I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 558 558 Harvesting Memory Fragments

Chapter 558 558. Harvesting memory fragments

"It seems that there should be no problem. The invaders are still the group of refugees outside. What a damned bunch of guys. I didn't even finish my cigar and coffee."

After checking the surroundings with inspiration, one of the cultists relaxed, put away the evil ritual dagger in his hand, sat back in front of the cup of coffee and cigar, and continued to enjoy it.

Another cultist was infected by this sense of relaxation and sat down on the other side of the sofa. Then he took out a collection of poems from his pocket and read it. It was quite literary.

Only the one who seemed to be the leader of the trio said helplessly:

"You two are really... The higher-ups have told us to see the bodies alive or dead."

Although he said this, his body honestly walked to the phonograph in the other corner, selected a favorite vinyl record and put it on, and then took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet on the other side, ready to relax in this way.

Then he found a reasonable reason to convince himself to slack off:

"But who cares? This place is full of traps and troubles. We can't ask us to find someone in the stomach of the devil, right?"

As he said this, he took a sip of red wine carefully, showing an intoxicated expression.

It seems that the quality of this wine is not too bad...

"These bastards are really good at enjoying themselves?"

Someone in the 'Team Channel' couldn't help but curse.

The cultists naturally couldn't hear anyone scolding them, and were still chatting casually:

"By the way, are those refugees outside all low-level creatures without brains? They know that this is an absolute life-forbidden zone for them, but there are always people who want to take risks? And every two or three days, someone comes in to die. Isn't it good to be alive?"

"Ha~ Don't be so arrogant, my friend, those people outside live like maggots in the sewer. For them, there is not much difference between being alive or dead. Naturally, they are willing to come in and try their luck. There is nothing wrong with this. We should allow others to retain the right to fantasize."

"Yes, if I swapped identities with them, I would probably also want to come in and try my luck, right? It's a pity that this is just a fantasy after all. There is no living space for them here."

"Hehe~ They don't know that we will continue to expand outward until we occupy the entire underground city. They don't have much time to live. .”

“It’s a pity that we didn’t catch them alive today, otherwise we could have some fun like last time.”

“Forget it, your fun is so disgusting that even I can’t accept it.”

“That’s because you haven’t tried it. Next time you have the opportunity to have fun, I suggest you try it. Of course, it’s best to pick those young children. Their screams before death are my favorite dessert.”

“Damn, you are such a pervert! Wait! You didn’t go out to catch those children back? This is strictly prohibited by the higher-ups!”

“Haha, no no! Absolutely not, you should believe me.”

“Really? But how do I remember that those little ghosts outside usually don’t come to such a deep place.”

“It’s not important, my friend, children are lively by nature, running around and breaking into here, isn’t this a very common thing? It’s no big deal…”

The three people’s exchange made Lloyd’s fists hard.

Because of his childhood wandering, he can't say that he has much sympathy for the people living in the abandoned city, but he will not be arrogant and treat others as human beings.

Besides, there are many ordinary people like the guide today, who are doing a hard job in the mines and trying to save money to move to a normal city. Why should others die?

Even Old York was indignant and cursed in the "Team Channel":

"I can't imagine how bloody and cruel the "fun" in that guy's mouth is, and he specifically picked children to attack. What a group of beasts!"

Lloyd nodded slowly and whispered:

"This group of people should no longer be human."

In fact, when the three cultists just appeared, Lloyd threw [Detection] over, and then a strange thing happened. [Detection] actually failed?

It's not that these people are so strong that [Detection] can't show the correct results, but it can't be activated correctly, just like throwing this skill on a monster.

So he had to take the risk of opening his spiritual vision and take a quick look at the physical condition of these people.

The internal organs of these people look similar to those of humans, except that their hearts, livers and other parts seem a little swollen, like some kind of disease.

However, Lloyd heard a panel prompt of [Madness Value +1+1+1]?

Although he has not used inspiration to check carefully, these signs are enough to show that their life forms are evolving in the direction of monsters.

