I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 515 515 Life Forbidden Zone

Chapter 515 515. Life restricted area

The former dean's statement made Lloyd feel a little strange and puzzled.

This is not to say that there is still civilization outside the existing sphere of human influence. Although this comes a bit suddenly, it is actually not a problem.

After all, humans in that twilight era had made countless attempts and built all kinds of messy shelters and shelters. It was normal for some people to survive.

So what makes Lloyd feel strange is, how come the two sides are hostile? Doesn’t it mean that you don’t have much contact? You can't really dislike them for being ugly, right?

What puzzled him was that if there was another group of people who survived through some other means, why didn't they contact more people?

Lloyd had many questions, but the former dean could not answer them.

"I don't know much about their power. I just mentioned it a few times casually, and I don't care too much about it. If you still have any questions, ask Hazred when you get back. Bar."

Lloyd nodded and asked again:

"Hmm... Do we still need to continue going up to the third floor now? My [projection] can't go up, so we may have to go up ourselves."

The former dean shook his head for a while and replied:

"Of course I have to go up, or rather, it is more necessary to go up and take a look. Judging from the reactions of these guys, I have reason to suspect that they are planning something up there. In your words, maybe they are planning to do something ruthless? Just in time. , you should have adapted to the mental pollution here, right?"

Lloyd nodded and heard the former dean continue:

"I've almost adapted to it... Sigh~ I have to admit that without your help, it would be difficult for me to stay awake in this environment in my current state, and I definitely won't be able to adapt to the mental pollution. It seems that the "Book of Madness" is really powerful, much better than the ones I compiled, and it is still beyond my understanding to this day..."

Lloyd quickly replied humbly:

"Ahaha, you're flattering me. After all, I have always been a kind-hearted young man who is willing to help others."

The former dean hesitated to speak. He was stunned for several seconds before he changed his mouth and said:

"I'm afraid those two guys just now will bring someone back, right?"

"Well, I think so, so let me make some additional arrangements first, lest those two guys suddenly rush in with someone else."

Lloyd said, and then began to arrange a space loop on the third floor of the museum, forming a kind of interference to the surrounding space to prevent others from disturbing.

It's just that time is tight, and the space loop is not too complicated. In theory, it should be easy to crack, but it is enough to buy time.

At present, although he doesn't know much about these 'monsters' and doesn't know their background and position, Lloyd still prefers not to be hostile for the time being, so he still chooses the relatively mild space loop instead of other more dangerous and deadly methods.

After taking some time to prepare, Lloyd went to the stairs leading to the fourth floor, where the [projection] was previously blocked, and then he had some inspiration and checked the situation.

"Huh? The layout here... does have some restrictions that can create some kind of obstacles, like there is a barrier of unknown composition that is blocking something, but it doesn't seem to have a particularly strong force?"

Lloyd was a little surprised, frowned slightly, and tried to get more inspiration.

Lloyd felt that after his inspiration was extended, he seemed to be 'misled' to another area. Instead of the stairs and corridors that were close at hand, it was more like a void space that could extend infinitely?

It was so huge that it seemed to have no boundaries, and it was so empty that it seemed like there was no air at all. No matter how much inspiration was released, nothing could be detected.

"It seems that you have noticed it too? This should be some kind of means to interfere with inspiration, but it is not a ritual or a barrier."

As the former dean said, he boldly took a half step forward and let a small part of the minced pepper fish head enter the corridor.

No obstacles?

Seeing this, Lloyd also reached out his hand curiously, wanting to try it out.

But the former dean quickly bumped into him and reminded:

"Don't be like this, think of a way to crash in as fast as possible, or in other words, try the space system method."

As he spoke, he pointed at Lloyd the part of the plastic material he had just stretched out.

It was fading at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally showed some nihilistic and blurry effects, as if it had ceased to exist.

If Lloyd had just stretched out his hand, maybe his hand would be like this and become non-existent, right?

Lloyd was a little scared, so he quickly hugged the pepper fish head and inspected the faded area.

"This is a bit like... some kind of special realm of chaos?"

"Well, didn't you say that the third floor also has some aura of chaos? From this, it seems that it was affected by the floor above."

Lloyd nodded thoughtfully, then rubbed his chin and said:

"I see... No wonder there isn't even a monster on this floor, nor any protective measures such as rituals or barriers. I was a little surprised before. The two monsters clearly described this place as very important, but they didn't take any safety measures at all. None, it turns out that the key point is here..."

The former dean replied:

"Yes, if there is really some kind of chaotic realm up there, coupled with the strong spiritual pollution here, it has formed a very terrible life restricted area. Not to mention ordinary extraordinary people, even saints find it difficult to set foot in it. Even in my heyday, I would not be willing to take such a big risk."

"Hiss~ In that case..."

Lloyd thought about it, took out some space measurement equipment from the storage bag, and then tried to stretch out his hand to open a portal leading to the depths of the corridor.

When he reached out to the door handle, his inspiration and weird intuition did not react. He just opened the door and saw that there was no corridor behind the door, but only a strange white space, which looked like it was blocked by a layer of white.

This should be the space touched by the inspiration before.

There is definitely no way to go directly into this kind of ghost place. If you go there, you will most likely not be able to get out...

"Even my portal has been interfered by some factors and connected to a dangerous place... It seems that I have to think of other ways..."

Lloyd said, and quickly closed the portal, then found a bottle of ordinary juice from the storage bag, and drank it in a few gulps, leaving an empty bottle.

