I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 497 Is there anything special about this time point?

Chapter 497 497. Is there anything special about this time?

How should I put it... In this world where electronic games have not yet developed, even the elites of Mitzkatokri can hardly imagine the design of "plot killing" and "inevitable battle" in a short period of time. They still retain traditional thinking and are somewhat limited by the times.

So Lloyd has deliberately not told them the idea of ​​passing the level, just to see who can be the first to jump out of this traditional thinking, realize that those criminals who praise and compliment you may not be good people, and the beautiful girl on the opposite side is really not a villain, so as to find the correct way to pass the level.

"This girl... is so beautiful? Who is the model for her design? Why is she barefoot?"

Hiltina suddenly asked beside Lloyd, and stretched out her hand to gently pinch his cheek.

Lloyd wanted to reply casually, but suddenly froze and realized that this question... seemed a little dangerous?

So she quickly changed the subject and said:

"Of course it's because barefoot girls are cuter."

"Eh? Are you complimenting me? Hehe..."

Hiltina was fooled by Lloyd again.

At this time, Professor Deco in the scene probably felt that he had rested enough, so he stood up and called out:

"Okay, everyone cheer up, it's time to accept the impact of taboo knowledge."

Other testers also responded, saying:

"Here we go, we have to deal with the golden fat man's difficulties again..."

"Actually, it's okay? It's just a slight headache, but the knowledge gained is still very useful."

"Lloyd just said that he optimized the third act, so it shouldn't be as rough as before, right?"

"Who knows? Anyway, the third act, or the first three acts, are not the focus, right? The key is still the last one [Review of History], right?"

"Yes, after participating in the test several times, I feel that the improvement of rational inspiration is just for fun. The real important improvement is still in the fourth act."

From their discussion, we can know that many people have realized the benefits of level improvement.

Although their improvement efficiency is very low, far less intuitive and effective than Lloyd's direct +1+1, but after a few more trials and accumulation, the changes are more obvious than the increase in attributes.

But according to Lloyd's observation, it seems that it is not easy for them to get a complete level upgrade?

If the previous few times of [Reviewing History] can get a +0.1 upgrade, the effect will gradually decrease, maybe only 0.01, or even less.

From this point of view, it should be difficult to get a complete upgrade by simply relying on [Reviewing History]. I am afraid that some other auxiliary means are needed? Or find a way to draw more power from this chaos called [History]?

As for how to do it specifically, I am afraid that no one in this world can give a specific answer...

So this is another important meaning of the mature version of the trial. Lloyd hopes to learn more about the area or level of "chaos" through the trial.

After all, the last, most noble, and greatest is the one who faces chaos directly.


"Hmm? This third act scene is indeed a little different? How come it has become a very complicated maze?"

"The subtitles have also been updated. Let me see... Do I need to draw the next test? Why does it seem to be more complicated?"

"Hey? My body can't move again! Did the invisible force come so quickly?"

The testers said all kinds of things, and then, under the 'guidance' of the invisible force, they came to the entrance of a magnificent maze.

The overall color of this maze is dim, and it looks very depressing and murderous, as if there is a terrible monster locked inside.

Observing from the outside, the various roads are tortuous and winding, and it looks very brain-burning at first glance. I'm afraid it's not a simple design that can be walked out along the right side.

But outside the maze door, there is an extravagant slot machine, with various colored lights flashing non-stop, which looks fancy and out of tune with the gloomy and terrifying maze behind.

Under the 'guidance' of the invisible force, Professor Deco was forced to be the first to walk to the slot machine and stretched out his hand to pull the lever next to it.

Accompanied by a burst of exaggerated music, the slot machine rolled and finally stopped at the item [Philosophical Thinking].

The next second, Professor Deco's figure flashed and disappeared in front of everyone, and then instantly came to the depths of the maze, and in front of him was still the fat golden man with fat head and big ears.

"Uh... I thought I had to walk through this maze by myself? It turned out to be directly teleported here? Isn't it still no different from before?"

Professor Deco muttered a little funny, and continued to talk to himself:

"But what does philosophical thinking mean? How to evaluate whether this kind of discussion without a standard answer is passed?"

He was wondering about this, and heard the golden fat man say loudly:

"You walk up to the square platform, sit in the center, and answer three questions."

Professor Deco didn't even need to move his feet, the invisible force pushed him in front of the golden fat man, and then sat down obediently.

The big golden fat man continued to ask:

"Why do birds fly?"

"Ah??? What kind of a question is this? Isn't this a philosophical speculation? How did it become biology?"

Professor Deco asked in some confusion.

But the golden fat man would not reason with him, and immediately shouted:

"You should be punished!"


With a muffled sound, Professor Deco's head was hit by a forbidden knowledge, and he felt dizzy and almost fainted.

The golden fat man continued to ask:

"Why does life sleep?"

"Ah??? This... Will you die if you don't sleep?"

"Punish again!"

Dong~ Another forbidden knowledge hit the professor's forehead, and he gasped in pain.

The golden fat man asked for the third time:

"If you knew from the beginning that the journey was meaningless, would you still embark on this journey?"

"Ah... Give me a quick death, anyway, you will hit my head no matter what I say..."

So the third forbidden knowledge came.

Compared to Professor Deco's helpless laughter, Metis felt like crying but had no tears...

I don't know whether to say she was lucky or not. The project she won in the lottery was the one she had experienced before, and it was relatively easy and not that painful——

[Smashing a big stone with chest]

But Metis looked down at her ordinary figure, and somehow she still felt like crying...

