I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 511 511 Urbanization Promotion

Chapter 511 511. Urbanization Advancement

When Lloyd's deployment was fully effective, the entire lobby area of ​​the museum was covered by shields, shields, and barriers as thick as city walls.

These protective measures are of different colors, and multiple colors are intertwined together, looking like a steel rainbow cast with reinforced concrete.

Lloyd recalled the previous operation to retrieve [Miracle Magic]. At that time, only a thin layer of protection was used, and it was a little shaky when hit by those monsters. Compared with today, it is a bit too urbanized...

But it is better to be safer. After all, I am alone this time, and I really lack a sense of security...

Lloyd said in his heart. After confirming that everything was correct, he picked up the chopped pepper fish head, passed through the portal, and came to the lobby of the museum.

It would certainly be safer to stay in the school district, but under the "howling" of the space storm next to it, the interference is still a bit too strong, and many things cannot be detected.

Moreover, [Projection] is just [Projection] after all. It has vision but no hearing and touch, and it cannot trigger things that only belong to the original body, such as the Book of Truth. So it is very useful to lead the way in front, but if you really want to obtain some inheritance, you still can't let [Projection] do it all. Lloyd has to do it himself.

As soon as Lloyd walked out of the portal, a stronger mental pollution than before came to his face, which was as thick as substance.

[Ding~ Madness value +9712]

[Ding~ Madness value +11124]

[Ding~ Madness value +12781]

This mental pollution is really too heavy. Even though Lloyd already has more than 3,000 points of [Rationality], which is quite good among the seventh level, he still feels a slight tingling in his eardrums and brain.

And along with the mental pollution, those vague and fragmented mumblings began to appear in his ears again, as if a tour guide was pulling his ears and giving him science education.

What's more, Lloyd also stuck a piece of hair on the forehead of the former dean's bowl of chopped pepper fish head, which doubled the mental pollution.

It also means that the madness value gain is directly *2.

But overall, it's not a big problem. Except that the mental pollution is a bit heavy, at least there is no more abnormality in the lobby, so it should be relatively safe.

After just a few seconds, Lloyd has upgraded two levels, and a few seconds later, it's another level, so fast that it's almost like opening the wind spirit and moon shadow and directly [ding~].

Lloyd felt satisfied, and listening to the tiny whispers in his ears, he felt it was quite pleasant.

But he didn't rush to add points, and planned to wait until he accumulated more points.

Such a fast upgrade speed is one of the reasons why Lloyd must do it himself.

His own [projection] is still somewhat "unmoved". In such a strong environment of mental pollution, it is completely unaffected and unaffected?

This is obviously different from the normal projection of the materialization system. At least, the projections of little Olga or the housekeeper, although they have good resistance to mental pollution, are still very dangerous if they are placed in such an extreme environment. It is easy to cause loss of control or irreparable damage.

On the other hand, Lloyd's own projection is completely unaffected and unscathed?

This is probably not something that can be explained by "durability" or "resistance". It seems that it does not exist in this world...

In short, upgrade the level first, get some guaranteed benefits, and then go deeper.

Lloyd is not in a hurry anyway. While waiting for the attribute points to rise sharply by +5+5, he strolled around and took a brief tour of the lobby.

Similar to the museums in later generations, there are also various introductions in the lobby of this museum, which is convenient for Lloyd to build up an understanding of this place.

Most of them were engraved on stone slabs using a very unique craft. Even though they were covered with thick dust, they were still clear, making it easy for Lloyd to identify them, or for The Book of Truth to translate them.

So this is an ancient art museum? It houses many ancient artworks and archaeological discoveries? It has extremely high historical and cultural value?

Lloyd looked at the introduction and suddenly realized that the "ancient times" mentioned in the introduction probably did not refer to that glorious era, but to an era earlier than that.

And the introduction also specifically noted that this place was on a time speed bump, which was different from the time speed difference of the outside world, so that these collections could be kept in the best possible way, and tourists had enough time to visit and appreciate the humanities of that era.