Then, he left a mark with a clear direction in the empty bottle, pointing to himself.

Then he gently rolled the empty bottle directly into the corridor, letting it roll into the depths of the corridor with his mark.

The bottle did not roll far, and it could be clearly seen that it was blurring and fading rapidly, but there was no sign of disappearing, indicating that it just did not exist in this world, rather than disappearing directly.

Through the slight induction sent back by the mark in the bottle, Lloyd gradually had some ideas in his heart, and could not help but smile a little, and nodded thoughtfully.

"So that's how it is... So that's how it is..."

This corridor and the entire fourth floor behind it are indeed similar to some kind of chaotic realm, but they are not the real chaotic realm of [History]. There are still some obvious differences between the two.

The biggest difference is that the back is not so "untouchable", and it is actually quite easy to get in.

However, after entering, you may not be able to get out...

So Lloyd's portal "misfired" at a close distance.

If you have to say it, the area behind this corridor is more similar to the "outside world" feeling of the vest.

When Lloyd used the vest to hide himself before, he felt a little strange, and the reason was here.

However, Lloyd had never known what this "outside world" was before, and only thought it was some special concealment effect, but now it seems that there are still many things that can be dug deep in this vest?

At present, it is neither the present world nor the other space, nor the chaotic realm, but it is more inclined to be a kind of gap between these three realms.

Lloyd also came to this conclusion through the strange feeling he had when he used the vest before.

Now that he has a solution, the next step is to think of a solution...

Lloyd then used the induction sent back by his mark to recalculate a coordinate using the space measurement equipment.

If you look at it from a theoretical level, the deviation of this coordinate is too outrageous, it may be almost deviated to outer space.

However, when you open the door, you can see the corridor you want to go to behind.

"This is really magical, just like a knife and fork inserted into a cup of water, it will appear 'broken', the space actually forms a kind of refraction effect here."

Lloyd said to the former dean while releasing some inspiration and checking the situation behind the door first.

Well~ The environment is very good, the mental pollution is extremely strong, and the madness value is high.

So before entering the door, Lloyd still added the attribute points obtained here on the third floor.

300 points of [rationality], 300 points of [spiritual power], 300 points of [cognition], 100 points of [inspiration], my pond is getting closer and closer to the reservoir!

[Ding~ points added]

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: ? ? ? ]

[Madness value: 41263/50000, upper limit: 3600000]

[rationality: 3600]

[spiritual power: 3600]

[inspiration: 2300]

[cognition: 3600]

[system: distortion LV6, denial LV6, delusion]

This time, Lloyd helped the former dean share the mental pollution by absorbing the mental pollution, and combined with the taboo knowledge attracted by the [beacon] before, Lloyd directly took 1000 points of attributes.

It can be regarded as an improvement that is in line with expectations. This is the expected value expansion speed.

He is quite satisfied with this improvement.

The mental pollution behind this door is even more intense. Once we go in, it should be even more intense.

So Lloyd put the "Aho-Ma" on the fish head of the former dean, and then took the lead to pass through the portal and came to the corridor.

The former dean naturally followed closely behind.

Then the two of them felt as if they had fallen into the water at the same time.

[Ding~ Madness value +23947]

[Ding~ Madness value +10047]

[Ding~ Madness value +50147]

[Ding~ Madness value +82047]

[Ding~ Madness value +99447]

This mental pollution is simply too exaggerated...

This can't be said to be 'like substance', but it really has formed substance, like some kind of viscous liquid, instantly wrapping Lloyd's whole body.

The tingling sensation is no longer limited to the brain and eardrums, but the whole body is producing a slight burning sensation, as if the water for bathing is too hot.

Even the descendants of the evil god cannot release mental pollution of this scale.

This is a real life restricted area.

So that although Lloyd is not restrained by anything, he feels that he can't move an inch, as if he has lost control of his body.

Normally, when this symptom occurs, he should faint directly.

Fortunately, there is still a level 10 [Dizziness Resistance], so that although he can't control his body, he can still maintain consciousness and maintain the operation of the panel.

It is also fortunate that Lloyd's [Rationality] is high enough and the panel is strong enough, and it has not exceeded the tolerance limit of both parties.

After all, it is the Book of Madness...

As for the former dean, his condition was no better than Lloyd's. He lost his vitality as soon as he came in, and became half-dead. He couldn't even float, and fell to the ground with one head, and jumped twice very elastically.

So the two of them could only stay in this state of being unable to move for more than ten minutes, until they gradually adapted to the mental pollution here, and Lloyd reluctantly moved his limbs and went over to pick up the former dean.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay for now..."

The former dean's voice sounded weak, but it was better than before on the first floor. At least he didn't speak intermittently, and he still had the strength to continue:

"Go up quickly! I feel that they have done something very crazy to my body!"

Lloyd nodded and glanced at the accumulated attribute points on the panel.

In just ten minutes, another 1,000 points were credited...

But the situation is tight now, and there is no way to wait until you are completely adapted before taking action, so you have to hurry up.

So Lloyd held the chopped pepper fish head and walked to the last floor as fast as possible.

His movements were inevitably a little slow and stiff, like an old man who was about to die. It took him several minutes to walk such a short distance before he finally passed the corner of the stairs and saw the lobby on the fourth floor.

But Lloyd couldn't help but stop, his eyes widened, and he was a little stunned.

Then, he whispered:

"What the hell is this place? Is this place... alive?"

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