I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 521 521 The expected scene of [Tears of the Stars]

Chapter 521 521. The expected scene of [Tears of the Stars]

Dean Hazlade saw Lloyd making such a fuss and said unhappily:

"What's the fuss? For this kind of creature that is rude, speaks wildly, but has a very special physiological structure, it is of course a rare research material and must not be missed!"

Seeing him so confident and self-righteous, Lloyd was reminded of an old saying on Earth.

Isn't it said that when two armies are fighting, they don't kill the messengers?

But they can be sent to the dissection room, right?

But then again, Mitzkatok has never said what kind of military organization, armed force, or political faction it is. It has always regarded itself as an academic organization. Maybe it doesn't need to follow this so-called demeanor?

"So our attitude towards this group of ancient survivors...is to send them to the dissection room?"

Lloyd asked curiously.

In fact, he had already reached a conclusion about this group of survivors who theoretically belonged to the same human camp, but his self-evaluation might be a bit extreme, so he wanted to hear what Dean Hazlade thought.

The dean's answer was not much different from Lloyd's opinion:

"At least for Mitzkatok, they are basically only worth dissecting and studying, and the rest... is meaningless. We will neither pay attention to their demands nor regard them as enemies..."

"As for me personally, they are just a group of hopeless poor people who are addicted to the past..."

"Of course, it is hard to say how the outside world will view this group of people, especially the two relatively ancient cities of Eternal City and Order City, which still have many nobles. What choices they will make and how they will behave can be listed as a sociological sample with observation value."

Dean Hazlade first explained this, and then asked:

"What about you? What do you think?"

Lloyd asked back:

"I... Haha, it seems that the former dean hasn't told you yet?"

Obviously, Dean Hazlade would ask this question, which means that he does not know what he and the former dean did some time ago.

"Hmm? I haven't seen him for a while. I heard he's on vacation now? So what does this have to do with him?"

"It's probably like this..."

Lloyd then told Dean Hazlade about the 'great achievements' he and the former dean had made.

In order to be more persuasive, he also took some [Star Tears] and [Blood of the Supreme], and caught a work of art monster to show it to Dean Hazlade for appreciation.

"So the point now is not how I look at them, but that they and I are already at war, right?"

After Lloyd finished speaking, he scratched his head again, thinking that digging up someone's ancestral grave was just such a big grudge, right?

It was precisely because of this that he did not take the initiative to report the matter to Dean Hazlade...

I believe the former dean had similar ideas. If they had not received an inexplicable letter, the two would have kept it secret for a while.

But now that the current dean has asked, I should report it truthfully and tell everything...

This explosive amount of information made Dean Hazlade stunned for about three minutes. Even though I couldn't see the specific expression on his invisible body, I could roughly guess his surprise and astonishment.

"You two are really...really..."

Dean Hazlade seemed to be hesitant to speak, and for a moment he couldn't think of a suitable adjective. In the end, he just barely managed to say:

"Why didn't you think of dissuading the former dean? Just accompany him to go crazy...adventure?"

In fact, he originally wanted to say 'accompany him to go crazy', but he didn't dare to disrespect the former dean, so he could only change his words forcibly.

No...how old is he? Do I need to persuade him?

Lloyd was in a state of confusion, but he answered seriously:

"You know, I have always been a humble young man who respects teachers."

"Well... well, since it has already happened, it is useless to blame you. We have to fully consider how to deal with it after the incident is exposed..."

"Come after? Uh... you won't hand us over, will you?"

"How is that possible? Did you learn bad things from the former dean? Don't worry! The college will always be your strongest backing! What's more, you destroyed their dangerous and crazy operation of nurturing gods, so you should be rewarded with credits!"

"Forget about the credits... you won't let us return this trip harvest, right?"

"Of course not! Do you know how precious this [Star Tears] is?"

"Huh... That's good, I'm relieved now..."

Lloyd breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest, and then said:

"Since you are considering the aftermath, can you... take a permanent solution? Adjust the conflict between the two sides at one time?"

"Is there any way to resolve the conflict between the two sides once and for all? This time you have taken back all their most precious things..."

"Aren't you worried that they will come to you after the matter is exposed? Then we should take the initiative to attack and kill them all first, wouldn't that solve the problem once and for all?"

Lloyd's suggestion caused Dean Hazlade to fall into silence for three minutes again.

But it might be okay if he refused outright. Being silent for such a long time meant that he was probably considering the feasibility of this plan...

However, in the end, Dean Hazred shook his head with an invisible movement.

"No, at least not yet. There are too many uncertain factors... We don't know much about them. We don't know if they hold some dangerous trump cards, such as level 0 sacred objects."

But although Dean Hazlade shook his head, he obviously did not deny Lloyd's idea, but he just felt that it was not safe enough...

But when the dean said this, Lloyd realized that he was indeed hasty.

According to his limited understanding of level 0 holy objects, this thing is similar to the nuclear bomb on the earth. It often has extremely strong lethality, and the killing method is far weirder than the nuclear bomb. It is difficult to prevent, even the saints can't. It will definitely be able to withstand it.

But on the one hand, this thing has very little stock, and on the other hand, it is extremely expensive to use, so it is more often used as a deterrent trump card. As long as it does not go to the point of a fight to the death, it is best not to use it.

Considering that these ancient remnants took away a large amount of resources and wealth when they fled the world, and then survived for so long in the harsh environment of another space without being eaten alive by the evil god's offspring, it shows that they have It's possible that there really are such 'big guys'.

To put it another way, if they have the confidence to give birth to gods, I am afraid they are not just crazy enough, but they should still have some confidence, right?

