I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 43 43 Nothing more than that

Chapter 43 43. Nothing more than that

The [bottleneck period] of an extraordinary person is a common phenomenon, which generally manifests as stagnant strength, inability to master abilities, difficulty in acquiring knowledge, etc.

The reasons for the bottleneck are also many and complex. It may be that the ability that can be mastered at this stage has come to an end, and it is necessary to "detach" again and go to a deeper level of the system; it may also be that the mental state is poor, the learning ability is poor, and you are unable to master more. knowledge and abilities.

When we had dinner together before, Wei Ya mentioned that she encountered a bottleneck three years ago, and later adjusted her mentality through swordsmanship. It took a long time to gradually overcome it.

But that was something she only encountered after becoming a transcendent for several years. It is probably rare for someone like Lloyd to encounter a bottleneck within a month of starting.

"My situation should be the first one. I need to undergo [transcendence] to find a breakthrough, but the system I am in...sigh~ Why did I go astray in the first place?"

Lloyd was sitting in his single office, flipping through the "Overview of the Extraordinary System" in his hand and summarizing in a low voice.

Although the formal promotion ceremony has not yet been held, he is already performing his duties as an executioner in advance and executing -3-level monsters every day. He can naturally enjoy the benefits of this position. Not only does he have a room similar to Wei Ya's The standard single-person office allows you to borrow books from the library and read them, which is much more convenient and comfortable.

After reading for a while, Lloyd closed the book and asked himself:

"Can I just try to get involved in the [veto] system? Make a twist to save the country?"

According to the introduction in this book, it is not uncommon to get involved in two extraordinary systems at the same time, but that is mostly the choice made by high-ranking extraordinary people when they are really 'desperate' -

After these powerful people have [transcended] 7 or 8 times in the original system, it is too difficult to go further. They have broken away from the scope of hard work and entered the stage of fighting for talent and luck. The difficulty is no less than ten consecutive perfections. Five stars in life.

For this reason, they have to try other systems and seek a kind of 'resonance' or 'complementarity' to achieve a breakthrough.

But this is a very risky move even for high-ranking bosses. In today's context, the more knowledge you receive, the faster you are likely to go crazy.

Lloyd is not afraid of going crazy, but he is a little afraid of the veto saint...

According to the book, when you learn the various knowledge and abilities of the [Veto] system, you will have a special connection with the saint, and you will be observed and noticed at any time. It is a bit like being in a classroom and you are a student below. , the saint is the teacher above.

Although the Saint is not a god and cannot notice everyone, no one knows whether she will notice herself.

Once a flaw is exposed in front of her and his identity is exposed, it may not end well, and he may not even be given a chance to explain...

"It seems that the idea of ​​​​saving the country through curves is not stable. Let's think about it again."

Lloyd finally shook his head and looked at a set of silver-gray uniforms hanging in the corner of the office.

There will be a formal promotion ceremony tomorrow, which will be presided over by the presiding judge who is indistinguishable between humans and ghosts. He needs to put on this new uniform to attend and officially become an executioner.

Instead of feeling excited, Lloyd was worried about the future.

"If you want to survive in the Holy Inquisition in the future, you probably won't be able to do it without contacting the [veto] system. It may be fine in the short term, but it's hard to say if it takes a long time..."

"For now, it's better to calm down and keep adding more. Maybe one day you'll get a surprise?"


That night, Lloyd practiced swordsmanship as usual and didn't prepare to go home until the sun went down.

Although there are no skill fragments, the effect of strengthening the body is still there, and it is worth practicing.

He went to take the subway home, but as soon as he reached the entrance of the cave, he heard a series of coughing and vomiting sounds.

Immediately afterwards, there was another roar full of madness and despair...

Did this filthy subway finally kill someone?

The first reaction in Lloyd's mind was this.

The next second, he saw a figure staggering out of the hole.

The man was wearing a black uniform of a priest, and his body was still within the scope of a normal human being, except that the entire head was split in two along the middle of the eyebrows and the tip of the nose, and a lot of wildly twisting tentacles came out of it.

Out of control person...

When the other party saw Lloyd, he was like a traveler seeing a treasure chest. He let out a piercing scream and rushed towards him quickly.

Behind him, there was a man dressed as a hunter from the Holy Court, who was holding on to the wall and dragging himself out with difficulty. When he saw the out-of-control man rushing towards Lloyd, he quickly shouted:

"Cough cough cough cough! Run! Cough cough cough cough cough..."

As he spoke, he reluctantly raised the flintlock gun in his hand, pointed it at the back of the out-of-control man, and pulled the trigger.

Unfortunately, the accuracy was so poor that I couldn't even trace the edge. I could only watch the out-of-control person rush in front of Lloyd and cursed anxiously:

"Damn it...cough cough...why don't you run? Ahem...are you scared to death?"

Lloyd did not dodge, but still stood there, as if he was really frightened.

But his right hand had already grasped the dagger at his waist, adjusted it to the best angle, and casually said some vulgar words:

"Beep beep beep~"

The person who lost control suddenly froze on the spot, motionless, and even the scream that could spread mental pollution stopped.

Lloyd used [Offensive Words], and the effect was outstanding!

While the other party was stunned, Lloyd drew out the short sword at his waist, injected spiritual power, and made circles of ripples on the blade.

Then he took a half step forward skillfully, turned sideways, bent over, lowered his shoulders, and turned his body to lift.

A silver arc of light cut through the darkness and passed by the out-of-control person.

A bright red blood line instantly appeared on the out-of-control person's body, extending diagonally from the ribs to the shoulders.

Accompanied by a burst of blood mist, the upper body that had been transformed into a monster slowly slid to the ground, and the lower body that barely maintained a human form slowly knelt down, as if confessing to Lloyd.

Lloyd took the opportunity to sheath the sword, then slowly shook his head, revealing a slightly disappointed expression.

"Even without the suppression of the ritual, it's just like this. This one strike is enough to solve it..."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he pulled out the dagger again and stabbed the half of the upper body that had been alienated a few more times. He then used his inspiration to confirm that there was no sign of life at all, and then he felt relieved.

Although this kind of out-of-control person who has just fallen has not completely alienated into a monster and his vitality is not that tenacious, he must not be given the slightest chance to revive!

After all, his daily job is to finish off the enemy.

Thanks to Tornado Lao Deng for the 100 points

Thanks to Hypothesis for the 300 points

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