I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 507 507 A different fork in the road?

Chapter 507 507. A different fork in the road?

The first words that Lloyd spoke caused the remaining people around him to fall into an awkward silence...

Fortunately, no one will interrupt this way, and Lloyd can tell the truth about the incident——

From the traitor killing his classmates, to being hunted down by people from the alumni association, to Mrs. Inisa's 'best friend' Mayer shielding the murderer, to a series of insidious and despicable behaviors, and finally being pulled by the medical team. Doctor Di'ao 'eradicates hidden diseases'.

After hearing the whole story, the other players at the scene breathed a sigh of relief, and then each said:

"If this is the case, then this guy deserves it. I don't think there is anything wrong with Mizkatok's actions. If it were me, I would definitely avenge the dead classmates."

"Well, Mizkatok's reaction is completely reasonable. Just covering up the murderer is intolerable, not to mention there are so many things that follow."

"I see, no wonder the lady is so angry. As far as I know, people from their [Incarnation] department seem to value their 'friends' of the same level, right? It is said that it is related to whether they can be promoted to the eighth level. This is clear Interested."

"After hearing this story, it really made me yearn for Mizkatok even more. Who wouldn't want to join an organization that is so united?"

Their reaction was the result that Lloyd wanted. The most powerful counterattack against Mrs. Inissa's out-of-context and one-sided remarks is to restore the truth of the incident. This is also the best way to safeguard the reputation of the college. Debate with her.

Arguing with women is doomed to be fruitless...

What surprised Lloyd was that although the academy behaved very low-key and mysteriously to the outside world, its reputation and reputation were not low at all? People like these who have only had limited contact with the college have very good perceptions, which makes them more willing to believe their own version of events rather than the accusations of others.

At this time, a former teammate of Royd suddenly asked:

"Speaking of which, Mr. Newcomer, why do you know this matter so clearly? As if you have experienced it yourself?"

Royd didn't intend to answer this question directly. At this time, he just needed to smile and say nothing.

The man seemed to have guessed something from this attitude, and immediately asked again:

"It seems that your Excellency also has a deep connection with Mizkatok? Could it be that he is from there?"

This question did not require Lloyd to answer, and someone immediately helped answer:

"Please wait a moment, even if you ask like this, he won't answer. They have some weird rules, it seems that they can't have too much involvement with the world?"

"Yes, I have had contact with their people before. They have clear rules not to reveal anything about that college, so you don't need to ask further. It will only embarrass the newcomer."

"At times like this, the right thing to do is to do what I did."

A former opponent said, taking out a business card from his pocket and handing it to Lloyd.

When I took it, I saw the address and title of a private organization on it.

The rest of the people followed suit and gave Lloyd their business cards.

They all took it and looked at it. They either held important positions in religious groups in other cities, or were interlocutors in private organizations. Anyway, it looked quite glamorous on the business card.

It's a pity that Lloyd has never prepared such things, and currently he doesn't have any prominent position to brag about, so he can only smile and simply say:

"I am Lloyd from the Brilliant Order. If there is a chance in the future, we can work together."

After that, he took out his pocket watch and checked the time. It was almost time. Then he stood up, politely said goodbye to everyone, then found his waiter, picked up the materials he would prepare for his sister, and left. Dream Theater'.

After he left for a long time, the remaining four players began to discuss:

"Lloyd? Does this name sound familiar? He seems to be a super star of the Brilliant Order?"

"Well, there is indeed such a number one person. I have heard of this name in the Quiet City. It seems that he is deeply valued and loved by Master Elfredi... But it should not be this person. The two of them just happen to have the same name. After all, 'Lloyd' is just an ordinary name."

"Oh? How do you say this?"

"Because when I first heard about the 'Bright Star' Lloyd, it was not long ago. That person was a very promising third-level person, and today this person is already an unfathomable sixth-level person. There is only one person in the middle. It’s been such a short time, so it’s definitely not the same person.”

"I see... But compared to any powerful newcomer, I am more optimistic about this sixth-level powerhouse. Although I can feel that he is also very young, he is unexpectedly calm and honest, and he is also connected with the mysterious secret agent. Zikatok related.”

"Yes, the position and achievements of Lloyd are definitely beyond the reach of the young newcomer... After all, no one knows when the newcomer will really grow up, not to mention that the more outstanding the person, the higher the chance of dying. …”

"That's right, so in comparison, the more low-key Mr. Lloyd is more eye-catching. Although he is at the sixth level, the pressure I feel around him is like a seventh or even eighth level. I can’t even imagine how terrifying his strength is.”

"Speaking of this, I haven't met sixth-level people in the game before, and even eighth-level ones, but they are far less impressive than Lord Lloyd. His spiritual power and inspiration...how should I put it? It’s not simply powerful, but there are some more special attributes in being powerful?”

"I also noticed this. Maybe this is the reason why his chess pieces were very exaggerated, but the waiters said there was no problem? It's just that he didn't seem to want to show off his power. Is this also the same as Mizkatok's "About strange regulations?"

"It should be like this. His power comes from Mizkatok, so it's not convenient to show it to the outside world, and the game ended in a hurry."

"Well! That must be the case. It makes perfect sense logically, but it also shows that Mr. Lloyd has a noble moral character and does not pretend to be powerful in the game. This is very commendable!"

"Perhaps these are the strong men trained by Mizkatok. They are low-key, mysterious, powerful, yet noble, decent, and humble. People can't help but yearn for them. How great would it be if I could join them?"

