I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 390 389 The enemy has become cunning

Chapter 390 389. The enemy has become cunning

At this time, on the outskirts of the City of Joy, tens of thousands of monsters were divided into three groups. Following the guidance of a unique smell, they gradually gathered towards an empty town.

Viewed from a high altitude, it looks like three dark streams merging into a pond.

Although it cannot be compared with the larger wave of monsters later, this order of magnitude is enough to destroy the under-defended City of Joy.

And on the back of one of the extremely large rhinoceros-shaped monsters, there was a young waiter sitting cross-legged. He was looking up, closing his eyes, letting the rain wash away, and then sniffing hard, as if he was trying to distinguish the air. in taste.

"I smell fear and despair, mixed with hesitation and doubt... Hehe, humans are indeed the ugliest creatures in the world, and they are as arrogant as ever. They naively think that their stupid strategies will always work."

The waiter spoke in a masculine voice, reached out and patted the monster under him, urging it to go faster, and continued:

"So it only takes a little guidance to make their defense vulnerable."

After that, he reached out and fiddled with the air, and a water curtain appeared in front of his eyes, which showed the situation in the three towns on the front line.

It can be clearly seen that the Joyful Cult has discovered the strange movement of the monsters, which caused considerable chaos in the originally well-prepared defense line. They have no idea how to deal with this group of monsters that suddenly bypassed the defense line.

They wanted to send strong men to pursue them, but they were afraid that the defense line would be lost; but if they were not stopped, the City of Joy behind them would be devastated and all life would be ruined.

The witch who looked like a waiter could even hear the quarrels through some secret arrangements:

"Let me go! My wife and children are still in the city! Let me go back! Even if I am alone!"

"Shut up! Don't waver in the defense line! This is an order from the Saint!"

"But if we let these monsters pass, what's the point of our persistence?"

"Hold on! Don't waver! If a larger wave of monsters is allowed to take shape, then not only the City of Joy will be destroyed."

"Are we going to have to sacrifice our lives for other cities?"

"Not other cities, but human civilization as a whole."

"Fuck civilization, I haven't lived enough! I don't want to lose my life in this damn place."

"Everyone, please calm down. Hope is not completely lost. The monsters in the back don't seem to be smarter. Only the ones that go around suddenly become a little special. As long as we can resist the ones in the back, there is still a chance to resolve the wave of monsters. !”

"Yes! There are people from other cities, they will come to help us, and their saints will come to save us!"

"Haha, death is imminent, and you are still waiting for someone to save you? What about our own saint?"

"Alas... Who said we are from the [Asylum] system? We followed the weakest saint and lived in the worst city... We can't escape, we can't even escape..."

The witch admired with great interest the ugly appearance of human beings at this time, with an expression of enjoyment on her face.

"Haha, it's useless. No matter how you respond, I can easily resolve it. In front of the great power from the mistress, everything you do is just the struggle of ants, making people laugh...

It's a pity that my control over the power of the mistress is still too immature and I can only affect these 50,000 little cuties. Otherwise, I don't need to go around in circles with you. "

The waiter-looking witch said disdainfully, waved her hand to disperse the water curtain in front of her, stood up from the monster's back, and looked at the empty town not far away.

"Hmph~ You ran away pretty fast, but how long can you run away? Hurry up, little cuties! Go drink human blood!"

Following his urging, the three monsters that bypassed the defense line accelerated their pace and turned into three rapidly rushing streams, quickly occupying the outer area of ​​the town.

Then, the witch ordered the monsters to slow down a little, waiting for those behind to catch up, and then gather into an irresistible wave to attack the hinterland of the City of Joy.

"Hehe, I wonder if they have solved the unrest in the city? But even if they have solved it, it doesn't matter. They will soon discover that everything we do in the city is just to tease and fool them. How can we really destroy this city? The power of growing a city is in my hands from beginning to end.”

The witch said to herself, then looked back, roughly estimated the size of the monster, and wanted to plan the time.

But in his ears, he suddenly heard a rather special sound.


That was the sound of a cannonball piercing the air.

"Oh? There's still sporadic resistance? It surprises me, but it's still just a stupid struggle. It's just a few cannonballs. There's no way..."

Before the witch could finish her words, she was interrupted by several violent explosions.


Following a thunderous roar, the entire ground began to tremble slightly, splashing out large amounts of mud and smoke, mixed with a large number of monster residues and debris, and covering the temporary gathering point of the monsters.

"How can this... be so powerful? Is it a secret weapon of mankind?"

The witch's expression froze slightly.

The four previous shells killed at least a hundred monsters...

He was quite familiar with the various hot weapons of humans, especially the weapons of the City of Joy, and was very clear about the damage effect that a shell could cause.

Artillery may be very useful for monsters with low danger levels, but it is difficult to shake from the danger level 3.

In order to ensure the team's marching speed and combat effectiveness, the witch's "Direct Attack on Huanglong" was specially screened. Most of them were monsters with danger level 3 or above, which was equivalent to an elite army of monsters.

This inevitably led to the fact that the danger level of the monsters behind was not high enough, and they could not put too much pressure on the defense line.

So if humans can look at the situation from a certain omniscient perspective, they will find that the best way to deal with it now is to take the initiative to attack and first eliminate the relatively weak monster groups behind, so that the monsters rushing from farther places can't find the direction and fall into chaos, thereby completely blocking the gathering of the monster tide,

and then turn around to eliminate this group of monsters that have gone deep alone, and this crisis can be eliminated.

But this also means that the defenseless City of Joy will face the looting of tens of thousands of monsters, and countless people will die...

