I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 553 553 is so close?

Chapter 553 553. So close?

"Uh... I feel like you have some kind of special interest in the realm of chaos? You must know that many people are very taboo about this."

Lloyd obviously noticed the change in the expression on Old York's face, so he asked one more question.


The other party nodded frankly, and then explained:

"But strictly speaking, every ascetic monk in the [Law] system will be interested there... I think you should have heard of some special features of our system. 'Fighting Chaos and Establishing Order' is what we The extraordinary way, so any understanding of chaos will make us stronger."

As he spoke, he changed into a very solemn tone and added:

"This is also our first [law]"

After hearing this, Lloyd nodded thoughtfully.

He has long known the special nature of the [Law and Order] system. People in this system like to practice asceticism, gain strength by restraining themselves, giving up enjoyment, establishing great aspirations, etc. All kinds of constraints and costs will make people It was very hard work, and Royd was very grateful for it.

It can only be said that it is the second oldest extraordinary system after all. Just like the [Redemption] system that is always ready to strike at oneself, it still has many flaws and disadvantages. It is far less easy, fancy and powerful than the later systems...

But even so, these two 'Laodeng' systems still have a huge advantage over other systems - their resistance to mental pollution is particularly high, and their mental strength and toughness are also among the best.

Therefore, these two systems rarely have out-of-control people, and they are very good at handling various mysterious and abnormal events, and can often cultivate very powerful investigators.

After going too far, Lloyd pulled back his wandering thoughts and talked about his understanding of the Sons of Chaos to the others present.

When he communicated and shared with these people before, almost every word he said would be questioned and discussed, but it was different now. Not only did everyone stay quiet and listen humbly, but there were also many people He took out his notebook and wrote down everything he said.

This scene made the future father-in-law who was watching behind him keep nodding his head, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth inadvertently.

Probably the mentality of 'not afraid of your daughter marrying, but afraid of your daughter marrying the wrong person'?

"...Anyway, that's it. The reason why I associate the Son of Chaos with the bizarre accidents here is precisely because of the special nature of this monster. Those who come into contact with it will cause unpredictable random results, and Unable to avoid, unable to resist, unable to resist.”

Lloyd finally quoted the records in the Book of Truth as a summary, and then asked:

"Um...what's the problem?"

In the end, it was the young scholar who had criticized him the most before who raised his hand first, and then asked with a humble look:

"Um...Teacher Lloyd, please allow me to call you this without permission, but I really want to know how you discovered the son of chaos when you encountered it, and how you escaped?"

Lloyd didn't care too much about the title, and explained seriously:

"Well... I discovered it because of one of my academic researches. Because it involves Mizkatok's regulations, it's not convenient for me to reveal more. As for escaping... I didn't actually escape. It was very fast at the time. Like I pounced on him, I had no time to evade.”

"Huh??? This...then after you..."

"Because there was no way to avoid it, I had no choice but to kill it. I suffered a strong wave of mental pollution. It was through the intensity of this wave of mental pollution that I judged its danger."

Lloyd said calmly and stroked the gray uniform on his body with the back of his hand, indicating that as a diligent executioner, his judgment on the danger of monsters was very accurate and unquestionable.

As a result, others did not notice his hint at all, and did not care at all whether his judgment of the degree of danger was accurate. Instead, they were more concerned about the word 'killed'.

"This... this... is simply unbelievable. It is completely beyond my imagination. It was a giant thing bigger than the entire sky? It was actually killed?"

"It was so scary. I didn't dare to look directly at the monster in front of it. I was so scared that I almost forgot to breathe, let alone use my inspiration to lock it..."

"Honestly, when it appeared in front of me, I felt that the danger level of 10 was not enough to explain its horror and horror. Just daring to attack such a monster was outrageous enough, but it was still able to be killed. It?"

"Then...Teacher Lloyd, can you tell me what kind of power you are using? This is not offensive, but I haven't noticed any power fluctuations in you. You feel like an ordinary person..."

"Are you an idiot? You would ask this kind of question? You don't need to think about it to know that this must be related to the academic project conducted by Professor Lloyd. If you ask this, don't you make things difficult for Professor Lloyd? Can you ask some constructive questions? "

"So, Mizkatok is so terrifying?"

If the scholars and investigators present initially evaluated Lloyd as a student from the Mystery Academy, who was too young, too confident, too arrogant, and even uneducated, then now they have completely regarded Lloyd as a student. He is a heavyweight authority, more important than the eighth-level Old York.

Anyway, he has the image of an old monster that is well hidden, and his youthful appearance is probably a disguise, or beautification.

So someone cast a look of envy and sympathy at the future father-in-law on the side.

Future father-in-law: "???"

"Okay, okay, in short, although this kind of monster is very dangerous and very difficult, it is not invincible. In fact, it is not as scary as you think. As long as you can catch its traces, I'm confident I can solve it."

"It's just that it's very difficult to find it, and I have to rely on your help."

Lloyd spoke again, bringing the issue back on track.

"Hmm, I feel relieved with your words! But then again...even if you have been in contact with it and defeated it, you still can't capture its traces? Then based on the little data we monitored , not even a clue, right? Can I really help you?"

