I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 544 544 I know that Lloyd!

Chapter 544 544. I know that Lloyd!

In fact, there are many parts that the Clown Judge can't understand, or can't comprehend, but not just the ones in front of him.

In the drawer of his desk is the information of Lloyd's family. Not only Lloyd and Everoel, but also the files of his deceased parents have been turned out and carefully reviewed over and over again.

But no matter how many times he has reviewed it, the Clown Judge still can't figure out why the Saint would issue such an order for a young man of the third level?

Even if he is willing to admit that this young man is excellent and is indeed very talented, and he has heard the name "Lloyd" several times before today, but just based on these, the entire Holy Grace Court will obey his orders? Is this order a bit too willful?

Is this simply to promote this young man? Or does the Saint have no trust in us? Or the worst conclusion is that she is planning to let the Holy Court integrate the forces within the cult?

The Clown Judge had a lot of random thoughts in his mind and assumed various possibilities.

But no matter which one, it was difficult for him to understand.

However, no matter how incomprehensible it was, the will of the saint could not be violated, so even though Lloyd was unhappy as soon as he met him and knocked people down, the clown judge had to pinch his nose and said:

"I can cooperate with you in investigating those special cases, but other than that, I hope you don't interfere with our other affairs."

There were some indirect temptations in these words, and he still wanted to try to guess the saint's deep meaning.

Who knew that Lloyd on the opposite side actually laughed happily?

Then he said modestly:

"Oh? That's great! I was afraid that you would notice my excellence and push all kinds of messes to me."


The Clown Judge hesitated for a while, and was stunned for a whole minute before he resisted the urge to complain and said:

"So... what kind of special case is it? It can actually alarm Her Majesty the Saint and make her issue such an order? Well... no offense, but your rank... is really rank three?"

Lloyd couldn't help but want to laugh when he heard this.

It seems that although the other party has collected his information, the timeliness is a bit behind?

But this can't be blamed. After all, the time he spent in the world from rank three to rank six is ​​indeed not long, and it is normal that he didn't have time to update the information.

So he directly ignored the other party's questions about rank, and just talked to him seriously about the ancient survivors, the strange trends among politicians, and the weirdness of Congressman Dawson.

As for Hiltina's decree, even through the mask, he could feel that the other party was embarrassed by it. But in fact, Lloyd himself didn't know what kind of decree Hiltina issued. Anyway, the meaning must be similar to what was discussed yesterday, right? So he didn't mention it.

After he spoke so eloquently, without waiting for the other party to digest it, he took out the knowledge crystal that he had prepared last night from the [Thinking Field] and threw it at the other party.

The crystal clear crystal drew a perfect parabola and fell in front of the clown judge, then suspended in the air, glowing slightly and rotating slowly.

"You can take a look at this... But just in case, I have to confirm first, your rank is sixth level, right? Of course, I am not offending you."

Lloyd asked again.

In fact, when the two just met, he habitually [explored] the other party's attributes, but the result surprised him a little. The average of the four attributes was more than 200 points, and the highest [rationality] was just over 300, which was really a bit too low.

[Exploration] After using it a lot, Lloyd has roughly summarized the distribution of attributes of each rank. Generally, the sixth rank should be in the range of 200-500. A stronger one can reach the entry standard of the seventh rank, which is about 800 points.

Because the talents, resources, and opportunities of each extraordinary person are very different, even if they are at the same rank, their attributes, abilities, and combat effectiveness will show very significant differences, resulting in a large difference even at the same rank.

For example, Lloyd himself and the clown judge on the opposite side are both at the sixth rank, but their attributes are 20 times different...

There is no need to say more about the three major levels and extraordinary abilities...

So the value of rank is definitely important, but it certainly cannot fully represent the strength and level of a extraordinary person. In comparison, attributes, abilities, and levels are more intuitive.

In response to Lloyd's somewhat strange question, the clown judge opposite did not shy away and said frankly:

"I am indeed a sixth-level, sixth-level [Veto], what's wrong?"

"Nothing, but if your rank is low, I don't recommend you to check this crystal alone... Of course, for the sake of caution, it would be a safer choice to find more people to check it together."

Lloyd explained briefly, then took out an empty lead box from his pocket, handed it over, and added:

"Activate the ritual inside, and multiple people can check this crystal together, but be careful, this crystal may not be safe..."

This lead box was prepared by him in the academy earlier. Inside it was a set of rituals from the [Intellectual] Department, which was relatively simple and basic. Its function was as he said before, allowing several people to share a knowledge crystal.

