Chapter 495 495. Can’t get in?

However, complaints are complaints. From an objective, neutral and rational perspective, Lloyd must admit that the new toy made by Professor Toledo is of great epoch-making significance and has many functions.

What about data query, auxiliary calculations, summary of key points, automatic animation, paper polishing, mind mapping, emotional Q\u0026A, scene simulation, in-depth learning, independent evolution, etc.

Although it is not comparable to 0-006, it is somewhat similar to the artificial intelligence on Earth, and it is even more convenient to use?

Anyway, its intelligence level is definitely much better than Lloyd's silly and ugly [Projection].

"This should be the first artificial intelligence since human civilization entered a new era, right? You are really amazing!"

Lloyd asked, sincerely admiring Professor Toledo's academic level.

Although this person becomes a little neurotic and slovenly once he gets involved in research, and likes to exploit others, his efficiency is not bad. He is actually able to produce decent results in such a short period of time. His academic level is really good. He is worthy of being the youngest professor in Mizkatok.

Of course, this may also be because he has conducted a lot of research on 0-006 before and completed deep accumulation in advance. This time, it is considered that he has accumulated a lot.

But the problem is...

A good next-generation artificial intelligence, why should it be made into this pyramid shape and also have the function of transforming into a robot?

We are all adults, don't be so childish, okay?

More importantly, the image of this robot is too shabby and crude, right? It's basically a simple drawing. If you want to make it more gorgeous and cool, add some floating cannons and wings or something like that.

And it’s so small, only as big as a palm, so I can’t even sit in it and drive...

Lloyd cursed a lot in his heart, and then heard Professor Toledo respond:

"Artificial intelligence? That's a good word... but it's not as powerful as you describe. This is only the most elementary stage, far from meeting my design expectations, and it is not completed by my own strength. It is indispensable. Everyone’s efforts would not be without the help of 0-006.”

He was humble at first, then raised his dark face, looked up at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle, and continued to sigh:

"But the more I study 0-006, the more I feel the gap between us today and the ancients in the past. There is still a long way to go, and we have to continue to work hard! Okay, don't waste time Please remember to arrange for professors from the engineering and history departments to come over as soon as possible."

After Professor Toledo said that, he actually wanted to drive Lloyd away?

Lloyd spread his hands helplessly and said in a dumbfounded voice:

"I still have something to discuss with you..."

"Huh? What is it? It's best to be more constructive and don't waste my time."

Lloyd then told him about his mature version of the trial, as well as further optimizations, promotion-related issues, and some bottlenecks currently encountered.

Professor Toledo was indeed very interested in this project and listened very carefully. He only regretted that he was too busy to participate in it.

He could only point at the stupid toy robot and suggest:

"But for the help you need, although I don't have time to help, this little guy may be able to help you? Remember to use its in-depth learning function more, use it more, try it more, and give you more feedback."

As he spoke, he raised his head again, looked at the ceiling and asked:

"What do you think of what Lloyd just said?"

Of course there was no one on the ceiling, but a line of subtitles appeared in front of their eyes:

"Search, no corresponding records were found in the database."

This is the response from 0-006.

Lloyd then asked:

"Then if I want to promote my [False Trial] in this world in the future, can I get your help?"

"Assessment, this array is very happy to provide assistance to holders of third-level permissions, but currently there is a lack of corresponding technical information, so it is difficult to provide substantial help... However, you may be able to use sub-level arrays to collect more Running data.”

As soon as 0-006 finished speaking, Professor Toledo helped explain:

"This trial is currently a brand new path, and it is difficult for others to interfere... However, this little thing can maintain some contact with this big thing and share their respective databases!

So theoretically speaking, if this little one can participate in your trial and help you, then the big one can also learn from it. You can ask it again then, right? "

"I see. It seems that I have found a solution to the problem that troubled me. I will go back and give it a try."

Lloyd nodded with satisfaction and was about to leave.

But he took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. It was almost dinner time. Why not have a meal with Elolo and then go back?

Of course, Elolo happily agreed to this kind of thing, and happily had a simple lunch with Lloyd, during which there was naturally some intimacy.

But what surprised Lloyd was that Elolo was not very interested in the previous [Transcendence] ceremony and the twists and turns during it. He didn't care at all what happened to Lloyd, and just kept sighing, 'It's okay'. 'It'll be nice to come back', and then changed the topic.

Seems a little strange?

You must know that when the two of them got along before, she was very interested in everything about Lloyd, and she even wanted to know what kind of position he liked to use when sleeping.

Turns out you have no interest in such an important thing?

It's not that the feelings have faded, Ai Luoluo is still as passionate and clingy as a kitten.

Moreover, her "disinterest" in this issue was a bit stiff and weird. It didn't look like a normal person's absent-mindedness, but more like she was being interfered by some factors and deliberately avoided it.

Lloyd speculated that it might be because his trial involved [history], so it touched some kind of artificial blind spot in Elolo's thinking?

Maybe it's a protection mechanism?

After all, her origins are different from those of ordinary girls...

Fortunately, this was not a very serious problem, and Lloyd did not delve too deeply into it. After having a chat with Elolo as usual, he reluctantly returned to Mizkatok.

Because he and his sister agreed in advance not to come back tonight, he will be able to stay in the college for more than ten days this time. He hopes to resolve all the unfinished business in one go.


Soon, Lloyd spent three busy and fulfilling days in the academy.

15 points [rationality], 15 points [spiritual power], 15 points [cognition], 5 points [inspiration], add them to me!

