I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 474 473 Recasting the Illusion Trial

Chapter 474 473. Recasting the Trial of Falsehood

"A better subject to graduate from? Well... the art department is generally easier, so many people choose to go there to mix grades and credits, but I don't recommend it. In today's era, playing art is really difficult. It's a bit too luxurious, so it's better to choose a subject that can get substantial improvement.

What's more, our space department doesn't really recognize the graduate etchings that come from the art department. "

Lloyd analyzed Metis carefully and then recommended:

"I think the six subjects of biology, chemistry, environment, materials, as well as civil engineering and machinery are better. In your opinion... it should be more suitable for biology? Civil engineering is not bad, it depends on your own preferences."

"Okay, then I'll enroll in the biology department."

Metis nodded without hesitation, as if he trusted Lloyd.

It's a pity that she didn't apply for civil engineering, otherwise Lloyd would have liked to see what her petite body would look like wearing a safety helmet and unwinding wires and pulling a tape measure on the construction site.

But then I thought about it, this guy is an alcoholic. If he really wants to study civil engineering, he is probably irresponsible for the safety of other people's lives and property...

So after lunch, Lloyd took Metis to the Academic Affairs Office to go through the enrollment procedures. On the way, he asked curiously:

"Why do you seem to be particularly interested in the space system?"

"Well, when I came in, I opened a portal according to what the guide taught me. It felt very magical and made me infinitely curious about it."

Metis said seriously, raised his head again, looked at Lloyd, his beautiful dark golden eyes were slightly shining, and continued:

"It's just that I can't even open the simplest portal. I'm not as cool and casual as you."

Lloyd smiled and said humbly:

"Haha, the longer you get along with me, the more you will discover my excellence."

Metis's expression suddenly froze, and he hesitated to speak...

Lloyd suddenly thought of another thing and turned to ask:

"Oh, by the way, now that you are also studying in Mizkatok, what about our execution work in Tower 9?"

"Why are you worried about such a trivial matter? Is it possible that such a large Brilliant Cult is still missing two executioners? Your Wei Ya has already arranged for people to replace them, not to mention that we have you as an example in our No. 9 Tower, those Each student is more capable than the other, and new executioners will be promoted from them soon."

With Metis's answer, Lloyd felt relieved knowing that his 'hometown' didn't have to worry too much.

Then, he accompanied Metis to complete the admission procedures, and then sent her to the girls' dormitory. Then he said goodbye and left, finding a place to rest and relax.

Metis looked at the place where he disappeared, with a complicated look on his cute face. Finally, she shook her head helplessly, not knowing what she was thinking about.

"I hope the roommate assigned to me won't be too noisy, right? Lloyd said that there are no idlers in Mizkatok. You just have to be careful about the mental state of your roommate..."

She whispered, then twisted her waist and walked into the girls' dormitory.

Because it was only a 'C+' rating, she could only get a four-bed room. She had to upgrade to a 'B' rating to get a two-person room, then a single room in the 'A' category, and the last 'S' was like Lloyd's. small detached villa.

After a while, Metis received a warm greeting in the dormitory:

"Eh? Our Shinjuku friend is actually a beautiful new student? You are so cute! You look like a ragdoll."

"Hehe, I hope everyone can get along well in the future."

"Huh~ Fortunately, the new sister is a freshman, otherwise I wouldn't be able to handle it if there was a senior here."

Mizkatok's dormitory allocation is so random. It is only based on grades, without looking at grades or subjects. Like Metis this time, I don't know whether to say it's good luck or bad luck. In short, it's just the same as three people The senior students were grouped together.

They acted quite enthusiastically, but the result was that Metis was a little embarrassed and couldn't help but want to act like a bad girl.

But she also remembered that Lloyd had specifically told her that connections were a very important resource in Mizkatok. She must get along well with everyone and stop talking about the 'bad woman' all day long, let alone drink, and don't put yourself in trouble. Dirty and unkempt.

"It's pretty like this, isn't it?"

Therefore, no matter how impatient she was, Metis could only hold back, show a cute and sweet smile, and deal with these seniors like a cute elementary school girl.

After some innocuous greetings and self-introductions, a senior student from the art department suddenly asked:

"Hehe, let me tell you secretly. In fact, I have been sketching by the window just now. I noticed you before you came in. I also noticed that someone sent you over. Is it a boy from the space department? He looks tall. , quite handsome? Is he your boyfriend? "

"Eh? No, he is my colleague outside. We are all executioners of the Brilliant Order."

"That's it... Then I have to give you a piece of advice from my seniors. Seize the opportunity and don't be robbed by others. You know, boys in the space department are hot commodities in our college, not to mention they are still so young and handsome. of."

