I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 532 532 Damn, are you sick?

Chapter 532 532. Damn, are you sick?

"It doesn't matter. We have lowered our posture and taken the initiative to get to know him. This is enough to show our sincerity and demeanor, but he doesn't seem to realize our identity and power. He gave up this precious opportunity himself."

"Yes, and such an opportunity may only come once in a lifetime for someone of his background."

"You two, don't say such harsh words. After all, he is still young and it is normal for him to be more resistant to socializing. Moreover, on a stage like today, he, who has no background, will only feel cramped and inferior. Naturally, he wants to stay with his classmates so that he can find some sense of security."

"I can understand, but I think he is wasting the great knight. The long-time gentleman has done a lot of hard work. If I could get an opportunity like today, I would never behave so badly... But I have to admit that he has a beautiful appearance, which is far superior to you and me. "

"Yes! This is the first time I have met such a good-looking man..."

"Shut up, you slut! Forgot what I said before? In this kind of occasion, there is no room for you to speak."

"Sorry! Sorry! I was abrupt!"

"Okay, don't speak loudly in a place like this, don't forget to maintain your demeanor, and don't embarrass your family."

Lloyd listened to these people whispering "loudly" and couldn't help but turn his head to look at his big brother.

What did this unreliable guy say to these people?

And what on earth did these idiots come for?

While he was complaining in his heart, the rich classmate next to him sneered, then looked at the other students present and said:

"I bet these guys are from the families of congressmen and politicians. I have come into contact with several such officials' children, and they are all equally disgusting and stupid."

The three students present were all extraordinary people of high rank, and their attributes were higher than the average of the same rank. Naturally, they could hear the whispers of the second-generation officials clearly.

"Who would participate in such a suspenseless gambling game? I will just drive them away."

The fat classmate replied with a little anger, and then pretended to stand up. The honest classmate next to him hurriedly pulled him, and shook his head silently, and then let him sit down again.

Lloyd also shook his head, indicating that it was unnecessary.

He disdained to argue with these mortals, and did not want to affect today's ceremony.

However, those second-generation officials kept going too far...

"So what should we do about our bet today? Should we continue?"

"Why not? You know, I've been eyeing your limited edition car for a long time."

"But today's protagonist is not easy to get along with? Do you want me to hold my nose and go find him again? Spare me! If my father knew that I hired a poor, stupid boy to be my bodyguard, it would be very embarrassing..."

"Yes, and even if he agreed, it would make it very difficult for us. He doesn't look like a very powerful extraordinary person. I don't feel the oppression of a high-ranking strong man from him. Asking him to be a bodyguard is irresponsible for our personal safety."

"Haha, and he looks so good, aren't you afraid that he will seduce the women in your family?"

When the three classmates around Lloyd heard this, their faces sank at the same time and they stood up in unison.

The gold lapel pin of the top student was extremely important to them. If they dared to slander the holder of the lapel pin, they would have to pay the price for their outspokenness.

On the contrary, Lloyd quickly stopped the three of them and said, "Don't be anxious. Let's listen to what these guys want to do."

"Although our protagonist is not very cooperative, there are still many extraordinary people who will be present today. So why don't we modify the rules of the bet and invite other extraordinary people. Whoever invites the highest rank will be the final winner and take all the bets."

"It's a good suggestion, taking into account both entertainment and practicality."

"Haha, doesn't that mean we have to start with His Excellency the Grand Knight? He must be the strongest extraordinary person here, right?"

"Then I advise you not to waste your time. This is obviously impossible. Don't just focus on the bets. Don't forget that our main goal is to find a suitable bodyguard who is as powerful, smart, and politically literate as possible."

Lloyd couldn't help but wonder, are these four guys brains out or what? What's the point of running to such a place to find a bodyguard? If you go to those civilian investigation groups or extraordinary clubs and shout a little, wouldn't there be a lot of people rushing to come?

And why do four people get together to do such a stupid thing? Because stupidity is contagious?

