I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 374 373 Let's start an academic project?

Chapter 374 373. Let's start an academic project, shall we?

"[Asylum]... I do have an awkward impression..."

Lloyd muttered the name of this system in a low voice, and couldn't help but pout.

His opinion and evaluation of [Asylum] have always been not very good, and it's not just him, the public opinion is similar. It is generally believed that it cannot be compared with the popularity and strength of [Veto], [Intelligence], [Embodyment], and it is like a small transparent system among the six legal systems.

However, Professor Toledo has some opinions of his own:

"Although [Asylum] has many problems, strictly speaking, it is actually the oldest system, with a longer history than [Redemption]. The earliest origin can be traced back to the time when mental pollution just began to spread, which was the end of the last glorious era before the end of the world...

From the beginning, it was a system developed by people of that era to deal with mental pollution. Well... this may not be accurate. After all, there was no concept of extraordinary system and extraordinary people in that era. It should be said that 'power' would be more appropriate."

Obviously, he didn't know much about [Distortion] and didn't know that [Distortion] actually had a longer history.

But Lloyd was not here to do popular science, so he did not refute the error in this small detail, but just asked curiously:

"Since this is the background and premise, the current performance of [Shelter] is disappointing. Does it mean that it is not suitable for us now?"

"I don't think it has reached this level yet... The core problem is still their saint, that is, 0-006, it is incomplete..."

Professor Toledo shook his head, and then reached out and knocked on the table, letting a pot of coffee with a small wheel underneath come over to refill the two cups, and then continued to explain his views:

"I actually like to participate in the archaeological activities of the history department, and I have carefully studied the history of that period. At the end of that era... Let's call it the 'Twilight Age'? Most historians believe that it should have started with the inexplicable disappearance of the first [Brilliant Gold].

Although in everyone's impression, that period seems to be just a short moment, but in fact it lasted for 22 years, until the last [Brilliant Gold] known to mankind left. Only after the death of Qi, historians believed that the doomsday era had officially arrived.

So the human beings in that twilight era still had a lot of background and accumulation, and all kinds of knowledge were not as dangerous as they are now. Even Mitzkatok had not fallen yet, so people could make many attempts and efforts against the threat of mental pollution.

0-006 is one of the results, and it is relatively complete and effective.

We have discovered the design plan for 0-006. If 0-006 can achieve the initial design expectations, then [Shelter] should be better at dealing with mental pollution than [Redemption], and it is the kind of comprehensive one!

From the ones emitted by monsters, to the ones carried by taboo knowledge, to those spread by those high-level beings, all can be dealt with.

In theory, it should even have the effect of transforming mental pollution into extraordinary power, but... eh? Lloyd? What's wrong with you? "

Professor Toledo was talking well, but he saw Lloyd suddenly open his eyes wide, revealing a look of astonishment on his face, as if he had heard some explosive news.

But I am just talking about some publicly available historical data? Although it is forbidden to show these data outside, it is not difficult to learn in Mitzkatokri, right?

Is it really that shocking?

But Lloyd was stunned for three seconds before he came back to his senses and explained awkwardly:

"Ah... Sorry, I suddenly thought of something else just now. Please continue."

As he said that, he gulped down a few mouthfuls of sweet coffee to calm himself down.

He was obviously shocked by the words "transforming mental pollution into extraordinary power".

He is very familiar with this...

But before Lloyd could continue to make associations, he heard Professor Toledo continue to say:

"Well...it's just that 0-006 still failed to meet the initial expectations. It may be because it was not complete at the beginning, or it may be because something went wrong during its excavation process, which led to the embarrassing situation of [Shelter] now.

This is undoubtedly very regrettable, so to this day, there are still people who have high hopes for [Shelter] and 0-006. I am one of them, right? And I have also participated in several projects to improve and repair 0-006."

Professor Toledo said, smiled helplessly, shook his head, and continued:

"It's a pity that it didn't work. What effect can it have? It is even difficult to maintain the status quo. Another ancient creation, codenamed 0-266, is needed to help assist and stabilize the current stability.

However, speaking of this 0-266, it is also very magical. She looks like a beautiful and cute little girl. She looks about the same age as my daughter, and has complete self-awareness and self-recognition of human identity. She feels like a real human girl, so that the college is not good at conducting too much research on her...

And she is actually the design prototype of 0-006? I have always been puzzled. Since humans at that time could make a "saint" who is almost the same as humans, why did they give up humanity and self-awareness in 0-006?

By the way, I heard about it a while ago. There was a bold maniac who appeared out of nowhere. Seeing that 0-266 was pretty and cute, he wanted to take her home and almost detonated a big bomb. Fortunately, the college Professor Hiltina, the veto saint outside, stopped this crazy move in time.

snort! I really don’t know what that lunatic is thinking. Has he never seen a woman before? How dare you do such a crazy thing? If I meet that guy, I must let him know my... eh? Lloyd? Why is your face getting more and more ugly? Is the coffee too bitter? "

"No...no...I was just thinking, that madman is really hateful. Fortunately, the incident has passed and nothing went wrong, haha, haha..."

