I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 479 The Magical Use of Silhouette

Chapter 479 479. The Magic of Silhouettes

The difference between this phantom and Metis is probably like simple lines vs. extreme colors.

They are just similar in body outlines, both are short, and other than that, there is nothing else in common in appearance.

The face is even more blurred, and there is no color on the whole body, only gray and simple lines, and it is flatter than Metis, basically as thick as a piece of paper, quite two-dimensional.

Rather than being a phantom, it is more like a freshly made draft, or a silhouette lacking details.

Strictly speaking, this thing should be regarded as the "impression" of Metis left in the [Void Trial], which can be understood as the "save" or "account" of various games on the earth.

When Metis enters the trial, her body lying on the sofa outside will not disappear directly like the original trial, nor will it stay in place like entering the [Story], but will appear in a state of virtualization and transparency, which is equivalent to being in between the two.

In this way, the effect of the trial can be guaranteed while avoiding some unnecessary harm.

This is the effect that Lloyd carefully designed.

And Metis's silhouette was also left on this basis.

Lloyd can use it to check Metis's experience, memory, and even knowledge gained in the trial before.

For example, if Lloyd is interested in the ancient biological knowledge that Metis obtained just now, he can extract it into his mind through this silhouette.

But it is limited to the knowledge and memory that Metis obtained in the [False Trial]. It is powerless outside the trial, and there is no way to read her thoughts and ideas-after all, that is something that even the Supreme cannot spy on.

The silhouette has some similarities with the [Projection], but the difference is very big, such as it will not become stronger with Lloyd's strength, the existence time is limited, etc., which is equivalent to a [Projection] that is weakened many times.

But this defect is not important.

The most special and valuable thing about this silhouette is that it can perform an attack or ability, and the power and effect are exactly the same as those performed by Metis herself.

This is a very powerful function!

Although Metis is only at the fourth level now, and his strength is far inferior to Lloyd, what if he is replaced by Hiltina?

Or what about the former dean, cheap uncle and others?

As long as they are willing to participate in Lloyd's [Illusion Trial], there is a way to leave their silhouettes in it, and then summon them like now, and perform their one-time attack or ability.

And this "one attack" limit, Lloyd is confident that he can continue to improve, and the number of times will definitely increase later.

It can even do not limit the number of silhouettes, and can release multiple silhouettes at once for coordination and concentrated fire.

Isn't this the scene that Lloyd imagined, with his back against the crystal column, and the light column behind him "boom boom boom", and then a large group of people rushing out of it?

However, his current [Illusion Trial] is still too rough. Even if Hiltina and the former dean agree to come in and play, they may not be able to leave their silhouettes. Lloyd needs to work hard to optimize it later.

So Lloyd urgently needs more knowledge related to [illusion], and more people to participate in the test.

He even has a bigger ambition -

His original idea of ​​making a mobile phone in this world and making a lot of money now seems a bit too superficial.

Why not use the ‘mobile phone’ to let everyone participate in his [illusion trial]?

Ordinary people can play various games in it and enjoy spiritual satisfaction;

Extraordinary people can challenge various trials in it and improve their strength;

And I can accept more madness points, gain more taboo knowledge, and then collect silhouettes of various talents and heroes...

It's so exciting!

Why don't I just stop being a twisted saint and become a false saint?

Haha, let's not think so far, I haven't even made a mobile phone yet...

Although Lloyd thinks very far, he also knows the distance between ideal and reality in his heart, and there is still a long way to go.

It's better to be down-to-earth and perfect the things in front of you.

By the way, Metis did promise to help find more people to conduct the test, which should be more reliable, right?

Then I have to prepare more "lead boxes" in advance.

Lloyd pondered, and fumbled out a dozen lead boxes for storing extraordinary materials from his storage bag, all of which he exchanged for credits yesterday.


This most basic and common container is so cheap that it seems to cost no credits. 1 point of credit can be exchanged for a lot of things, which can't solve the trouble of too many credits at all.


"I... I'm back."

Metis, on the other hand, came out of the portal opened by Lloyd and landed at the gate of the girls' dormitory. She had to climb another flight of stairs to return to her dormitory.

At present, only the roommate from the art department was in the dormitory, and the other two seemed to have returned to the real world.

"Have you been in the library all the time? You are really working hard... Huh? Wait! That's not right!"

The roommate was busy brushing the student handbook and just responded casually, but when he looked up at Metis, he immediately found something wrong.

"Why don't you wear any shoes? And judging from your expression, you must have been eaten up by Lloyd, right?"

"No, no, he's not that kind of person."

Metis quickly helped explain.

But I didn't notice at all that there seemed to be something wrong with the direction of this explanation?

The roommate was about to continue asking questions, but his attention was attracted by Metis' next words:

"By the way, Lloyd is currently preparing a complex academic project that requires some people to participate in testing. Are you interested?"

"Academic program? What kind of one?"

"This is what you call [False Trial]."

"Huh? This...is this something I can get involved in?"

"Of course, he didn't set any restrictions. He just needs to be bold and careful and have a lot of time. He also specifically asked me to ask if you are interested first."

Metis said with a serious face.

The roommate jumped up excitedly, approached her, and continued to ask:

"What kind of trial is it specifically? Is it dangerous?"

"It might be a little scary? A little painful and tiring? And then there will be some mental pollution? But don't worry, the mental pollution will be eliminated soon. Compared with the final reward, these are all acceptable."

"Reward? There is actually a reward?"


Metis generously shared what he had gained from his trip with his roommates. In addition to the improvement he gained in the trial, Lloyd also specially opened a new academic project, with a reason and channels, and additional Gave her 10 points.

It's not that Lloyd is stingy, it's just that his current academic level is not enough. The credits that can be awarded to others are only 10 points at most at a time, and the total value for one person cannot exceed 50 points.