This operation may sound fancy, but it is considered a "basic operation" in the City of Quiet. Those people from the [Intellectual] Department like to use this method to share, teach, or conspire.

Lloyd only learned about this kind of "local customs and practices" after he went there last time. He thought it might be useful in the future, so he found some information in the academy and learned about this process in depth.

Because this is a very basic and common thing, he didn't spend much effort to master it with [Ritual Control]. The lead box was also made at that time.

But after Lloyd mastered this set of rituals and processes, he couldn't use it for the time being, so he didn't take it seriously. He just regarded it as a small episode that was not worth mentioning. It was not until today before he went out that he suddenly remembered it and took out the lead box.

As for suggesting that the other party find more people to jointly review this fragment, on the one hand, it is because this case is quite complicated. If more people look at it together, they may find some details that even I have missed.

On the other hand... because this fragment was condensed in my [Thinking Field] after all, and it also passed through the "hands" of the tentacle grass, so strictly speaking, it is not very safe...

About this, I specifically reminded him when discussing the "Everroel Cultivation Plan" with Hiltina before.

Lloyd has tried this kind of knowledge crystal and knows its convenience, so he is considering whether he can get a few pieces for his sister, so that she can skip the process of [Meeting the Saint] and directly [Transcend] to the third level, so that she can join Mitzkatok to accompany her earlier.

But Hiltina warned him righteously not to do this!

"Neither you nor I are from the [Intellectual] system, and we cannot condense a knowledge crystal that is safe enough like them. After all, this is the characteristic ability of their system..."

"In fact, the knowledge crystal you shared with me last time is not very safe. It just doesn't have much impact on me, but it's hard to say for others, so don't share this thing with your sister for the sake of convenience."

With this warning, Lloyd could only give up his "pulling up the seedlings to help them grow" plan and let his sister grow step by step.

It was also because of this warning that he had to remind the judge on the opposite side to pay attention to safety when checking the crystal.

It's just that Hiltyna didn't explain in detail how unsafe it was at the time, so Lloyd couldn't make a more detailed reminder, and could only say it more ambiguously as before.

The Clown Judge on the other side was so confused that he immediately asked back:

"Is this the knowledge crystal of the [Intellectual] system? Aren't they very safe? I came into contact with it once when I was young. It's like a convenient book, isn't it?"

Lloyd scratched his head slightly embarrassedly and explained:

"Well... theoretically it should be like this, but I'm not from the [Intellectual] system, and the origin of this crystal is also quite special. In short, you must be careful."

"Well~Okay, I'll pay attention, and I've also recorded the case you mentioned earlier."

The Clown Judge said, showing the notes he had taken down, which were a string of scribbled and unrecognizable ghostly symbols, which were comparable to the butler's handwriting.

After all this time, the butler's handwriting can be so creepy, is it because he was also a 'hunter' when he was young?

"But as you said, this case involves too many people and the situation is very complicated, so please give us some time to digest it."

The Clown Judge followed up.

"No problem, but you must be quick. I believe you can also realize the seriousness of this case, right?"

"Yes, I can more or less understand why His Majesty the Saint issued an order for this."

The Clown Judge nodded, and his tone became particularly serious and solemn.


Lloyd did not stay in the 'Final Judgment' for too long. As the other party said, he had to give people some time to digest it.

Coincidentally, he also made an appointment with Miss Desta to go to the hospital next, so he went to visit Miss Desta first.

But compared with the high profile when he came, he was much more low-key when he left. He specially found a place where no one was and left through the portal.

It was also to prevent those 'hunters' from pulling out guns and shooting him again.

And after Lloyd had left for a long time, the Clown Judge was still sitting there, looking at the messages written down in front of him. Through the mask, one could feel the headache and difficulty on his face.

There are too many people involved, from the president and the bishop to the ordinary grassroots management. If they really deal with them all, the Brilliant City will probably be paralyzed on the spot.

Moreover, although the Holy Grace Court has a transcendent status and can deal with these politicians in the name of various "involvement in gangs" and "involvement in cults", in principle their authority is to deal with the lawbreakers, and they do not have sufficient prosecutorial power.

However, the decree of the saint has been issued, and there is no possibility of disobeying it...

After having a headache for a while, the clown judge put this problem aside for the time being. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples, planning to wait until the grand judge, the one wearing the colorful clown mask, came back to discuss it together. Let’s discuss later.

So he focused his attention on the knowledge crystal suspended on his desk, and was a little curious, what exactly was the so-called 'tangible evidence' in it?

All it takes is a touch of inspiration to check it out.

But fortunately, he still remembered Lloyd's previous warning and did not act rashly.

