I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 376 375 A suffocating city

Chapter 376 375. A suffocating city

"Anyway... I can't beat her no matter what I do, right?"

Hiltina said, looking like she was about to cry.

Lloyd felt very uncomfortable when he saw her sad and pitiful look. He quickly hugged her from behind, and gently stroked her round shoulders with his chin, and comforted her softly:

"How could it be? I definitely like Hiltina the most, and I trust you the most and need you the most."

He felt a little bit like a scumbag when he said this...

But Hiltina didn't seem to be so easy to fool, and asked with a slightly crying voice:

"What about Weiya?"


"What about that little vixen?"


"You are really a playboy who likes every girl you meet!"

Hiltina said, suddenly turned her head, and bit Lloyd's cheek fiercely.

"Ouch, ouch!"

Lloyd was in so much pain that tears were about to flow out. Hiltina hadn't cried yet, but he was about to cry.

Fortunately, Hiltina didn't bite too hard. After a few seconds, she let him go, but she still said angrily:

"It seems that I have to keep a close eye on you in the future, so that you won't go and mess around with other girls again!"

As she spoke, her beautiful face showed a look of loneliness and helplessness again, and she muttered softly:

"If there were no extraordinary people, no saints..."

Then, she sullenly went into Lloyd's arms, no longer speaking, but just hugged him tightly, as if afraid that he would run away.

Lloyd really didn't know what to say to comfort her at this time, and could only clumsily hug her delicate body and gently stroke her head with his chin.

After a long while, Hiltina managed to adjust her mood, as if she had reached some kind of reconciliation with herself, and whispered helplessly:

"I know I can't completely monopolize you, and I can't even marry you in a short time, but just like you instinctively like that little fairy, I have always instinctively liked you, so I really can't leave you..."

Lloyd listened, but couldn't help but be curious and asked:

"Why do you always say 'instinctively like'? Does this have any special meaning?"

Hiltina shook her head vigorously in his arms and whispered:

"Liking someone is an instinct, what special meaning can it have?"

"Is that so?"

Lloyd hesitated for a moment, but still didn't think deeply about it, and planned to accept Hiltina's explanation.

I don't want to think about it, or I don't dare to think about it...

Hiltina rubbed Lloyd's arms again, then sat up straight, kissed him hard a few times, and then said unwillingly:

"From the standpoint and consideration of the saint, as well as the millions of people in the City of Joy and the future of mankind, I can only agree that you go to help that little goblin, but I won't give up, and I won't let her succeed easily...

Lloyd, you must be mine, and always mine!"

She expressed her determination in this way, and finally hit Lloyd's chin heavily with her forehead, and then slowly disappeared, leaving only a ball of white dough that was not in human shape.

Lloyd was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief and wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

Alas...my 'childhood sweetheart' is really possessive...

Although it's not the first time I feel it, but this time it is particularly obvious...

If it weren't for the identity of the saint and the overall situation of mankind that bound my hands and feet, I'm afraid I would have eaten it all, right?

Can't everyone be my wings?

Lloyd shook his head helplessly, forcing himself to retract his thoughts and stop thinking about these emotional entanglements.

Anyway, as long as he sticks to his image as a pure young man who is fickle and doesn't become a scumbag who abandons his lover after having sex with her...

He then opened a portal, ran to report to the dean, and applied for his consent.

Dean Hazlade seemed to always sit behind that desk. Seeing Lloyd coming again, he took the initiative to ask:

"Did you have a fight?"


"I don't want to care about your private life. Human emotions are too far away for me, so I can't understand them now...But when I was a little assistant, there were several excellent girls who liked me."

"Well? So how did you choose in the end?"

"None of them."


"I was troubled by this for a long time. Finally, I made up my mind and chose one of them. But before I could develop further, the end of the world suddenly came...

At that time, I didn't have the ability to protect her, so I could only let her leave as a human being."

The dean spoke a sad past in a calm tone.

Although the expression was very implicit, Lloyd could still guess what the story of "leaving as a human being" was...

He couldn't help but fall silent.

The dean continued:

"Don't feel sorry for me. That happened a long time ago. I can't even remember her face and name now...

The reason I bring up the past is that I hope you can understand that you should not waste too much time on those emotional entanglements, otherwise you may never have the opportunity to worry about such problems in the future...

Since you still have hope to protect them now, it won’t be too late to choose after everything is settled. You don’t have to worry about them getting old. Mitzkatok has plenty of ways to keep people young forever. "

"Yes, I understand!"

Lloyd nodded vigorously. He was planning to put these emotional problems behind him and focus on developing and becoming stronger, but the dean continued to remind him:

"Remember to have a baby as soon as possible. I feel that you should be able to break through the fifth level soon, so offspring is really important to you."

Isn’t this...this...isn’t this contradictory to what you said before?

Can offspring and emotions be completely separated?

And how can such a thing be taken just because you want it?

Lloyd was simply powerless to complain. He really didn’t understand the dean’s train of thought.

But the dean seemed to be dissatisfied and continued to say:

"Do you want to find a way to solve it yourself, or do you need me to arrange it for you? "

"No... no need... I have my own way..."

