I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 525 525 Remember to come to tomorrow's ceremony

Chapter 525 525. Remember to come to tomorrow's ceremony

"Ahem... I didn't expect you to think so highly of me, so I'm naturally obliged to do this."

Lloyd said with his chest puffed out, acting very serious.

"Well, I trust you in this regard... Okay, let's do this for now, I'll gather some people and study it carefully..."

Dean Hazlade said at last.

Lloyd put the record aside for the time being, and then left the dean's office. He looked at the time again, and it was still early, so he went to the equipment department again to see if they had disassembled the other party's "space battleship".

He also went to see how the fragments in the library were assembled. Compared to the last time he asked, several days have passed in the academy, so they should have assembled more pieces, right?

In the end, he only managed to put together three pieces...

These guys are really unreliable. With their efficiency, if Lloyd doesn't do it himself, who knows when he will finish it?

It's better to find time to think of a solution. I hope to put the library together before the ancient survivors invade, and then see if the books and materials inside can help.

Lloyd pondered in his mind, said goodbye to the apologetic researchers, and went to the equipment department.

There are still many people around the "space battleship", studying and discussing. Lloyd happened to meet Professor Lawrence who came back from fishing in the crowd, and was also curiously looking at this "new toy".

In theory, as a professor of practical technology, he should not ask about the equipment department, but now the other two professors are in the mental hospital, and the entire space department is suddenly a little leaderless, so naturally he can't catch fish.

Lloyd then approached and greeted Professor Lawrence, saying:

"How was your catch this time?"

"Uh... of course it was a great catch!"

Professor Lawrence said hesitantly and guilty, then immediately changed the subject, pointed to the 'space battleship' and asked:

"Have you seen this thing? What do you think of it?"

"I took a quick look at it before, and I can only say... it's a little different from our route?"

Lloyd then took the opportunity to talk to Professor Lawrence about the ancient survivors, including the contents of the transcripts, and briefly talked about them.

The old professor was not surprised, but sneered and commented:

"It's almost the same as I thought. I have been speculating on them with the greatest malice."

"Huh? From what you said... Have you had contact with them before?"

"Yes, I was there when the academy first came into contact with them. It was a very unpleasant memory. Their arrogant faces still make me feel sick when I think about them."

Professor Lawrence said while shaking his head vigorously, as if to get rid of those things in his mind. As if throwing away the unpleasant memories, he suddenly asked a detailed question:

"By the way, why did they suddenly come to us? What is the so-called 'mystery left by the descendants of the evil god'?"

Because there were too many people at the scene, Lloyd did not dare to talk about the 'great achievements' he and the former dean had committed...

But since the old professor asked, Lloyd certainly trusted him, so he changed the place to talk, and specially took out a set of soundproof barriers from the storage bag and deployed them, and then talked about the feats he and the former dean had done.

Professor Lawrence was stunned on the spot...

After digesting the information for a long time, he picked out the most concerned one from many questions and asked:

"They can't even solve the space loop you set up?"

As a result, before Lloyd could explain, Professor Lawrence's face changed slightly, revealing a bit of embarrassment.

In fact, he himself couldn't figure it out...

Lloyd didn't notice these details, and was still explaining seriously:

"This is because they went in the wrong direction. They were all working on equipment development, and finally came up with this kind of "canoe battleship" that is still a bit useful, but ignored the research and development of theoretical and practical technologies, so they are so embarrassed."

"Well... this... is indeed..."

Professor Lawrence replied reluctantly.

In fact, what he really wanted to say was: Don't talk about them, I also feel embarrassed in front of these things you have tossed out!

Then, the old professor immediately changed the topic and said:

"Although they are not very good at space technology, their strength should not be underestimated, and you must be more careful."

"Well, don't worry."

The two chatted for a while, discussed more details, and then Lloyd prepared to go back to the dormitory to rest.

But before leaving, he suddenly thought of something and asked one more question:

"By the way, professor, are you free tomorrow night? I want to invite you to attend my sister's extraordinary enlightenment ceremony."

Although his own enlightenment ceremony was very low-key, and even only Wei Ya knew about it, his sister was different. His sister must be more important, so Lloyd still wanted to invite some relatives and friends to attend and witness.

Besides, he definitely wanted to get his sister Evelor into Mizkatok later. Through the same recommended student model as himself, he naturally needed to obtain the joint recommendation of three professors.