"But having said that, such a mysterious and powerful organization has cultivated so many outstanding strong men, why is it still unwilling to get involved in the real world?"


Lloyd must have been unable to hear the discussion of these people. Naturally, he never imagined that they would turn their actions of tampering with the appearance of the game, which ultimately led to the immediate collapse of the entire game, into "nobility, dignity and humility."

Most people really can’t keep up with this idea...

As for the issues that these people are struggling with, why the academy is unwilling to get involved in the real world, Lloyd was also curious before and specifically asked the two deans before and after.

The explanations given are surprisingly consistent. They all said that the college has established such rules since its establishment. They want to maintain the purity of an academic institution and are unwilling to participate in the entanglements of the world. They hope to maintain this kind of rule. The transcendental state should not be contaminated by things in this world.

What's more, the forces in the world are also quite wary of the academy, fearing that they will come out to conquer the world.

There is nothing wrong with this statement, and the state of transcendence must be excellent.

Moreover, it is said that it is aloof from the world. In fact, whether it is the operation of the alumni association, various academic research, as well as the witch hunting in full swing, the heroic fight against the doomsday, and even training an excellent saint, All this shows that the academy has done a lot of things in this world.

It's not that I'm really isolated from the world, I just don't spread my name very much, and I don't want to reveal the situation in the academy.

This is good, since Lloyd doesn't object anyway. After all, the academy is still conducting some less-than-public research, such as various taboo systems, various dangerous engineering creations, various potions with terrifying effects, and so on.

But having said that, if I really become a saint and want to build my own city, I wonder if the academy can provide help?

If we can get the support of the college, not to mention more, the efficiency of just building a large villa in the Civil Engineering Department for three days is unimaginable by outsiders.

But Hiltina said that the establishment of Brilliant City received almost no support from the academy, and she did not even participate in it. Instead, she waited until the city was almost established and went directly to take office.

Hmm... maybe it can't be said that he took office, right? Judging from her current pitiful state, it's almost as good as going to jail...

So in terms of general rationality, it is still a bit excessive to ask "prisoners" to build a prison for themselves...

From the point of view of the college, especially Dean Hazlade, it would be sacrificing an outstanding, well-behaved and lovely protégé to go to jail. It is somewhat reluctant, right?

But if it were you, it should be fine, right?

When others think of themselves as saints, they end up in prison, but the best you can do is to live in a training room?

So when the time comes, we can still try to get the academy to put in its efforts to help, right?

Lloyd smiled and did not delve into this issue. Instead, he was more concerned about 'walking alone' in the Eternal City.

That saint who is superstitious about [destiny] and [prophecy], don’t do anything cruel, right?

This couldn't help but remind Lloyd that there seemed to be a hidden danger that had not been eliminated.

That is, the last time Jenkins was kidnapped, and then a certain ancient strong man who was not completely dead was involved.

I wonder if it has something to do with the Eternal City’s rash action?

But in the last incident, Hildina clearly told Lloyd not to meddle in other people's business and to fully trust in the ability of a saint.

Then maybe the Eternal Saint got some kind of [revelation] from him after he took down the ancient strong man who was not dead, so he suddenly made such a weird decision?

I'm not sure, should I discuss it with Hiltina or...

Although she is busy thinking about the problem now, for the sake of safety, it is better to interrupt her a little.

So after returning home, Lloyd first let the little cat go to sleep by himself, and then waited until his sister fell asleep before opening the portal and sneaking into his girlfriend's boudoir.

Hiltina was now in a state of deep thought again. She must not have slept. She just waited for two minutes before her beautiful figure appeared in front of Lloyd.

She appeared directly from the big bed, sitting in a duck position, with her beautiful eyes half closed, as if she was woken up from her sleep. She was rubbing her eyes and said dazedly:

"Huh? You came to my room at this time... Lloyd, are you... lonely?"

"But... we are not married yet... and my body can't help you... or... let's try what the book says, that kind... that kind..."

Hildyna said shyly, but she didn't know what kind of 'that kind' she was talking about...

Lloyd reached out and pinched her Her cheek, interrupted her fantasy, and then talked about business:

"I am definitely not that kind of person. I came to you just because I heard a piece of news."

He described the previous events as concisely as possible, and finally added:

"Although you said that we should not interfere in other people's affairs, but we are all on the same side, it still makes people worry..."

When Hildyna heard that Lloyd came to her to talk about business, she was a little disappointed and unwilling, but fortunately she quickly returned to normal, and finally smiled and comforted:

"Hehe, it's okay , the most attractive thing about you is your kindness and justice that cares about the world. ”

Then he turned to analyze:

"As you know, all Astra's actions are in compliance with his [prophecy]. What can make him suddenly behave abnormally must be something that affects the result of the [prophecy]..."

"This is indeed worth paying attention to, because Astra has made many efforts before to try to get a different [prophecy], but all ended in failure. Now it seems that he should have got the answer he wanted? Or see a different path?"

"But anyway, this matter is indeed worth paying attention to. Wait a moment, I'll go ask him."

Hiltina said, her figure temporarily disappeared for a while, and reappeared after a few minutes, and then said with surprise:

"Sure enough, Astra was very excited, saying that he finally found a fork in the road outside the [prophecy], but there is no conclusion as to what kind of ending this fork leads to, so he is eager to verify it..."

"But by the way, has anything happened recently that is enough to shake his [prophecy]? "

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