I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 523 523 Really Damn It

Chapter 523 523. Really damn

After leaving Professor Dell, Lloyd grabbed some literature on [Tears of the Stars] from the reference room on the first floor. They were all relatively basic, mainly to establish a basic understanding.

During the whole process, Professor Dell didn't ask much about where these [Star Tears] came from, so the excuses prepared by Lloyd in advance were useless.

It seems that after recovering from his decadence, Professor Dell is still quite humane?

After arranging the matter, he went to the Department of Medicine to see the messenger sent from the other side.

But then again...why would such a monster be sent to the Department of Medicine? Shouldn't it be the biology department?

With the medal on his chest that had not been taken off, Lloyd naturally had an unimpeded journey. He soon arrived at a heavily guarded anatomy room and met the professor in charge of the project.

"It turns out to be the prestigious Lecturer Lloyd. I'm so glad to meet you! I didn't expect that my remote anatomy room would welcome a recipient of the Outstanding Contribution Medal."

The other party greeted him warmly, and also made a concession to Lloyd, allowing him to get closer.

"It...is still alive?"

Lloyd looked at the mess of flesh and blood in front of him that was not human, or rather completely shapeless, and asked in surprise.

"Yes, they are indeed alive physiologically. Their vitality far exceeds the limits of human beings. They are more tenacious than ordinary monsters. Many high-ranking powerful people who have changed their life forms are not as good as them. This should be why they can survive in aliens. The basis for standing in space..."

"But they are not invincible. Things like here...here...and here...are the weaknesses in their bodies. If you are enemies with them in the future, it is best to attack these organs..."

"However, we have only studied this one individual so far, and we don't know yet whether their entire population has the same characteristics, so there may be some omissions in these conclusions at the moment."

The professor from the Department of Medicine enthusiastically introduced his current results to Lloyd, and then asked curiously:

"So... Lecturer Lloyd, you are here because of..."

"It was with the dean's permission."

Lloyd directly pulled Dean Hazlade out as a shield. Without explaining anything, he immediately turned around and asked:

"So it is currently in a delirious state? Is there any way to communicate?"

The professor was also very sensible and did not continue to ask about Lloyd's purpose, but continued to introduce:

"Of course, we have a way to wake it up."

After that, he asked Lloyd to wait for a moment, and then directed several students on the side to start several sets of instruments. Then he saw the piece of meat on the dissecting table suddenly trembled, as if it had been electrocuted, and he immediately began to curse. :

"You dirty, despicable fools! How dare you treat me like this! The priest will never let you go! You will all die! Your women will become slaves, and your heirs will be turned into nutrients!"

After hearing these words, the biology professor acted very calmly, as if he didn't understand ancient Chinese, and asked in turn:

"Uh... Lecturer Lloyd, I wonder what your level of ancient Chinese is?"

"It's okay."

Lloyd smiled and asked again:

"Does it reveal anything?"

"No, I have to admit, this guy is a tough guy. This may be because their pain nerves have been severely degenerated."

"Then leave it to me."

Lloyd said confidently, taking a few steps forward and standing in front of the mess of meat.

"Huh? You humble pariah, who are you? You don't think you can do anything to me, do you? No matter how despicable you do to me, I will..."

The monster originally wanted to curse a few more words, but suddenly he felt like something had gotten into his head? It began to stir his thinking and consciousness.

"You...what did you do to me? Uh...I...I..."

The monster's voice suddenly dropped and became silent.

Lloyd waited patiently for a while, and then asked:

"Tell me about your priests and temples."


The monster immediately began a lengthy narration, telling almost everything it knew about the situation.

Seeing this, the medical professor next to him quickly asked several students to take notes, and then asked in surprise:

"What did you do to it?"

"It messes with its thoughts a little bit and makes it soft, but honest."

Lloyd explained simply.

In fact, it is the effect of [Seed of Distortion], just set a corresponding direction.

This is far more effective than torture.

"This...but we have also tried this method, and it was personally carried out by a professor from the [Intellectual] Department. However, because this guy has been in a state of high mental pollution for a long time, he has no idea about the [Intellectual] method. Extraordinary resistance, how did you achieve this?”

"Well... I think it might be because they are already monsters in nature? That's why the [Intellectual] method will be difficult to work, so do you want to consider joining our [Distortion] system? It's quite easy to deal with monsters. "

"Ah??? [Distortion]??? Does our college have this subject?"

Lloyd: "…………"

"Forget it, let's get down to business first."

He could only laugh and cry and asked a few more questions, continuing to interrogate the messenger.

The monster, which had become weak and honest, naturally told everything he knew.


"This group of monsters is really crazy and bastards!"

Lloyd looked at the transcript in his hand and cursed angrily.

I originally thought that the other party's "kill all men and take all women away" was some kind of threatening exaggeration.

It turned out that they were serious...

And they are already doing it?

This group of ancient survivors are not just hiding in the alien space, but they often sneak out to "beg for money" and have committed many heinous crimes.

As far as this messenger knows, they have been returning to the world from time to time since the twilight era to rob humans.

Resources, population, wealth, nothing is spared.

That's how the piles of bones in the deep well came from...

That period happened to be the weakest and most chaotic period for humans, and they were unable to prevent such things, which allowed them to gradually gain a foothold.

This continued until the advent of the new era. With the birth of the saints, the humans in the world gradually gained a foothold and gradually decreased.

But they are not completely extinct. In some remote places where the light of the saints cannot reach, they will still attack human resource points from time to time.

Because of their physiological characteristics, they have good combat power, and it is very difficult for ordinary extraordinary people to deal with them.

More importantly, they seem to have some means to drive the devil...

And their appearance is almost the same as that of monsters. They can hardly be recognized with a little disguise, so it is difficult for humans to distinguish whether they are attacked by monsters or ancient survivors.

But in Lloyd's opinion, there is no point in distinguishing this...

They are all enemies, and they all deserve to die!

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