"Ahaha, this... forget it, he has a girlfriend, who is also my colleague outside."

Medis smiled awkwardly and explained quickly:

"What does it matter? I am not afraid of being married, let alone being lovers."

Another senior from the history department next to her smiled and added:

"The flow of time in the college is different from that outside. No matter how loyal the love is, it cannot beat the ten-fold time difference. As long as you are willing, he can't escape."

Finally, the remaining senior from the medical department also said:

"If you really don't care, why don't you introduce him to me? It just so happens that my current boyfriend has no skills and no strengths. He has been hanging around for several years and is still a D rating... So, what is the name of the handsome guy from the space department?"

"His name is Lloyd."

Medis said truthfully, but frowned slightly, and the little hand holding the hem of her skirt unconsciously exerted force quietly, as if she wanted to strangle something to death.

Who knew that when the name was announced, the three senior sisters immediately exclaimed:

"Lloyd? Lloyd from the Space Department? Is it the Lloyd I know?"

"Handsome, young, and from the Space Department, isn't that right? Doesn't he have a golden tie clip?"

"Holy Lord, is it really that Lloyd? My dear sister Metis, you must introduce him to me!"

Metis looked at the three "sisters" looking at her with wolf-like eyes, as if they were going to eat her alive. She was also frightened and waved her hand quickly, asking:

"That... is he very popular here?"

"More than popular Welcome, he is the new generation legend of our Mizkatok. Do you know the Outstanding Contribution Medal? Do you know what it means? "

"Isn't he very familiar with you? He even sent you to the dormitory, but you don't even know this? It seems that you are really not in a relationship? Are you really just colleagues?"

"Hehe, then wouldn't I have a chance?"

Then, the three "sisters" told Metis about Lloyd's active performance in Mizkatok like a treasure, such as the youngest lecturer, the youngest professor in the future, the hero who saved the college, the leader in fighting against the descendants of the evil god, and the dream lover of most girls.

Anyway, a series of titles made Metis stunned.

It's just that Lloyd is relatively reclusive and doesn't like to show up, so many people have heard of his name, but don't know his specific appearance, and lack other understanding of him.

What's more, there is that awe-inspiring golden collar clip, which makes people dare not take the initiative to approach him.

The appearance of Metis, a ‘colleague’, was obviously an excellent springboard and channel.

Coupled with the speed of news spreading in the girls’ dormitory, by the evening of that day, Metis had to carry a backpack that was bigger than her, carrying the hopes and expectations of her ‘sisters’, and walked out of the dormitory building.

The backpack was filled with various pink letters, business cards with lipstick marks, carefully wrapped small gifts, and even some underwear with clear hints...

Metis immediately understood why Lloyd reminded her to be careful about the mental state of her roommate.

She felt that she was not entering a higher education institution, but a large mental hospital...

But no matter how reluctant she was, she still set off with the big bag on her back, and took out the student handbook and prepared to contact Lloyd.

But after she wrote the message, she didn’t want to send it out.

So she carried the big bag on her back, and after a lot of twists and turns, she found a remote and unmanned trash can and dumped the whole bag into it.

Metis pouted her lips, revealing a cute expression of puffy, like a green pufferfish, but she sneered in her heart:

Haha~ This is what a bad woman should do!

Then, in order to avoid suspicion, Metis did not rush back to the dormitory, but found an empty bench to sit down and planned to kill some time.

She subconsciously took out the wine pot from the pocket of her long skirt and planned to take a few sips.

But her mind immediately remembered Lloyd's previous reminder...

After some hesitation and struggle, she got angry for no reason, threw the wine pot far away in a puffy manner, and still muttered to herself unyieldingly:

"Hmph~ Since you are better than me now, I will listen to you! Even if I have to be a bad woman, I want to be the kind of bad woman who listens to others' advice."

As she spoke, Metis couldn't help but recall the description of Lloyd by the "sisters" and the undisguised desire.

Among them, there are also some doubts about herself, probably because she doesn't understand why she is not interested in such an outstanding opposite sex.

"I didn't expect that he is so outstanding now. I can't imagine what those people said about him. When I first met him, he was still an ordinary person who hadn't even completed [enlightenment]..."

"Huh! Wei Ya..."

Metis continued to talk to herself unconsciously, and then suddenly froze, stretched out her hand and slapped her cheek hard.

"Really, why am I a little envious of her?"

"No, no! Even if I have to be a bad woman, I have to be the kind of bad woman who is not jealous and knows how to behave."

She became more and more incoherent, and she didn't drink alcohol, but she seemed drunk.


