I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 505 Is there something wrong with this game?

Chapter 505 505. Is there something wrong with this game?

Hmm~~~~ Is there such a way to play and think about the use of [Illusion]? This wave is considered to be an eye-opener!

Lloyd absent-mindedly controlled his three beautiful girl chess pieces to move forward mindlessly, while analyzing and pondering the structure of this game, and he gained a lot of insights and feelings.

Maybe because his current identity has become a "peer" and "friendly business", it is difficult to immerse himself when playing games, and more attention is placed on other directions.

And the more such observations and insights he has, the more he admires the creator of this dream theater. He feels that the other party's understanding and attainments in the [Illusion] system are far above himself and the former dean.

So what level of existence is that?

Lloyd remembered that the former dean said that the [Illusion] system had never been involved in before him, but it seemed to exist?

So the creator here may not be human? Or it is beyond the scope of human beings?

Moreover, Lloyd still remembered that his waiter said that the purpose of this place is to serve the so-called "great existence", to provide humans with various ways to become stronger, and to look forward to the birth of a new "great existence"...

He did not clearly say who the creator of this place was, but only said that this place had been recognized by several great beings and had been protected by them, so that some coveted this place retreated.

One of the villains was the [Brilliant Gold] at that time, who later betrayed humans and ran to be the son of a certain evil god, but in the end he fell into the concerted efforts of Mitzkatok.

Anyway, judging from these vague riddles, Lloyd could not guess what level of identity the creator of this place was for a while, but there was only one thing that could be confirmed, that He was at least more powerful than the [Brilliant Gold] of that year.

Although the waiter mentioned that the ‘great existence’ also belongs to the category of the Supreme, just like the fifth and eighth levels can be collectively referred to as high-ranking strongmen, the gap is huge, so even if they both belong to the category of ‘Supreme’, there must be a difference in superiority and inferiority.

In short, [Brilliant Gold] belongs to a member of the definition of the Supreme, but it does not mean that all Supremes are [Brilliant Gold].

So will the creator of this place be the last god-ascending person?

Lloyd made some unwarranted associations in his mind, pondering these obscure problems, and did not care much about the situation in the game. Seeing that the three beautiful girl chess pieces under his command had already approached the dangerous distance of the front line, he still did not care much.

This made the two teammates beside him a little anxious...

The scope of their inspiration was still within the scope of ‘gameplay restrictions’, and they could not fully capture all the dynamics in the game, so when they noticed Lloyd’s movements, the three beautiful girl chess pieces had all run to the enemy’s territory.

"Ah??? Why are you rushing so far forward? Hurry back!"

"Although the chess pieces can return to the battlefield after being defeated, it takes time. The window period in between will make us very passive!"

Hearing the call from his teammates, Lloyd came back to his senses and said quickly:

"Ah? Okay... Don't worry, you're fine like this."

"??? What nonsense are you talking about? Of course we're fine! Now it's you... Damn! They've taken action!"

With the exclamation of his teammates, a total of six chess pieces controlled by the two opposing players suddenly rushed out from the grove where the inspiration was not convenient to detect, and attacked Lloyd's three petite and weak chess pieces like hungry tigers.

"Let's go support him!"

"No, it's too late, and we can't escape. Even the retreat is blocked!"

"Damn it, the opponent is too rude! They are so cruel to the newcomers?"

"Alas... the game is also a battlefield. There is nothing to say. Let's think of a way to contain them and don't let too many buildings be demolished in one go."

In fact, the accusations of these two teammates are obviously a bit excessive.

The two opponents who launched the sneak attack were actually very graceful and patient. They did not launch the sneak attack at the first time, and even deliberately revealed some flaws, quietly reminding Lloyd to be careful, which was considered to be a lot of water.

If Lloyd could notice the other party's mercy and withdraw the chess piece in time, the opponent would most likely not chase him and would give Lloyd a chance. It can be said that they took great care of the game experience of newcomers.

However, Lloyd's mind was not in the game at all, so naturally he did not notice the kindness of the opponent.

"Eh... Although this new guy is a level 6, his insight is too poor, isn't it?"

"Haha, yes, it seems that he is not very good at this kind of game... But then again, why are his chess pieces so cute? They look so delicate and soft, I can't bear to attack them."

"Maybe it's some new function? Uh... This guy is getting closer and closer to our building, otherwise..."

"Remind him a little, after all, he is a new guy who is not very good at it, and it's not good to be ruthless right away."

"Well, you are right, in this dream theater, you shouldn't be obsessed with the victory or defeat of a game."

The two opponents who ambushed in the woods can be regarded as giving Lloyd enough opportunities and face.

