I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 447 446 What did you do last night?

Chapter 447 446. What did you do last night?

"What on earth...cough cough cough cough cough! vomit..."

The investigator who cast the fishing net was surprised by his inexplicable instinctive reaction, but before he could finish his words, he suddenly began to cough violently, and then retched.

This is also the physiological reaction of surviving a disaster.

But fortunately, it was nothing serious. After other investigators climbed onto the roof, he gradually recovered.

"I don't know what happened, and I don't know how to explain it to you. Anyway... I almost died just now!"

The investigator said with lingering fear.

"What? You were attacked? But we didn't notice anything down there?"

"No... they didn't attack me. It's just that after I threw the fishing net, they disappeared inexplicably. Then my body had a severe discomfort reaction. I don't know how to describe it. Anyway, it was like dying once and then again. As if alive..."

"This... this situation is really unheard of... Are you sure you are not suffering from hallucinations or curses?"

While asking, an investigator took out a flashlight, which made the investigator who cast the fishing net feel dizzy and screamed.

"Well... the physiological reaction is normal. It's nothing serious. Maybe you were too nervous during this period?"

"No, I am in good condition today, so there must be something wrong with those two monsters! They are a brand new species we have never encountered before!"

"Well, it seems that we really underestimated them before? That situation is beyond our scope, so we should hand it over to the professionals of the Holy Inquisition."

While discussing this bizarre incident, these investigators left disappointed and empty-handed.

On the other hand, the former dean appeared out of thin air out of the night with a little milk cat, and came to another street.

The little milk cat found a canteen that was still closed on the street. It ran over and rolled around for a while and acted cute. Then it got a basin of milk from the kind boss. It purred and licked it fiercely, and then meowed at the kind boss. Twice to express thanks.

Finally, he waved his furry little paw and politely said goodbye to the boss, leaving others stunned.

"Why is this cat so smart?"

The boss said in surprise. He originally wanted to feed the little cat some dried fish, but when he turned around, the little cat disappeared.

After eating and drinking enough, the little cat became lethargic and could only float lazily next to the pepper fish head, pecking its round head again and again, wanting to sleep.

"Sleep, sleep."

Chopped Pepper Fish Head said, putting the little milk cat on top of him to protect it, and then slowly floated towards Lloyd's residence.

Just floating, he felt a line of sight coming from the direction of the city center, focusing on him.

That gaze was cold, rational, yet modest and polite enough, conveying respect and greetings.

This is a distant greeting from the Veto Sanctuary, welcoming the former dean's arrival.

"You don't have to be so polite, Professor Hiltina, just keep busy with your work."

The former dean whispered in the air, and then felt a slight change in his gaze, as if he was asking some questions.

"Oh? Is that so? Okay, no problem. I quite like this boy Lloyd, so I just want to help him a little. It just so happens that I also want to visit the City of Illusion."

The former dean continued to speak to the air, then shook the toy body and asked again:

"What's going on with the transportation network under this city and the end point it connects to? That area doesn't seem to be under your control?"

As he spoke, his toy fish eyes turned and looked in the direction of the abandoned city.

The vision from the distance changed, and the answer was given in a way that ordinary people could not understand.

"Is that so? Your idea is really bold. It is just like Hazlade described, he is a maverick child... huh? Don't worry, I won't interfere in your affairs, I'm just asking casually. "

"As for Lloyd, of course I am very optimistic about him and am willing to believe in him. After all, even my old friend who has high eyesight chose him...but there is always a problem with him that makes me uneasy. I believe you You can realize what it is, right?"

"Oh? It seems that you have great confidence in him? That's fine... After all, I am a dead person in the past. This is your era. Of course I will respect your own choices..."

"Hmm...Okay, let's do this for now...Oh, by the way, remember to talk to Lloyd later and ask him to find my body. This will be of great benefit to him and you, but I don't Do you know why he is so resistant to this?"