Lloyd waved his hand quickly, feeling that the dean was definitely not a qualified emotional mentor, so he quickly changed the subject and talked about his plan with Professor Toledo again.

"Let's continue to talk about my first academic project, shall we?"

"Well... let me tell you the truth, even though you have never let me down, I still don't think it's good, so I thought about it for so long before, just wondering whether to persuade you to give up. "

"But... if you really give up completely, it would be a pity, right? Whether it is [Shelter] or 0-006, they should have developed into the backbone of our human civilization. "

"Yes, I think so too, so I finally agreed, didn't I?"

The dean said, and signed a document with a feather pen, and then continued:

"I have signed it, but as a project led by an associate professor and a young lecturer, I can't grant you too many credits and funds, you have to find a way yourself. "

"Okay, no problem, thank you... By the way, can I use my credits to apply for more funds?"

"Of course not, wouldn't you destroy our credit system?"

When you added 8 million credits to me in one go, you didn't say anything about destroying the system?

Lloyd complained in his heart, and heard the dean continue:

"You can learn from Toledo how to organize and operate a project, how to recruit personnel, and how to allocate credits and funds. You will definitely need to host your own projects in the future, so take this opportunity to accumulate more experience...

By the way, take advantage of this time and give yourself a child...If you are worried that no one will take care of the child, just let me take care of it."


You don't want to have a grandson, and it's not convenient for Hiltina to marry someone, so you use me as a scapegoat, right?

Lloyd complained in his heart again, but he could only say helplessly:

"Okay, okay, I know, please don't urge me..."

"That's good. ”

The Dean was satisfied with the end of the meeting and was ready to sign the document.

But Lloyd thought about it again and finally asked:

"By the way, I want to ask...what is 'instinctively liking'?"

"I haven't even been in a formal relationship, and you ask me this?"

"Sorry to bother you..."

Lloyd could only scratch a portal and run to find Professor Toledo.

As soon as the two met, Professor Toledo asked with a strange look on his face:

"Why are there teeth marks on your face?"

Lloyd touched his face and realized why the Dean asked if they had a fight just now...

"Nothing, my cat bit me. "

Lloyd casually threw the pot to the little cat, and then continued:

"The dean agreed to our project, but said that he could not provide much funding and credits..."

Professor Toledo did not care much about this, still smiled and replied:

"As expected... I thought it would be directly rejected. After all, no one would be optimistic about this attempt except you and me, two fools."

As he said, he reached out and knocked on the ugly mailbox in front of him, which was made of various metal scraps.

The mailbox then spit out a document, which was picked up by Professor Toledo.

"Hmm? The funding and credits are actually not bad, right? Although it can't be compared with the average level of the Space Department and the History Department, it is about the same as the normal situation of our Engineering Department. If we save some money, it will be enough for us to form a team of five to six people...

But it's getting late now, you should go back and rest first. I will further optimize the plan tonight and show it to you tomorrow. "

"Okay, but don't you need to rest? "

Lloyd asked again.

Professor Toledo smiled bitterly and pulled open the hem of his white coat, revealing a series of colorful medicines inside, neatly arranged like munitions.

"I am still in the observation period, and I cannot stop taking the medicine every day. One of the side effects of these things is that I can't sleep, and my energy is unusually abundant. "

"Well, this is really unfortunate..."

Professor Toledo is still so open-minded and optimistic, and smiled:

"Haha, how can this be said to be unfortunate? I'm lucky if you can rescue me from that hellish place and give me a chance to take medicine."


This night, Lloyd used the three-piece sleeping aid set he had redeemed, and the effect was really good. He slept soundly and soundly, without being disturbed by any weird murmurs at all, and he didn't even have any dreams.

But maybe I was sleeping so soundly that I didn’t even feel the presence of Hiltina next to me...

"Good morning~ Lloyd."

Hiltina blinked at Lloyd with a lazy smile as if she had just woken up. She seemed to have turned back into the sweet and lovely 'childhood sweetheart', completely undisturbed by yesterday's unhappiness.

"Good morning~Hildina."

Lloyd responded first, and then heard a series of ding-ding-ding prompts coming from his ears.

It seems that the process that was previously conducted in the [thinking field] was moved outside?

"Why do you suddenly want to change your approach?"

Lloyd asked curiously.

"I was afraid that the evil goblin would take advantage of me, so I decided to change my tactics."

Hiltina showed a cute and naughty smile, and then reminded:

"By the way, before going to the City of Joy, I suggest you visit Bayer first. He may have a way to give your project that is destined to fail a chance of success."

"Like this? Okay! Then I..."

Lloyd took out his pocket watch and checked the time, looking at what time it was outside.

It happens to be three o'clock in the afternoon, which is also a suitable time for afternoon tea?

"Is it appropriate to go over now?"

"Yes, you can do it anytime."

Lloyd kissed Hiltina, then climbed up from the bed, and was about to wash up, when he heard Hiltina ask again:

"Yesterday when the instructor was here, did he urge you to have a baby as soon as possible?"

"Huh??? How did you know?"