Lloyd said guiltily and quickly changed the topic:

"Then what would it look like if we talked about a complete [asylum] system, or 0-006 that meets design expectations?"

Professor Toledo didn’t think too much, so he followed Lloyd’s question and explained:

"This...according to the academy's initial expectations for [Asylum], it is believed that it should be able to help share mental pollution, resist attacks from monsters, and convert mental pollution and enemy attacks into one's own power to fight back against the enemy. , forming a very ideal offensive and defensive conversion effect...

And this effect should be group-wide, which means that every mental pollution suffered by every transcendent in its system can make 0-006 stronger, and subsequent counterattacks will be more ferocious. .

If it can really reach this level and state, it will definitely be our most powerful weapon against spiritual pollution and even those descendants of evil gods with ulterior motives! "

As Professor Toledo spoke, he waved his fist again, but immediately changed to a regretful tone and added:

"Many people once believed that [asylum] should be the future path of mankind, but unfortunately, 0-006's performance was really disappointing. Maybe those beautiful ideas were not even possible by the ancients at that time?

Anyway, our subsequent research on 0-006 found that it is still a long way from this design idea, and even lacks some of the most important core components, so it looks like this embarrassing now...

The key is that we are still unable to determine whether it lacks this aspect of design? Or is it that we haven’t unearthed it yet? If it's the latter, there's still some hope, but if it's the former...

Then it is just like a time bomb. It may fail when it will expire. By then, the entire City of Joy will probably be devastated, right? "

After hearing this, Lloyd nodded thoughtfully and continued to ask:

"What about 0-266? What kind of existence is she? In other words, what are her design expectations?"

"Unfortunately, we did not find any design documents about her. After a brief research, we can probably regard her as a junior version of the artificial saint. She can form some subtle connection with 0-006, making her Can perform some control and constraints on 0-006.

Therefore, we generally believe that she may be an insurance measure for 0-006 to prevent 0-006 from developing uncontrolled self-consciousness and losing control;

Of course, it's also possible that she's a measure of enhancement and control? After all, if 0-006 can really transform mental pollution into extraordinary power, then someone still needs to display and exert it, or guide these powers.

After all, a little girl with flesh and blood and human identity is always easier to control and communicate with than a cold device. "

"I see, this does sound like a more reasonable operating mode?"

Lloyd continued to ask.

"Yes, from a design perspective alone, it is safer and more stable than the existing saint and extraordinary systems. It's a pity that it has not been fully realized..."

"Are you still conducting research on these two 'partners'?"

"there is none left."

Professor Toledo spread his hands and said with a half-smile:

"Perhaps outside religious groups and private organizations are conducting it? Anyway, after several studies conducted by Mizkatok without effective progress, this route was gradually abandoned...

After all, our resources and manpower are always limited. What’s more, no one has a decisive main idea for the future path. They are all trying the possibilities in their own fields. Even the art department feels that singing, love, and hope can To save the world. "

As he spoke, he suddenly showed a flash of inspiration, stretched out his finger to point to the sky, as if he was about to serve someone a bowl of noodles, and continued:

"Since you are so interested in 0-006, how about we start a related academic project together?

It just so happens that the City of Joy may be in trouble due to the changes outside. If the [Asylum] system can be improved, not only can they easily solve their own crisis, but they can even help other cities to tide over the difficulties better. This is very It’s valuable for research! "

Lloyd became excited when he heard this, but he couldn't help but feel a little worried, so he quickly asked:

"Okay, okay, but I'm from the space department, so I can't help, can I? And strictly speaking, I haven't joined Mizkatok not long ago. Although I have the title of 'assistant' in name, but..."

But Professor Toledo laughed, patted his shoulder hard, and encouraged:

"You are just being overly suspicious. No matter if you are a teaching assistant or a freshman, with your "Outstanding Contribution" medal, who can object to your opening of an academic project?

Even no matter how much you can help, with your title of "Youngest Outstanding Contributor", you can attract many people to participate in the project! Otherwise, how many people would be willing to participate in such a project with an uncertain future?

Besides, your understanding and grasp of space can help anyway, otherwise just going back and forth between the college and the City of Joy can make people anxious."

After hearing his encouragement, Lloyd himself had no doubts, but was worried about Professor Toledo:

"It's okay for me, but you should be very busy, right? Participating in such a project with a high probability of failure, wouldn't it be a bit..."

"Haha! I have no problem! I was originally 0- 006 had high hopes and never gave up on this path, but I just couldn't find like-minded comrades to continue with. Fortunately, I met you today!

And I just came back from recuperation, and I was worried that I didn't have any fun projects on hand. If I don't find something interesting to do quickly, Professor Barry might give me a lot of work to do..."