"I see... Adherence to principles is indeed a rare quality. No wonder you think he will be able to maintain his self-awareness as a human being. After hearing what you say, I have more confidence in him!"

"But let him find my body. We can tell him in another way, just to let my remaining consciousness live for a while longer. Then I think he should be able to accept it, right?"

"Haha, you are really complimenting me. In fact, I have never been a qualified teacher. After taking over Mizkatok from my mentor, the former dean, I failed to make any development of it. In the end, it left a lot of mess. Fortunately, Hazred..."

"Back then, who would have thought that an ordinary little assistant could save the college in the end? Just like you now, you probably wouldn't have thought that Lloyd, who had just enrolled in school, could save the college, right?"

"Okay, okay, I won't disturb you anymore, that's it."

After the former dean and Hiltina had such 'eye contact' where only one person spoke, he continued to carry the little milk cat on his back and floated slowly towards Lloyd's residence.

Along the way, I passed by many private houses. Seeing the people inside sleeping peacefully in their dreams, the former dean sighed in a low voice:

"Although not as good as before, human beings still persisted tenaciously and bravely faced tomorrow... Maybe this is the cuteness and respectability of human beings?"

"It's such a nice city, it's such a nice era..."

Finally, the former dean accurately found the apartment of Lloyd's brother and sister, then floated into Lloyd's room through the window, and gently placed the kitten next to Lloyd's pillow.

Then he subconsciously glanced at the next door and found Everol making sure the hammerhead shark puppet was asleep.

oh? Are they actually the survivors of our era? Has he suffered from some kind of weird curse and will never grow up?

The former dean was thinking secretly in his heart, and suddenly shook the toy fish head again, and changed his words:

No, this is not a curse... more like...


As if he noticed something, he suddenly fell into deep thought.

It wasn't until a long time passed, it was almost dawn, and Lloyd was about to wake up, that he sighed in a low voice:

"If it is as I guessed and expected, humans should really thank this cute little girl..."

After saying that, he noticed another strange thing about Everol.

"It seems that Professor Hiltina has noticed her a long time ago? And she also used her as a model and anchor to divide her consciousness? Hazred certainly wouldn't dare to teach students like this. It seems that Professor Hiltina herself choose?"

"This is really audacious... These young people in the new era really should not be underestimated!"


When Lloyd woke up, he returned to the [Thinking Realm] without opening his eyes, first helping Hiltina share the mental pollution.

Hiltina still hasn't come out of the bud. It seems that she is troubled by the [Supreme Realm] issue?

Soon, after reaching another level, Lloyd called out the panel and added the 10 attribute points obtained through Elolo and Hiltina to [Spiritual Power] and [Cognition] respectively, and the total value reached 805 points. .

Although this kind of 'daily check-in' does not have many upgrades and is not pleasant, the advantage is that it can flow slowly and add up to something.

As soon as he came out of the [Thinking Realm], Lloyd finally woke up, and his nose smelled the unique milky scent of the little milk cat.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was sleeping soundly beside his pillow.

"Huh? Was it sent back by the former dean?"

Lloyd grabbed the little kitten before it woke up and wiped his face with it.

He had told the former dean his address, and he was not worried that he would not be able to find it. This little thing would certainly not trouble a [Brilliant Gold]

It's just that the former dean went somewhere and didn't see the pot of fish head with chopped pepper. Maybe he was still enjoying the local customs somewhere?

Lloyd was not in a hurry to find him, and continued to make breakfast for his sister step by step, then woke up Everol, and helped her comb her hair while admiring her pair of white silk feet that kept shaking back and forth.

"Then...Xiao Yi, I'm going to the editorial office first. Remember, if you have a chance, invite your classmate to come to your home."

Everol was still talking about this when she said goodbye to Lloyd.