Even if the monster tide is finally eliminated, it is almost the same as losing.

So the witch who looks like a waiter firmly believes that no human can make such a choice.

But if she is stubbornly blocked by humans and cannot rush into the city, then it will obviously be another ending...

The witch is very clear about the consequences, so she immediately issued an order:

"Find the location of those artillery!"

So hundreds of flying monsters broke away from the main force and searched for the artillery positions from the sky.

The humans didn't let them wait any longer, and soon a second round of four shells covered them, hitting the area with the most concentrated monsters.

For a while, the flying limbs and colorful blood plasma dyed the area that was originally a train station bright.

Only four shells have a killing effect that hundreds of artillery can't produce.

But those flying monsters also locked onto the source of the shells at the same time and flew rapidly towards the other end of the town.

"Heh~ It's not a big problem. As long as I get rid of this powerful secret weapon, I can still control the situation!"

The witch said to herself.

However, what responded to him was the third round of firepower coverage...

This time, even the witch herself flew into the sky in a violent explosion, but only the upper body, the lower body had completely turned into powder.

However, for creatures like them, the body is just a set of containers. Losing the lower body will not endanger life, but will affect the action.

So the witch still has the energy to continue to talk to herself:

"Damn! Why is the power of this shell so great? And it... is actually attached with extraordinary power?"

"Also! Haven't I found the position of the artillery? Why didn't I get rid of the enemy?"

What answered him was the fourth round of firepower coverage, which still only had four shells, but it could still produce the effect of hundreds of heavy artillery.


"Hahaha! This is so cool!"

Lloyd laughed excitedly while rubbing his hands back and forth on a palm-sized shell, giving it extraordinary power.

Then he loaded the shell into a weapon that looked like a mortar next to him, and then started to deal with the next shell.

The two fearless top students who came with him were doing the same thing.

At this time, they were guarding a relatively high hillside, and there were hundreds of monster corpses scattered nearby, all of which were flying monsters that had pounced on them before.

Lloyd had long expected that there would be a surprise attack by such monsters, so he covered the range of [Distorted Realm] to the maximum from the beginning, covering this hillside.

When those flying monsters approached, he directly distorted their perception and could only run around like headless flies.

Then Lloyd released his inspiration to the maximum extent, locked more than a dozen at a time, and launched physical distortion to eliminate them.

He actually wanted to lock on to more, destroy more at once, or let the [Distorted Realm] cover a wider range.

Only 300 points of [Inspiration], this is already the limit...

It was the first time that Lloyd felt that inspiration was not enough?

As for Professor Toledo, he was holding something like a rangefinder and aiming at the distance.

According to the guidance of the device in his hand, the mortar clamped on the ground did not need to be controlled by human hands, and adjusted its direction automatically with him, and then fired.

"Hit the bull's eye! Hahaha! My artillery skills are really unparalleled in the world! No wonder the women in my hometown call me a little steel cannon!"

Professor Toledo burst into excited cheers again.

Under several rounds of extremely accurate and extremely powerful firepower coverage, the nearly 1,000 monsters that gathered first suffered a head-on blow and were blown to pieces. Even the monsterologists could not tell them apart.

Although the shells are small in size, the power of the explosion is not inferior to the large-caliber heavy artillery on Earth. It is very enjoyable to explode.

It can also be covered with extraordinary power to further enhance its power. Under the control and guidance of Professor Toledo, it has extremely high accuracy and each shot can fall on the area where monsters are most concentrated.

So a small-scale mortar position consisting of only four people blew up the monsters that were still gathering behind them, forcing them to stop temporarily and not dare to move closer.

"Professor? Why don't you continue?"

Lloyd asked impatiently after loading another shell.

Professor Toledo quickly put on a pair of special telescopes, observed the movements of the monsters, and then replied with a curse:

"The range is not enough... These cowards dare not approach! Damn it, I should have designed the cannon to be bigger...

Wait! They are changing their direction of travel, intending to bypass our position, and they have also dispersed their formations and are no longer so densely packed together."

After hearing this, Lloyd couldn't help but frowned,

"Sure enough, there is a witch commanding them, ordinary monsters can't be so smart."

Another top student also said anxiously:

"This is troublesome, there are only four of us, we can't cover too wide a distance, and they will be bypassed!"

And Professor Toledo also brought another bad news:

"Not good! They have become smart again and started to approach us in small groups."

"This... Do we still have enough shells?"

Another top student asked in a low voice.

Professor Toledo frowned and asked:

"There are definitely enough shells, but what about your spiritual power?"

"This... I can drink medicine."

The top student said, and quickly poured tons of medicine into his mouth, and the other top student did the same.

In order to make the shells have the same power and range as before, the spiritual power injected into them must be no less. After the previous few rounds, most of their spiritual power has been consumed.

Lloyd can still hold on for a while, but it is impossible to hold on forever.

Besides, he had dealt with hundreds of flying monsters alone before, and the consumption was also very large...

On the other hand, the enemy adjusted so quickly after being hit by a club at the beginning. Obviously, they are also extremely cunning and difficult to deal with. At the same time, they have an absolute advantage in numbers and have sufficient tolerance.

Lloyd, on the other hand, still had to worry about how to stop the monsters that were bypassing him...

Professor Toledo was relatively calm, and quickly said:

"Don't panic, don't panic, the situation is not too bad, the academy should send a medical team to support us soon, we just need to hold on to this direction!"

What's the point of sending a medical team at this time? To collect the bodies?

Lloyd couldn't help but complain in his heart.

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