"My Hiltina, calculate the time. It has been more than two hours in the real world. How come your mental pollution has not increased at all?"

The next morning, Lloyd asked while touching the giant flower bud that was "empty as a field".

It's a pity that Hiltina inside was still sleeping soundly and couldn't answer him.

Every morning before, Lloyd could complete the "daily check-in" from the giant flower bud, but probably because the mental pollution was absorbed in a wave yesterday morning, there was nothing today...

It means that everyone has been relatively quiet in the past two hours in the real world and didn't do anything hard?

In the end, there was some harvest in the "Palace Foundation", and Lloyd was given a few pieces of knowledge fragments, which helped him barely upgrade to a level.

5 points of [Inspiration], add it to 2660.

Lloyd added a point casually, and looked at the "Book of Falsehood" that he was flipping through, and there were some more records on it that he couldn't read.

But the situation was a little different from the last time. After recording today's profound knowledge, the "Book of Illusion" had some changes.

Became... more three-dimensional? Or easier to understand?

In the beginning of the "Book of Illusion", there were several complex three-dimensional design drawings, which looked like CAD modeling, very mysterious, as if describing a mysterious space with unknown meaning?

Anyway, Lloyd couldn't understand it at all at that time.

But after these two records, Lloyd reviewed these design drawings again and suddenly found some ways.

This thing... seems to allow me to build a temporary space out of thin air, just like the scene of [Illusion Trial]?

Lloyd simply interpreted the functions of these design drawings.

This is not a very unexpected new way of playing. [Illusion Trial] had it before, and the former dean enjoyed it. It's just that after the "Book of Illusion" was passed to himself, [Illusion Trial] was gone.

Now this can only be regarded as the recovery of the function that this book should have, or in other words, Lloyd is gradually learning how to use this function.

It seems that this is not only because of the knowledge about [Illusion], but also related to my attribute improvement, level improvement, and [Space Domination] level improvement. Everything is complementary.

At my current level, the improvement of a single skill, a certain attribute, or a certain knowledge may not have any effect. It needs to be combined as a whole to discover the subtle changes.

Then Hiltyna and the two deans asked me to digest the gains of [Transcendence], which refers to this aspect.

You must carefully feel and grasp these changes and improvements to truly experience the changes brought about by the growth of the level.

After Lloyd summed up in his mind, he calmed down and began to try and study "The Book of Illusion" to see if he could build a [Illusion Trial]?

This is obviously a very complicated and troublesome process that requires full commitment.

Lloyd quickly immersed himself in it and gradually forgot the time.

So before I knew it, another day was almost over. It was almost dark when Lloyd was awakened by the vibration of the student handbook and woke up from the Book of Illusion.

Then he opened the Book of Illusion again and reviewed today's achievements.

Although it feels that there are still some flaws and shortcomings, and there are still certain logical loopholes and flaws in some places, it should be able to run, right? Just a few small bugs.

I didn't expect that the experience I accumulated in the [Story] path when I participated in the gambling game of the housekeeper and others before could be used in this place, and it was also very critical.

Sure enough, people with a heart can gain everywhere.

Lloyd made a simple summary and took out his pocket watch to check the time.

"Wow? Time flies!"

He looked at the student handbook again, but it turned out that it was not a big deal. It was Metis who asked him if he wanted to have dinner together?

Of course, that was fine, but it was getting late, and it was too late to cook by myself. Lloyd wrote back and made an appointment with Metis at the History Department cafeteria yesterday.

It seems that you don’t have the honor of experiencing my cooking today.

Lloyd complained in his heart, and then ran to meet Metis.

The two of them kept a polite distance and had a reserved conversation just like yesterday.

After just a few words, Metis suddenly changed the subject and showed a helpless smile:

"I really didn't expect that you are a big star here, and I also benefited from it and received a lot of care, but why didn't you tell me before?"

"Haha, I don't have many shortcomings, and being low-key is one of my biggest advantages."

Lloyd explained casually, and then asked:

"By the way, I am preparing some fun things here, which should be completed tomorrow. Do you want to try it then?"


"Yes, a test called [False Trial]. You can use the student manual to learn about it first, but this one I made can only be regarded as a poor imitation, not so serious and formal."

Since it is to build a temporary space and recast [False Trial], it is natural to find a trialist to test it.

Lloyd has just started this and is not very familiar with it, so he tends to design the difficulty of the trial to be conservative and easy, which is not suitable for high-level experts to try, nor for people who are not familiar with it.

So Metis became the most suitable tester at the moment.

"Don't worry, the difficulty is very low, there will be no danger to life, and there will be no mental pollution. It even has the special effect of eliminating mental pollution."

Lloyd also added an extra sentence.

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