Lloyd took out the hourglass in his arms and looked at the time. This place really had a time speed difference like Mizkatok, but from the introduction, it was obviously not in the category of Mizkatok, but in another academic organization called "Time and Art".

It seems that the force that developed the alien space back then was not just the academy.

Then the question is, since the former dean kept his body away from the academy in order to preserve the academy, why did he appear in such a place again?

Could it be...

that they wanted to make the former dean one of their collections?

This is not impossible, at least judging from the introduction of some of the highlights of the exhibits in the foyer, the things displayed here are not limited to the past, and there is no shortage of some works that were still cutting-edge at the time.

And there is also an exhibition hall specially used to store various 'ancient strong men', which occupies a large area. It not only contains the weapons, equipment, and daily necessities used by the 'ancient strong men', which are normal, but also There is no shortage of corpses and remains in the underworld...

Judging from the heavy spiritual pollution in the air, I am afraid that the former dean is not the only one who has problems with this ghost place. Maybe other collections are also a little bit crazy?

"Sigh... Was your old man eagerly turned into a specimen before he was completely dead?"

Lloyd said a little indignantly.

The former dean did not answer, but shook his head slightly in response, not sure whether to express affirmation or denial.

Lloyd continued to wait for almost another hour, until the mental pollution that hit his face had shrunk into +1+2 mosquito legs, and the small whispers in his ears could no longer be heard. Then he opened the panel and looked at this How many attribute points the wave has are accounted for.

Why is it only 500 points?

This number is obviously not very satisfactory to Royd.

The mental pollution around him is already so strong, not to mention that he has been helping the former dean to share the burden, and finally he was promoted to level 100? It was a bit less than he had expected.

So Lloyd casually looked back at the record of obtaining insanity points to see who the problem was.

The result was as expected. My adaptability was still too strong. The rapid upgrade mode at the beginning did not last long, and my madness income began to show a significant shrinkage and decline.

Sigh... It seems that I still work too hard and be too diligent...

Lloyd sighed inwardly, and noticed that the insanity value absorbed from the former dean also showed an obvious decreasing trend, and it was faster than his own.

This shows that even if he only has a pot of chopped pepper fish heads left, his resistance to mental pollution is stronger than that of an advanced young man who has received higher education.

That's not surprising, right? Even if it is just fish heads with chopped peppers, it is still a pot of [Brilliant Gold] grade and should not be underestimated.

But no matter what, this wave of Lloyd absorbed the equivalent of 5 million mental pollution. Even if you put aside the part shared with the former dean, this value is still heavy enough.

Not to mention ordinary extraordinary people, if it were a saint coming over, I'm afraid he would be a little unbearable.

And this is just the part that permeates the air. It is still unknown what other heavyweight valuables are hidden deep inside the museum...

It’s no wonder that the former dean told Lloyd not to bring anyone else with him. If he brought anyone else with him, he would be suspected of seeking wealth and murder...

However, now that he has almost adapted to the mental pollution here, Lloyd can no longer upgrade on the spot, so he will allocate the 500 attribute points first.

150 points [rationality], 150 points [spiritual power], 150 points [cognition], 50 points [inspiration], let my pond fill the air!

[Ding~Add points to complete]

[User: Royd]

【state:? ? ? 】

[Insanity value: 66/50000, upper limit: 3300000]

[Rationality: 3300]

[Spiritual power: 3300]

【Inspiration: 2200】

[Cognition: 3300]

[System: Distort LV6, reject LV6, falsehood]

This uniform, balanced and equal attribute is really the best cure for obsessive-compulsive disorder!

Lloyd sighed in his heart, and then released the [Projection] which received another wave of numerical expansion, and began to advance urbanization as before.

So [Projection] carried a batch of new protective equipment, passed through the long corridor in front of the foyer, and floated to the first-floor exhibition hall inside.

According to the introduction in front of the foyer, this large-scale museum has five floors, four above ground and one underground.