"There are actually ten credits!"

My roommate had heard something about inspiration and spiritual power before, but she didn't feel much about it. After all, she was from the art department, so she wasn't too interested in these things. But when Metis mentioned her credits, her eyes suddenly lit up, and suddenly He grabbed Metis' little hand and asked:

"Really ten points? Are you kidding me?"

"Huh? Is this...a lot? I think Lloyd seems to be very disapproving of this?"

"He is a man with a gold lapel. Of course he doesn't lack this, but do you know how many paintings I need to make if I want to earn ten points? Even if my arm painting is disabled, there may not be that many! In short... this I am very interested in the project, very interested. For the sake of sharing the same dormitory, you must take me with you!”

"Okay, okay, I understand, please calm down first."

Metis withdrew his hand dumbfounded and continued:

"Lloyd also said that the credits are not always that many. You must participate in the test seriously, actively provide feedback, and then determine the number of credits based on the validity of the feedback. You cannot just mess around."

"I understand this. Don't worry, I'm a careful enough person to draw on eggs!"

The roommate said carelessly, and then let out a lot of excitement and emotion, describing to Metis how lucky he was to earn some credits, how difficult it was, and how precious the credits were, and they could be exchanged for them. What a great thing.

Just as she was talking, she suddenly changed the subject, with a playful smirk on her face:

"Looking at it this way, Lloyd probably really likes you, right? Not only did he give you this kind of trial opportunity, but he also asked you to help recruit testers, and gave you so many credits... What about you? What do you think of him? What does it feel like?”


Metis was stunned for a moment, her dark golden eyes drooping involuntarily, then she pursed her lips hard and replied:

"He has a girlfriend outside, and they are a good match. I'm just their colleague."

Seeing her like this, her roommate hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't say anything. He just gave Metis a warm hug and whispered in her ear:

"It's okay, I understand your mood, don't worry, I will definitely support you!"


Metis was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't quite understand what the other party meant, he thought about it and didn't continue to ask.


Early the next morning after college time, Lloyd went back to the [Thinking Realm] as usual, and then checked to see if there was any harvest from the giant buds and the palace foundation.

Unsurprisingly, nothing was found...

It’s been 5 hours since the real world outside, right? Hiltina hasn't suffered mental pollution yet?

Uh... No, no, how can I expect my girlfriend to suffer mental pollution?

Lloyd shook his head vigorously, shrugged helplessly, and then returned to reality.

After washing up, he went to the yard outside to take care of the tree he had planted before while practicing ancient breathing techniques.

According to Dr. Maomao's experience, this tree needs to be watered every day, and some spiritual power should be injected into it, but the amount must be paid attention to, and it must not be too much.

Of course, Lloyd followed the 'doctor's orders' and hoped that the tree would grow up quickly and then let his sister and Weiya taste the most delicious fruit in the world.

As soon as he took care of the seeds buried in the soil, he heard a greeting from the other side:


"Good morning~Doctor Maomao."

"Mutter, whisper, whisper?"

"Uh... the girl who came to my house yesterday... you mean Metis? She is indeed beautiful and cute, but she is really not my girlfriend."

"Wai Bu Wai Bu!"

"How come you also know about Professor Hildina and me? Oh yes...she has contacted you before."

"Ah wow wow wow!"

"Ahaha, I understand. When I need you to help cover me in the future, I will tell you in advance... But in short, if Hiltina asks about it in a few days, don't tell her that I brought other women with me. It’s about the child coming home!”

After having a friendly exchange with his neighbors, Lloyd packed up his belongings and went to the dean's office with some forms and documents he had prepared overnight.

As soon as I landed, I heard a mechanical voice coming from the desk:

"State your case."

Although the timbre and voice belonged to Dean Hazlade, there was something obviously wrong about it, making it feel hollow and lifeless, like a telephone recording.

However, Lloyd still raised the document he had prepared in his hand and replied:

"Royd, a lecturer in the Department of Space, needs to apply for an academic project and corresponding venue."

He had done these things once before with Professor Toledo and had already mastered the process. Since it was a small project of his own, it did not require complicated procedures. In theory, it should be approved quickly.

However, Dean Hazred continued to reply in that mechanical tone:

"Keyword detected, Lloyd... please wait."

Then there was silence for two minutes before continuing:

"Huh? What happened this time?"

Now the tone is right, it seems that the real Dean Hazred is back.

"A simple little project."

Lloyd handed over the materials and asked curiously:

"Are you busy?"

"To be precise, I am in class. I am taking the class of the former dean. He is really like before. He has to attend a class for several days without interruption."

Dean Hazlade's tone showed a bit of laughter and laughter. He picked up Lloyd's document again, turned to the last page first, and directly ironed it to express his 'agree', and then turned back to look at his specific application. What.

Isn't this order a bit wrong?

"Oh? It's actually about the research on [Fantasy]? Are you planning to restart [Fantasy Trial]? Okay, okay! This is good! This is an absolutely cutting-edge project at the moment. I believe the former dean will also be very interested in it. Of course I will give it my all Support! I’ll ask that skeleton Zaza to help you later.”

Dean Hazlade looked very satisfied with the direction Lloyd had chosen. When he handed the document back to him, he also received an unknown amount of huge credits.

"You just go ahead and do it. If you don't have enough credits, I'll figure it out."

No, are you really not afraid of causing inflation?

Lloyd secretly cursed, and then heard Dean Hazlade continue:

"Okay, I have to go back to class. The former dean hated it when people were distracted in his class."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lloyd felt that the power in the air suddenly disappeared, and then the mechanical voice from before came again:

"State your case."

Uh... It seems that the dean also has a secretary? But it seems that a part of his own thinking has been separated to take on this kind of work?

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