"Of course that's because he wrote a special letter to remind me about this and asked me to urge you to resolve this matter as soon as possible."

Hiltina showed a dumbfounded expression, and helplessly explained to the dean:

"The mentor has been in the academy for too long and has a different understanding of human emotions. You don't necessarily have to listen to him..."

As she said that, she stood up from the bed, put her loving eyes in her eyes, stretched out her hand to caress her chest, and continued:

"You see, haven't I always been single? Until you appeared in front of me."

Lloyd was blushing because of her charming eyes, and he nodded quickly and said:

"Okay, I understand. If that's the case, then I'm not in a hurry."

Hiltina's suggestion made him feel relieved, and he could finally meet the Saint of Knowledge with a relaxed attitude.

"Huh...there should be no problem with the clothes. Then Hiltina gave me the coordinates, so there must be no problem."

Lloyd adjusted his appearance in the mirror one last time, then stretched out his hand to open a portal.

After he passed through the portal, he found himself in a peaceful and peaceful town. He could see windmills, waterwheels, and waving wheat fields all around, creating a standard warm and simple pastoral style.

This made Lloyd stunned, thinking that the coordinates given by Hiltina were wrong.

How could a saint of knowledge live in a place like this?

But then he looked up at the sun in the sky and found that the time had returned to the early morning when the sun had just risen and the sunshine was gentle and warm?

What's going on?

Just when Lloyd was surprised, a gentle voice came from behind him:

"Is it Lloyd?"

Lloyd quickly looked back and found a simple farmer wiping the sweat from his forehead with one hand and carrying a hoe still stuck to the soil in the other, as if he was busy in the field and came over to say hello.

"You...oh no, you are..."

"Just call me Bayer. Please sit down wherever you like."

The simple farmer said, throwing away the hoe on his shoulder and sitting cross-legged on the spot.

Lloyd didn't quite understand the situation.

Before setting off, he imagined a lot of images of intellectual saints, including scholars in white coats, elite white-collar workers in suits, respected teachers, emperors on the throne, and even straitjackets. Psychopaths have imagined it.

But I never thought it would be like this...

I never thought that I would meet a saint on the field...

But fortunately, although Lloyd was surprised in his heart, he didn't appear too out of shape on the surface. He quickly imitated the other person's behavior and sat on the ground, and even reached out to touch a bunch of weeds next to him.

"This is...your [thinking realm]?"

Lloyd seemed to notice something.

"You can think of it this way, or you can think of it as a [story] without a plot."

"I see……"

Lloyd remembered that [Embodiment] originally extended from [Intellect], so it is reasonable for the Saint of Knowledge to be able to construct a [Story].

"Ah... I almost forgot... It's an honor to meet you, Your Majesty Bayer."

Lloyd quickly made up for the etiquette he almost forgot.

The Saint of Knowledge waved his calloused hands and replied in an easy-going manner:

"Don't be so formal, just treat me as an ordinary farmer and just chat casually... In fact, among the many roles I have played, I still like the current one the most. This is also the one before I got involved in the mysterious and supernatural. Look."

This made Lloyd couldn't help but take a closer look at the other party, and even boldly used [Probe]

[Exploration] actually produced results, but none of the attributes exceeded 3 points. He was simply an ordinary person.

In terms of appearance, he has nothing to do with being mysterious or aloof. He is just an ordinary farmer in his early thirties.

But the more this happens, the more it highlights his inscrutability. He can actually deceive [detection]?

And Lloyd still remembers Hildina saying that before he became a saint, he was still a mental patient?

The saint opposite seemed completely unaware of Lloyd's random thoughts, and actively asked:

"Have you been to the Quiet City before?"

“Not lucky enough”

Lloyd shook his head.

"Then why not let me take you around the city?"

The saint suggested, and then without waiting for Lloyd to respond, the scenery around the two of them blurred for a while, changing from an idyllic scenery to a slightly classical street.

The field where the two of them were sitting had turned into a shabby roadside bench.

Compared to the prosperous and brand-new shining city, this place looks at least thirty years older. Whether it is the uneven roads on the streets or the houses of different heights, they are not bright enough. On the contrary, they are full of The depth of history.

There were many pedestrians walking on the street, but there were no steam cars running around. Everyone was walking, and at the same time following some strange tacit understanding. They were all quiet and made no sound. Even the footsteps sounded like It was forcibly eliminated by some invisible force.

Maybe that’s where the name ‘Quiet’ comes from?

Then, the scene in front of Lloyd changed again, and he found himself on a towering clock tower, overlooking the entire city.

The scale here is far less than that of the dazzling city, and there is no liveliness and hustle and bustle. The whole city seems to be shrouded in an indescribable depression, which makes Lloyd frown.

The key is, there is really no sound, the whole city is so quiet that it is suffocating...

The only thing Lloyd could hear was the saint beside him asking:

"Would you like to visit some places of interest? For example, our museum?"

"Uh... no need, thank you for your kindness."

Lloyd quickly declined.

This city is really hard to live without the slightest interest in visiting...

Then his vision blurred again, and he returned to that pastoral town again.

In comparison, this place is more comfortable.

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