The underground floor is mainly used as a warehouse, as well as a workshop for repairing and maintaining cultural relics and making specimens. You can ignore it for now. The remaining four floors each have a corresponding theme.

For example, the first floor is mainly for ancient paintings and sculptures, the second floor is more "modern", the third floor is for various archaeological discoveries, and the fourth floor is for exhibits from the underworld.

So if nothing else goes wrong, the former dean is probably stored on the fourth floor?

But we still have to push forward layer by layer, don’t be anxious...

After all, there is only one person, so there is really no sense of security!

So Lloyd controlled the [Projection] remotely and patrolled the entire first floor.

I didn't encounter any accidents in the middle. I just cleaned up a dozen out-of-control animals that appeared out of nowhere, and they were all at risk level 6.

But still no fragments have been obtained, and it is still impossible to determine whether these out-of-control people are the ancients of the past, or the desperate explorers who came later?

After using [Projection] to complete the first wave of clearance, Lloyd continued the same method, picked a suitable location, and began to deploy an urban-level protective shield, and formed a connection with the foyer, allowing him to walk in safely. .

How to say it... 100 credits is a huge sum of money. 200 credits can make an S+-level top student of the Space Department go to work hard in Mitzkatok. The hundreds of thousands of credits Lloyd spent on this wave of exploration are really too much...

So it is completely possible to use this extravagant and wasteful method to advance step by step.

There is no other way. After all, there is only one person, and there is really a lack of security!

"Okay, this is the last step."

Lloyd whispered, and finally placed a space crystal ball in the lobby on the first floor by himself, and built a space channel directly to the school district to ensure that he could evacuate in time in case of an emergency. It is the last layer of insurance.

In this way, he finally had the leisure to wander around the first floor of the museum, wanting to be influenced by ancient art, so as not to be despised by his cheap uncle again...

"You see, these artworks at that time were really good, just like this painting, it can actually move? How was it painted?"

Lloyd was strolling around while chatting with the former dean, fearing that he would be silent for too long and fall asleep completely.

As a result, except for him talking, there was silence all around, so quiet that it seemed to be suffocating.

But the landscape painting in front of him was really magical, a bit like a .GIF on Earth.

The lifelike farm woman depicted above was really lifelike--

She put down the tomatoes she had just picked from the field, and then looked outside the frame with interest, as if she was looking at Lloyd across a dimension.

Then, she waved at Lloyd in a friendly manner, as if to say hello, and then picked up a freshly picked tomato and handed it over.

"Is this ancient painting art so amazing? Not only can it move, but it can also interact? Can she see me?"

Lloyd was still talking to the former dean, and was amazed at this truly vivid farm woman.

The former dean shook it hard and whispered:

"Be careful...be careful..."

Lloyd couldn't help but be stunned.

Looking at the moving words again, the farm woman with a simple face and a warm smile on it, probably saw that Lloyd didn't take her tomato, and her expression on her face changed rapidly, instantly becoming ferocious and curious, and her mouth, which was originally laughing, suddenly split to the roots of her ears, revealing a large spiral serration inside.

Her entire body was also rapidly changing. In the blink of an eye, she turned into a terrifying monster. Then, she was no longer restricted by the frame and broke out of it, rushing towards Lloyd.

Then, she bumped into Lloyd, making a muffled sound of "dong". Her curious mouth bit down fiercely, and her teeth rubbed out a burst of metallic sparks.

Unfortunately, the person she caught was not the real Lloyd, but a tall and mighty metal sculpture next to him...

Since entering this museum, Lloyd's [Distorted Realm] has not been turned off, just to prevent the situation in front of him.

"Uh... I really didn't expect that it was not the paintings that moved, but they came alive?"

Lloyd whispered to the former dean again.

The former dean did not say anything, but the other paintings nearby responded to him enthusiastically.

The people, animals, and even still lifes inside, after some alienation and deformation, broke out of the frame, and then rushed towards the "Lloyd" in their eyes.

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