I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 572 I have always hated evil.

Chapter 572 572. I have always hated evil

In fact, if we start from a rational, objective and neutral perspective, the reason why these judges were trapped in that weird thinking space is more because of Lloyd's in-depth study of [Void], which led to some different changes in the 'Knowledge Crystal' extracted by him...

If ordinary knowledge crystals are like a high-tech e-book, then this one made by Lloyd is like a more special 'Trial Space', which can also be understood as a 'VR Scene'?

Compared to normal knowledge crystals that can only read text and pictures, it is obvious that Lloyd's one has the advantages of being immersive, clear and intuitive, flexible and interactive, fashionable and trendy, etc., and can provide a better user experience.

Of course, compared to Lloyd's ingenious [Void Trial], this one is definitely much simpler. There is no way to set up those beautiful scenes, it is impossible to insert beautiful and cute NPC girls who don't wear shoes, and it is impossible to have any clearance rewards and interactive processes.

This is generally a simplified version of the trial space, which can only present the scenes and plots that Lloyd has experienced in his memory.

But even so, it is definitely enough. No matter how you look at it, it is much better than the original knowledge crystal.

Except for the possibility of encountering a bug like "can't get out"...

For example, when Old York and his friends experienced it before, they could end it normally and return to reality.

But this time, because the crystal was extracted with the help of the tentacle grass, it was interfered with, so it could not end correctly.

However, as an experienced project manager, the tentacle grass has fully considered the occurrence of this situation, so it reserved a portal in advance for these people to leave.

As a result, in this key design, the artistic aesthetics fell short, resulting in the portal being so ugly that it was attacked by a judge, which in turn triggered subsequent bugs and trapped them inside...

For this, Lloyd can only say that the tentacle grass still doesn't know how to do a project. You can make UI, interface, and art as cool as you want, but don't just hit your head and make some new functions that users can't understand, that's really asking for trouble.

But fortunately, apart from this last minor bug, the knowledge crystal still worked as it should, and provided the information it should have.

After the six judges entered, they followed the perspective of the congressman representative, just like Lloyd did before, and went to the bank, office, and club, looking through the account books and black materials, and recording the names and charges.

They also used the time they couldn't get out to complete the discussion of the case and formulate the next action plan.

It can be said that except for the failure to leave correctly in the end, this process was perfect.

So even the chief judge, who looked very difficult to talk to, was speaking well of Lloyd:

"Although there were some problems in the end, such knowledge crystals are indeed stronger than ordinary ones. If we can investigate cases like this in the future, we will be much more relaxed."

The chief judge wearing a black and white clown mask also said:

"This is indeed true. We have collected so much information in just one trip. This efficiency is definitely not comparable to ordinary means. It would be great if every eyewitness could provide such a crystal."

So the problem is not big. Overall, it is still "very good", which makes Lloyd feel at ease.

If you write an anonymous letter to Sheng Enting again in the future, you can attach such a knowledge crystal, which will be much more convenient for everyone.

Since the person is not seriously injured and they have discussed what to do next, Lloyd is too lazy to ask about it. He doesn't want to consider which politicians involved will be arrested, and he has no position to consider it.

Otherwise, he would really become a concubine and a treacherous minister...

And he came here in person this time to simply talk about the case last night and remind the people of the Holy Grace Court that there are still many fish that have slipped through the net and are still at large for the time being.

By the way, he wanted to ask the Holy Grace Court about their views on the abandoned city area and wonder if they have any plans and programs for cleaning it up.

That place has been choking, and it is also very uncomfortable.

The chief judge wearing a colorful clown mask heard about Lloyd's purpose and took him to his office in person and talked to him for a long time.

It's a pity that there is no substantial conclusion...

Whether it is the status of those fish that slipped through the net or the abandoned city area that is so big that it can't be removed, there are too many things involved, and it's really not easy to explain in a few words.

But there is no progress. The chief judge showed considerable interest in these two things and promised to deal with them. It's just that either one will take time, so Lloyd has to be patient.