There are only a few professors who are familiar with him, Professor Hiltina is one, Professor Toledo is one, and the other is Professor Lawrence.

That's why I invited them in advance, hoping that the two of them can get to know each other in advance and get familiar with each other.

"Hmm? Your sister's initiation ceremony?"

Although the old professor is definitely not interested in the most basic ceremony like [Initiation], he knows Lloyd's family situation very well, and he has heard Lloyd talk about the past when he and his sister wandered the streets together when they were young and depended on each other, so he can probably guess Lloyd's true intention.

Then everything will be easy.

"Okay, I know, I will attend on time... However, it is not suitable to join Mitzkatok just after completing [Initiation]. It is better to wait until the third level before considering this."

"Yes, I know, so I just want to invite you to attend the ceremony."

Seeing that Professor Lawrence agreed immediately, Lloyd was relieved, so he said goodbye to Professor Lawrence and went back to the dormitory.

But what he didn't expect was that... the old professor's mind was more detailed and far-sighted than his -

Lloyd, that kid, has a good relationship with his sister, and is also his only relative in the world, and is an important bond that maintains his cognition as a human being...

Considering the ambiguous relationship between this kid and Professor Hiltyna... Well, this Ms. Evelor will obviously be a very important person, so I definitely can't deal with it rashly.

Ask two people to go over and show their support...

Because Lloyd and Professor Lawrence are already very familiar with each other, and [Enlightenment] is not a very critical stage, I thought about not being too ostentatious and doing it in a low-key manner, so naturally there was no formal invitation.

It is precisely because it is not formal enough that there is no requirement to go alone, and it is not impolite to invite two friends to join in the fun.

So Professor Lawrence took out a special business card holder from the storage bag and screened it.

None of these business cards is not exquisite; none of the identities printed on them is not prominent enough.

"Well... these two guys, right? They both left a good impression on me, and they have some influence in the world."

The old professor finally pulled out two business cards and said indifferently.

It was as if the titles printed on the business cards were not "President" or "Director", but two unknown minions.


"Hiss~ What nonsense are these guys talking about?"

Lloyd looked at the student handbook with disgust, and even took it away, showing an expression of subway, old people, and mobile phones, as if there was something extremely unbearable printed on it.

But the actual situation was not that bad, it was just that people suspected him of being a man-eating monster or something...

The cause of the incident was probably that I was browsing the student handbook when I had nothing to do, and I happened to see the hot topic on the message board today, which was about Professor Dell of the Department of Materials.

At the beginning, the conversation was relatively normal, saying something like "good news" and "feeling relieved", and then curiously asked about the course of events.

"Did someone really take out the legendary [Tears of Stars]? Doesn't this thing theoretically not exist at all?"

"But apart from [Tears of Stars], I can't imagine anything else that can stimulate Professor Dell... His previous state was really bad. When I went to visit him, it felt more like visiting a grave..."

"So theories are just theories, and books are just books. Don't let these constrain your cognition. You must learn to accept objective reality. Although I also find it unbelievable, Professor Dell did get [Tears of Stars] and started researching it in full swing."

"Yes, I can testify that my roommate from the Department of Materials has not returned to the dormitory at this time. He was temporarily recruited by Professor Dell to join the project team to study [Tears of Stars]. This is obviously the real deal!"

"Wow! Being able to join Professor Dell's project team, you must be able to get a lot of credits and ratings, right? It's really enviable..."

"You should really envy Isn't that the mysterious young man who visited Professor Dell? He can even take out [Tears of Stars]! "

"Does anyone know who that young man is? Such a powerful character can't be unknown, right?"

"I am also in a state of confusion and decadence, hesitant and helpless. Who can give me some [Tears of Stars] to cheer me up?"

"No one has mentioned this yet. Maybe it's because everyone present at the time was pulled by Professor Dell to join the project team and is busy, right?"

Originally, everyone was talking here, and everything was normal, but the next statement suddenly changed:

"Well... Then I have a bold guess... Since he can even take out this theoretically non-existent material, then this person... Is he not a human at all? "

After that, it really got out of control. Everyone speculated whether the boy was a man-eating monster who had eaten Professor Dell and disguised himself as him?

As the story continued, it was a familiar scene, with people suspecting their roommates had been eaten and so on...

The only one or two normal people among them were still trying to educate people that although the [Tears of the Stars] were extremely rare, they did exist and were not a "gift from the evil god" or "reward for selling one's soul".

However, it was useless. Everyone's attention had been diverted to the 'man-eating monster'...

