I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 393 392 The Effect and Cost of Miracles

Chapter 393 392. The effect and cost of miracles

[Ding~ Madness value +800]

Lloyd: “???”

He had already returned to the academy and was forced to rest on the bed, but suddenly received such a panel prompt?

Where did this come from?

So neat, like the mental pollution after the monster died, but 800 points means the danger level is 8, this is a very exaggerated big guy, Lloyd doesn’t remember killing this level of monsters...

Wait... Could it be a witch?

It was not killed by the medical team, but died from its own [Incomplete Miracle]?

Lloyd probably guessed the truth and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Huh~Good luck, the witch almost escaped...

Speaking of this ghost thing, although the combat power is not very strong, the danger level is definitely high enough, and it is extremely cunning. Just two of them can threaten the safety of a city, and there is the "mistress" behind them as a backer and support.

Lloyd had truly understood the danger level of the witch this time. She was definitely worthy of the level 8. He even felt that it was a bit conservative and should be rated higher.

Danger level is not equal to body size and frontal combat power.

Like this time, if it weren't for the legacy of the former dean, it would be hard to say what the final outcome would be...

However, [Miracle Magic] is really strong! Even if it is incomplete, it is so strong that it is hard to understand.

Lloyd was lying on the hospital bed, and he didn't even rush to add the attribute points obtained by upgrading. Instead, he was fully recalling the feeling when he released [Incomplete Miracle] before.

How to describe it?

It's like dominating everything and ruling everything?

Although it was only a short moment, it still makes people feel excited and yearning when they think about it afterwards.

Maybe this feeling is the ultimate pursuit of mystery and transcendence?

A slightly strange idea popped up in Lloyd's mind, and then he shook his head slightly.

Unfortunately, there is only one chance to perform a [Miracle], and the cost is a bit high...

On the current panel, the skill [Incomplete Miracle] has become gray and cannot be used.

[Miracle] must be accompanied by a [cost], even if it is ‘incomplete’.

And this time, the [cost] that Lloyd paid was the [Blood of the Supreme] in the storage bag

That is, the unique bloodstains that he found at the risk of his life during the last archaeological activity.

This thing is so precious that it is no exaggeration to say that it is unique. It can be regarded as the most valuable thing in Lloyd's storage bag.

As a result, it was all gone in an instant...

And the [cost] is not just that, the ‘recycling bin’ in his mind has also been emptied, and all those messy and useless fragments have been paid as [cost].

This means that the power of his current [Offensive Speech] skill will be greatly reduced...

But if you think positively, your mind will be much more relaxed, and you will feel comfortable with an empty mind.

As for the result of paying these [prices], that is, the specific effect of this [miracle]...

It is a little complicated to explain in detail, but to put it simply, it is to use the characteristics of [distortion] to change the spatial rules of an area, so that the space does not allow witches to exist.

It can be regarded as a [distortion] of rules, laws, and laws, or a forced modification.

That's probably it, right? In fact, even Lloyd himself is a little hazy and vague about it, and he doesn't know much about it, and his mind lacks sufficient understanding of this skill...

It feels that the field and level of "rules" are difficult for me to understand and touch now.

As for what is "rule"?

This can be a very simple and superficial concept, but also a very profound and obscure concept.

Some objective existences, natural laws that are not subject to human will and can be understood and accepted by humans, can be regarded as rules, such as sunrise and sunset, spring flowers blooming, or people will die if they are killed.

Some objective existences that are difficult for humans to accept and understand are also rules, such as why 1+1 equals 2? For example, why can birds fly? For example, why would killing monsters lead to mental pollution?

In short, Lloyd didn't really understand what the 'rules' were exactly? And how many rules there were, he could only roughly feel that this thing might involve the operation and existence of the entire world.

Perhaps even those higher-level beings, such as the Supreme, the descendants of the evil god, and even the gods themselves, would find it difficult to master all the rules.

If one of the rules could be mastered, perhaps it could be dominated.

If all the rules of a certain field could be mastered, perhaps everything in it could be dominated...

Perhaps this is the 'ruler' and the 'master'?

After Lloyd's wild thoughts, he pulled his thoughts back to the final effect after activating the [Miracle].

Although he couldn't be completely sure, he could roughly feel that the high-ranking witch mistress, that is, the fish-shaped moon seen in the illusion, should not be able to come to harm the world in a short time.

This witch mistress does not exist in the world, and should be hiding in a distant space, but she is obviously extremely powerful and noble. She not only has the power to control space, but also touches higher dimensions, and has a deep understanding and mastery of the "rules".

If nothing unexpected happens, it is at least a "ruler" level existence...

At that time, it must have modified or affected the rules of that space, making the space it controlled a special area where "human technology is not allowed to exist".

Then through some special space control means, this special area was projected from another dimension to Lloyd and others, forming a kind of space overlap in different dimensions, which made their equipment unusable.

After Lloyd launched the [Miracle], he [distorted] the rules of this special area into "not allowing witches to exist", and the witch mistress happened to be in it, which in turn formed a kind of cage, temporarily trapping the other party in it, forming a kind of sealing and suppression effect.

Some kind of magical "self-entrapment" effect...

Perhaps the high-ranking mistress never expected that the few humans who were as tiny as ants in her eyes would also have the ability to perceive space and modify rules.

Although this is not enough to kill this witch mistress who may have touched a higher dimension, it should be able to keep her busy for a while.

As for how long this can last, it depends on how powerful this mistress is...

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