However, if he wants to pay attention to the progress, he is welcome to come and discuss and ask questions at any time, just go to the fox captain directly.

"Well... I understand, then let's leave it at that for today. Goodbye."

Lloyd finally said this.

This cult incident has come to an end for the time being.


Lloyd finished his morning schedule, and there was nothing else to do next, so he hurried home and prepared to take the kitten back to the academy.

It can even be said that I can't wait, because the few fragments of knowledge I obtained this morning look very interesting, and I can develop more novel gameplay for my trial. I want to get Metis and others to experience it as soon as possible.

But just before Lloyd was about to leave, he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door?

This made him stunned. He picked up his pocket watch and looked at the time. It was after ten o'clock in the morning. How could someone knock on the door?

Lloyd turned on his spiritual vision suspiciously and saw a well-dressed father and son standing outside the door. They were a little anxious, as if they had been waiting outside the door for a long time. This was not the first time they knocked on the door. Maybe they heard him. There was movement in the house, so he knocked again.

As for the young son among them, Lloyd still had some impression that he happened to be the guy who came to his sister's banquet and made wild remarks.

Only then did Lloyd remember that the other party seemed to owe him a high-end apartment?

So he patiently went over and opened the door.

When the father and son outside the door saw someone answering the door, they suddenly looked overjoyed, as if they had grasped some life-saving straw. The father quickly spoke:

"Are you Mr. Lloyd? This is the apartment ownership certificate that we are temporarily keeping for you. You only need to sign your name and you can move in at any time."

"Of course, we have hired the most professional housekeepers to perform all-round cleaning, and all the furniture has been replaced. I hope you won't mind this."

This man looked very much like a high-ranking politician, but he kept his head buried while speaking, and did not even dare to look at Lloyd, as humble as a lackey.

His previously rebellious son was even more so, and he kept apologizing to Lloyd:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lloyd. I was young and ignorant and couldn't tell the difference between occasions. I said something wrong before. I have deeply reflected on it. I hope you won't mind it too much..."

Anyway, the father and son looked so groveling that they wished they could kneel down on the spot, hold Lloyd's legs and beg for mercy.

I don’t know what the classmates in the alumni association did to them to make them fear like this?

Lloyd didn't care about such trivial matters anymore, so he reached out and took the real estate certificate and several documents handed over by the other party, signed his name on them, handed back the unnecessary documents to the other party, and finally picked up a few handfuls of apartment keys. Key, then said in a very nonchalant tone:

"Okay, it's okay."

"Ah...if I am not wrong, are you going to forgive us? Are you willing to accept our apology?"

"It's just a small matter, let it pass."

"Thank you so much! Thank you so much! Please allow me to praise your generosity!"

The father and son suddenly said as if they had been granted amnesty.

"Okay, okay, that's it."

Lloyd waved his hand quickly, not wanting to hear those disgusting words.

"Uh... do you need me to take you to see that apartment?"

"No, no, I'll go over and take a look myself."

Lloyd waved his hand again and finally sent the humble father and son away.

But when he closed the door and looked down at the property certificate and keys in his hand, a faint smile still appeared on his lips.

It's not that he should be happy about earning a house for free. As long as he asked for such a thing, someone would even give him a big villa, let alone an apartment.

I just feel that in this world, strength comes first after all.

A young man like me with little connections or background had to rely on his own hard work and efforts to gain recognition from all walks of life, so that things like this happened today.

So, you still have to keep working hard!

Lloyd nodded, then called the little cat, then opened the portal and went to the address on the real estate certificate, intending to take a brief look at what the apartment was like.

When I saw it on the ground, it was just like what the father and son described, it was basically 'factory brand new'.

The area is not large, not as good as the current residence, but the decoration style and furniture matching are in a refined and elegant warm home style, not very grandiose, which is more in line with Lloyd's taste.

Things commonly used at home are also prepared, and you can move in at any time, which is very convenient.