This made Lloyd very speechless. How much did these guys expect their roommates to be eaten by monsters?

And what kind of environment did they understand Mitzkatok to be? Why can the campus legend of 'man-eating monsters' last forever?

He simply threw away the student handbook and picked up the information he got for free from Professor Dell, wanting to learn more about this precious material that was praised to the sky.

These materials are relatively basic popular science, and the content is not much. Lloyd finished reading them soon.

At the same time, I also understood what the saying "theoretically it does not exist" was all about -

This was actually a sentence said by the first discoverer of [Tears of the Stars] a long time ago, even earlier than the glorious era:

"The magic of this material far exceeds the scope of materials science and my cognition. In my opinion, it should not exist, just like the tears left when the stars go out. I think [Tears of the Stars] should be a very suitable name for it."

In fact, this is just someone else's feeling, not a serious conclusion. Later, it was taken out of context and misinterpreted, and it became "theoretically it does not exist".

And because of the preciousness of [Tears of the Stars], many people will never get in touch with it in their lifetime, and it is difficult to establish a correct understanding of it, resulting in the fact that this rumor is spread more widely than popular science...

Lloyd was also amused and helpless about this...

But if you have to say it, this rumor is not entirely a rumor, and some of it can be considered true.

[Star Tears] is so mysterious that humans have not figured out all its characteristics and structure, nor its true cause. It is a "mysterious phenomenon" that has not yet been explained by a corresponding theory.

This can also be regarded as another level of "theoretical non-existence", right?

At the same time, due to the lack of theoretical guidance, the application and development of [Star Tears] also relies heavily on practical experience. So far, the main application method is to use it as a powerful additive to enhance the strength and toughness of objects.

Professor Dell's current research direction is a kind of "resonance" and "amplification" that Lloyd can't quite understand the principle of. Anyway, it's probably about doubling the original performance indicators, right?

At least it sounds better than a simple additive?

Then I hope he can achieve results as soon as possible, and then try to develop more uses...

Otherwise, it would be a waste to use all of his [Star Tears] as additives.

But then again...

What is the purpose of that group of ancient survivors collecting so many [Star Tears]?

Lloyd couldn't help but think of the deep well full of bones...

Obviously, this is definitely not using [Star Tears] as an additive.

Considering the living environment and development trajectory of those ancient survivors, they probably didn't have much intention to upgrade and develop basic disciplines such as materials science, and most of them were just living off the old things they brought in.

So the way to use [Star Tears] also comes from the 'great gift'?

If the bones in the deep well are regarded as 'bones', then these [Star Tears] act as a kind of 'blood'?

Or, so many [Star Tears] evolved or condensed through that deep well?

After all, if you want to plunder such rare materials, you don't know who to find. So even if the group of survivors was rich and powerful back then, it would be difficult to bring in so many at once, right?

In particular, the messenger mentioned several times that he would turn the useless people he captured back into some kind of 'nutrients'...

And not only humans, but also monsters.

So this thing was transformed through some kind of mixture of bones and blood, plus the influence of the Supreme Being, through some kind of evil ritual?

It's really disgusting to think about it...

Lloyd shook his head vigorously, unwilling to continue to make in-depth associations.

Anyway, no matter what the source of this thing is, it will be specially placed on the top floor of the so-called temple, together with the bodies of the three [Brilliant Gold], indicating that it must play a key role.

Maybe Professor Dale, who has regained his glory, can help me solve these puzzles?

Come on! Professor! You can win!

Lloyd cheered Professor Dale in his heart, and then went to bed.

Wait until the next morning, or first complete a set of regular procedures, giant flower buds, palace foundations, and then catch three art monsters, and then harvest more mental pollution.

In the end, a total of 15 attributes were obtained, which were added to [rationality], [spiritual power], and [cognition] respectively, bringing the total value to 5105 points.

After that, he didn't rush to leave the [Thinking Field], but looked at the extra large nursery and felt a little troubled...

For safety reasons, Lloyd implanted a [Distortion Seed] made of discarded knowledge fragments into each art monster, so that they could stay quiet and be works of art, and not rush into the space storm.

And for every [Distortion Seed], there will be an extra sprout in the [Thinking Field] that is convenient for him to control.

Lloyd emptied most of the museum and captured more than 600 art monsters, which resulted in more than 600 densely planted sprouts in his [Thinking Field]...

It's not very beautiful, so I have to find a way to tidy it up.

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