I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 541 541 Video playback

Chapter 541 541. Video playback


As Tentacle Grass danced, a familiar 'live broadcast screen' immediately appeared in front of Lloyd, and there were also various function buttons on the side.

In addition to the most basic 'pause', 'fast forward', and 'playback', there are also 'screenshots', 'filters', 'likes', and 'collections', which are very fancy...

The recording time of the screen started from the time when the congressman representative escaped from the Sanctuary of Veto. According to the time, Lloyd had just made a request to Tentacle Grass and started monitoring him. He should not have missed any details.

The perspective is a third-person bird's-eye view. Not only can every move be seen clearly, but it can also be rotated and stretched freely, which is very convenient to use.

Although he didn't know the specific principle of how the tentacle grass did it, it didn't stop Lloyd from encouraging him:

"Yeah! This project has been completed well, and you are getting closer and closer to the project manager!"


The tentacle grass responded weakly, and was somewhat immune to this kind of rhetoric...

When he drove the congressman away, Lloyd interfered with his thinking through the [Distortion Seed], making him feel "uneasy", "anxious", "panic" and so on, which was quite complicated.

Generally speaking, when humans fall into this state, they will be eager to confirm something they care about.

It's like when playing a krypton gold mobile game and a new card pool is about to be opened, they will always confirm how many original stones/crystals/stars they have.

After escaping from the Sanctuary of Veto, this person immediately stopped a taxi, then went to a bank, opened the safe he rented here, and began to carefully check the things inside.

After confirming that everything inside was safe, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Lloyd quickly pressed the "pause" button, played a replay, and zoomed in to see what was inside.

But the things inside were almost all sealed tightly with boxes, cowhide document bags, etc., and the seals were also sealed with wax or something, which meant that they only checked that the seals were not damaged, but they were not opened, so they didn't know what was inside.

So Lloyd asked the tentacle grass again:

"Is there any way to see what's inside?"


The tentacle grass gestured with its hands and feet, as if it was telling Lloyd to try the unknown function buttons on the "live screen".

So Lloyd poked the "screenshot" first.

A green falling line suddenly appeared on the screen, sweeping across the things in the safe one by one, as if it was performing some kind of scan.

Then, a circle of highlighted tips appeared on the border of each box and file bag, just like when you use the mouse to aim at certain interactive items in a game.

And a prompt option also appeared next to it: "View".

Amazing, there is even such a function?

It seems that I really underestimated the tentacle grass. Has it grown to this point now?

Lloyd nodded secretly and immediately tried to click the "View" button to see what was inside.

However, to his disappointment, the things inside did not seem to have anything to do with the ancient survivors...

The boxes were full of jewelry and bank drafts of a considerable amount. There was reason to suspect that this was his illegal income, so he had to hide it like this.

And the things in the file bags were even worse, all of which were messy black materials-

What this congressman went to such and such a place to have a French salon with such and such a person; what the wife of that congressman accepted illegal bribes; or the son of a certain bureaucrat was a homosexual; a certain supervisor was involved with evil forces, etc.

There are even some scandals about the councillor Dawson, whom he represents, and there are quite a lot of them, and they are even very comprehensive, from all kinds of bribery to participating in various French salons. If all of them were released, it would be enough to exile this councillor Dawson seven or eight times.

At present, the six cities of mankind do not sentence people to death in court, under the pretext of respecting "every life, everyone should make due contributions to society, including those criminals who should repent."

So at the legal level, the highest punishment is "exile" and "hard labor."

As for the place of exile... it is naturally the vast world outside of human civilization, where people can return to nature and live in harmony with the monsters outside.

As for "hard labor", it is indefinite, and the place is generally at the forefront of the great development, or the resource points in those marginal areas, to make the last remaining heat for human civilization.

Anyway, it is not a death sentence in name, but no one who has been sentenced to these two punishments has come back alive so far...

As for the behavior of the Holy Grace Court, there is no need to say more. When dealing with cult members, these humane laws are not applicable.

In short, judging from the private collection of this congressman representative, he is not very grateful to Congressman Dawson who promoted him, but has been looking for opportunities to replace him.

A very standard traitor, in line with my usual understanding of politicians.

Lloyd complained in his heart and was about to let the "video" continue to play, but suddenly froze and took out the ornaments hidden in the box again.

I didn't pay much attention to them when I took a quick look at them just now, but after a closer look, I found that the style of these jewelry is very retro. Lloyd can find similar craftsmanship in his own "collections".

The "collections" here refer to those imprisoned in the center of the space storm.

So this should be enough to prove that there is something wrong with the origin of these jewelry...

Then if we can get this batch of stolen goods, and then use some unique divination techniques, we can already get effective clues.

Haha, I didn't expect that the goods would be available immediately after the first cast?

In this case, according to the style of this traitor who likes to hide black materials, this person may also have more "black materials" about the ancient survivors?

I hope you can bring me a bigger surprise and make a high-end bait that can catch fish by itself.

Lloyd said another sentence in his heart, and then let the "video" continue to play.

There is no need to rush to the bank to confiscate these stolen goods, just continue to watch later.

The representative in the ‘video’ did not disappoint. After a lot of twists and turns, he came to his own office and opened a secret safe.

The things hidden in it were even more explosive.

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