But the best thing is the location. It is located in the most prosperous downtown area of ​​the dazzling city. Every inch of land is valuable, there is huge room for appreciation, and the transportation is very convenient.

The only problem is...

I originally thought that there would be a place where Eloro could hide her beauty in a golden house next time she came to visit this place. However, when she opened the window, she faced the Sanctuary of Rejection...

This is very...

Forget it, don't think about this anymore, go back to the academy first.

Lloyd pursed his lips before opening the portal back to the academy.

As soon as he landed, the student handbook, or instructor's handbook, immediately began to vibrate.

He picked it up and saw that it was a message from Professor Lawrence, asking him to come to the Space Department as soon as he returned to the college.

So urgent? Could it be that the previous 'jigsaw puzzle' has been completed?

Lloyd had optimistic expectations about this, so he put the little milk cat down and let it go play with the little pig next door, and then opened the portal to the space system.


"Have you finished reading? Do you have any conclusions?"

Professor Lawrence was holding a cup of coffee in his hand, but his eyes were fixed on Lloyd, who was frowning and rubbing his chin.

In front of Lloyd, there were several light curtains, with a large series of complex readings scrolling on them, making people scratch their heads.

But it's not that I can't understand the meaning of these readings, but I can't figure out the reason.

Even Lloyd can only speculate:

"The phenomenon shown by these readings is really strange, isn't it? If we use ordinary theory to interpret it, these obviously abnormal readings indicate that a violent explosion occurred deep in the alien space?"

"Then I must correct you. Strictly speaking, it was a super violent, earth-shattering, violent, big explosion!"

Professor Lawrence said, and then added:

"I asked several professors from the Department of Mathematics and other extraordinary subjects to come over to help. We jointly completed a set of theoretical modeling and evaluated the approximate progression of the explosion. Let me briefly summarize the conclusion. We doubt whether there is a Where did the heir of the evil god explode himself?"

"Uh...it does seem to be such an exaggeration..."

As Lloyd said, he suddenly remembered another thing in his mind and asked again:

"By the way, when we killed the evil god's heir last time, were there any records left in the space department?"

"Of course there is, and we have compared it. In comparison, the power of this explosion is probably between 1.5 and 2 times that of that one."


Lloyd was stunned for a moment.

Professor Lawrence continued to ask:

"Why do you suddenly ask this? Did you discover something?"

"Uh... the situation is probably like this. The spatial coordinates of this explosion, if there is no big deviation in the data, are they a bit close to the set of coordinates I got last night?"

Lloyd scratched his head suspiciously, and then briefly told the professor what happened last night.

Although there were similar spatial coordinates as evidence, Lloyd did not dare to associate the explosion with the 'little surprise' he had prepared.

After all, I didn't make too many complicated preparations last night. It was definitely not as much power as the one I gathered in the academy last time, and the amount of 'ammunition' I put in wasn't as much as last time. Why was it even more powerful in the end?

The power of being able to kill a descendant of the evil god with one blow last time was already exaggerated, but this time it was doubled?

This is obviously a problem, right?

Could it be that that 'little surprise' just exploded a certain arms depot or oil depot, triggering a series of chain reactions?

Lloyd could only speculate for the time being.

Not only him, but also Professor Lawrence couldn't connect the two things.

"As you said yourself, it's a completely different magnitude, but it caused greater damage. This is really strange. I can only think that you were lucky and just put that 'explosive barrel' into one of the opponent's arms. Danger zone."

"Well, that should be the case, otherwise there is no way to explain it."

Lloyd shrugged and said again:

"But no matter what, this is always a good thing, right? If the power of the explosion is really that amazing, those ancient survivors may have suffered heavy losses? It seems that my little surprise has been upgraded into an unexpected surprise?"

"That's true. Being hit so suddenly should make them calm down a bit... But your actions are also ridiculously efficient. You actually went to wipe out a cult that night?"

"I can't help it, I've always been so jealous!"

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