So the two hit it off and roughly decided on this new academic project, and simply sorted out a set of directions and plans, and clarified the division of labor between the two in the early stage of the project-

Professor Toledo was mainly responsible for filling out forms and going through the process for these established projects, as well as subsequent personnel recruitment; Lloyd was mainly responsible for getting the dean to agree and allocate funds, and then establishing a convenient channel to the City of Joy in advance, which was similar to the teleportation array commonly used in the academy.

Then the two of them got busy according to their division of labor. Professor Toledo started to make documents, and Lloyd ran directly to find the dean and briefly told him the plan.

After listening to the dean, his invisible body made a gesture of tapping the back of his hand, and after thinking for a while, he said:

"Hmm... Toledo hasn't given up yet? He has successfully brought you into the group..."

After that, he fell into silence again, thinking for a full half an hour in front of Lloyd, as if he encountered a very difficult problem?

This made Lloyd's heart start to beat. Is it so difficult to make a decision on such a thing? Is it because of the funding problem? Is the funding in the college so tight?

Fortunately, the dean nodded in the end and said:

"Okay, I agree in principle, but there is a prerequisite, that is, you need to convince Xildina to agree to your participation first."

Lloyd was stunned. He didn't expect the dean to make such a request?

Uh... I want to go to the City of Joy to help my "little girlfriend", how dare I tell my "childhood sweetheart"?

Dean, do you have a problem with me? Do you want to see my backyard catch fire and rush to the end of blood?

Lloyd didn't know how to defend himself for a moment, and then he heard the dean urging him:

"How is it? Can you accept it?"

"Of course there is no problem, but... this matter has nothing to do with Hiltina, right? She should still be busy dealing with the changes in her territory, right?"

"Huh? How can it be unrelated? This is closely related to her, didn't she tell you?"

The dean's question made Lloyd scratch his head.

"Tell me what?"

"It seems that she really didn't tell you, so you have to ask her yourself."


Lloyd couldn't refuse the dean's conditions, and finally agreed, and then returned to his dormitory, cooking with pliers and hammers while digesting the large amount of information he had obtained today.

The first thing that can be confirmed is that he was embarrassed in front of Professor Toledo before, but he was actually scaring himself.

Although his panel also has the function of absorbing mental pollution, it obviously has nothing to do with the saints of the City of Joy.

Well, absolutely not. I am such a big human being, and I have a lot of advantages such as humility, low-key, maturity, stability, restraint, hatred of evil, and superb cooking skills. How can I be related to a dead thing without self-awareness?

Moreover, my panel was awakened by my own hard work and struggle, and it has nothing to do with any ancient civilization.

So it is impossible. It is just a coincidence in design ideas. It shows that the ancients were still very smart and knew how to transform spiritual pollution into power.

Then he reaffirmed his feelings for Ai Luoluo. It must be because she is beautiful and cute, good-looking and easy to lick, simple-minded, miserable, easy to awaken the desire to protect in her heart, and she is very good at acting coquettish and clinging. And every time I see her, she looks like she is ready to be picked...

It is definitely not because of any other inexplicable reasons!

As for Ai Luoluo's feelings for him, it should be because he is handsome, patient, meticulous, considerate and gentle, and he has saved her.

It is definitely not because of any other inexplicable reasons!

Then Lloyd summarized his views on 0-006, the ‘artificial saint’, and the regrettable system of [Shelter].

It’s probably that the idea is very dreamy, but the reality is very skinny…

Although the ancients proposed a very good idea, it may be due to time constraints or other reasons that it was not put into practice, which is indeed very regrettable.

Then it is reasonable and beneficial to the future of mankind to try and see if I can make up for this regret!

It is definitely not because I really want to help my "girlfriend"!

Yes! So I must stick to my position and use my position and ideas to convince her after meeting Hiltina!

If I can't convince her, then...

Convince her?

At the end of Lloyd's wild thoughts, he fell back on the "little secret" that Hiltina didn't tell him...

Although the dean didn't reveal anything, Lloyd has been with Hiltina for so long, so he can guess something.

Anyway, it must not be a problem of male and female emotions, otherwise the dean would definitely say it directly.

So the greater possibility should be the form of existence? Or... organizational structure?

In Lloyd's opinion, no matter how disappointing the current 0-006 is, its unconscious machinery is responsible for resisting mental pollution, and the conscious beautiful girl is responsible for restraining and controlling the operating mode, which is still worthy of recognition.

Lloyd could vaguely feel that Hiltina might have also borrowed this method...

Although he had no concrete evidence, he found that Hiltina could only show her beautiful figure in front of him when she was in his [Thinking Field], her boudoir, and when she occupied his [Projection].

Moreover, Hiltina in the eyes of outsiders met all human imaginations of saints;

But Hiltina in his arms met all his fantasies of "childhood sweethearts".

The difference between in front of people and behind people is difficult to be so clear...

Considering the mental states of several other saints, they are generally not optimistic...

So Lloyd thought of this.

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