I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 458 457 Can you give it a try?

Chapter 458 457. Can you give it a try?

As the second round of [Story] started, Lloyd began to hear a low ‘narration’ in his ears, and began to arrange his own character:

“You were originally an excellent investigator, but because of an accident, you killed your companions and indirectly killed your wife and children, causing you to be extremely depressed and drink every day...”

What kind of decadent middle-aged character with deep hatred and deep hatred is this? You don’t think this kind of character can make people feel involved, right?

Lloyd laughed and was not affected at all, just wanted to complain.

But in order to ensure the victory of the bet, he could only calm down the five layers of protection in his mind, including the panel, giant flower bud, "Book of Truth", tentacle grass, inspiration and weird intuition, and let them stay calm for a while, and then pinch his nose and force himself into this [story]-

In order to ensure victory, Lloyd alone might not be stable to wake up instantly, and he had to pull the two opponents to wake up instantly together.

And [Projection], like yesterday, ran out as soon as he realized that Lloyd was attacked, and then stood there stupidly.

Quite humorous...

With his vision blurred, Lloyd came to a dim bar, with many bottles of wine in front of him. Before he could figure out the situation, several gang members with broad shoulders and waists surrounded him, wanting to borrow some money from him, a "drunkard".

It seems that today's story is going to be a fast-paced route, putting the "protagonist" in crisis and trouble right from the start, and then forcing the "protagonist" to struggle for survival, resulting in no time to find himself.

Quite an old-fashioned idea...

Lloyd didn't indulge himself, and directly opened [Distortion Realm], activated the physical distortion effect, and twisted several NPCs into a dough twist.

Then he continued to expand the coverage of [Distortion Realm] until all the NPCs in the bar were cleared, and then he notified the product manager Tentacle Grass in his mind and asked it to bring up yesterday's "product".

Two screens of the same type as yesterday appeared in front of him, showing two other contestants who also appeared in the bar and were also borrowing money from gang members.

Because they had not yet found themselves and were still immersed in their "personality", they acted like weak and real drunkards, scrabbling around to get a few banknotes, but the gang members did not buy it, and cursed and wanted to sell him to the mine as a coolie.

Of course, the "protagonist" refused to give in, and immediately resisted. After being hit by several dragon fruits and heart-piercing kicks, he staggered out of the bar, with a large group of gang members chasing behind him, and immediately entered the thrilling escape mode.

I don’t know if it’s because the story of this old bastard Jefferson is more powerful than Olga’s, or if there is some method targeting the holy objects on the two people, anyway, they didn’t quickly regain their self-awareness like yesterday, and they are still busy fighting wits and courage with gang members...

Lloyd couldn’t help rubbing his chin when he saw this, thinking about what to do next.

Hmm... Then how should I "help" them so that they can wake up in time?

It’s definitely not okay to change the plot and character settings randomly. I tried it before, and it will make the two people sink deeper.

The holy objects they carried were not disabled, and there were not many operations that could be performed.

So it should be...

Lloyd focused on the "settings" option, opened it, and looked at the current "character attributes" of the two opponents.

Because their current character settings are "down-and-out investigators", not fifth-level strongmen in the world, the four extraordinary attributes are very low, just over 30.

The remaining "physical strength" and "health" are also in line with the character of a person who has been exhausted by alcoholism for many years, and the "thoughts" are also the normal "tension" and "panic" when being chased.

Then try to start with the "physical strength" item?

Lloyd thought about it, stretched out his hand and poked the "physical strength" column, and swiped it violently.

I saw that the two opponents who were still running out of breath and almost exhausted in front of them were instantly full of physical strength, and felt that they could run another 30 kilometers in one breath.

"Thoughts" also changed from the previous "tension and panic" to "doubt" and "calm".

It means that just this small adjustment made the two people realize that something was wrong, and combined with the effect of the holy objects they wore, they have already shown signs of sobriety.

But the gang members behind them are still chasing them, leaving them no extra time to think for the time being.

