I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 534 534 Playing the long game

Chapter 534 534. Playing the long game

Things went so smoothly? He confessed in just two or three sentences?

Lloyd was a little surprised by the attitude of this congressman representative. He had planned to use the ability of [Twist] to make him surrender like last time, but before he could do anything, he confessed everything...

Such a good attitude to admit his mistakes?

However, this guy was so frank, and even couldn't wait to admit it, because he didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all.

In this person's subsequent confession, he actually didn't know what kind of group the ancient survivors were, didn't know the real situation, didn't know what those monsters were going to do, and had never even seen them...

He just believed the other party's words and thought that they were a group of ancient strongmen who hid in the mountains and forests to avoid the doomsday disaster. They had astonishing wealth, incomprehensible power, and a noble and noble background.

In short, he had all kinds of naive ideas, thinking that there were only a few dozen people on the other side, planning to return to human society, and he and the congressman behind him were playing the role of a middleman to help make connections.

In the final analysis, he and the congressman behind him had no idea of ​​the seriousness and truth of the matter, and were still fantasizing about being able to win over such a group of "ancient strongmen", gain a large amount of wealth and connections, and then sweep away the decline in the political arena and rise to prominence...

He even thought that relying on this group of "ancient strongmen", he could in turn check and balance the cult, or even the saints, so that politicians could become the real masters of this city, and use this as a starting point to control the entire world...

Lloyd could only say that he had a bad brain and great ambitions, which was in line with his stereotype of politicians.

No wonder this guy is so frank, and even continues to say in a boastful tone:

"Although I don't know where you heard about these ancient nobles, it is obvious that only the senator I represent is their most trustworthy friend in this brilliant city!"

"So that's the case, then the senator is really amazing..."

Lloyd first gave a fake compliment with a fake smile, and then asked indirectly:

"By the way, so many people are recruiting bodyguards now, is it related to this matter?"

The other party was a little excited and began to speak impassionedly:

"Haha, those people are just Followers who have heard a little news, don't believe their lies, they know nothing, and are still foolishly recruiting bodyguards, completely misunderstood the situation! "

"Actually, I am not here to recruit bodyguards, but to find like-minded partners. We are not in a clear employment relationship, but comrades-in-arms fighting together. I believe you are also very clear about the difference, right?"

"So...what is your decision? Are you willing to join us, challenge the current situation where there is no future, and create a new tomorrow for mankind?"

He did not think that he was a spy and traitor to mankind at all, and thought that he had devoted himself to some great cause.

Lloyd rubbed his chin, as if he was hesitating, and then muttered in a low voice:

"Well...it should be about the same, it seems that you don't know more..."

"Sorry? What are you talking about?"

The representative of the congress was asking back, his face suddenly changed slightly, his eyes became blurred, and he felt as if something had entered his mind?

Two seconds later, he gradually returned to normal, and then quickly stood up and said goodbye:

"Uh... I... cough, I suddenly remembered that I have something urgent to do. Sorry, I'll leave you first."

After that, he trotted away.

"In this way, the logic before and after can be straightened out."

Lloyd continued to rub his chin, and he figured out what this trend of recruiting bodyguards was about.

In short, the group of ancient survivors is indeed trying to infiltrate human civilization, and it may be multi-faceted and multi-field. It should not be just these politicians. With the huge wealth they have, it is too easy to buy spies, but some are more blatant, and some are more obscure and low-key.

The purpose may be to cultivate a group of their own followers, or it may be for the dry bones in the deep well, but no matter what, the ultimate goal is definitely to create chaos when necessary, or even completely subvert the existing civilization.

This reminded Lloyd of some "stories" on Earth, such as the oil paper bag in the sewer, not eating meat to protect the environment, and drinking toilet water. Although the methods of these ancient survivors are more direct, they are basically the same, insidious and despicable.

But it can also be seen from this that this group of ancient survivors are still quite afraid of modern civilization, otherwise they would not have to take this approach, and would have invaded openly.

As for the representative of this congressman, he is just an insignificant shrimp. Lloyd has no meaning in killing him here. Instead, he can change this guy's thinking through the [seed of distortion], which may bring him some unexpected surprises.

There is no need to rush for the time being. Use it as bait and you may catch a big fish.

It can't be like some brain-congesting movies and TV shows on Earth, where they finally caught a high-level double agent, but instead of interrogating him, they used poisonous chicken soup to help the mastermind clean up the mess, right?

So Lloyd leaned on the sofa, returned to the [Thinking Realm] first, and then waved to the Tentacle Grass.


The Tentacle Grass got out of the glass cover on its own and came closer to Lloyd.

"Keep an eye on this guy for me."

Lloyd pointed at an extra sprout in the [Thinking Field], which was the [Seed of Distortion] that had just been planted.

"Remember to monitor his every move around the clock, especially who he has met and what letters he has written. Don't miss anything."


The Tentacle Grass raised its chest and raised its head, and imitated a human and patted its own chest to show that it was wrapped around him.

This kind of project is simply too easy for it, much safer than accepting forbidden knowledge or something.

After instructing the Tentacle Grass to keep an eye on the bait, Lloyd returned to reality and put this 'little episode' aside until his sister's ritual was taken care of.

However, there were too many uninvited people at the venue in front of them. The number of people exceeded one hundred, which was five times more than Lloyd had expected. The entire venue became increasingly noisy and noisy.

Lloyd also couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Sigh... It's better not to let Big Brother deal with this kind of thing in the future...

I hope my sister doesn’t mind...

By the way, why hasn’t my Wei Ya come yet?



