I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 440 439 Are you afraid of getting a serious illness?

Chapter 440 439. Are you afraid of contracting a serious illness?

Uh... This question is so complicated, and it also involves the mysterious philosophical level, and there is no standard answer at all?

Lloyd also questioned the former dean's explanation, and could only think of one answer:

I can't tell, I really can't tell...

But as long as it is confirmed that the other party is not a plot NPC, then we can continue to chat.

So Lloyd said:

"Well, this question is really not important... Then can you... still be resurrected now?"

The former dean smiled evilly and asked back:

"Do you think it would be a good thing for humans if I really resurrected?"


"Haha! Of course it can't be a good thing. As handsome as me, once I resurrect, you won't be able to find a girlfriend in the future, right?"

No... Can you be more serious in front of students?

Forget it, this guy must be mentally ill, and I can't argue with a mental patient...

Lloyd was speechless for a while, but he said patiently:

"The current situation of mankind is indeed not optimistic, the prospects are bleak, and there is little hope."

Perhaps because it involves such a serious topic as the future of mankind, the former dean finally became a little serious and said:

"I know, or rather, I have foreseen it... In fact, you can persist until now, and re-develop a new civilization and evolve a new power system, which has far exceeded my expectations. It's a pity..."

As he said, he pursed his lips, shrugged his shoulders, and finally sighed:

"These are useless, it's just in vain..."

"Ah? This..."

Lloyd's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

But the next second, the former dean laughed again:

"Haha! Are you scared? I'm kidding... If I'm really that pessimistic, wouldn't it be better to just die? Why do I still try every means to survive? There's no need to call you over. Just send you away like I did to those students before."

Hiss~ As expected, no matter what, I really want to beat this guy up!

Whether it's that ordinary face or this cynical and bad character, it makes people want to beat him up!

If his strength wasn't a little stronger than mine, I really would have done it, okay?

Lloyd roared in his heart, and heard the former dean still laughing and saying:

"Haha, looking at your expression, you really look like that guy [Always Be Humble and Awesome]. No wonder he chose you as his successor. You are all this kind of stereotyped, pedantic, rigid and boring type. You definitely can't find a girlfriend."

"Uh... Excuse me for asking, do you have a girlfriend too?"

Lloyd couldn't help it and said something back.

As a result, the former dean's smile froze, and the air around the two of them suddenly solidified, and they fell into an awkward silence.

After about ten seconds, he asked in a low voice:

"How did you guess it?"

Lloyd suppressed his smile and answered:

"Based on the simple logical reasoning of 'the less you have, the more you like to emphasize something'."

Of course, this is only one aspect of speculation, and there are other aspects that Lloyd did not say directly.

For example, he always felt that the other party liked to talk about 'popularity' and 'girlfriend', which was not reasonable and did not match his identity as a supreme being. Even if he was really so easy-going, or his mental state was really so bad, he should not have such a reaction.

Combined with the strange reaction of the cheap uncle who liked to talk about 'kill me', Lloyd suspected that this might be some kind of obsession of the supreme beings who had returned from the dead like them? Similar to the regrets in life, so he always emphasized it repeatedly?

In addition, Lloyd felt that whether it was his cheap uncle, the former dean, or Hiltyna, who lived with him day and night, the side they showed to him was far from all of them.

Hiltyna had frankly admitted that the part of her that was flirting with him every day was her emotional thinking part; his cheap uncle had even shown Lloyd his huge but corrupt body by chance.

So he boldly speculated that the former dean who wrote him into the Book of Falsehood should be in a similar situation, and what he had come into contact with was just the tip of his iceberg.

There were also some simple inferences based on identity. As the dean of Mizkatok and the lofty [Brilliant Gold], how could he really have a casual relationship with a man and a woman? Even if he didn't care about his face, it was impossible that he didn't have this little self-control, right?

Throughout the ages, the largest tomb of heroes has always been that gentle place...

In the end, the former dean's embarrassing reaction confirmed Lloyd's correctness.

But then again, compared to the cheap uncle's "regret", the former dean's obsession was surprisingly frank and calm...

In other words, he left peacefully at the time?

As for the former dean, although Lloyd exposed him and admitted it himself, he immediately adjusted his attitude, coughed twice, and said:

"Ahem~Okay, okay, in this serious occasion, let's not talk about such trivial matters in private life."

Tsk tsk, aren't you the one who keeps talking?

Double standards? Bah! Shameless!

Lloyd cursed in his heart, and felt that the former dean's frivolous character and thick skin should not be obsessions or regrets, but his emotional thinking part, or simply put, it was innate.

Is this a bit similar to the way Hiltyna splits her thoughts? It should be some kind of inheritance in the academy, right?

Lloyd continued to think, and heard the former dean abruptly changing the subject:

"Well... let's continue to talk about your situation. How about my "Book of Truth"? Is it useful?"

He really succeeded. Lloyd nodded quickly and replied:

"It helped me a lot. It's worth my risk to snatch it back from the traitors of the academy."

"Oh? From what you said, the "Book of Truth" was stolen?"

"Yes, the situation was like this..."

Lloyd then talked about the grievances and hatreds of his "master", and told the other party about the situation in the outside world, and finally brought the topic back to the serious topic of "the future of mankind".