So Lloyd was a good man to the end, and then adjusted their extraordinary attributes back to their proper fifth-level level to help the two people regain their original feeling.

The two opponents' expressions suddenly brightened, and they stopped running for their lives. They stood there and clenched their fists. They should wake up soon.

But at this moment, Lloyd, who was outside the [story], sensed a spirituality from the ritual.

Those rituals that improve comfort are working at full capacity, trying to make themselves more comfortable and "sleep" more peacefully.

At the same time, a clearer "narration" began to sound in my ears, and began to fool myself into accepting the character setting.

This was of course useless to Lloyd, but it had some effect on the other two, making their "thoughts" return to a "confused" state.

It seems that Jefferson's attainments in [story] are indeed better than old Olga's. With the effect of simple rituals, he can easily reverse the situation.

It’s a pity that he met Lloyd this time…

Lloyd smiled and directly swiped the extraordinary attributes of the two opponents to the maximum value, all expanding to more than 900.

This should be the attribute of Jefferson, the ‘author’, which is also the attribute of the strongest person in the plot.

In an instant, the two opponents felt as if they had instantly been promoted to the seventh level, and they got rid of the interference of those rituals and regained their self-awareness.

The gang members who were chasing them behind could no longer pose any threat and were cleared away with a casual wave of their hands.

But the [story] did not end there. Although they had woken up in time, they still needed to ‘crack the plot’ in the future to get out of the [story].

Under normal circumstances, the identity and strength of the contestants are often deliberately set very low by the author, so that even if they wake up, it is difficult to fight against the subsequent ‘plot’, and they even have to operate carefully to avoid causing the backlash of the ‘plot’.

Like Lloyd, he had encountered various obstacles and difficulties from NPCs in the story of the housekeeper before, and there was also a mysterious existence who had not appeared and was staring at him, wanting to kill him, the culprit who "destroyed the plot".

But the situation today was different. Because of his interference, the four extraordinary attributes of these two players directly expanded to the same level as the author. No matter what kind of "backlash" the successors had, it would not be possible to surpass the author himself, and they would definitely be able to deal with it easily.

So Lloyd saw that the graduate began to act recklessly in the [story] world, killing anyone who stood in his way, and soon brought the "plot" to the brink of collapse.

And the judge found by the author Jefferson, although he realized that this was his "home court" and could not leave so quickly, but this bet was a competition of the time of three people combined. As long as Lloyd and the other person left the [story] immediately, he would naturally be powerless to save the situation alone.

Unless he was willing to risk his life for his employer, sink into it forever, and spend the rest of his life as a vegetable.

Unfortunately, even if he really tried so hard, others would not agree.

For example, before the graduate was about to leave the [story], he stretched out his hand and drew a symbol in the air, then smiled evilly, which completely destroyed the plot and got out.

And the symbol he left behind flickered in the air and quietly dissipated.

Is this... leaving his curse in the [story]?

Lloyd was not in a hurry to leave, but first saw what tricks this opponent was going to play.

But as the curse took effect, he felt that the [story] he was in also began to become shaky and was about to collapse.

At the same time, another voice came to his ears, whispering to him:

"Wake up, remember who you are!"

After all this time, this curse is not to harm people, but to help me wake up?

Would this person be so kind?

Wait, that's not right...

Lloyd then found that after reminding himself, this voice did not disappear, but kept echoing in his ears, as if it was going to get into his mind.

However, he had been keeping the [Distorted Realm] activated, and with a slight thought, he used the ability distortion function to erase the voice.

So that's it, this is the trick...

Lloyd smiled disdainfully, and finally figured out what this guy wanted to do.

He wanted to leave a "sentence" in the minds of the other two players by cursing this story. It seemed that he wanted to help others and wake them up, but in fact, he planted a non-aggressive "seed" in people.

Maybe it's not really non-aggressive, but the aggressiveness is covered up and can't be seen on the surface. It will only be triggered after certain conditions are met.

