I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 493 493 The Most Real Saint of Negation

Chapter 493 493. The most authentic veto saint

So just like that, Lloyd stayed with his sister all night, and then the two of them went back to their rooms to sleep, and then couldn't wait to "sneak in" to Elolo.

Having said that, after staying in the academy for more than ten days, when I came out and saw the beautiful and cute Elolo, I suddenly felt more sweet and delicious, and even the feel of playing with it became more comfortable and smooth.

Maybe this is the reason why researcher Dandy said that his girlfriend wanted to find someone outside?

But what makes Lloyd a little strange is that although Elolo still left a small cake for himself tonight, the little cherry on it was gone, and he didn't leave a letter. I don't know if it was because he was too busy these two days. reason?

Lloyd didn't think much, and just stayed with Elolo until the time was almost up, then slowly fell asleep.

On the second day, I grabbed the little milk cat and wiped his face as usual, and then went back to the [Thinking Realm] to complete the ‘daily check-in’.

"Hey~ Wasn't it peaceful last night? Hiltina suffered a lot of mental pollution, and why hasn't she woke up yet? She's been sleeping for two days, right?"

Lloyd looked at Hildina who was still sleeping soundly in the giant flower bud, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Let's go take a look and add attribute points first.

This morning he absorbed over 100,000 insanity points from Hiltina, plus some that he had saved before, and he was upgraded to three levels.

5 points of [Spiritual Power], 5 points of [Cognition], and 5 points of [Inspiration] will expand my pool into a pond!

[Ding~Add points to complete]

[User: Royd]

【state:? ? ? 】

[Insanity value: 278/50000, upper limit: 3105000]

【Rationality: 3105】

[Spiritual power: 3105]

【Inspiration: 2105】

[Cognition: 3105]

[System: Distort LV6, reject LV6, falsehood]

Lloyd assigned the attributes and tried his luck at the palace foundation. As expected, he found nothing.

Why don’t the fragments of forbidden knowledge in this place have a fixed refresh pattern?

He cursed in his heart, and continued as usual, cooking for his sister Everol, combing her hair, and sending her out, then opened a portal and went to Hildina's place in the real world. boudoir.

As a result, after entering, the room was empty, and there was no sleeping beauty as expected on the big bed that was big enough for three people to roll on.

Could it be the influence of the powerful wave of mental pollution last night?

Did a lot of forbidden knowledge suddenly appear, interfering with her recovery?

Could it be that...he couldn't wake up from his sleep?

Lloyd was thinking wildly on the spot. The more he thought about it, the more scared he became, and the more scared he became, the more anxious he became.

Fortunately, a voice suddenly came to his ears in time:

"You're here?"

Um? It was actually Hiltina who was speaking?

But it sounds a little strange. Although the voice timbre is indeed the one I am familiar with, the tone of voice is cold and has a clear mechanical feel?

Lloyd was wondering when he heard 'Hildina' continue:

"The perceptual thinking part is still sleeping. Please wake her up."

Uh...is that so?

Hiltina's rational thinking should have woken up long ago, but the other half's emotional thinking is unwilling to get up?

It's like when it's time to get up and go to work every morning, the rational mind is saying that if you don't get up, you will be late, but the perceptual mind is saying that just squint for five more minutes?

As a result, part of the body actually got up, while the other part continued to squint?

The ability of this thinking style is really magical and slightly weird...

After Lloyd cursed in his heart, he followed the guidance of 'Hildina' and came to the innermost window of the boudoir.

This place has been tightly covered by a set of exquisite and heavy curtains, completely unable to let in any light, as if they had never been opened.

And when Lloyd opened the curtains and took a look, he discovered that what was hidden behind it was actually a heavy airtight door?

It was made of that silver-white alloy that looked extremely solid, and had a huge turntable on it, as if it led to some important vault.

Could it be that Hiltina's little treasury is behind here?

But why would she sleep here?

Lloyd was confused about this, but he followed the explanation of 'Hildina' and rotated the turntable at a fixed frequency until there was a clicking sound of unlocking, followed by a burst of smoke from a steam engine and the sound of gears running.

The heavy door slowly opened in front of him.

At this time, 'Hildina' suddenly said coldly:

"Although the perceptual thinking part has never wanted you to come in, I think that as my future partner, it is necessary for you to know my truest side."

