I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 384 383 Separate Actions

Chapter 384 383. Split up the action

Lloyd soon discovered that this so-called 'shelter management array' was really inhumane.

This guy can't read the air, but he also likes to interrupt, and he still puts his "mouth" directly in front of people's eyes, making it impossible to ignore his interruption...

But at the moment, Lloyd was still arguing with an AI, so he said in his heart:

"What's the situation now? Yan Yanjun?"

"A situation map is being presented to you."

The next second, a complete detailed map of the City of Joy appeared in front of Lloyd's eyes. It was marked with various words and symbols, and different blocks were painted with different colors. It could be zoomed in and out at will, which was quite a bit like playing a game. The feeling of a big map.

In this large area of ​​colorful and gaudy things, the two bright red skull marks are the most eye-catching, indicating some kind of major danger.

Two skulls are marked, one in the city and one far away outside the city.

This place in the city should be the out-of-control 'Miss Xie Bei Leda'; there is no need to explain the ones outside the city.

Near the two skull marks, there are a bunch of small green arrow symbols with more or less numbers attached to them.

According to the explanation of 0-006, this represents one's own and friendly forces, and the above value is its roughly estimated combat power value.

Lloyd took a closer look and found that his units with high combat power were basically near the skull on the periphery, and there were several thousands or even tens of thousands of friendly troops among them.

And near the skull in the city, there were only a few units with a dozen or so combat power points left.

In addition to the two most eye-catching skulls, there are still some flashing red areas, which are classified as high-risk areas where various vicious accidents may occur, including but not limited to panic, stampedes, large-scale Crime, mass insanity, etc.

But near these areas, there are almost no green arrows guarding them...

This was supposed to be the evacuation and gathering areas where people were densely packed, but it is not yet clear what happened, causing it to become extremely unstable.

Finally, there are some green and yellow areas that are not so dazzling. It is said that these are safe areas and low-risk areas.

There was no need for Lloyd to count the tiles. 0-006 very thoughtfully gave him the ratio parameters. The current ratio of risk areas and safe areas is infinitely close to 5:5...

Although there are still slightly more safe areas, nearly half of a city is on the verge of collapse. The situation is obviously so bad that it is difficult to save.

"Well, the situation is indeed unexpectedly serious, so what do you want me to help you with?"

0-006 did not answer directly, but gave Lloyd a long list of tasks, also distinguished by skulls, red, yellow and green, and then continued:

"This array does not have the authority to command you. It can only make a request for appeal and adjust the current personnel deployment according to the choice you made."

Does your NPC issue tasks? Then why aren't there any original stones and star stones?

Although Lloyd secretly cursed, he had to admit that this guy was at least more reliable than the group of old men who had huddled inside before.

At least he knows how to be humble and calm, unlike those old men who are arrogant and disgusting.

Living so old is worse than AI...

Lloyd cursed disdainfully again, and then dictated the current situation and the 'task list' to his companions.

Originally, he wanted to let 0-006 directly communicate with these people like himself, but the machine said stupidly:

"Insufficient permissions to accept the request."

It also refused to explain the specific reasons. Anyway, it seemed very cold and only wanted to communicate with Lloyd, forcing Lloyd to relay it with his mouth.

Fortunately, the project team was highly equipped and fully prepared. The bald mage quickly took out a map of the City of Joy from his pocket, then with a wave of his hand, he cleared away the drinks on the long table in front of him. It was replaced by a map.

Then, while listening to Lloyd's description, he wrote and drew on the map, as if he had often participated in such activities.

Then, the bald mage thought briefly, then pointed at the simple skull drawn by himself and said:

"Currently, it seems that the biggest crisis in the city must be resolved first. This 'skull' in your mouth is very close to the next safe zone."

Lecturer Randy on the side nodded, pointed at the red-painted danger zones, and expressed his opinion:

"But these places are also in urgent need of manpower to maintain order. There are too many people here...

And compared to other safe zones, their location is right in the middle area. Once something happens, it can easily spread to other safe zones, and then it will be all over. "

Lecturer Lille frowned and asked in a doubtful tone:

"But why do turbulence occur in these relatively inner areas first? Those places outside are much more stable?"

"Perhaps those evil forces are at work?"

Lloyd speculated, then paused and added:

"Well... 0-006 said it agreed. Although it currently lacks sufficient control over the situation in those areas, it has calculated and evaluated that some gangsters are making trouble in these places..."

After that, he pointed to the ‘skull’ outside the city and continued:

"And here, it's actually more dangerous. You should know the horror of the monster tide better than I do."

"In this case, we can only act separately..."

The bald mage frowned and said helplessly.

He obviously knew very well that there were only 10 people on his side who could take action, and these were still considered to be the delicate saint ladies. It was definitely unwise to spread the strength.

However, the situation is urgent and there is really no other way...

"I'll take two students here to have a look."

The bald mage said, pointing to the 'skull' on the outskirts of the city, and reminded him:

"That's the most dangerous place. Are there any volunteers?"

The seven top students present all stepped forward in unison.

"I'm coming! The City of Joy is my hometown!"

"I'll go too. I like danger and excitement the most."

