I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 471 470 Please try your best to explore

Chapter 471 470. Please try to explore on your own

Uh... Is this question so dangerous?

Then how cruel did those [Brilliant Gold] do back then?

Could it be that the Doomsday was caused by them?

Lloyd complained in his heart for no reason.

But this can only be regarded as malicious speculation and groundless accusations.

In terms of general rationality, [Brilliant Gold] has reached the pinnacle of power, status and wealth. It is not necessary to create the Doomsday. Besides, the plan was not participated by one person. It is impossible for a large number of top powerhouses to do stupid things collectively, right?

So the culprit who caused the Doomsday was still the unknown mountaineer who dug out the "Book of Madness".

Lloyd divided the "pot" in his mind, put aside this unanswered question, and turned to ask about the level improvement and the matter of the Supreme Realm.

The reactions of the two deans were somewhat unexpected:

"Hmm? Why would you ask me such a question? Shouldn't you ask yourself? This is a very important private matter, so don't discuss it."

"Why do you care about the level of [Supreme Domain] now? Don't be so impetuous, it won't be too late to consider it after you are promoted to a saint."

Their attitudes made Lloyd not know how to continue asking for a while. He felt powerless to explain to the teacher what "fate constellation" and "special weapon" are.

It seems that others can't be relied on after all, and everything depends on one's own struggle and hard work...

So Lloyd had to ask the last question, about the new, strange system [illusionment]

When the former dean heard this, he immediately became excited.

"Oh? As expected, there is indeed a path in this field. It seems that my and Zhamuel's speculation is correct!"

After that, he asked Lloyd to release the [Projection], and then circled around it several times and made a detailed observation.

"Yeah... That's right! That's right! Hahahaha! That's great, you didn't disappoint me! This is indeed a path that humans cannot get involved in, but it's not a problem for you... Hahaha, that's great!"

He laughed wildly with excitement, and his speech began to be incoherent, as if years of research had finally borne fruit.

But Lloyd was confused and asked quickly:

"That... Please calm down first, I still have a lot of questions about this system, such as what to do next, how to improve? Where can I get relevant knowledge?"

Who knew that the former dean actually answered openly:

"I don't know, don't ask me, didn't I say it? This is a system that normal humans cannot get involved in. You can also say that you are the first person to get involved in this system, so everything is unknown, and you have to explore it yourself. If you have any results and gains, remember to share them with me and Zam'el."

"No... this..."

Lloyd was speechless for a moment.

Are you still a role model? Why are you asking students for results?

He quickly looked at Dean Hazlade, who was even more unbearable. Although he couldn't see his face, he could feel the doubt and puzzlement on him, and asked back:

"What are you talking about? What is [illusion]?"

"Hazlade, don't worry, I'll give you a lesson later and you'll know."

"Oh, okay, it's my honor to listen to your lecture."

Lloyd saw that the two were going to have a private class, and hurriedly reminded:

"Wait, what about me?"

"Please try your best to explore and practice."


"What's that expression on your face? I'm doing this for your own good. I haven't been involved in this system myself, and my understanding of it is only superficial. If I really teach you my understanding and cognition, I'm afraid it will mislead you."

The former dean justified his behavior of giving up, and then, without waiting for Lloyd to refute, he dragged Dean Hazlade to have a private class.

Alas...Mizkatok Asylum is really a place with bad leadership...

Lloyd complained helplessly in his heart and shook his head.

Although from a general point of view, the reason given by the former dean is reasonable. He has not been involved in the [illusion] system, so he can only be regarded as an extra-curricular enthusiast and bystander. If he must accept his knowledge, it would be like a student of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics learning rocket knowledge from a crosstalk actor.

But you let me explore and practice it myself, and I have no idea at all?

When Lloyd felt helpless, he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

When he opened the door, he saw a tentacle monster squatting at the door, with a bloody heart wrapped in the tentacles, as if it had just been peeled out of someone's chest, still warm and still beating.


The tentacle monster made a strange sound and handed the heart to Lloyd.

"Thank you, it does look delicious... By the way, come to my place for lunch tomorrow? Let me show you my understanding and mastery of cooking."


"Okay, it's settled then!"

The tentacle monster then crawled back to the dormitory next door, and Lloyd closed the door, looked at the heart in his hand, then opened his mouth and took a small bite.


It has a fragrant smell, delicate taste, plenty of juice, and mellow sweetness.

It tastes like the top-grade lychee, but with just the right amount of freshness and sourness, which makes the sweetness more layered.

Lloyd's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly swallowed the heart in two or three bites like the altar purifier eating ginseng fruit, and then licked the purple mucus left on his fingers with reluctance.

This is probably the most delicious fruit he has ever eaten in his two lives. It can even be said that he had never imagined that there would be such a delicious fruit before.

As for the nutritional value, it should contain a variety of amino acids and trace elements?

But the appearance is a little strange, and most people probably can't accept it...

It's really not someone's heart. As the strongest muscle tissue of most organisms, how can the heart be so soft and tender.

Teacher Maomao said that this was grown on the tree in its yard. Thinking about the strange and weird plants in that yard, it doesn't seem strange that such a strange fruit would grow?

I can consider asking Teacher Maomao how to grow this kind of tree, and try to grow some myself, and then bring it back for my sister to taste.

I don’t know if it’s easy to grow?

After Lloyd pondered for a while, he looked at the time again. It was not too late, and his inventory and summary of this wave of [Transcendence] were almost done.

Although there were still many questions left, they needed to be studied slowly later, but in general, the harvest was still very rich.