After the door was fully opened, Lloyd was stunned when he saw the scene inside...

It's like a dense forest of thorns, with dark, finely spiky thorns growing everywhere, and the roots are so intertwined that it's completely impossible to get down.

But if you take a closer look, these thorns don't seem like ordinary plants. Instead, they are undulating slightly, as if they can breathe?

The texture it presents looks more like some kind of cuticle?

Lloyd stretched out his hand and touched it, and there was actually a warmth on it...

He tried to look inside again, but did not find Hiltina, so he couldn't help but asked worriedly:

"What is this place..."

"My original self is also the price that every saint must pay."

'Hiltina' answered calmly.

Lloyd seemed to have guessed something, and rushed into the thorns without hesitation, and then trudged inside with great effort.

He did not use his ability to pry open these thorns, but just protected himself from being scratched, and then with great effort, he finally got into the depths of the room.

There was a high-backed chair here, and his lover Hiltina was sitting on it, with her eyes closed and her head slightly lowered, not awake yet.

Her appearance was still as beautiful and lovely as usual and in the past, sweet and lovely, but the originally well-behaved dark purple short hair was replaced with a smooth long hair, like a gorgeous veil, hanging on the ground.

Her entire upper body was still as delicate and slender as Lloyd was most familiar with.

But the rest of her lower body, including her sweet and delicious jade feet, had all turned into keratinous structures similar to thorns, and like tree roots, they were deeply buried in the ground...

This was probably the reason why she didn't like Lloyd to look at her feet, but she never wore shoes.

Such Hiltyna looked a little weird, a little curious, but also a little sad and beautiful, and a little broken.

She seemed no longer the saint who was high above, but just a poor girl who made great sacrifices for human civilization...

Lloyd felt as if he was stabbed by someone. He quickly ran to Hiltyna, then stretched out his hand and carefully touched her cheek.


Hiltyna let out a soft moan and slowly opened her eyes.

"Hey? Lloyd? What are you..."

She spoke in a confused and slightly childish tone, as if she was acting coquettishly with her lover, and subconsciously showed a sweet smile on her face.

However, the next second, she suddenly realized something, and the smile on her face froze.

Then she waved her hands in panic, trying to drive Lloyd away, and then covered her face tightly with both hands, crying:

"No... don't look... don't look at me like this..."

Lloyd shook his head stubbornly, stretched out his hand, gently held her hand, and then slowly pulled it apart, so that the beautiful face with two lines of tears was reappeared in front of him.

Then, he bent down slightly, gave Xildina a gentle kiss, and then reached out to wipe her tears, smiled slightly, and said:

"I just like Xildina, no matter what kind of Xildina she becomes, I like her."

"Eh? Why do you say this suddenly? Woo..."

Xildina was talking, but her lips were blocked by Lloyd's mouth again...

She wanted to respond enthusiastically, but this delicate body couldn't move at all, as if it was bound by thorns.

After the two of them had been intimate for a long time, her emotions gradually calmed down, and she said softly:

"I didn't expect my rational thinking to bring you in at this time. I was going to tell you later..."

"No, you should have told me earlier."

Lloyd pretended to be angry and pinched her soft cheek.


Hiltina cooperated and whimpered pitifully.

Lloyd was rarely able to control the power in front of her, so he asked casually:

"So, is there anything else you are hiding from me?"

"No, this is the real me."

Hiltina shook her head slightly, letting her cheek break free from his hand, but rubbed his palm again, like a kitten acting like a spoiled child.

"Then...it should be curable, right?"

Lloyd asked again.


Hiltina smiled helplessly and shook her head slowly.

"Except for that little goblin, all five of us have paid a price for this position, but some are mental and some are physical... Don't feel sad for me, I have accepted it all."

As she said this, she showed a very forced smile again and continued:

"It's okay, I won't look so ugly when I'm with you, I can still project the look you are most familiar with, and things after marriage... should still be fine, right? Although I may not be able to give birth to a baby for you..."

Lloyd heard this and shook his head vigorously, and said in a decisive tone:

"No, I will definitely find a way to make you return to normal!"


"No buts, don't forget, I am Lloyd who never disappoints people!"

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