go out to work, but Lloyd stopped her.

"Sister, I'll take you there."

After that, he took out the brand new three-piece set of equipment he had just received yesterday, and after a quick calculation, he located the location of the editorial department, and then opened the portal.

Yvero suddenly opened his emerald green eyes slightly and said in surprise:

"Eh? Then... wouldn't it be possible for me to sleep a little longer in the future?"

Alas...sister, you have changed...

In the past, when you saw this kind of thing, you would have immediately praised me for being smart and powerful...

You have been polluted by this materialistic and involution society...

Lloyd complained in his heart with laughter and tears. He first sent Everol to the editorial office, and then returned home through the portal, preparing to go out and take the subway.

Although you can directly open the portal to the 18th District, Lloyd believes that there should be more of a sense of ritual when going to work.

And, Wei Ya will always wait for him at the entrance of the subway...

Of course, the most important thing is that it happens to be raining. I want to turn the fire stick I just bought yesterday into an umbrella to see if it works well.

The new toy you just bought has to be somewhat practical, right?

After testing, the effect is naturally very good. Not only is it light and easy to hold, it is not tiring to hold; it also does not touch water at all. Just shake the umbrella on it and it will fall away without getting wet.

But the most important thing is that the shape can be changed at will. One moment it can be a simple big black umbrella, the next moment it can be a cartoon umbrella with a pair of cat ears, and the next moment it becomes a wide beach umbrella, which is really fun.

In such a short journey, several people stopped Lloyd and asked him where he bought this umbrella.

So regardless of the performance of this fire stick as a weapon, it is quite invincible as a toy and a daily utensil.

This wave is not a loss!

Lloyd nodded with satisfaction, put away the fire stick, and jumped into the subway.

[Ding~Insanity value +50]

Lloyd listened to the reminders in his ears day after day, and couldn't help but wonder, there is no solution to this subway, right? No one can cure it?

It just so happened that he arrived earlier today and took a quick look outside the cave with inspiration. Before Wei Ya arrived, he simply stopped and carefully inspected the "advanced subway".

Uh...it's actually very complicated? With my knowledge base, I can’t understand it at all?

I only know that it seems to involve some ancient technology, and it seems to have some modern space technology. It gives me a feeling that it is slightly similar to the previous storage bag? Does it mean it’s also related to some kind of biotechnology?

Lloyd was confused and didn't understand.

Just then, a familiar sound of gasping floated into my ears.

"Cough cough cough..."

It's Wei Ya who's here.

Lloyd hurriedly came over to ask for help, maintaining his persona of a gentle and considerate young man.

After the two came outside the cave, they squeezed tightly under the same umbrella. Wei Ya allowed Lloyd to hold her shoulders, then reached out to catch a few rays of raindrops, and said:

"It's raining so hard, and it's not just here. I heard the news this morning that it's raining in all six cities. It seems to have caused landslides in some areas, and even the process of large-scale development has been delayed. ”

"It would be a good idea to take the opportunity to take a rest."

Lloyd had received inside information from Hiltina and knew that the process of great development would definitely not be completed as expected due to the accident of the seventh saint, so he was not in a hurry.

"Well... our comrades on the front line really deserve a break."

Wei Ya didn't object, but she immediately pouted her lips slightly and said unhappily:

"But it was also because of the rain that my father didn't sleep all night last night. Then when he came up this morning, he found three tutors for me and arranged a lot of mysterious and supernatural courses for me. You have to go home as early as possible every night to make up for classes..."

As she spoke, Wei Ya looked aggrieved, pitiful and helpless, and stretched out her hand to hug Lloyd's waist tightly, and continued:

"Lloyd, I feel like dad has discovered that we are secretly dating, and he just wants to separate us in this way so that we don't have much time together, but no matter what, I will never give in! "

"Yeah, me too."

Lloyd nodded vigorously, and in turn hugged Wei Ya's shoulders harder.

But what I was thinking about was something else...

Perhaps Wei Ya's pig-butcher father did this not just because he wanted to interfere with his daughter's love affair.

Otherwise, he could have done it a long time ago, and there was no need to wait until today.

It is very likely that he learned some news through his own information channels, and it is likely related to the evil god's offspring yesterday.

So Lloyd did not object to the arrangement of Wei Ya's father. Facing the uncertain and optimistic future, it is always better to become stronger.

It's just a pity that the time he spends with Wei Ya will be reduced again...

When the two of them arrived at the ninth tower after a long delay, Lloyd still took the key to the -3 floor as usual, and then walked into the cell, transformed the fire stick in his hand into his most convenient short sword, and cut it down with one hand.

[Ding~ Madness value +350]


Lloyd looked at this panel prompt in surprise.

The mental pollution suffered by the execution monster has become stronger?

Is this monster itself special? Or... the influence brought by the evil god's offspring has begun to manifest?

Lloyd quickly killed the other two monsters today and found that they also provided 350 points of madness...

He frowned immediately.

Although the 50-point increase was nothing to him, it was a different matter for others, especially for those on the -1 floor.