Lloyd was just feeling strange when he heard an honest classmate beside him say:

"It seems that they are indeed the children of officials. They are keen on hiring extraordinary people recently, and they have also brought about a wave of enthusiasm, causing several experienced hands in my investigation team to resign."

"Ah? Can such a thing set off a wave of enthusiasm? Whether it is hiring bodyguards or security consultants, isn't it a very common thing?"

Lloyd was even more puzzled and asked.

In the end, the fat classmate helped answer:

"Well... I'm not questioning your statement, but this may be a bit one-sided. In fact, it is quite rare for a family to hire a full-time extraordinary bodyguard... It's just that as an S-class top student, the level you can access is definitely the same as ours. It’s different, so it seems to you that this kind of thing is very common.”

Well... this is the first time that Lloyd has met someone who can express "ungrounded" so implicitly...

But having said that, Lloyd knew that the only families that hired extraordinary people as bodyguards or security consultants were the Via family and Miss Desita's family.

One is an old declining aristocrat, and the other is a new real estate tycoon. They are indeed not universal...

As for little Olga, everyone else's family is extraordinary, so they won't even consider this.

And judging from the market conditions that Lloyd briefly learned about at the club, even for hiring third- and fourth-level transcendents, the asking price is quite outrageous. It is much higher than the military salary paid by the religious order. Money was tight before. At that time, he even considered this.

This is definitely not cost-effective. In a safe enough place like Brilliant City, as long as you don't run around and commit suicide, there is really no need to hire full-time bodyguards.

After briefly thinking about it, Lloyd became more curious and asked again:

"Then what's going on with this inexplicable craze?"

As a result, the three students all shrugged, saying that they did not belong to that circle and did not know much about it. They could only make some guesses, thinking that it might be related to the obstruction of the great development?

Just at this time, Lloyd's unreliable big brother came closer and explained in a mocking tone:

"I'm sorry, little brother, I didn't expect anyone to come uninvited. I will find a way to get rid of these guys later."

"So that's the case, you're still here uninvited?"

"Yes, there is no other way. I want to help you make the ceremony more dignified, but the news will inevitably leak out. And these guys are all from the parliament, so you also know that politicians are such creatures. They have a habit of being shameless, so they arranged for their heirs to come over by force. "

"Ha...it's true. You guessed it right."

Lloyd smiled at Brother Fu's classmate and asked again:

"But if they came to socialize, I wouldn't object, but why would they think of recruiting bodyguards for such an occasion?"

"Well...this matter involves a recent rumor of unknown origin."

Big Brother said, paused, first checked the sound insulation around Lloyd, and then continued:

"The origin of the rumor is unknown, and the time it spread is unknown, but it was at least half a year ago. There are many versions of the content. Some say that the second apocalypse is coming; some say that the environment is about to undergo major changes, and the entire world will It has become very dangerous; and it is said that the real master of this world is about to come."

As soon as he finished speaking, the fat classmate sneered and took over the conversation:

"I have heard about this too, and have organized several investigations for this purpose. The final conclusion is that it is nonsense. I don't know who spread the rumor. And those politicians are best at lying, so they actually believe this?"

Big Brother replied:

"Not many people believed it at first, but the leader among them suddenly poached a seventh-level knight commander from the religious order in a high-profile manner recently, and even held a special cocktail party for this purpose. It catches the limelight, and then others follow suit.”

Lloyd had talked about some topics in this area with Big Brother, his girlfriend, and his fiancée. He also had a good understanding of the organizational structure of Brilliant City, so he knew that the 'leading guy' in Big Brother's words refers to the Speaker of the Parliament.

The political structure of this world does not have a consistent benchmark on the other side of the earth. Although each city is ruled by various religious groups, they do not implement warlord dictatorships, nor are they a unity of politics and religion. Instead, they separate administrative management and religious group affairs. Very clear.

Extraordinaries are not even allowed to interfere in politics, but only supervise. The archbishop of the cult is responsible for this.