As a result, as soon as she walked away with her front legs, the window next to her back legs was opened by an invisible force from the outside, and then a fish head with chopped pepper floated in, and she said again:

"This city is really vibrant and full of vitality! I just observed it outside for a while. Everyone on the street was hurriedly engaged in work and seemed full of vitality. This is a scene I haven't seen in a long time. ”

Lloyd smiled and asked:

"Uh... I thought you would lament their hard work and difficulty?"

The former dean replied nonchalantly:

"How can this be difficult? Being able to live and work in peace and contentment is the greatest happiness. Although I have not personally witnessed the horrors of the Twilight Era and the Doomsday Era, I can still somewhat imagine the horror of that period."

"Okay...how does it compare with the glorious era you lived in? What kind of life did ordinary people live at that time?"

"Elegant, comfortable, glamorous, carefree... Ordinary people in that era did not need to worry about food, clothing and life, let alone safety issues. Even if they did not go to work, they could be relaxed and comfortable, just like living in An ideal paradise.”

The former dean described the past era, but his tone was not proud and proud, but full of deep helplessness, and he immediately changed his tone and said:

“But beneath these superficial brilliance, there is hidden hollowness, numbness, and confusion... Many people don’t know what to do in life, or what they can do. They can only pursue various physiological stimulations and sensory stimulations, and for this they show morbidity. and crazy tendencies...

Only a small number of people can still maintain their self-pursuit and do something normal and meaningful.

Although there are no assumptions and ifs in history, I still can't help but think, if the people back then could have the same living and mental state as you do now, wouldn't they be so miserable when facing the end of the world? "

This question was too profound, Lloyd really didn't know how to answer it, and could only shake his head helplessly.

But in his heart, he was still a little envious. According to the description of the former dean, wasn't that an ideal "utopia"?

If the [brilliant gold] of the past was regarded as the "gods" in the general concept, it was still a utopia where gods walked in the world and bestowed grace and protection on the world. It should be the highest form of utopia, right?

It's a pity that it collapsed in the end, and it collapsed completely...

I don't know if today's human beings still have a chance to return to that glory?

Lloyd was thinking wildly in his heart, but the former dean thought he was thinking about the question he had raised before, so he quickly changed his words:

"Okay, okay, don't think too much about the past, or focus on reality, let's start with today's tour itinerary? I really want to visit the City of Illusion. Don't you also want to visit the saint there?"

"Hmm? How did you know? I don't think I mentioned this to you?"

"A professor named Hiltina who claims to be your fiancée told me. We had a brief exchange before."

The former dean explained and asked:

"But I remember that you said that the little girl named Weiya was your lover? Haha... not very capable, but many women?"

Lloyd was embarrassed for a moment. He remembered that the former dean seemed to have admitted that he had no girlfriend...

He had to forcefully change the subject and took out the nameplate left by Hiltina before.

"Ahem, let's talk about something else... I really want to visit the Saint of Manifestation. Professor Hiltina also left me the contact information, but I tried it before and there was no response?"

The former dean glanced at the nameplate and said with a little disdain:

"It's a basic and simple communication device. Isn't it normal that there is no response? Let's go, why don't we go to that illusory city to look for him?"

"Yes, you are right, but please wait a moment, I will go after buying a newspaper. "

Lloyd said, and quickly went downstairs to the newsstand to get today's newspaper, then skipped those meaningless headlines and went directly to the bulletin board with real information.

As a result, he saw a strange news at first glance:

"Beware of dangerous fish-headed monsters and kitten monsters"


Lloyd hurriedly looked at the description in the news carefully.

Why is it so similar to the former dean and the kitten?

One has a weird and curious appearance, can fly, can speak, and can molest young women?

The other has a cute and well-behaved appearance, can fly, can meow, and can use his appearance to seduce young women?

If it were just that, it would be fine, but the news mentioned later that an investigator suddenly suffered a "near-death experience" during the operation of hunting monsters, but fortunately his life was not in danger?

But you still need to be careful and don't get close without permission. Once you find it, be sure to contact the Holy Court to deal with it.

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