So he took a bath with satisfaction, and then practiced the ancient breathing method while brushing the student handbook.

Perhaps it was due to the further improvement of the life level. Now when practicing the ancient breathing method, although he still blushed and felt dizzy, he could at least persist for a longer time.

It’s a good thing to have progress!

After brushing the student handbook for a while, the time was almost up. Lloyd was originally planning to sleep like this, but suddenly he thought of something, so he suddenly went back to the [Thinking Field].

As a result, when he came back this time, he found that the [Thinking Field] had really changed again.

First, the large piece of foundation before. I don't know which kind-hearted person helped. Now there is some progress. The soil has been filled, the floor tiles have been laid, and there are more than a dozen white pillars, which are more luxurious and grand.

The tentacle grass became more excited, and kept prostrating and worshiping the foundation. It didn't until it noticed Lloyd coming in that it turned its body 180 degrees and began to worship him again, calling out "嘤嘤嘤" non-stop.

Lloyd pursed his lips, walked over, knocked on the glass cover, signaled it to be quiet, and then approached the foundation and reached out to touch the extra white jade pillar.

[Ding~ Knowledge fragment +1]

Hmm? There is an unexpected gain?

Lloyd hurriedly touched it a few more times.

As a result, the pillar said that it was still very reserved and would not give in at the touch.

Lloyd tried the remaining few again, and then received four more pieces of knowledge fragments.

As soon as he glanced at this knowledge fragment in his mind, a familiar mental pollution came over him.

[Ding~ Madness value +50000]

Wow! Fifty thousand, that's a lot!

Lloyd grinned. This scale of mental pollution is like a mosquito leg to him now, only enough to upgrade 1 level.

But mosquito legs are also meat, so he added the 5 points of attributes he just got to [Inspiration], and the total value reached 2655 points.

Then he took a look at what kind of knowledge this is, which is so dangerous and vicious?

The result was not too unexpected, it was the knowledge related to the new system [Illusion].

Well... maybe it's not right to say that. Strictly speaking, it's just related to [Illusion], and it's not considered knowledge.

With Lloyd's current 3030 points of cognition, plus the cognitive level that has been improved many times, he can't understand what this knowledge is describing?

It was like a mobile game player reading the game source code. It was like reading a heavenly book. Apart from recognizing those characters, nothing else could be understood, not even the general direction.

The reason why it was determined to be related to [Void] was simply because the "Book of Void" in my mind had some reaction, quietly turned a page, and recorded these incomprehensible contents.

Maybe it was because I was afraid that Lloyd would forget it?

But if I wrote it down and couldn't read it, it would be useless?

"Hiss~ This is a bit tricky..."

Lloyd pursed his lips and remembered what the former dean said, that he was the first person to get involved in [Void]...

So the first step to get involved in a new system is to read the heavenly book?

Then who wrote these "heavenly books"? How did they end up in my [Thinking Field]?

Did you really treat my [Thinking Field] as a bus? You can get on it whenever you want?

Lloyd was speechless for a while, but he really didn't have any more clues at the moment, so he could only think about putting it aside and wait until he collected more fragments to see it again.

Okay, let's go check if there are any changes in the [Twisted Seed].

Lloyd then returned to the young sprouts.

It looked like nothing had changed here, but with this wave of upgrades, a new function had been unlocked for Lloyd.

He reached out and gently touched the young sprout of Eloro, and a cartoon-style bubble frame suddenly appeared on it, and he could see Eloro staying in his room, eating absentmindedly.

And around the room, there were all kinds of paper pages scattered everywhere.

After a quick glance, some of them had the word "Lloyd" written on them repeatedly; some were abstract sketches of two little people walking in an amusement park; and some were written records and descriptions, expressing her feelings for Lloyd.

If Lloyd saw this scene at any other time, he would be scared and want to break up.

But when he thought that this was all her efforts to save him, his heart suddenly became warm.

Thank you too.

Lloyd said this seriously in his heart, then reached out and gently tapped the bud.

Ai Luoluo, who was still depressed and had his hair drooping on his head, suddenly became energetic, his hair stood up, and then looked around curiously.

Then he scratched his head again and said something.

Although Lloyd couldn't hear her voice, he could roughly guess from her lip shape that she was asking about something related to him?

So he reached out and gently tapped the bud again.

Ai Luoluo tilted his head cutely, laughed suddenly, and started to talk excitedly.

Now Lloyd couldn't even guess...

I just knew that he was probably happy about his safe return?

It seems that this new way of playing still has many disadvantages. It is not very convenient and is far inferior to the "live broadcast" of Tentacle Grass.

So Lloyd turned around and asked Tentacle Grass:

"Can you help me optimize this project?"


Tentacle Grass yelled for a while, and finally imitated Lloyd's hand-spreading, shaking his head and shrugging, indicating that he was powerless.

"Then you can only be a product manager, not a project manager."

Lloyd said with some amusement.


Tentacle Grass immediately put on a very human dejected look, as if it had encountered workplace bullying.

Finally, Lloyd focused his attention on the giant flower bud representing Hiltina, and moved closer to take a look at her current condition.

He only needed to reach out and touch it to sense her current condition.

So Hiltina is currently...

Uh...sleeping like a pig...

It seems that she was really tired before.

Then, some more or less mental pollution came, making Lloyd's ears ring with a series of "ding ding ding".

He simply blocked the reminder sound effect, and then did not return to reality, just leaning on the flower bud to help Hiltina share more mental pollution.

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