The former dean listened very seriously, and only smiled helplessly at the end, sighing:

"Alas... I know you are not having a good time now, but it is useless to tell a dead man like me. I can't help you now... You are so smart, you should be able to guess that my current situation is not optimistic, right?

After all, it is your era now, and civilization has to be continued by you. We old guys are not only unable to help, but may also be your enemies."

Although Lloyd was disappointed with such an answer, he was not too surprised.

After all, there is already a precedent of cheap uncle. These [Brilliant Gold] who are not dead yet may really not want to live, right?

So Lloyd brought up the question that has troubled him for a long time:

"What did you encounter in the past? In other words... what did human civilization encounter?"

"The existence above has brought down curses and accusations, making knowledge out of control."

The former dean replied in a low voice.

But this was limited to the part that Lloyd already knew. He immediately changed the subject and said:

"As for the cause and effect of this, I don't remember it now, and even if I remember it, I can't tell you. You are not qualified to explore the truth behind it now... Well, I believe my old friend also answered you in this way, right?"

Lloyd smiled helplessly and nodded.

The former dean continued:

"So I can't give you much advice. I can't even teach you the miracle magic that I am proud of... But my old friend should be able to teach you a lot, right? He even gave you the beacon representing the heir."

"But he hopes that I can kill him in the end..."

"Well, this is indeed the choice he would make. He always stands on the side of humans. Standing on the side of humans makes me feel ashamed."

The former dean said, and suddenly thought of something. He walked around Lloyd, and then said to himself in a puzzled tone:

"But then again, based on my understanding of that old friend, and your current state, apart from your old-fashioned and boring personality, there should be nothing that can satisfy him, but he is the most I was surprised that he chose to place his hopes on you in the end..."

"Well... it seems that his situation is not much better than mine, so he was forced to choose this path that seems the most unreliable."

Lloyd didn't understand what he said, and asked quickly:

"What do you mean by 'path'?"

"You can understand it as cultivating a super strong man who is loyal to mankind, as a savior, leading mankind to overcome difficulties and continue civilization."

"Isn't this... a very common choice?"

"Yes, but ordinary does not mean reliable, right? What if the chosen savior dies halfway? Or becomes a cruel tyrant? Or even betrays mankind?"

"Ah... indeed..."

Lloyd said, nodding thoughtfully.

In terms of general rationality, the doubts raised by the former dean are reasonable and well-founded, enough to prove that this path that relies on personal performance is indeed very unreliable.

But it's just 'very' unreliable, not 'most' unreliable, right?

He always felt that the former dean hadn't finished speaking and was hiding something...

But before he could ask, the other party spoke first:

"But since my old friend chose to believe you, I suggest that you can also believe him... Of course, as your dean, I certainly can't be stingy, here~ give it to you."

As he said, the former dean took out a crystal ball like a magician and threw it into Lloyd's arms casually.

Lloyd quickly picked it up and took a look, and a line of subtitles appeared in front of him, telling him the effect of the crystal ball.

It can improve the cognitive level, power level, and life level at the same time.

Lloyd has tasted the sweetness of the first two levels of improvement, and naturally wants to taste it again.

The effect of the third "life level" improvement is not yet known, but it must not be bad.

The key is that this level of improvement is much more significant than the attribute improvement and skill level improvement, and it is basically the project that helps Lloyd the most.

Without knowing what other "big stuff" might come after the metal book given by the cheap uncle, the crystal ball from the former dean was obviously much more valuable, and it also made him appear much more generous and magnanimous.

You are really my dear dean!

Lloyd complimented in his heart, and heard the former dean say in a shameful tone:

"There is no way, I don't even know where my body is, otherwise you can go and take a look, maybe you can get more benefits? At least you can learn my miracle magic, otherwise I am afraid it will be lost."

Uh... Why does this sound weird?

Why are there people who encourage others to turn over their own bodies?

Lloyd couldn't help but think of the cheap uncle who encouraged him to kill him...

If the extraordinary people are all a little crazy, then you [Brilliant Gold] are probably all sick...

Lloyd didn't rush to use the crystal ball, but kept it close to his body first, and then took over the previous words of the former dean and said:

"We tried to recover the miracle magic you left behind, but unfortunately failed in the end..."

He then briefly described the previous archaeological activity, which he didn't know if it was a failure, and added the part where he fought against the witch mistress in the crisis of the City of Joy.

This time, the former dean listened more seriously than before, nodding his head repeatedly, and after Lloyd finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahahaha!!! I didn't expect that old bastard of the mistress would end up in your hands? Good, good, good!!! Well done! Well done! This is really great! It's really gratifying!"

In this laughter, there is the kind of pleasure of killing an old enemy and getting revenge.

It seems that the hatred between the academy and the witches was extremely deep...

The former dean was happy for several minutes before he gradually calmed down, shaking his head and saying:

"I can't believe it, the miracle magic I developed was not used in the design, but was targeted at the old opponent... I guess that old bastard never thought that he would fall into the hands of a freshman who had just entered the school?"

As he said, he approached Lloyd very familiarly, patted his shoulder, circled around him again, and continued:

"I really underestimated you. I didn't expect that the most unreliable path I envisioned at the beginning could actually give me hope...

It seems that I have to work harder, at least to find a way for you to find the location of my body. You helped the academy get rid of the bad temper, and you must be rewarded!"

No... Can you stop mentioning your body? Why is there still a reward for turning over a body?

Lloyd shouted in his heart, laughing and crying.

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