Thinking of this, Lloyd couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then sighed in his heart:

Fortunately, when we evacuated, we cleaned up the scene very well, so that they always thought it was a descendant of the evil god who was causing damage again. The careful and cautious young man character I had always maintained came in handy.

So he continued:

"Fortunately, they shouldn't be able to contact us in a short time. After all, they are so arrogant and look down on us. They probably don't believe that we can come and go freely in their so-called temple, right?"

"Well, this is indeed in line with their mentality and thinking, but even so, to be on the safe side, you'd better not make any noise about it."

As Dean Hazred was speaking, he suddenly thought of something and turned to ask:

"By the way, the mystery about the descendants of the evil god mentioned in their letter...could it be the space loop you left to escape, right?"

"If nothing else, it should be the one, right?"

"This... didn't you say earlier that time was limited and you didn't arrange it too complicatedly?"

"This is all true, but I didn't expect them to be so incompetent. They can't even solve such a simple space loop, and they have the nerve to come to us for help. They also lack the proper etiquette when asking for help."

"The old aristocrats of that era were like this. When I was still working as a teaching assistant, I was often looked down upon by them."

Dean Hazred said with a half-smile, then put on a slightly sullen tone and added:

"It's just that I didn't expect that in order to maintain the dream of the past, they were actually planning such a crazy act as nurturing gods... So although the actions you and the former dean took were risky, they were also very important. This was probably invisible. , changed the direction of human destiny.”

When Lloyd heard this, he couldn't help but think of the Saint of Redemption who had been behaving strangely recently. He suddenly ran off to do some big development, and said that the [Prophecy] he received had changed?

Lloyd and Hiltina were making wild guesses before, and they didn't know what would cause the [prophecy] that he had always believed in to change. But looking at it now, could it be this?

It's not that Lloyd is trying to flatter himself, but the job of conceiving a god is really too harsh...

So when you try to speculate on the intentions of the Redeemer Saint, you are actually going in the wrong direction from the beginning. That may not be the impact of what happened in the past, but may also be the change brought about by what will happen in the future?

I really don’t understand these vague and confusing things...

Lloyd shook his head secretly and stood up again, preparing to go to the Department of Medicine to see the messenger who was probably not dead yet.

As for the small bottle of [Tears of the Stars] and [Blood of the Supreme] on the table, he had no intention of taking them back, so he left them with Dean Hazred.

The other party also understood and put the two rare materials into his pocket, and said with a slight smile:

"Yeah, you kid, you've always been more polite than Hildina."

Even though the two materials are only a small bottle, it can be considered insignificant compared to Lloyd's income from this trip, but taking this amount out is enough to cause a sensation. It can no longer be measured by money, not even the real estate certificate. .

After all, it was an ultra-rare material that could be counted even in the glorious era when supplies were extremely abundant.

As for the last remaining pottery art monster, Dean Hazred casually threw it back to Lloyd and said nonchalantly:

"You can bring this to the history department later. They will be dancing with joy."

Lloyd nodded and asked by the way:

"By the way, is there a professor in the college who can process [Tears of the Stars]? I want to get some information to learn more about it, and ask for help to see if I can make something like an amulet? [Tears of the Stars] should be Does it have this function?”

When Lloyd was recycling [Tears of Stars], he had felt a power, or composition, similar to 'isolation' or 'protection' on it. Based on his rudimentary understanding of materials science, he felt that it might be possible to make it. An amulet or something.

If possible, make a few more pairs, then one for sister, one for Hiltina, one for Elolo, one for Wei Ya, and of course, the two deans and Professor Lawrence also have their share.

In the past, I had no conditions and money was tight. Now that I am rich, of course I have to repay those who treat me well.

Lloyd's question made Dean Hazlade instantly interested, and he quickly answered:

"Oh? Since you took the initiative to bring this up, it's easy to handle. I was still hesitating how to convince you before..."

While talking, he asked Lloyd to take out the student handbook, then entered some keywords and retrieved an academic announcement about a crowdfunding project.

"This is...let's see...crowdfunding a copy of [Tears of the Stars]? Just a few grams? Will it produce great results that can affect the course of history? The sponsor...Professor Dell from the Department of Materials?"

"Huh? There is also a message below from Professor Ladio of the Department of Medicine - 'Don't even think about it. I'm warning you not to take advantage of our medical team'?"

Lloyd looked a little puzzled, and curiously opened Professor Dell's 'box'.

Good guy, there are a lot of academic achievements and medals, except for the Outstanding Contribution Medal that I have. The rest are basically all collected, which can be regarded as a very prominent resume.

Obviously, Professor Dell is definitely a leading figure in the fields of materials science and engineering.

However, the response to the academic announcement he sent out was not very intense. Except for the naked threat from Professor Latio of the medical team, the rest were trying to persuade him to give up and change direction. There were even some people A backhanded sarcasm.

And these were all announcements made several years ago, and there has been no real response to this day.

The basic reason is the same. It’s all because [Tears of the Stars] is too precious and difficult to obtain...

"Dale has always been a prestigious and outstanding scholar, but he just chose the wrong direction for a while... We really can't provide him with support. The only [Tears of the Stars] in the academy are either taken away by the space department. If he holds it, it will either be divided up by the medical team. There really isn’t much left to share with him.”

"So if you are willing, you can go and ask."

"Okay, I understand."

Lloyd nodded thoughtfully and asked curiously:

"I have some understanding of the use of [Tears of Stars] in the space department. The space anchors that maintain the stability of the academy are mixed with this to increase strength and wear resistance. So why do the medical teams use this?"

"Their armor is mixed with a trace amount of [Tears of the Stars], which can also effectively increase strength and defense."

Dean Hazred explained simply.

When Lloyd heard this, he became excited instantly.

He has been coveting the domineering and cool armor of the medical team for a long time!

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