"It's better for me to go, my strength is still better than yours!"

"Huh? It's hard to find a chance for me to shine. Why do you guys still want to steal it from me?"

Lloyd looked at them in high spirits from the side, and his heart was filled with enthusiasm, and he almost got involved himself.

Maybe...this is Mizkatok?

The bald mage seemed to have been used to this for a long time. He just smiled faintly, then casually nodded to two students and said:

"Okay, just the three of us will go and let me give you a practical lesson in magic."

Upon seeing this, lecturer Randy immediately pointed to the second ‘skull’ in the city and said:

"Then leave this place to me."

After that, he planned to call two volunteers, but Lloyd raised his objection:

"No, let me come here."

Then, he gave some indisputable reasons:

"As the only one from the space department here, I will be responsible for supporting you later. If I were asked to go to other places to maintain order, I would definitely have difficulty being distracted, so please leave this nearest and most convenient place to me. Just take care of a few monsters and I will be free to support you."

Lecturer Randy did not object, just nodded and said:

"Then I'll leave this place to you."

Although Lloyd was only at the third level in his opinion, after experiencing the last archaeological activity, no one dared to underestimate his third level.

After all, he is the recipient of the Medal of Outstanding Contribution. In terms of prestige and trust, Lloyd is probably not inferior to Professor Toledo who is still unconscious.

So two more top students followed and said:

"Lecturer Lloyd, let's cover you."


"The rest of you, please follow me and Lille to investigate the cultists."

Instructor Randy made the final division of labor, and then Lloyd calculated the corresponding spatial coordinates, and then opened a series of portals to send all the teammates out.

When it was finally his turn, a line of letters suddenly appeared in front of his eyes:

"Thank you for your generous help. At the same time, your understanding and mastery of space are beyond my think tank records. I am deeply impressed. I believe that in the future, you may be able to obtain first-level permissions."

"Stop imitating humans and saying these polite words, why don't you think about how you can help us?"

"Adopted, I will try to update my voice library."

No, why does this guy make people want to complain so much?

Lloyd quietly cursed again, and then prepared to follow the two top students through the portal.

But Eloro, who had been hiding aside timidly before, suddenly grabbed his arm.

"I'll go with you too!"

Lloyd hesitated for a moment, then nodded:


After that, everyone passed through the final portal, leaving Professor Toledo still unconscious.



"We are still...alive...save us..."

"Come here! Come here! I want to... drink honey water!"

In a spacious banquet hall, half-dead old men were lying scattered on the floor. Some of them could not survive and died quietly. Some of them were still in good health. They gradually woke up and began to act like before. Also call others to come and serve you.

Then everything was quiet, and no one paid any attention to them except for their own shouts.

So after calming down for a while, they gradually became irritable, and then regained some energy as if they were having a flashback, and began to curse and say:

"Damn! Is there no one alive here?"

"That damn little bitch actually hooked up with a wild man outside and came back to take revenge on us. Doesn't she know that her status and the respect she received were all rewarded to her by us?"

"I want to put that couple of bitches in jail! No! I want to send them to the guillotine with my own hands!"

"Damn Mizkatok, he actually took the opportunity to take away our power when we were at our weakest. Damn it! As long as I recover, I will definitely report their atrocities to other religious orders!"

"Haha, I think the religious groups in other cities will not be as easy to get along with as we are. They will take this matter seriously. They will never allow a remnant of the past life like Mizkatok to do whatever they want!"

"Yes! They will come to save us. We are the real controllers of the Order of Joy. We are very important. We will definitely survive!"

These people were lying on the ground and shouting like crazy, and then they heard a series of footsteps coming from outside, which made them even more excited.

"Here they come! Here they come! Someone is coming to save us!"

"Doctor! I need a doctor!"

Soon, the door of the banquet hall was pushed open, and a group of people wearing black tights and colorful human face masks filed in.

This is the Holy Grace Court of the Joy Cult, which is responsible for dealing with cult heretics.

As soon as they saw that it was their own people, the old men lying on the ground immediately regained their usual arrogance and began to give orders as usual:

"Okay! Our people are here!"

"Be careful of those Mitzkatok people! They must be arrested immediately!"

"Help me up! What are you still standing there for?"

The masked man in the lead stood motionless, holding a list in his hand. After checking it, he said in a judgmental tone:

"You have been dismissed from your posts by His Majesty the Saint for dereliction of duty, and at the same time, you have been ordered to be completely exiled for your stupidity and incompetence."

"What? Are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about? ”

“Who dares to dismiss me? Just because of that little bitch? She dares? You dare?”

“Hehe, you idiots, you actually listen to the orders of a little girl and go against us?”

The masked man in the lead shook his head helplessly, and said impatiently:

“It seems that you are the stupid ones. You have been completely abandoned by the Saint, and you can’t even receive orders from it...Okay, don’t waste time, exile completely, execute immediately!”

Originally, when they heard the punishment of exile, the old men still had a fluke, thinking that at least they could save their lives. As long as they survived the current danger, they might be able to make a comeback in the future.

But then they saw that several other masked men in black drew out the psychic blades at their waists and walked towards them.