Lloyd couldn't help but recall that the housekeeper's "PVP" notes specifically described a major feature of the [Curse] system. They have always been very good at this operation, planting curses on people in advance, but they will not punish them on the spot, but they need to meet certain conditions to trigger the effect of the curse.

That kind of condition is often the most relaxed moment for the victim, such as when someone loses consciousness or is being intimate with someone. Anyway, it is a variety of unpredictable opportunities to maximize the effect of the curse.

This is also the most insidious and disgusting part of this system.

In this way, Lloyd finally figured out how this guy circumvented the restrictions of the [Contract].

Because this curse was well disguised, its apparent effect was only to wake people up, and it did not constitute an attack or harm, so there was no need to worry about the backlash of the [Contract].

But this person had already left his hands and feet on those comfort rituals in advance, and could influence and change the effects of those rituals at any time, so that they could help "catalyze" this seed, achieve the conditions for the curse to take effect, and then form a real threat.

It seems that this is the normal means of the [Curse] system, but the madman like the consultant who threw the curse in front of him is the outlier in this system?

Lloyd felt that he had accumulated valuable practical experience again, so he nodded with satisfaction and broke away from the [Story].

Soon after he left, the last remaining judge had no point in persisting, as he heard his uncle's 'narration':

"No need to continue, it's meaningless, we've been ambushed..."

After that, the author Jefferson took the initiative to cancel the story, which was considered a choice to give up.


Although he admitted defeat, Jefferson, who was hosting this round of [Story], did not show the demeanor of accepting defeat calmly. He gritted his teeth and said to the other two seventh-level powerhouses:

"You two damn old bastards, are you trying to trick me together? Okay! No problem. Since I have signed the [contract], I will naturally not deny it, but I will never forget what happened today! [ The contract is only valid for three months. I hope you can still be smiling like you are today."

He looks like a gambling dog who is eager to lose.

Unfortunately, this direct and naked threat did not scare anyone present. Another seventh-level powerhouse, Mayer, immediately retorted:

"Haha, if you lose, you lose. Can you not look so ugly? You are really embarrassing..."

Old Olga also had a similar attitude, smiled disdainfully and said:

"Haha~ It's so ugly, like an old dog whose spine has been broken and can only bark randomly... Let's not say that the people I found and I were playing according to the rules without any unusual behavior. Your inexplicable confidence makes me want to laugh. Where did you get the confidence to threaten me? "

Jefferson was probably really furious, his mind was no longer clear, and he continued to say in a stern voice:

"Hmph! If you win in the end, you will definitely spend a long time digesting our [story] and then be promoted to the eighth level. In the process, you can't protect anyone...and even if I don't, there is nothing you can do about your family. , but I will never let go of that fourth-level miscellaneous fish.”

As a result, when old Olga heard this, she was stunned for a moment, then she suppressed the smile on her face, and nodded again and again.

"You actually want to attack him? Then... I suggest you give it a try?"

His strange attitude made Jefferson on the other side a little puzzled and couldn't help but ask:

"Just try it, can you still protect him forever?"

"No, no, you will know after you try it yourself."

When Old Olga said this, she shook her head vigorously, unwilling to deal with this loser-minded gambling dog anymore.

I just thought about it carefully in my mind, what would happen if this guy really planned to attack Lloyd?

Well, first of all, my family, as Lloyd's eternal friends and partners, will of course stand up for him;

Then there is Randolph, the winner of the last bet, who is probably about to be promoted to the eighth level. He will definitely stand up for Lloyd;

Next, it should be the turn of the saint recognized as the most powerful and the Brilliant Order under her command...

And the Supreme One whom I don’t even dare to think about...

Oh, by the way, there is also the mysterious Mizkatok where Lloyd is...

Maybe we have to add our own autistic saint in the end?

After a simple inventory, old Olga looked at Jefferson again, her eyes filled with admiration and sympathy.

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