Why did she draw this project?

However, it was useless to complain. Under the "guidance" of the invisible force, she could only be pushed onto the platform with a numb face, and then wait for the three boulders to fall one by one, and smash them with her chest, without any injury...


Is Lloyd bullying me on purpose?

He really likes the tall and curvy figure of Wei Ya, right?


Metis was unhappy for a while, and was teleported out of the maze with the three pieces of forbidden knowledge she had just obtained, and then saw Professor Deco, who was the first to enter, also at the exit of the maze, scratching his head constantly.

"Hello, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just felt so embarrassed by that big golden fat guy."

Professor Deco waved his hand and asked again inexplicably:

"Why do birds fly?"

"Ah? Because birds have wings, right?"

"Uh... I feel like this answer won't pass the test..."

As the two were chatting, more and more testers were teleported to the exit of the maze, and all kinds of discussions and complaints made the place gradually lively.

"So this maze is just a decoration? I thought I needed to go in and explore it. But it's still the same as before?"

"It's more than just a maze, right? I suspect that the golden fat man is also a decoration. No matter what I do, he will hit me on the head..."

"That's right. The one I met today said he was testing my ability to locate objects by sound. But he kept making the noise of gongs and drums. I couldn't hear anything at all, so he hit me on the head three times."

"Forget it. Anyway, the purpose of this scene is to obtain forbidden knowledge in a safe situation. As for the specific process, maybe it's not that important? But it's a bit repetitive and boring to do it this way all the time, right?"

"Yeah, I think so too. Give Lloyd feedback later. Let's take a look. Since such a magnificent maze has been designed, don't waste it. Put some treasure chests and monsters guarding the treasure chests in it. It seems more interesting to obtain forbidden knowledge by finding the treasure chests? "

"It can also be to enter the maze and rescue the beautiful girl, and then be given a piece of forbidden knowledge? Anyway, I really don't want to be hit on the head by the golden fat man again..."

Everyone talked about it like this until Professor Deco came out and called:

"Okay, everyone hurry up and organize the knowledge in your mind. When it's almost done, come to me. Let's get ready to enter the next highlight."

So everyone rested and adjusted for a while, and then gathered around Professor Deco one after another, and then went to the last portal together.

Lloyd, who was watching from the sidelines, also became energetic at this time, and quickly adjusted the 'live broadcast screen' in front of him to the maximum, so that Hiltina could see the details clearly.

As for himself, of course, he still [sneaked] to the side of the tester as before, and felt the next historical moment more immersively.


“This is…”

“So many people died… So tragic…”


When the testers regained their sight, they found themselves in a hell of asuras with corpses strewn all over the ground.

The whole land seemed to be stained with blood, and the ground was full of human limbs and broken weapons. In the distance, you could see collapsed city walls and various dilapidated ancient buildings.

Looking around, apart from these twenty people, there was no more living creature that could stand…

There was not even a complete corpse on the ground.

The strong smell of blood around made several testers unable to bear it and vomited on the spot.

It is really hard to imagine, or rather, unwilling to imagine, what kind of terrible things have happened here...

Even the leader, Professor Deco, was pale and solemn. After a while, he spoke and ordered:

"Let's locate first..."

So he brought the elites of the history department of the project team, and they suppressed their nausea and scattered around, collecting the traces that could still be identified at the scene, and then tried to determine the location with compasses, sextants and other equipment.

The situation at the scene was relatively normal, especially the doctor from the medical team, who took the initiative to help everywhere without Professor Deco's instructions.

What surprised Lloyd was that Metis, who always looked delicate, recovered quickly and was busy taking care of his companions who were vomiting non-stop.

This guy, as always, likes to care about others...

After waiting for a few minutes, the scattered people gradually gathered the information they collected, and finally guessed the approximate location of this place and drew a circle on the map.

Lloyd took a sneak peek and found that it was in the dangerous area outside the current human control range, probably in the center.

But in that glorious era, this should have been the most prosperous and lively area. From the beautiful ancient buildings that were destroyed around, one can roughly imagine the magnificent scene here in the past.

"Let's sort out the time point. In my opinion, this period should be the beginning of the doomsday era. From the geographical location, it may be shortly after the fall of the 'Wall of Sighs' fortress..."

Professor Deco spoke again.

The ‘Wall of Sighs’ fortress he mentioned was the majestic fortress that Metis and the other three girls witnessed last time. Later, through the research of some materials, the name of the fortress was confirmed, and some records were found in the remaining historical books of the academy.

However, the documents in the academy were very incomplete, only recording the existence of the fortress, and describing its magnificence and indestructibility, how elite the personnel were, and how sufficient the material support was.

It was once highly expected by the people of the Twilight Age, who believed that it was enough to deal with those vulnerable monsters. As long as the number of monsters could be greatly consumed, a counterattack was just around the corner.

Obviously, the author who left this record at the time did not expect that this immortal pass would fall in an instant, so there were no more records left...

Fortunately, a paper by Metis' roommate promptly answered the mystery of the fall of the fortress, and now more people have returned to this time node after the fall.

But what puzzled Lloyd was that this time point was a little strange?

Whether it was his own personal experience before, or the historical scenes he watched in the trial later, they were all tense or important, either fierce battles or important decisions.

And this scene of corpses everywhere and silence was the first time he had seen it.

So is there anything special about this time point?

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