Of course, it is impossible for the city council to interfere with and direct the religious order. In general decisions, it is the religious group that has the final say. For things like the Great Expansion, it is useless for the council to object. It must also be responsible for management and logistical support.

It is said that this was the rule set by the Saint of Redemption back then, and it has been used ever since.

In short, it is entirely possible to regard the parliament and the bureaucrats as having a role similar to that of ‘stewards’.

It's not that administrative management is unimportant, it's just that some people have been "housekeepers" for a long time and have somewhat forgotten their own affairs. They have caused some "anti-Tiangang" conflicts, especially in terms of large-scale development, which many people think is a waste of people and money. Parliament has been vigorously opposed to it.

Big Brother has complained more than once about the archbishop who is drunk on power.

He probably forgot where the power at hand came from, and began to fantasize about being able to restrict or even control the sect.

But these worldly disputes were not the focus of Lloyd's attention. He was more concerned about the rumors, and thus gradually extended his thoughts to the group of ancient survivors.

Although there is no concrete basis, it is an inexplicable suspicion. Could it be that those rumors were spread by the remnants?

Maybe he wants to cause social unrest, or raise some lackeys and minions?

I always feel that those self-proclaimed survivors and these self-respecting bureaucrats have something in common...

After thinking for a while, Lloyd said:

"I think it's necessary to investigate the origins of those rumors."

"Hmm? Is it necessary?"

The elder brother obviously didn't know about the ancient survivors, so he naturally didn't understand.

The other three students also looked at Lloyd with confusion, wondering why he cared about these groundless rumors.

But the matter of the ancient survivors was specifically instructed by Dean Hazlade not to make it public for the time being, so Lloyd was not convenient to explain the truth, and could only answer implicitly:

"In addition to investigating the origins of the rumors, it is best to check whether these bureaucrats are colluding with certain evil forces."

"Evil forces?"

The other four people present were even more confused.

Although the politicians in their eyes were very stupid, they were not stupid to this extent, right?

Under the day-to-day attacks of various religious groups, those evil forces had long been beaten into rats in the gutter, and even the notorious consultant had been silent for a long time. What benefits could be gained by colluding with these insignificant rats? Do you still expect these people to counterattack the religious group?

But Lloyd did not explain, but said seriously:

"This is very necessary."

"Okay, I will try to talk to the people of Sheng'en Court later."

"I will also try to help."

As everyone was talking, a few noisy uninvited guests appeared at the entrance of the venue. Big Brother had to stand up helplessly and was forced to volunteer:

"Why are there a few more shameless people who come uninvited? Alas... It's all my fault. I'll deal with it."

The three classmates looked coldly at the four second-generation officials before, and stood up at the same time.

Those guys were talking happily with some extraordinary people that Lloyd was not familiar with, at least on the surface. Those extraordinary people concealed their boredom and impatience very well, and their social skills were obviously very strong.

And this time, Lloyd naturally did not stop them.

As the host, some things were not convenient for him, so it was better to let his classmates deal with them.

With the temporary silence around him, he listened to what the new uninvited guests said to Big Brother.

Oh? You even know to bring soundproofing equipment?

However, it is useless, the quality is too low...

Lloyd quietly took out a cartoon-style toy trumpet from the storage bag, touched it slightly with inspiration, and heard what these people were saying.

Hmm? You are also looking for a bodyguard?

Damn, are you sick?

I have to say that the life form chosen by Big Brother for himself is sometimes very useful, which can prevent others from seeing his gradually darkening face.

But the tone can't be concealed, and he is impatiently saying:

"Are you blind or stupid? Do you think I can still have an illegitimate child?"

"Lloyd is not a relative of anyone. He is an executioner in District 18. His sister runs a magazine with poor sales, that's all."

"Why can't I preside over the ceremony for him? I just like this young man, what? Do I need your approval?"

"Whatever, it's your business who you want to find as a bodyguard. I won't drive you away out of courtesy, but you'd better be sober and don't destroy the atmosphere here."

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