“You...what are you going to do? Didn’t you say exile?”

An old man asked tremblingly, and then the next second, his throat was cut cleanly by the psychic blade that was buzzing.

Then the next one, and the next one...

They were seriously injured, and they could not offer any resistance except cursing and crying for mercy. Even the expression under the executioner's mask could not be seen.

In less than a minute, the banquet hall was completely quiet.

The masked man in the lead bowed slightly in a certain direction outside the window, and then said respectfully:

"Your Majesty, the complete exile of this group of incompetent insects has been completed."

Two seconds later, a line of subtitles appeared in front of him:

"Immediately go to the No. 2 high-risk area to assist Mizkatok's reinforcements in maintaining order and eliminating criminals."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Then, this team of masked men filed out and rushed to the next battlefield.


"Lecturer, there..."

An excellent student was lying on the edge of a roof, carefully pointing to a monster a few hundred meters away, and then wiped his forehead that had been completely wet by the heavy rain.

When facing unknown dangerous monsters, neither inspiration nor spiritual vision dare to be used recklessly, but the naked eye is the safest.

So after Lloyd and his party came to this residential building through the portal, they did not spread their inspiration to search everywhere, but chose a more cautious method and first determined the location of the monster with their naked eyes.

Lloyd was lying next to the top student, his body was also wet, and he quickly leaned out to take a careful look.

Sure enough, an indescribable humanoid monster was found, with its whole body wrapped in greasy and disgusting tentacles, and with the twisting and waving of the tentacles, it walked on the empty street, as if looking for something.

Under the pouring rain above, it looked a little blurry.

But it can still be roughly seen clearly. In addition to the general shape of the body still maintaining the outline of a human, some exposed human organs can be found on the back of the hands, chest, and back, but they are all tattered and incomplete, as if they were bitten by wild dogs.

[Ding~ Madness value +3]

Lloyd heard a panel prompt, which made him mutter to himself:

After having come into contact with AI with intelligence, it is indeed this simple and unpretentious prompt that makes people feel at ease and kind...

"Be careful, just looking directly with the naked eye will cause mental pollution. Just in case, I will activate a newly developed ability of the space system to help you share the mental pollution."

Lloyd whispered, and immediately used the [Consciousness Tentacles] to insert a "Aho-hair" on the foreheads of everyone present.

Of course, he did not forget his "girlfriend" lying on the other side of him. She was also drenched by the heavy rain like a kitten in the water. She clung to him tightly, her delicate body was still trembling slightly, and she seemed a little cold.

But she was very strong and clenched her teeth tightly, without any intention of retreating.

However, after discovering an extra "hair" on the top of his head, Ai Luo Luo seemed to have guessed what Lloyd was going to do, so he shook his head vigorously, as if to express that now was not the right time, and then reached out and rubbed his forehead a few times.

The [Consciousness Tentacles] that would not be ineffective no matter how others fiddled with them were actually removed by her just like that?

Maybe this is a saint?

"Lecturer, there are three more here."

Another top student whispered a reminder from the side and back of Lloyd.

Lloyd quickly moved closer, and sure enough he found three other monsters of the same style in the rain.

Then, the whereabouts of the other two were discovered one after another.

"Go into the building first, be careful."

Lloyd waved to everyone again, and then led them back to the house where they had just been teleported, taking shelter from the rain for a while and discussing the next tactics.

"There are six monsters in total, and they are the kind that don't look easy to deal with. They don't seem to have any obvious target. They are just approaching another settlement area, and the speed is not too fast."

One of the top students summed up the situation first, then took the towel that Lloyd took out from the storage bag and simply wiped his face.

Lloyd also distributed towels to others, and finally took one himself, wiped his head vigorously with Elolo in his arms, and discussed seriously:

"This kind of thing reminds me of a kind of monster I dissected before - the karma demon..."

"Huh? Isn't that the kind with a risk level of 7?"

One top student's eyes suddenly widened and he didn't even bother to wipe his head.

"Yes, I also agree with Lecturer Lloyd's judgment."

Another top student was leaning against the window, secretly observing the nearest monster, and continued:

"I studied these things when I obtained my graduation degree in Biology and Monster Studies. I am very familiar with them. The disgusting smell is absolutely unmistakable!

But they are somewhat different from the karma demons I have observed before, mainly in terms of body shape and behavioral patterns——

They are too 'thin' and too quiet. If they are normal karma demons, they will not walk along the streets obediently like this. Instead, they will roar, emit terrifying mental pollution, and then destroy everything in front of them...

So what's going on with them? "

"One possibility is that they are man-made and controlled to a certain extent."

Lloyd said in a slightly hesitant tone, but actually he knew the answer in his heart.

The last time he rescued Elolo, he discovered that those 'Miss Xie Beileda' had the smell of karma demons...

The abnormal behavior of these karma demons on the street basically confirmed his statement.

"What? Man-made karma demon? This..."

The honors student with the graduation etching of Monsterology suddenly opened his eyes wide, suppressed the urge to exclaim, and asked in a low voice:

"Are those people crazy? Are they even trying to get their hands on this kind of power?"

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