I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 396 395 Just wait for the results to be shared

Chapter 396 395. Just wait and share the results

Lloyd and Professor Toledo took a special elevator, like the one used in coal mines, all the way down.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that the elevator shook slightly and stopped.

"So deep..."

"After all, when we first excavated this place, we detected a strange energy reaction emanating from below. People at the time thought it was some kind of high-energy ore..."

Professor Toledo said a little funny, and then he couldn't wait to manually open the elevator door.

Before coming down, Lloyd had imagined what the 0-006 hangar would look like. It might be a sci-fi futuristic style like a space laboratory, but the scale would be much larger, and there would be blade servers everywhere inside. Yes, all kinds of colorful lights are flashing.

I wonder if it can be used as a server for Krypton Gold mobile games?

But when he got out of the elevator, Lloyd saw a rusty airtight door. Even the valve on it was completely rusted and could not be turned.

"Damn it, how long has it been since this place was maintained? Fortunately, I was prepared..."

As Professor Toledo spoke, he took out a pair of huge needles from his arms, pushed out some strange viscous liquid, and dripped on the bolts of the valve.

Following a strange "sizzling" reaction, the rust on it slowly fell off, and the door could finally be opened.

Then there was another tooth-aching sound of metal friction, and 0-006's true appearance was finally exposed in front of the two of them.

There were actually several groups of metal cans several meters high connected together, and they looked like the kind of sealed cans used to store chemical substances.

And the space we were in had nothing to do with the future or science fiction. It was basically a larger mine. It was dirty and messy everywhere, and the air quality was extremely bad.

"I hope there's still electricity here. I don't want to be observing and studying with my psychic vision all the time."

Professor Toledo continued talking and found a distribution box on the wall next to him. After a while of fussing inside, with a flash of electric sparks, the sound of the exhaust fan finally started to sound, and the surrounding lights also lit up. A dim light.

"Aren't the conditions here a bit too bad?"

Lloyd couldn't help but ask.

"Let's make do. Do you know how much it costs to make such a deep place beautiful and comfortable?"

Professor Toledo asked with a smile, and then took out a lot of devices and equipment from his storage bag, trying to set up a temporary workshop.

Lloyd couldn't help him much, so he didn't bother him. He walked to the large sealed jars, curiously reached out and touched them, and then asked in his mind:

"What's in this?"

A line of subtitles appeared before his eyes, replying:

"A liquid medium with simple thinking computing capabilities, as well as some computing units based on ancient magic technology."

"Okay, this is a bit out of line for me..."

Lloyd smiled and asked in his mind:

"Then where are the units that failed and need to be repaired that you mentioned before?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a "big map" appeared in front of his eyes. There were many wrench-shaped icons marked on it, which should indicate places that needed repairs.

But these places are not in this mine at all, but are scattered in other areas of the city, and some even ran outside the city...

Moreover, these icons are densely packed, probably no less than a hundred places, and it is almost impossible to repair them with the limited manpower of the project team.

I'm afraid this is no longer in disrepair. It's more like being basically scrapped...

"Isn't this a little... too broad? Too much?"

"This is the result of the array having given up some relatively unimportant components."

"Okay...then can you...change to a more intuitive way? Let me see what you look like intact? The pile of written information you stuffed in before makes my eyes hurt. "

"Of course, we will present to you the initial design expectations of this array."

As this line of subtitles appeared, Lloyd suddenly had a 'hallucination' in front of his eyes, as if he had instantly arrived in a beautiful, clean, peaceful, and prosperous city.

The streets below were clean and tidy, with exquisite and elegant small buildings of different styles neatly lined up on the roadside. Various people with vague faces were walking around, making bursts of laughter.

Then, Lloyd's vision was instantly raised, as if he was high in the sky, overlooking the city below.

The entire city is planned in an orderly and uniform manner, presenting an artistic beauty.

The area it covers is even more vast, about the size of two shining cities, and can accommodate hundreds of millions of people.

In the relatively outer areas, there are large industrial areas that provide the city with various living needs.

As for the outermost perimeter, there is a giant city wall hundreds of meters high, forming a standard circle to protect the entire city.

Various self-operating artillery and firearms can also be seen on the city walls, as well as the mechanical soldiers who control them. Only a small number of humans are needed to make command decisions to resist various attacks by monsters.

Lloyd's perspective changed again. He walked into thousands of households and saw their life, medical care, and education that were more advanced and comfortable than those on Earth.

Finally, he "came" to the city center here. In a gorgeous hall, he saw a mature, steady, elegant and dignified Ai Luoluo, who was enjoying the opera below while issuing administrative orders to control the development direction of the city.

Seeing this, Lloyd couldn't help but say in his heart:

"Where does your place look like a doomsday shelter?"

A line of subtitles appeared in front of him:

"The designer of this array hopes to create such a doomsday paradise through this array. Of course, during the actual operation, it encountered many unexpected changes, resulting in a little distance from the original idea."

You are afraid it is not "a little distance", right? Ideals and reality are not so far apart...

Lloyd secretly complained.

Although it is outrageous, we have to admit that such a paradise is indeed beautiful. If such a day can really come, it will naturally be great.

I just don't know when he went there...

Lloyd couldn't help but smile, and then said in his heart:

"Let's focus on the reality first... We definitely can't really fix you here, but we can find a way to fix you and then teach it to the people in your sect."

"Yes, your suggestion is the most reasonable path."

"Then you might as well open up more permissions to Professor Toledo and provide them with more information. They are professionals in this field, and I am just here to help."

"Assessment, your suggestion has a high reference value, and the permissions of the professor you mentioned have been increased."

As soon as the subtitles in front of him showed these words, Professor Toledo next to him suddenly exclaimed:

"Huh? How did my authority rise to level 5? And they stuffed me with a lot of information? This mechanical brain finally got it? Uh... No, I'm not disrespecting you, I'm just stating the facts, you are indeed a mechanical brain?"

"Okay, okay, I won't say it anymore... Let me see what needs to be repaired? Hmm? Why so much? No... I don't... I don't dislike it! I'm not afraid of difficulties!"

Lloyd was watching Professor Toledo's "talking to himself" and it was a bit funny.

In this way, his first project topic should be on the right track, right?

It's a pity that he can't help much in specific academic research. After asking Professor Toledo, the other party only needs him to help gather the other members of the project team as soon as possible, and he doesn't need to worry about the rest. Go and accompany Eloro.

Just don't kidnap her again...

He also told Lloyd not to worry, when the results are out, whether it's credits, reputation, or paper signatures, he will be indispensable.

But Lloyd was still a little dissatisfied, saying that he was here to do research, not to date girls, so how could he leave everyone in the project team and go pick up girls?

As a result, Professor Toledo listed dozens of books and works related to engineering, as if he was calling out the menu, and asked Lloyd to read and understand them first, and then he could participate in the research.

Uh... Then I'd better go play with Ailolo...

Lloyd successfully "backed down in the face of difficulties".

He then went back to the college, gathered the other people who were resting here, and sent them to Professor Toledo's temporary workshop, and helped them apply for higher permissions.

The rest of the things, just wait for the final distribution of results.

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