Wei Ya sneezed inexplicably, and then tugged on the skirt of her legs that was obviously a little too short.

She was sitting in the steam car at the moment, wearing a gorgeous and bold purple-black dress. Even though it was covered with a pair of black stockings, there was still a delicate white line between the skirt and the stockings, making her Her figure is more graceful and graceful, yet still graceful and luxurious.

Wei Ya likes this custom-made dress very much, but she has never worn it once since she bought it. She originally planned to wear it to Lloyd when she had the opportunity to spend a night with him, as a surprise to him.

But before setting off today, she had to pick out clothes from a room full of clothes, making her worry about the gains and losses. Finally, seeing that it was almost noon, she had to postpone the surprise.

Of course, in addition to new clothes, all kinds of expensive jewelry are also missing, and they are all worn for the first time.

As a dedicated judge, Wei Ya doesn't like these complicated things very much, even though she is stunningly beautiful.

As for the plan to spend the night together, it is definitely out of the question today, because Wei Ya did not come alone today...

"I told you not to choose such bold clothes. Are you planning to compete with other women today?"

A deep male voice sounded next to Wei Ya.

"Ugh... I'm not catching a cold, my nose is just itchy."

Wei Ya answered hesitantly, and then muttered angrily:

"If I had known, Dad, that you would definitely come with me, I would have..."

"Ha~ I can't come?"

"They didn't invite you in the first place, right?"

"Really? He handed the invitation to me personally. It clearly says that you are welcome to bring relatives and friends. What's more, I have long wanted to see how bad this little bastard is and how dare he abduct him. My baby girl?”

"Dad, you..."

Wei Ya was hesitant to speak, but immediately showed a determined look and said straightly:

"Whether you like him or not, dad, I will always be with him from now on."

"Oh? Do you have so little confidence in him? Have you already assumed in advance that I don't like him?"

"I...that's not the case. Of course Lloyd is very good, and it's those shining qualities in him that fascinate me, but his family background is indeed not very good, and he will definitely be disliked by you, dad."

"The family background is not good? Is that really the case? I think this little bastard is lying to you. In my opinion, his family background is probably unusually well-off. He is just pretending to be a poor boy in front of you."

"How is it possible? Before he joined the 18th District, we conducted a routine investigation on him. He was indeed dependent on her sister and did not even have any real estate in his name... I originally planned to transfer my two properties to him. Give it to him, but he stubbornly stated that he would earn money to buy a house on his own..."

Wei Ya argued hard for Lloyd, but failed to convince the man next to her. Instead, she elicited a sneer:

"Haha~ Is that really the case? Then do you know what kind of place the place where he held this banquet is?"

"This... I only know that it was held inside the Veto Sanctuary, but that doesn't mean anything, right? Aren't the banquet halls inside the Veto Sanctuary open to the public? There are people holding birthday banquets and the like there, even My elementary school graduation ceremony was also held there.”

"Haha~ It's useless to say more, you will know when you get there."

The man next to Wei Ya continued to sneer, causing an awkward silence between the two.

When the steam car carrying them stopped under the Sanctuary of Veto, although Wei Ya was very reluctant, based on social etiquette, she gently took the man's arm and took the elevator to the banquet hall with him.

But as she walked, Wei Ya discovered something was wrong...

"Why are you at such a high place? And you need to transfer to a special elevator?"

"Are you realizing this now? To tell you the truth, the place that that little bastard chose is the most special place in the entire radiant city. Legend has it that it is the place where the Saint of Veto will come in person. Even I am lucky enough to come. Once.”

As the man spoke, a smile appeared on his face as if he had won a game, and he continued to say to Wei Ya:

"The person who can hold a banquet in this place cannot be described as either rich or noble. Even our family does not have this qualification, so do you understand now? That little bastard is not an ordinary child from a poor family at all."

Unexpectedly, Wei Ya didn't quite believe this statement, and stubbornly shook her head and said:

"Lloyd will not lie to me. He is indeed from a poor family, but he is really good, so he is highly valued by the higher-ups of the religious order. So is it not surprising that he can use this banquet hall?"

"Alas...my innocent daughter...if it was for his own sake, there might be some arguments for choosing the place here, but obviously, it was clearly written on the invitation that this was his sister's [Enlightenment] Ceremony, do you still remember your original [Enlightenment] ceremony? It didn’t seem so public, right?”

However, no matter what the man said, Wei Ya still refused to give in and said:

"This... in short, Lloyd is not such a person. I believe in him, and I also believe that Dad, after you have real contact with him, you will find the excellence in him. He is definitely not a liar!"

These words made the man beside her slightly moved, but he said nothing more for the time being.

Soon, the two arrived at the banquet hall. Before they could even enter, they saw Lloyd already waiting at the door.

Wei Ya quickly shook off the arm of the man next to her and went forward with surprise on her face.

"Wow! Wei Ya, you are so beautiful today, lick it well!"

Lloyd opened his mouth in the usual way the two of them talked, but as soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that there was someone else next to Wei Ya?

"Huh? Why did you bring your gardener here?"

Wei Ya couldn't help but froze, and looked back at the 'gardener' who was following her, her expression gradually becoming weird.

"Lloyd...he...he is my father..."


This time, it was Lloyd who was stunned.

"But he's not..."

The 'Gardener' showed a joking smile, walked up to Lloyd, reached out his hand, shook hands with Lloyd, and then explained:

"Haha~ My biggest hobby is to build my baby daughter's small garden with my own hands. I regard this as a kind of care, although she doesn't appreciate it very much..."

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