Chapter 453 452. Must win!

This gambling game is similar to the last one the housekeeper organized. They both went to a deserted place in the wilderness, and the process was roughly the same.

It was just because this was the City of Illusion. Even in the wilderness, it was unreasonably clean and tidy. The specific location was also changed to an exquisite and beautiful holiday manor, with good food, drink and accommodation, and the conditions were much better than last time.

Not long after arriving here, Lloyd saw the old fox mentioned by old Olga, two seventh-level strongmen named Jefferson and Meyer.

The two men looked like sanctimonious scholars, and the agents they chose looked quite young, like they were in their early thirties. One of them looked like an inquisitor of the Illusion Cult; the other had some fate with Lloyd. He was actually a graduate of Mizkatok?

On the man's collar, there was a very special collar clip, the same as that of Master Linde in the City of Quiet.

Unlike the collars in the academy, which have different colors representing their grades, the collars of their graduates do not differ much on the surface, except that there are several tiny etchings of different numbers, representing the number of subjects that the graduate has completed.

But the etching is not obvious, and it is not clear unless you look closely, but fortunately the man consciously moved closer to Lloyd, so that Lloyd could see the three tiny etchings clearly.

Considering that the truly top students of Mizzkatok generally do not graduate, this third-year student can be regarded as the best among the graduates. For example, there is only one etching on Master Linde's collar.

He should be a promising talent, but I don't know why he chose to graduate, and why he is running to help others cheat now?

Old Olga had shown Lloyd the contract involved in this gambling game before, and some of the clauses on it were indeed tricky, such as only vague agreements on the off-site factors such as the rank of the agent, sacred objects, and rituals, which basically have no effect. It is obvious that they want to play tricks.

When they met, as expected -

Lloyd threw two [Detection] at them and found that the two competitors were both at the fifth level. The four attributes of the judge were basically around 160, which was almost doubled compared to the last two fourth-level ones.

The other third-year graduate was even stronger, with four attributes close to 200, indicating that he had been at the fifth level for a long time.

Although he had not yet discovered the spirituality of the holy objects on them, Lloyd suspected that they were just well concealed and were probably prepared.

As for their systems, the slightly weaker judge wore the uniform of the False Cult, but his system was [Law]; the graduate was even more outrageous, he was actually an outlaw of the [Curse] system?

After staying in Mitzkatokli for a long time, Lloyd was not particularly opposed to these illegal systems, so he did not take action on the spot.

Regardless of whether it is legal or not, this kind of extraordinary person with the [Curse] system has no advantage in the gambling game of cracking the [Story], and even has a great disadvantage due to the long-term poor mental state.

Unless, he intends to use the [Curse] to play some tricks outside the game...

I hope you don't do it too much, after all, I don't want to fight with my fellow disciples...

Lloyd couldn't help but remind him in his heart.

On the other hand, except for the two belts and bracelets that optimize the life form, he only has a storage bag in the style of a watch chain, and even the top student collar clip has been taken off and hidden in the storage bag.

Of course, it is mainly because the equipment on him is of no help in cracking the [Story] and is completely useless...

In this way, after a few greetings outside the manor, the group took their positions according to the normal process and prepared to start the gambling game.

The two seventh-level old Dengs were still impatient, urging each other impatiently, as if they had already won.

The manor is large, so each agent can be assigned a villa-style cottage with a pleasant environment. While not being disturbed, all kinds of food and drink are well prepared. It's like staying in a luxury resort, quite comfortable.

But as soon as Lloyd entered, he vaguely felt that something was wrong, and his inspiration and weird intuition were slightly jumping.

But after releasing the inspiration and checking it in detail, he didn't find anything unusual.

It wasn't until Lloyd walked to the wall and reached out to touch the few not-so-good-looking decorative landscape paintings that he found the trick.

These landscape paintings that can be seen everywhere in the cottage, each of them hides a specific ritual, and are made with a very sophisticated technique. It is difficult to find it if it is not activated.

If Lloyd's [Ritual Control] level is not high enough, it is highly likely that he will not find it.

And the specific functions are not harmful, they are all to help sleep, calm the mind, wake up, control temperature and provide comfort, which are also common in equally high-end hotels.

But this seemingly harmless ritual can obviously play an important role in the process of deciphering the story.

But even if it is exposed in person, it is useless. They can argue that it is to make you live more comfortably. Besides, there is no clear restriction on these in the contract signed before.

If Olga had not invited Lloyd this time, I am afraid that I would have to swallow this loss.

Lloyd remembered that this holiday estate was arranged by Jefferson.

And the third-year graduate was brought by Meyer.

They really are two old sinister men, one more sinister than the other! From the beginning, it was aimed at Deqian.

In order to advance to the eighth level, are you so unscrupulous?

Lloyd smiled, took out a small wine bottle from his storage bag, unscrewed the cap, and whispered to the mouth of the bottle:

"I checked the room and there are some rituals to provide comfort."

A few seconds later, a wisp of milky white smoke floated out of the bottle, spelling out a line of text in front of him:

"I know, you should be more careful, especially the guy brought by that old bastard Mayer. There seems to be something wrong with this guy's system."

This was lent to him by old Olga, a secret communication device between them.

It's not very convenient, but it has its own sound insulation effect and is private enough.

"Yes, I know, don't worry."

Lloyd responded, then took back the pocket wine bottle, relaxed in the room, and waited for the official start of the gambling game.

But he secretly opened the [Twisted Realm] and was ready to counterattack the [Curse] that might come.

I hope that graduate will not be so ignorant...

But then again, why would a third grader be willing to lower his status to do such a thing? Although it is a taboo system, the alumni association is not taboo about it, so he should be able to thrive in it, right?

Could it be that there is some vulgar plot of 'a loving father and a filial son'?