After all, on the third floor of the Dream Theater, playing games to earn points is secondary. The key is to make friends and establish connections. There is no need to offend people for the victory or defeat of a game.

However, Lloyd was still absent-minded and refused to give the opponent any face. The three chess pieces still foolishly approached the enemy's building.

Then of course there is nothing we can do...

"Sorry newbie, let us veteran players teach you a lesson!"

"I will be lenient and give you some combat experience."

The two opponents finally couldn't bear it anymore, controlled the chess pieces in their hands, and launched sneak attacks from multiple directions.

The ones rushing at the front were naturally the 'warrior' chess pieces from both sides. One of them was holding a giant sword, and the other was dual-wielding a battle axe. They were menacing and murderous.

On the other hand, on Lloyd's side, the one standing in front was the beautiful barefooted girl with white hair and red eyes, who looked delicate and frail. Facing the enemy's approach, she was putting on a timid look, which was very endearing.

If you just look at the picture, it feels like just one wave of impact from the other side can smash her directly into the floor.


Just when the 'soldier's' attack was about to fall on the beautiful girl, a strange-looking tin man suddenly appeared in the air, wearing an old and torn windbreaker, and he had a bit of the temperament of a big brother on the road.

With the protection of the Tin Woodman, he could naturally catch the enemy's attack and protect the poor beautiful girl.

The weapon rubbed against the Tin Woodman's arm and collided...

Uh, nothing happened?

This seemingly powerful and heavy attack was firmly blocked by an invisible force that didn't even touch the paint on the Tin Man's body.

"Huh? Why did another chess piece appear?"

"What a strong defense. Could it be that his rationality is very high?"

The two opponents were surprised while controlling the chess pieces to take two steps back, preparing to recharge their strength and attack again.

But the uninjured Tin Man raised a metal arm at this moment, revealing a glowing ball of light in his palm.

The next second, a beam of light speed shot out of its palm and hit the ground at the feet of the two 'warrior' chess pieces.

And then...

Nothing happened?


"It seems that the accuracy is a bit poor..."

The two opponents were talking.

As a result, another second later, with a roar, a huge light pillar rose into the sky, emitting a terrifying light representing heat and destruction, instantly engulfing a large area, covering all six chess pieces that launched the sneak attack.

Then another huge mushroom cloud emerged from it, making the entire battlefield tremble slightly.

The two opponents looked at the scene in front of them, not too surprised or surprised, but just a little dumbfounded.

Until another three seconds passed, the light pillar and mushroom cloud gradually dispersed, revealing a huge hole on the surface. If converted to normal proportions, it would be about the size of an entire stadium.

At this time, the two opponents came to their senses as if they were just waking up from a dream, and found that their six chess pieces had long been wiped out.

"The opponent only launched it once?"

"It seems like this..."

"Just an attack from a chess piece?"

"It seems like this..."

"Just wipe out all of us without any resistance?"

"It seems like this..."

"Is this... am I hallucinating? Or is there something wrong with this game?"

The two opponents discussed it calmly, and then each contacted their own waiters to inquire.

Anyway, their chess pieces were all destroyed in an instant, and they had to wait for a long period of 'resurrection'.

As for Madam Inisha, she was a little far away from the scene of the tragedy and could not be detected by inspiration. It was not yet clear what happened, but she could still hear the exchanges between the two teammates normally and saw the shock and paleness on their faces.

So she interrupted and asked:

"Your chess piece...was destroyed by the team?"

The two people responded to Mrs. Inisa and reported the situation to their waiters.

"Yeah... I don't know how to explain it to you. In short, our chess piece just launched a tentative attack, and the other side counterattacked normally, and then a beam of light and a mushroom cloud appeared. Our chess piece just launched a tentative attack. All the chess pieces evaporated..."

"So there must be something wrong with the game, right? How can anyone play a game like this... What? You said there's nothing wrong with the game? Are you serious?"

"Hell, I've played hundreds of games and I've never seen an attack like this, and you're telling me there's nothing wrong with the game?"

"You must have made a mistake! If the strength of the chess piece is calculated from the strength of the player, do you mean to say that a level 6 opponent can kill both of us in an instant? Are you kidding me?"

This conversation made Madam Inisa stunned for a moment.

But after all, she has not been to the scene in person and does not know the specific situation, so she has not spoken further for the time being.

He just controlled the chess pieces under his command and quickly approached Lloyd, wanting to try to see how good this newcomer was.

Soon she got what she wanted.

Only this time, she chose to let her chess pieces attack the charming girl with blue hair and purple eyes first, holding a paintbrush and palette in her hand.

And then...

"I can confirm that there must be something wrong with this game!"

"A strange man in armor suddenly appeared behind that little guy, and he almost split the entire earth with a sword!"

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