"Yeah, the holes in the paper we got can't even prove that there is a connection with the Sons of Chaos. It's really... Huh? Wait! I seem to have other ideas! Come on, come on!"

Old York, who had been silent in the front, suddenly slapped his forehead and showed an expression of inspiration. Then he quickly left the table, ran to the instruments, and began to operate them.

Several other people followed, and after watching silently for a while, they also nodded vigorously in realization.

"I see. It seems that we went in the wrong direction at the beginning. Wait for me and I will help you adjust the parameters of these devices."

"I also understand that our method is indeed effective, but we didn't know that this thing was so random at the beginning, so we still followed the regular process in setting some ranges, and naturally we couldn't get effective conclusions. ”

"It's also thanks to Master Lloyd that he took us to the realm of chaos and saw what the Sons of Chaos look like. Otherwise, we might have been trapped in inertial thinking forever. As Old York said, we all have to thank Master Lloyd. Willing to give us such a precious opportunity! ”

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, help me adjust the final calculation formula, and then recalculate the previous readings."

The entire discussion group, or rather the advisory group, suddenly became busy, and since Lloyd didn't know much about their research and was still outside the situation, he naturally had no way to intervene and could only watch them busy there. outside.

Fortunately, these people were very efficient. They didn't keep Lloyd waiting for too long, and they quickly produced a long new piece of paper filled with various holes. It looked like it should be the latest one they calculated. Conclusion.

Compared with the completely disordered and basically randomly distributed holes before, the conclusions drawn this time can already clearly see some regularity and convergence.

However, after Old York read the long and narrow piece of paper, he frowned and took a slight breath.

"His~ It still doesn't work, it's still a little bit off...the current readings point to that mysterious space field, but none of us understand the knowledge of space at all, and we can't interpret these data at all!"

"Huh? It actually points to the space field? This..."

"There's nothing surprising about this, right? Didn't Master Lloyd say it before? The Son of Chaos exists in the realm of chaos. Theoretically, it is difficult to interfere with our current world. If it wants to come from chaos, it must involve Ability like space transformation, right?”

"Yes, so these traces we captured should be some kind of spatial coordinates? Uh... why are you all looking at me? I just heard of this term by chance, and I don't even know what it means. "

"That means we have to find a scholar who is quite accomplished in space to interpret these readings and replace them with spatial coordinates, so that we can capture the whereabouts of the Son of Chaos?"

"That's the principle, but where do you want us to find a scholar like this? Neither I nor your lord are so lucky to have access to a scholar of this level..."

Old York said with regret on his face, then he hammered the table with great reluctance and cursed:

"Damn it! It's just the last step, and it turns out to be the most critical step."

At this moment, Lloyd came closer and said calmly:

"Show me."

"Oh? Yes! You, Mizkatok, seem to be researching space technology, right? Do you also do research in this area?"

"Understand a little bit."

Lloyd smiled and didn't say too harshly, because this was his first time coming into contact with this kind of hole-like spatial coordinates.

Fortunately, once you actually get started, the advantages of high-level [Space Domination] will come into play.

"Are they really space coordinates? I didn't expect that they could be calculated with such primitive... oh no, I mean simple equipment?"

Lloyd was a little surprised by this conclusion.

Although these holes are still far from the spatial coordinates that Royd actually uses in daily life, further verification is needed to obtain truly effective coordinates, which are still in the initial stage of data.

But it's surprising enough. These people don't understand space at all, and the equipment they use is extremely rudimentary. In the end, they can actually get relatively effective data?

All I can say is that the old saying goes, don’t underestimate the world’s heroes.

Although this was unexpected, it was also reasonable. The future father-in-law was not a fool. The reinforcements he brought in could not be funny. It was reasonable for him to be capable.

"How is it? Are these data valid?"

Old York asked with concern.

"Wait a minute, I have to convert it."

Lloyd nodded and responded simply. He then took out the three-piece set of space system in his pocket and began to calculate the coordinates indicated by these holes.

With the help of [Space Domination], the process was not slow, and a more detailed set of coordinates was quickly obtained.

But Lloyd looked at it carefully for a while, frowned, and habitually stretched out his hand to twitch his chin.

This change in expression made Old York beside him feel anxious, and he quickly asked:

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"No, the data is valid, but the conclusion surprised me a little..."

Lloyd shook his head, picked up a piece of white paper on the table, folded it in half, poked it through with a pen, and then explained:

"The principle of space transmission is actually very simple, just like poking two holes in the paper to form a channel connecting two spaces, and the location of these two holes is the space coordinates we are looking for..."

"At that time, it would definitely be a little more complicated when it was actually used. I just made it easier for you to understand..."

"And now it makes me feel strange The difference is that the two holes you monitored are not directly corresponding as shown on paper...

In short, one end of the hole did fall into this manor, proving my previous speculation that something dirty did come here quietly through the space channel and brought a series of bizarre accidents, but it was impossible for us to observe and discover it. "

"However, the other end of the hole is not the distant coordinates I predicted before, but a series of constantly changing punctuation points, which roughly delineated a range and were very close, closer than everyone expected..."

Lloyd said, took a map next to him, and drew a circle on it with a pen.

This is a map of the Brilliant City, and the location he circled is exactly within the scope of the abandoned city...

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