So Lloyd hurried to the -1 floor and found a cell where an execution was being carried out.

There were three unfamiliar newcomers crowded here, one of whom was lying on the ground, vomiting violently, and the other two were holding psychic blades, somewhat at a loss.

There was also a low-level monster next to it that had just been killed but had not yet been dissected.

Seeing someone in a gray uniform coming in, the two newcomers immediately grabbed Lloyd for help as if they were grabbing a life-saving straw:

"This senior, he doesn't know what's going on, he suddenly started vomiting, please save him!"

"Don't panic, he just suffered a serious mental pollution at one time, just help him sit by the wall for a while."

Lloyd said, and stuck a hair on the newcomer on the ground, then walked to the side of the semi-finished monster and helped dissect the recyclable organs.

Looking back again, the student's face had returned to normal, but he still looked frightened, curled up in the corner with his hands on his head, and kept muttering:

"I want to go home... I don't want to be a superhuman anymore, I just want to go home..."

Lloyd threw a probe over and found that this person's [rationality] was actually not low, with 6 points, which was considered very strong and rational among ordinary people.

But the mental pollution that he had previously helped him share through [consciousness tentacles] was 300 points?

He was only dealing with the weakest monster...

No wonder he had vomited and felt uncomfortable before, because he had endured too much mental pollution in one breath.

Although his mental state had not deteriorated and the pollution had been eliminated by himself, the shadow and fear left in his heart might not be so easy to resolve.

Originally, he could have become an excellent superhuman...

"He's fine, just a little scared, you guys take him to rest."

Lloyd ordered, and prepared to check the situation of other cells on the -1 floor.

"Okay... By the way, may I ask... are you Senior Lloyd?"

"How did you recognize him?"

"A handsome guy in a gray uniform, you are the only one in the entire 18th district, right?"

I like to hear this...

Lloyd smiled lightly, acquiescing, and then quickly ran to other cells.

After that, he took the initiative and helped to share the burden, and soon helped to clean up all the monsters on the -1 and -2 floors, and then returned to the office to summarize his findings.

In simple terms, if you execute a monster yourself, even if it is a -1 level monster, you will get an extra +50 Madness value.

For other executor apprentices, the increase varies, but the lowest is +50, and the highest is like the previous one, which is directly half of the rational tolerance.

Fortunately, the people who did it in the other cells were all experienced people who knew me for a long time, so although they felt uncomfortable, it was not as ugly as the first one.

But it is hard to say whether the situation will deteriorate further...

The matter is more complicated than I thought, and I have to discuss it with Hiltina and the dean as soon as possible.

So Lloyd rushed back to the office, packed up, and went to find Weiya, briefly told her the situation, reminded her to pay attention, and suggested not to let others execute the monsters for the time being, and leave it all to himself.

"There is such a thing... Wasn't what Dad said this morning just to scare me?"

After being surprised for a while, Wei Ya muttered to herself, and then immediately changed to a distressed expression and asked:

"But what about you, Lloyd? Let you bear and bear so much mental pollution alone..."

Lloyd smiled, reached out and touched her face, and said indifferently:

"I'm fine, I am naturally resistant to mental pollution, don't worry about me...Okay, let's do this first, I have to go back to the academy to report this matter and see if I can find any solution."

Although he said he was going back to the academy, Lloyd's next stop was actually the Saint's bedroom.

Hiltina's beautiful figure also appeared out of thin air, and asked in surprise:

"Didn't we just separate not long ago? Why are you here again? Are you particularly reluctant to leave me today?"

"I discovered something unexpectedly. Please contact the dean quickly."

Lloyd then gave an overview of what he had discovered this morning.

Of course, he did not directly state the specific value of +50. He only said that the mental pollution he noticed was obviously getting stronger, coupled with other people's experiences and feelings.

"Did the impact come so quickly? And it's still evolving in a very bad direction..."

The dean sounded particularly solemn when he heard this.

Hiltina was also the same, she was frowning slightly, opening her smooth jade feet, pacing back and forth in front of Lloyd, and said with the same worry:

"Our current process of capturing, executing, recycling, making materials, and cultivating more extraordinary beings has been running stably for a long time. If this system is destroyed..."

"Is it possible to find a way to execute people from a distance?"

Lloyd tried to suggest.

"It's useless. Have you forgotten one of the characteristics of mental pollution? No matter how far away you are, you will find the person who actually did it like a curse."

Hiltina shook her head.

The dean expressed his opinion:

"Perhaps it would be better to start from the ritual side? I can launch some corresponding issues and academic projects here."

Hiltina still shook her head:

"Well, this is of course the best way, but even if you conduct this kind of research in Mizkatok, it will take a long time, right? Not to mention that you want to replace the suppression rituals equipped by each Holy Inquisition in each city. , which is a huge and complex project in itself.”

"Indeed, the gap period is too long...and I am more worried that this kind of thing will cause panic..."

As an executioner himself, Lloyd considers more details.

"This is also an issue that worries me. Once humans lose the courage to fight against monsters, there will really be no future."