[Ding~Add points to complete]

[User: Royd]

【state:? ? ? 】

[Insanity value: 278/50000, upper limit: 3120000]

【Rationality: 3120】

[Spiritual power: 3120]

【Inspiration: 2110】

[Cognition: 3120]

[System: Distort LV6, reject LV6, falsehood]

He first added the dozens of attribute points accumulated in the previous three days in one go.

The source of this huge amount of insanity points, in addition to the "mosquito legs" provided by Hiltina and the Forbidden Knowledge Fragments, mainly comes from his mature version of the trial.

Since returning to the academy, Lloyd couldn't wait to restart the trial, and then conducted a public promotion in the student handbook, earning another dozen testers.

Although with the current progress, Lloyd cannot be distracted for the time being and let the testers at hand enter various different scenarios at the same time. He can only gather them all together like a big pot of food and make it look like team building. Same.

There is no way, the CPU thread in my brain is not enough...

But there are advantages to having too many people.

First, you can get more madness points, collect more [Silhouettes], and get more feedback;

Secondly, it can help Professor Toledo’s toy robot learn faster.

By the way, Lloyd was also asked to conclude a rule that he had not discovered before——

It seems that the more testers who participate in the mature version of the trial, the greater the probability of obtaining knowledge fragments related to [Delusion]?

Yesterday, we gathered the two groups of testers together for a round of 'team building'. This morning we got five knowledge fragments, all of which were '15,000 points' high-end items.

The more fragments there are, the more perfect the trial will be.

The more complete the trial, the fewer testers will be needed.

So more testers means less testers?

Uh... No, no, what is all this mess?

Lloyd shook his head vigorously, but continued to concentrate on digesting the fragments he had just obtained this morning.

Just like this, it was noon today. Lloyd originally planned to go to the kitchen to make some food, but suddenly there was an itch in his head, and then his [Projection] jumped out impatiently, and then turned into a beautiful and lovely Xi. Altina.

"I'm coming~ Hehe..."

Hiltina smiled sweetly and gave Lloyd a hug when she came up.

There was definitely no way to cook now, so Lloyd had to lower his head and said to the little milk cat squatting at his feet, wagging its short tail, waiting for the meal:

"You are already a mature little kitten. You will be in charge of lunch today."

"Meow meow meow???"

The little milk cat showed a very human expression of horror and surprise.

"Okay, okay, I know there are some difficulties, but as a mature little kitten, you have to learn to think independently and overcome difficulties!"

Lloyd gave a casual word of encouragement, then pulled Hiltina by the arm, sat down on the sofa next to her, and then discussed with her the serious matters related to the mature version of the trial.

The little cat had no choice but to go out with a look of helplessness and helplessness.

Lloyd didn't even talk to Hildina, so he started talking nonchalantly:


"In short, the current situation and bottlenecks are like this. Have you participated in this kind of trial, right? You should understand that it is better to have one person per scene. It is not an option for everyone to stay together all the time. There are not many people at the moment. It’s okay, but you have to think about it later.”

"Well, I understand your worries, and this is indeed a problem..."

Hiltina nodded first, then imitated Lloyd's habitual movements, stretched out her hand to rub her chin, and asked tentatively:

"Then... do you want to try thinking segmentation? This is also a unique skill of the academy. I can teach you. With your current level of rationality, you should be able to withstand it, right?"

"No, no, no, no, no!"

Lloyd quickly waved his hand and explained:

"If you want to be the ideal, perfect and pure human being, you can't do this."

Lloyd has naturally considered this method of thinking segmentation.

Unfortunately, it was found that it didn't work at the beginning. This was completely contrary to Uncle Cheap's idea.

What's more, Lloyd was originally a little resistant and afraid of this kind of thing.

As a healthy young man with an excellent mental state, wouldn't he be a little crazy if he divided his thinking?

Although the situation after the split, looking at Hiltina who is relatively successful, is relatively optimistic.

But what about the former dean?

Lloyd didn't want to become a pot of fish heads with chopped peppers, and then wait for others to dig up his body...

So let’s forget this idea...

Seeing Lloyd's objection, Hiltina did not continue to persuade her, but instead said:

"Is that so? That's fine. You won't be corrupted by mental pollution, and there's really no need to be like me... Then should you consider making the trial scene bigger? I mean, just make it a place that can accommodate a lot of people. People’s direction to work hard?”

"Well, I have also considered this. There will be some large-scale scenes that can accommodate dozens or hundreds of people, and everyone will be busy together. But if there are more, it will be unbearable. The current trial is not that big. capacity."

Lloyd replied helplessly, smiled again, and expressed confidently:

"But this will also be the direction of my efforts. I will work hard to create a false world that can accommodate dozens or even millions, so that many people can come in to learn and live a stronger life."

This is his ultimate vision for this version of his trial.

However, there is no Internet in this world, and there are no various science fiction films and television works, so Hiltina does not have much real sense of this grand idea and can only smile.

"Well, I guess that would be a brave new world, right?"

In fact, she still felt that Lloyd's idea was a bit too big, too advanced, and obviously unrealistic. She just couldn't bear to dampen her lover's interest, so she didn't say it truthfully.

She believed that with Lloyd's intelligence, he should be able to realize the problem with this idea in the future and choose to give up on his own initiative. She only needed to comfort him at that time.

"Having said so much, let me try your trial now?"

Hiltina said again.

"Happy to oblige."

Lloyd handed Hiltina a small lead box of the same style and asked her to lie down on his sofa.

After struggling for a while, Hiltina blinked and asked:

"Lloyd? Why don't I seem to go anywhere?"

"Uh...well...just wait a moment..."

Lloyd replied with sweat dripping down his face.

Why can't Hiltina enter the trial?

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