Let's wait until the Grand Inquisitor comes back. She went to the suburbs yesterday to deal with a troublesome cult gang, and she should be back within today.

Just at this time, one of his cronies knocked on the door and came over to report the situation to him.

"Those brothers who were sleeping are all awake and are undergoing mental evaluation, but it should be nothing serious. Some of them are even sleeping soundly. They said they saw their first girlfriends in their dreams. It's not easy to wake them up. happy……"

When the clown judge heard this, he immediately felt very angry and asked angrily:

"There were more than thirty people present at the time, right? They even used their guns, but they were all knocked down by a third-level man? Did you even feel comfortable being knocked down?"

"Uh... well... the brothers who were present at the time explained that it was because the incident happened suddenly and they were not fully prepared; or they had not had a good rest recently, so they were in poor condition..."

"Excuses! They are all excuses! Is it so difficult to admit that your skills are inferior to others?"

"This is not difficult. We all think that we are the least qualified among the three major tribunals, but it turns out that we are also the ones with the worst reputation from the outside world..."

"Okay, okay! Stop talking! Take me to see those useless guys. I want to know what's going on."

The clown judge said angrily and stood up from the table.

Then he wandered to the infirmary. Before he entered the door, he heard a burst of chattering coming from inside:

"I told you a long time ago. When you pointed the gun at him at the beginning, I said, I know this kid, he is not an enemy, don't shoot, but no one listened to me at all! Is this okay? It's embarrassing. Are you showing up?"

"The situation was so sudden at the time. Who knows where he came from? It's not just one of those reckless men who pretended to sneak in and cause damage."

"Yes, after all, we have a great reputation, and there are enough evil forces who want to target and retaliate against us. Disguised gangsters have sneaked in here several times. The most dangerous one even almost endangered His Excellency the Grand Judge. So it’s not really our fault for being sensitive.”

"And having said that, isn't that kid unscathed? Well... we seem to be unscathed too? And I have to admit, that kid is really powerful. This is the first time I have seen such a scene. What do you think? , How come the bullet turns into a rose while flying in the air? "What kind of power is this?"

"I don't know. None of the systems I know about can do this... To be honest, I was a little dumbfounded at the time. All the bullets we fired were slowed down, stopped in mid-air, and then shattered. , blooming into bright roses, I actually think this is very elegant and romantic? "

"I speculate that the kid is from the [Intellect] system and has some kind of ability to interfere with thinking and perception. We started dreaming when we fired. The bullet turned into a rose? This kind of thing can only be done in a dream. Realize it?”

"Well, I think so too. After all, after we woke up, didn't those roses disappear?"

"Isn't it right? I have had several contacts with him. He is really the executioner from the 18th District. He must be from the [Veto] department. How could he go to the [Intellectual] side?"

"[Veto] and [Intellect] are complementary to each other, and they are a popular combination that has been proven in actual combat. So isn't it normal for him to be involved in both systems at the same time? And didn't you say it before, he is a super talented person? The new star is the target of those reckless men?"

"This... I have only had contact with him a few times while performing tasks, and I am not very familiar with him."

"Your mission? I remember it was the outrageous one, right? Asking you to track down clues about the [Distortion] Department? Did you miss out on your annual vacation?"

"Not only the annual leave, but also my wife almost gave up. Fortunately, the superiors no longer care about this matter, allowing me to stay at the headquarters for retirement."

When the clown judge outside heard this, he still couldn't hold it back and buried himself in the infirmary.

The hunters who were originally staying here were sitting around a few hospital beds chatting comfortably. They had all taken off their masks and hung them casually on their heads or necks. Some of them were still wearing masks. Huddled in the corner, secretly smoking.

He looked very relaxed, without any sense of shame that he had just been taken care of by someone.

It wasn't until they saw their superiors coming that everyone stood up quickly, quickly put their masks back on, and stood at attention together.

"Okay, okay, no need to pretend to me, I just heard it outside."

The presiding judge waved his hand and asked everyone to sit down again.

But he never dared to take off the mask on his face.

Then, the presiding judge looked at the hunter wearing the cartoon fox mask and asked:

"You seem to know that Lloyd?"

"Yes! I had some simple contacts with him and drank several times of coffee."

Captain Fox responded quickly.

"Well, that's good. Your team can temporarily put aside the task of tracking down [Twist]. Here is a new task for you, which is also related to that kid, and this is exactly why he came today."

The chief judge continued to speak, and then asked another question:

"By the way, what about the bullet turning into a rose you just mentioned? Who can tell me in detail?"

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