Hiltina said, forced herself to smile again, and then said:

“But fortunately, the problem was discovered early and the situation is not particularly bad. We still have time to find a solution... Or to be more optimistic, this change may only last for a short period of time and will be eliminated soon?

That's it for now. Lloyd, you go back to the academy first. I'm going to contact those colleagues and see what they say. "

The colleagues she mentioned were obviously referring to the four saints.

Lloyd nodded, then opened the portal and returned to his luxurious dormitory. After leaving the little cat to look after the house, he returned to the laboratory of the space department.

There were a lot of people in the laboratory today and it was lively. Everyone was working on their own projects with the light curtain as usual. When Lloyd suddenly opened the door and came in, everyone seemed to have adapted. No one was surprised or surprised. He nodded slightly at him as a greeting.

Professor Lawrence was different. He was twisting a hideous mace in his hand. Looking bloody, he was beating a researcher to tears. Then he waved his hand and threatened:

"Go ahead, go ahead. If you dare to make such a stupid mistake again, I will replace it with a real mace."

Uh... the old professor does still have a majestic side, I almost thought he was really the kind of talkative old man...

Lloyd cursed in his heart and walked closer to Professor Lawrence to say hello.

As soon as he saw Lloyd, Professor Lawrence's originally bad mood seemed to suddenly improve, and he said kindly:

"You don't need to come to the laboratory today. Just find a comfortable place to study the basic theory on your own."

"Well, I know, but I discovered something happening outside today."

Lloyd told the old professor about his findings again, and then came up with an imaginative idea:

"You think, can we create a huge, special space and store mental pollution in it like cargo?"

Professor Lawrence did not answer immediately, but first looked down at the bloody mace still in his hand, adjusted his mood, and replied angrily:

"I'm afraid you are the only one in the world who can come up with such a method..."

If someone else had told him this, he would probably have beaten them with a stick until they cried.

"Haha... Okay, actually I think this idea is a bit outrageous."

Lloyd laughed sarcastically and quickly escaped from the laboratory before the old professor changed his mind.

Then I found a place with pleasant scenery, took out the tome I had not finished reading before, and began to chew on it.

Lloyd knew very well that with his current level of strength and knowledge, he had no way to interfere with the drastic changes in the world outside, and could only feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

Then it is better to turn your powerlessness into motivation and seize the time to learn more.

With the help of the bracelet given by Professor Lawrence before, Lloyd quickly entered a "selfless" learning state.

Thanks to the improvement in cognitive level, as well as the expansion of attributes and the upgrade of [Space Control], these tomes that were not easy to digest before have become smoother.

The study time was still the same as last time. In addition to the eight hours stipulated by both the dean and the professor, I only secretly studied for two more hours, making up ten hours.

During this period, Lloyd finished the entire tome in one breath, plus the small half that he had not finished before.

Naturally, I acquired a lot of skill fragments, but [Space Domination] has not been upgraded. It is probably like before, it was 'stuck' by something, and I need to add some opportunities before it can be upgraded.

This was what Lloyd had expected, as this skill was difficult to improve...

But the madness value he gained was a little surprising to him.

Last time, he studied for 10 hours in a row, and the mental pollution he suffered was only enough for him to level up by 3. Today, in the same amount of time, he was able to level up by 4.

But his own learning progress was clearly many times faster than before...

So this mental pollution is based on the learning time?

Then why was it level 3 last time and level 4 this time?

Did I learn more deeply? Or...is it related to the changes in the world outside?

Lloyd had no clue for the time being, so he didn't continue to think about it. He decided to add the points first.

Since it has been upgraded to level 4, and it happens to correspond to four attributes, why not...

10 points of [rationality], 5 points of [spiritual power], 5 points of [cognition]

[Ding~ points added]

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: Normal]

[Madness value: 2079/10000, upper limit: 54500]

[Rationality: 545]

[Spiritual power: 540]

[Inspiration: 300]

[Cognition: 540]

[System: Distortion LV4, Denial LV3, Manifestation LV1]

Ah~ What a balanced big water tank!

Lloyd nodded, then got up and stretched his stiff and sore limbs, then went back to the dormitory and made some food for himself and the little cat.

After that, he did not lie on the sofa to brush the student handbook, but remembered what he promised his childhood sweetheart yesterday, and it was time to go to [see the saint].

The giant flower bud in the [Thinking Field] was still tightly closed, indicating that Hiltina was not there. She should still be meeting with other saints?

Lloyd made a random association, and then continued to use the help of the bracelet to quickly enter the [Trance] state, looking at the four-spiral tower that had become like a barber shop lantern.

As he looked up, the black part that had appeared on the tower before began to show some different changes.

The originally solidified dark black began to flow slowly, like a living abyss.

Lloyd was naturally focused in the [Trance] state, and he didn't think much at all. He just subconsciously learned whatever was in front of him.

It wasn't until several hours later, accompanied by a headache and dizziness, that he woke up.

"Uh... It's so uncomfortable... How long have I been learning?"

Lloyd covered his head and quickly took out his pocket watch to check.

It was only three hours, about the same as before?

But why did he feel so uncomfortable?

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