I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 550 Let's take a look together

Chapter 550 550. Let’s take a look together

Lloyd's question caused the discussion group on the spot to fall into a strange silence at first. The group of people looked at each other with complicated expressions, as if they felt like 'I don't know whether to say a curse word or not'.

It was awkward like this for a while, and finally someone couldn't bear it anymore, and he couldn't care less about his future father-in-law's face, so he asked:

"What? Danger level 10? Young man, are you serious? Do you know what you are talking about? A brand new monster...did you really meet it?"

Lloyd nodded and added:

"Yes, I have indeed encountered this kind of monster with a danger level of 10."

As soon as these words came out, other people present could not hold back any longer, and they all said:

"No offense. Even though you are from the mysterious Mizkatok, and even though you may be at the forefront of academics, your statement is still a bit outrageous... I really can't believe it."

"Yes, this kind of thing that can only exist at the theoretical level is like the so-called 'absolute uniform speed' and 'completely frictionless' in mathematics or physics. Do you want to say that the mathematical physics formulas come from books? Jumped out and came to you? "

"Could it be that you, Mizkatok, came up with some cutting-edge academic hypothesis and made some assumptions about this kind of theoretical monster? In the end, you lied and claimed that you had met it before you could figure out the whole story?"

"Don't say it so harshly. Maybe their mysterious academy is formulating a new set of danger standards? Raising the existing danger level to level 10? This isn't necessarily wrong, it's just a bit out of touch. In current practice, we probably won’t agree with this new standard.”

"Haha, after all, it is a noble academic holy land. It does not care about worldly affairs. It is still different from us who are struggling around every day..."

Seeing that the remarks in the room were getting more and more strange, and everyone started to get angry, and they seemed to be trying to label Lloyd as an academic liar. The future father-in-law standing next to him quickly stood up, ready to explain a few words to Lloyd.

When the respected old York saw this, he started to help and persuaded:

"Okay, okay, don't be so harsh on a young man. Even if his ideas may be a bit too wild, aren't we at a loss right now? Why don't we listen to this young man's explanation before we evaluate him?"

With his words, others present temporarily let Lloyd go and gave him a chance to explain.

Lloyd was angry and amused at the situation in front of him. He really felt like he was the aerospace expert discussing rocket fuel with a comedian.

And when he was surrounded by people and questioned in various ways, he didn't even have a chance to speak. This really made him deeply understand why the academy likes to resolve academic disputes in the duel field, and sometimes conducts This kind of argument is really not as enjoyable as a fight.

But there was no other way. For the sake of Wei Ya and his future father-in-law, Lloyd could only bite the bullet and speak, but his tone was definitely not as humble and polite as usual, and he also started to get angry:

"I know that this latest and most cutting-edge field is a bit too advanced for you. I can understand that after all, it is really difficult for human beings to accept things outside their own cognitive scope, but you don't have to worry, I will try my best to educate you about science in a way that you can understand..."

As soon as these words came out, people immediately stood up with enthusiasm.

"What did you say?"

Fortunately, Old York next to him patiently waved his hand to signal the man not to interrupt, otherwise the quarrel might continue again.

But even the kind-hearted old York felt that Lloyd's words were not pleasant to hear and frowned slightly.

Lloyd smiled and continued:

"This monster with a danger level of 10 is called [Unobservable and Intangible Son of Chaos]. I discovered it during a research activity in the field of chaos. It looks like a big black fish that is completely black."

Although Lloyd was kind enough to share his findings, even with Old York in charge, others present finally couldn't control themselves and retorted on the spot:

"Do you really know what you are talking about? The realm of chaos? Do you know what that place is? Do you know what it means to humans?"

"What is 'unobservable and untouchable'? Doesn't it mean that it is impossible to determine whether it really exists? How do you prove it? How do you observe it?"

"Leaving aside whether this kind of monster really exists, even if it is real, do you think it is related to the problem we encountered? Is there any connection between the two?"

Lloyd had already guessed that these people would jump up, so he made a hand-pressing gesture to signal them to calm down for a while, and then closed his eyes as if he was sorting out his thoughts.

Seeing his appearance, those people were not anxious anymore, and stayed quiet for a while, wanting to see what he could say.

However, after waiting for two or three minutes, when Lloyd opened his eyes again, he didn't say anything, but there was a knowledge crystal suspended in his palm.

Of course, some people present were knowledgeable and asked:

"Is this... a knowledge crystal to share memories? Are you from the [intellectual] system?"

Lloyd explained:

"There is a record of my witnessing at that time. If you are interested, you can take a look. But be careful. I am not from the [Intellectual] system, and the knowledge crystal extracted may be a little unsafe."

"Huh? Not from the [Intellectual] system, but can extract knowledge crystals? Is this the cutting-edge research of Mitzkatok?"

"What do you mean by unsafe? I have come into contact with many such knowledge crystals, and I have not encountered any danger. Putting aside the consumption of energy and spiritual power, it can be said to be a very safe means of sharing knowledge."

"If there is really a memory of you witnessing that kind of monster in it, then I believe your previous words. Okay, let me see it."

Lloyd still did not rush to hand over the knowledge crystal, but turned his head to look at the old York next to him.

The other party understood what he meant, so he came over, took the crystal from Lloyd, smiled again, and said:

"Since it is the cutting-edge field of Mitzkatok, I am still very interested, so let's take a look together."

As he said, he took the lead in releasing a ray of inspiration and touched the knowledge crystal.

Others present followed suit, inspired by the thought, and wanted to see how talented this student of Mitzikatok was.

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