If they continue, they will probably eventually become the kind of inhuman and ghost-like appearance of the ancient survivors?

From this point of view, the group of ancient survivors still have this kind of technology to change life forms? And it is very likely related to the topic these three guys are talking about?

"I wonder how many gifts our group can receive this week?"

"It's hard to say. Wasn't the last ceremony suddenly canceled? There was no explanation why. If it doesn't happen again this week, I won't be able to survive."

"Okay, you two, please stop talking about this topic...I just asked the deacon yesterday, and the answer I got...is not very optimistic..."

"Huh??? There shouldn't be any gifts this week, right? That's not fair. We are the most diligent team, guarding the largest area and doing the hardest work. You can't do this to us!"

"Don't worry, sir. What did the deacon say?"

"No reply, just gave me a stern look and told me to do my thing."

"This...could it be that the gift that originally belonged to us was used to feed those magicians?"

"Pay attention to your title! Others are missionaries! Their status is far nobler and more important than ours!"

"Haha~ Forget it, I still know the details of these people. What noble missionaries are, they are just a group of talking fertilizers. Like this time, several guys have lost their lives in order to serve the divine envoy. I even sent the corpse to the cemetery... Tsk, tsk, the miserable state of the corpse, but even I can't stand it..."

"You actually find it disgusting? Then they are..."

"Shut up! Do you dare to discuss this kind of topic casually? Do you also want to serve the gods?"

They were talking about a crucial part, but were forcibly interrupted by the leader, which made Lloyd on the side very unhappy.

Damn it, I'll kill you in a second!

Because the key question was interrupted, the three cultists switched to chatting about various irrelevant affairs, and there was not much information left.

All I know is that they actually go out often, and have ample funds and wide channels. Not only can they go to all kinds of luxurious places, but they can also have affairs with some celebrities and social butterflies in the upper class circles.

Obviously, this group of people should have a decent identity outside, and there should also be a protective umbrella to protect them.

Seeing that there was not much effective information available and it was getting late, Lloyd was ready to take action.

It's just that this group of people probably still have some inventory in their minds that they haven't taken out yet, so they have to choose a suitable method.

So Lloyd first informed the others in the 'Team Channel', and then activated the [Consciousness Tentacle]

"Huh? What is this? Why do I have hair?"

A cultist was stunned for a moment, then quickly reached out and scratched the top of his head.

As a result, in the next second, a lot of messy things poured into his mind like a flood, causing him to instantly lose his consciousness, his eyes turned white, his limbs twitched, and he fell straight down.

Before his two companions realized what happened, they felt an extra strand of hair on their heads...

About half a minute later, the three cultists who had fallen to the ground began to squirm and change their limbs, rapidly changing in the direction of the monsters, reaching the edge of depravity.

It was at this most 'just' moment that Lloyd's [Distortion Realm] enveloped the three of them at the same time, and then launched a simple and crude physical distortion.

Accompanied by a series of crisp sounds of broken bones, three rag-like corpses appeared on the ground...

Lloyd also harvested a few memory fragments as he wished, and simply said hello in the 'squad channel':

"Okay, wait for me a moment, and I'll try to see if I can get more information with the help of 'psychic'."

After that, he began to carefully check the memory fragments in his brain.

The remaining four people in the temporary team looked at each other in a daze, not even understanding the situation...

"This... what did Master Lloyd do? Why did these people suddenly die?"

"It seemed like... he emitted a wave of power that I had never been exposed to before, and then these three guys turned into this look. The whole process was so fast that I didn't even react..."

Old York also said with astonishment on his face.

"Is this a [Story] of the [Reality] type? I noticed that those three bastards were distracted for a moment."

"It's possible, but [the story] doesn't have a physical killing effect. What force killed these three people? Also, they seem to have some symptoms of out-of-control depravity. What's going on?"

"I don't know, maybe this is also some kind of secret technique of Mizkatok?"