Lloyd couldn't help but think wildly again.


At the same time, the other two players were also communicating with their 'employers' through their own secret contact methods.

"I don't want to attack the young man who came to Olga."

The graduate said to the air in front of him.


"An indescribable intuition reminds me that he is dangerous..."

"Oh? But he looks like he's only at the fourth level, right?"

"Rank doesn't mean everything. Maybe if I touch him, it will cause me more trouble."

"Haha~ You even dare to kill your classmates, but you are still afraid of this? But it doesn't matter. My purpose is very clear anyway. It's not to target or murder anyone. I just want to win this important bet. Care about exactly how you win.”

"Understood, if I can't win him with normal means, I will take action against him... But please remember our agreement."

"Don't worry, although it's difficult, I'm still confident that I can provide you with protection. As long as you can help me win this round, I won't have to worry about your classmates chasing you in the future."

After the secret exchange between the two ended, the graduate immediately took out a bone-made magic weapon from his arms and muttered something in his mouth.

Then he quickly took out a bottle of special spiritual ink, dipped his fingers in it, and wrote several dark green runes on the floor.

After a few more seconds, the dark green symbols gradually blended into the floor, becoming invisible to the naked eye.

This is the basic operation of the [Curse] system. It is specially used to cast curses from the air. It is famous for being secretive and insidious.

Each rune represents a type of curse.

But he was just ready and was not in a hurry to start yet.

Because the 'employer' will also use some means to ensure that the first [story] will not be his, so there is no need to rush to take action in this first game, first see how good the opponent is.

In the last few seconds of the story, the graduate looked down at his hands and clenched his fists from time to time.

For the sake of love, he killed a classmate and was wanted by the alumni association. He still dare not show his face in public, and he can hardly even afford to eat.

And that woman also left him because of her downfall...

But these are all in the past. As long as you win this bet, these difficulties will no longer be a problem and you can live a new life.

So...we must win!


At this time, except for Lloyd, who was doing nothing, the other remaining opponent, the Inquisitor, seemed a little busy.

He was busy adjusting the landscape paintings on the wall, using some special means to enhance the effects of those comfort rituals, then wearing several holy objects with targeted effects on himself, and then opened the bed he was going to lie on. pad, activating a set of devices hidden underneath.

After struggling for a long time, he finally took some time to contact his 'employer':

"Uncle, I'm ready, everything goes well, we will definitely win this time!"

"Don't be too happy too early. Be careful about the young man brought by that old fox Olga. Although the boy looks like he is only at level 4, Olga dared to still participate in the bet after noticing our intentions, which shows that he has This guy is very confident and must have prepared a lot of tricks.”

"Of course, the person brought by Mayer should not be underestimated. I suspect that this person is from the [Curse] system, and he may have prepared a lot of evil hands."

"I know that as long as I can wake up from [the story], I can control the status of the two opponents in time and make targeted adjustments at any time... Haha, you want to [curse] me? Then he must wake up first. OK."

"Well, do your best. I have been planning for today's bet for three years. Don't let me down."

"Please rest assured, I will definitely be able to prove to you that I am by no means inferior to my brothers and sisters!"

"Well, that's good. As long as I can win, the family and your father will truly accept you, and at the same time, they will give your mother a legitimate status, and you will no longer have to live that kind of wandering life."

"I will definitely win!"

"I like your confidence. Also, remember that the first [story] will never be mine. If nothing unexpected happens, it should be Olga's, right?

I have inquired about it. He participated in other people's gambling before and lost in the end. So the [story] he took out today must be full of holes like a sponge. I hope you can wake up within an hour."

After a conspiracy, the young judge clenched his fists hard, his face full of confidence and determination.

As an indecent illegitimate child, he finally caught the hope of returning to the family!

So... must win!


"Oh? Start?"

Lloyd heard a "narration" in his ear and began to arrange his own character.

The voice was very familiar, and it was old Olga's at first glance.

This was also a little trick he played, hoping to let Lloyd distinguish his [story] from the beginning.

But what was different from the last experience was that Lloyd didn't even enter the [story] before he realized that someone was "touching" him.

820 points of [rationality] and [cognition], plus the several improvements in cognitive level, made old Olga's [story] a little "young" for him.

But his mind was still a mess...

The "Book of Truth" was flipping, reminding him to pay attention.

Inspiration and weird intuition were beating drums, but it was rare that they were not notifying him to start the meal, but reminding him to be careful.

There were also panels that kept turning on and off and flashing; giant flower buds that rotated slightly; tentacle grasses all came to join in the fun, shouting "嘤嘤嘤".

What was even more weird was that his [projection] actually jumped out by itself, looking like he was looking for someone to fight...

This was an automatic defense mechanism triggered by noticing that he was attacked.

If it's like this, let alone the seventh-level old Olga, even if the Manifested Saint himself comes, it's probably useless...

But the problem is, this bet is to see whose [story] can trap others for a longer time. If I can't enter the [story], wouldn't it be a pitfall for Old Olga?

Fortunately, Lloyd had considered the possibility of encountering such a thing in advance, and asked Old Olga in advance about how to actively enter the [story].

So he relaxed his body and mind, listened carefully to the "narration" in his ears, and deliberately entered a state of half-sleep and half-wakefulness, until his eyes blurred and the scene around him changed.

"Huh~ Fortunately, I finally got in smoothly."

Lloyd breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the character setting that Old Olga arranged for him.

He still remembered that the last time he entered Old Olga's [story], his character setting was "Folklorist Tom".

But this time it turned out to be...

Tom, the son-in-law of a wealthy family?

No... Can you name the character cognition?

And this character setting that looks like a street stall novel, isn't it hinting at something?

Lloyd didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and complained in his heart.

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