I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 445 444 This is actually the essence of what my cheap uncle has learned?

Chapter 445 444. Is this actually the essence of what Uncle Cheap has learned?

After paying a negligible amount of credits, Lloyd obtained two holy objects with adjusted appearance.

The blood vessel belt was made into an imitation leather belt, and the strands of curious blood vessels were modified into a complex and exquisite pattern, like a complicated circuit diagram, which has a mystical atmosphere, and is also equipped with comfortable and convenient Belt buckle.

The bone fragment bracelet is nested with a layer of gel-like substance that is gentle and does not hurt the hands, and is then shaped into various symmetrically distributed geometric figures, such as diamonds and squares. It looks quite fashionable when worn on the hand, but it is not uncomfortable. It would be too flamboyant and would feel great to wear.

Overall, Lloyd was very satisfied. It met his original requirements, which were low-key, simple, not eye-catching and not out of the ordinary. He didn’t have high requirements for aesthetics.

Anyway, with my looks, figure, and temperament, I look handsome in a large red cotton-padded jacket, and I don’t need these accessories to embellish my appearance.

Both parties are very satisfied with this cooperation. Lloyd didn't expect that he would get such good results after spending so few credits. The two opposite parties also didn't expect that he would be so generous and not bring any counter-offer?

Lloyd found a secluded place and took the two holy objects one by one. He felt that his vitality, physical fitness, and energy had been significantly improved all of a sudden. Not to mention running thirty kilometers and then fighting in a group, he jumped out in succession. Three meters of water surface is nothing. He is an athletic student who has already completed his sedimentation.

Even using the ancient breathing method, I could persist for ten minutes before feeling dizzy, blushing, and having a heartbeat.

Not bad, just make progress.

Lloyd nodded, then opened the portal and returned to the dormitory, preparing to bring the former dean back to the present world.

As soon as he returned, he saw a student handbook floating in front of the pot of fish heads with chopped peppers. He looked at it while letting out giggles:

"Haha~ Today's students are so fun. It seems that our fine traditions of Mizkatok have not been forgotten."

After saying that, he noticed that Lloyd was back, the fish head that looked like it was looking up to the sky twisted, and asked:

"Why are you still blushing? Did you go out to have a tryst with your school girl?"

"No, no! I'm practicing cheap... Oh no, it's an ancient breathing method taught to me by Your Excellency [Always remain humble and reverent]."

Lloyd explained quickly.

The former dean was a little surprised and quickly asked:

"Huh? Breathing method? Are you talking about the one that can optimize the life form? My old friend even taught you this bottom-of-the-box thing?"

"Eh? Is there any other way to say this?"

Lloyd shrugged and spread his hands again.

"Of course. Among our group of people, my old friend was the one who studied life forms the most and was also the most interested. He collected and integrated the most cutting-edge research results at that time, and thus created An exclusive path, which he calls a 'perfect and pure person'...

Although my achievements in most academic fields are slightly better than his, in this field alone, I am willing to be inferior...

This is a brilliant fruit that he regards as more important than life. I don’t know how many people ask for it but can’t get it. Even I am not lucky enough to receive it. I didn’t expect that it is now easier for you? If you didn't know better, you would have thought you were his nephew..."

The former dean first explained and then remained silent for a while, seeming to recall the glorious past.

Lloyd also didn't expect that his cheap uncle was actually a top expert in this field, and the knowledge he gave him was the essence of 'gathering the strengths of everyone'?

No wonder the mental pollution is so strong, and I can’t even understand it. Isn’t this knowledge too high-end and profound for me at this stage?

And what we are exposed to now is not all of this knowledge. At present, these are just the integration of some other scholars' theories. There should be Uncle Cheap's own understanding later? That would probably be more profound and obscure, right?

Just as Lloyd was thinking about it, the former dean spoke again, with a bit more smile in his tone:

"Ha~ I really miss the good old days...

But having said that, after he originally proposed this concept of the 'perfect and pure person', he did a lot of verification and selected many successors for it, which was a lot of hard work.

Although these people have improved and verified the correctness and reliability of this path, no one can achieve the most rational and satisfactory effect. He was depressed for a while and thought that his path was wrong. Yes, I even encouraged him specifically for this.

I hope you won’t let him down for the last time, right? "


Lloyd scratched his head, hesitated, and then explained:

"I haven't told you yet... [Always remain humble and reverent] Your Excellency, he... hopes that I can go back and kill him after becoming stronger..."

"Well, actually I can guess even if you don't tell me, this is the choice he will make."

The former dean's tone suddenly became more vicissitudes of life, and he continued to sigh:

"But even so, you have to work hard to fulfill his wish and help him get rid of the pain. You don't have to feel sad for him. Both I and he have lived for a long, long time. We have already made preparations. Welcome death calmly.”

These words made Lloyd stunned, and his heart sank even more, feeling very uncomfortable.

My cheap uncle left me his most important academic achievements, but I want to go back and kill him. No matter how justified he is, it is hard to accept this kind of thing...

He couldn't help but ask:

"Isn't it better to be alive?"

"That's because you can't understand his philosophy and pursuit. Just imagine, the essence of his lifelong learning is the 'perfect and pure person', but he himself has become a half-dead, half-dead monster... If it were you, what would you choose?"

"I don't know... but I believe that as long as I'm alive, there must be a way to solve it!"

"Optimistic thinking is not bad... In this case, you should continue to work hard. If you finally become the 'perfect and pure person', maybe you can rekindle his hope of living? It is even possible to find a way to cure him?"

When Lloyd heard this, he was immediately refreshed and nodded vigorously.

"Hmm? You're right!"

But he immediately thought of his current progress, which was not optimistic, and he became depressed again, saying helplessly:

"But my progress is too slow now, and I can't even master the breathing method he taught me... How about you help me take a look? Give me some pointers?"

Unexpectedly, the former dean decisively chose to refuse:

"How can that be? Isn't this peeping at other people's academic achievements? What's more, it is the essence of other people's lifelong learning. Without his consent, I will never read it."

"But... he didn't ask me to keep it secret and not leak it..."

"He is him, I am me, everyone has his own set of principles, so don't say more."

The former dean said unhappily, and then swallowed the student handbook floating beside him into the small storage compartment in the fish head's belly, and then floated up directly, shaking left and right in the air, and urged:

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this, take me to the real world, I can't wait!"

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