"This... can kill people silently without others noticing. Is Mizkatok's secret technique really so terrifying? I can't even imagine what the consequences will be if I offend them..."

"Fortunately, Instructor Lloyd is on our side, otherwise..."

Lloyd didn't pay much attention to what they were talking about, otherwise he might have to explain it a little bit.

In fact, there is no very complicated principle, and there is no very magical secret technique. It is just a matter of using the two skills of [Consciousness Tentacles] and [Offensive Speech] together to remove the mess in the 'recycle bin' in the mind. The fragments of forbidden knowledge were just forced upon the three cultists.

Finally, use [Twisted Realm] to simply end it.

Anyway, it was very simple and simple, with no visual effects, so that the teammates around him didn't know what he had done.

The reason for using this method is to preserve as many of the memory fragments that Lloyd is browsing as possible.

This can be regarded as the experience he accumulated through various practices during his previous time as an executioner.

You can't get any fragments by killing people directly, you have to kill monsters; and it's best to kill monsters that haven't completely fallen, so that you can get the most memory fragments, the freshest, and the most complete, and can provide the most information.

This is much more efficient and safer than traditional "spiritual communication". After all, browsing other people's memories can be regarded as one of the most dangerous actions in the world.

However, memory fragments are fragments after all, and they can't be too complete. It is very likely that a lot of things will be missed, so Lloyd will be patient and listen to what these people will talk about first. After knowing that their chat is not nutritious, he will choose to take action.

In this way, the memory fragments of the three people plus the things they revealed in the previous chat, Lloyd roughly figured out what is deep in this ruins.

In the memories of the three cultists, the deepest part of this ruins is a filthy and evil altar. Can it be regarded as an expected result?

However, the altar did not have the stereotypical elements of gloomy horror, white bones, and blood on the ground...

Instead, it was decorated extremely luxuriously, with all kinds of expensive furniture and decorations piled up crazily. Even deep underground, various lighting fixtures were used to force a magnificent style, making it look like a nouveau riche's showroom, which was quite counterintuitive.

If it weren't for the indescribable weird sculpture in the middle, Lloyd almost thought that the God of Wealth was enshrined here...

And this weird sculpture gave Lloyd a feeling that it was somewhat similar to the ones he saw on the top floor of the museum.

Although the appearance was very different, those in the museum were still decent human images, not such a bunch of incomprehensible styles, but Lloyd felt that the two sides had some indescribable similarities.

It is very likely that they were made with the same craftsmanship?

The "gift" mentioned by the three cultists before was also given by this sculpture. Because it was just a memory fragment, Lloyd could not directly experience the specific experience and effect of the "gift", but judging from the behavior of these people after receiving the "gift", there must be a big problem.

After receiving the "gift", they will show some symptoms of mental disorder in a short period of time, and endure a period of "pain", and need to use various means to digest and vent.

For example, go out to play with women; or secretly capture some people from outside and torture them cruelly and bloodily...

After digesting in this way, they can obtain quite good extraordinary power.

For example, the leader of them committed a murder in the Quiet City about two months ago, and then under the siege of more than a dozen Saint Grace Hunters, he easily killed several people and finally escaped, showing a combat power at least not inferior to the sixth level.

The one who likes to kill and torture ordinary people has a record of attacking the Holy Inquisition several times. He can still stand after being shot more than a dozen times, showing an extremely exaggerated physical strength.

So these three people are considered to be the kind of thugs with good strength in the cult organization, belonging to the class of "knights of the church".

No wonder they are the three who are responsible for handling it after noticing the invasion.

But fortunately, there are not many "knights of the church" like them in this relic, with a total of only a dozen people, which is obviously not enough to fight against the entire Brilliant Cult.

So their immediate boss, the so-called "deacon", asked them not to act recklessly and learn to be low-key and restrained.

However, these dozen people are not the focus. The real trump card that this group of cults relies on is the five demons imprisoned in the experimental area, and the mysterious "God's Messenger"...

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