I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 575 575 Do you think my idea is good?

Chapter 575 575. Do you think my idea is good?

After leaving the [Trial of Illusion] matter to Professor Deke to help manage it, and teaching him how to change the 'batteries' of the rituals outside, it was night time in the present world, and it was time for Lloyd to go home to accompany his sister. .

But before setting off, he suddenly remembered something, so he opened a portal and went to the space system.

I haven’t seen the progress of the restoration of the library that I dragged back so hard.

Coming back after so many days, I should have already done 50% of the work, or even more, right?

You can also take out more ancient documents from it, and get more knowledge and power about 'fighting energy', or 'destruction', and 'destruction', right?

However, when I landed and saw...

"No...how come this place hasn't changed much before I left?"

Lloyd asked, showing a slightly crazy expression.


Dandy, a researcher who was familiar with him, came closer and said with an embarrassed look on his face:

"Lloyd... please listen to my explanation. We were definitely not lazy, and we definitely did not sneak out to fish. After a lot of hard work, we were able to piece together more than twenty space fragments."

"Indeed, but there are so many people here and the hours are so long, and in the end you only completed my day's work?"

"Ahem... There is no way. This project is too difficult for us. We have worked very hard. Look at everyone, they haven't slept all night long."

Dandy said, pointing to a circle of researchers next to him who all had dark circles under their eyes.

Seeing this, Lloyd opened his mouth, but he hesitated to speak...

How should I put it, the food is a little too good, but it looks very hard, so it’s not easy to criticize...

It's just like when playing a mobile game with a lot of money, if other players with zero money can't get through the Deep Spiral and Chaos Memories, it's hard to laugh at them because they are their favorites, right?

"Forget it, let me think about it later and see if I can help you optimize the algorithm."

Lloyd shook his head helplessly and asked again:

"Is there any good news from the mage department?"

"Not yet, but some strange behavior?"

"Strange behavior?"

"It's the stuffed toy that was following you a while ago. It looks like a pot of vegetables. It seems to be hosting a related academic project? It's very baffling."

"Oh, that's it, then it's okay. I feel relieved with him here."

Lloyd nodded, satisfied with the good news.

The former dean finally found something serious to do, and no longer used his naive toy appearance to blend in among the female students.

This is a good thing for everyone!

What's more, he is the most suitable candidate to host this project. Now, except for him, no one in the college knows what the 'Dou Qi' looked like back then, and they certainly can't study it, so naturally, he still has to do it. Please ask the former dean.

It’s a bit like ‘retirement and return to employment’?

But then again, although the former dean's appearance was slightly inferior to mine, it was considered 'mediocre' for the moment. As a result, he didn't fall in love well at that time, and now he is retired and hangs out with girls. Together……

I really don’t know what kind of thinking consciousness he carved out in the first place to become the pot of fish head with chopped pepper?

Lloyd felt like laughing as he thought about it, so he waved his hand, said goodbye to Dandy, and then went back to the dormitory to catch the kitten.

As a result, as soon as he walked away, the researchers present relaxed as if they were receiving an amnesty.

"Huh... I finally got through it. You did a good job, Senior Dandy!"

"Sigh~ Actually, we don't want to be like this. It's just that this work is too difficult for us. We have invested a lot of time and energy, but we have made little progress. We really can't hold our heads high in front of Professor Lloyd."

"Objectively speaking, our efficiency is actually quite good. It is much faster than at the beginning. No one is lazy or taking advantage of the situation. It's just that this kind of space debris becomes more and more difficult the further back it goes. It's really a bit over the top. ”

"Yes, Lecturer Lloyd is too strong. We can't even see his back. Fortunately, he is kinder and didn't criticize anything. Otherwise, I would really be ashamed of his teachings and expectations..."

"Okay, okay, wipe off all the makeup on your face. It looks funny."

"I think Professor Lloyd should have noticed it, but he just didn't expose it. Anyway, every time I'm in front of him, I always feel a sense of embarrassment and nowhere to hide."

"I hope the algorithm he mentioned can really help, right? At least it will allow us to complete this project as soon as possible."

"Well, but before we do it again, everyone should work harder. I don't want Professor Lloyd to be as embarrassed and awkward as today when he comes next time."


Lloyd didn't hear what everyone was discussing behind the scenes, but he couldn't help but laugh when he recalled the pair of slightly exaggerated dark circles on their faces.

Perhaps he was really afraid of scolding them, so he chose this poor disguise, right?

However, I have always maintained a tolerant and generous personality as a kind-hearted young man, and I will not get angry because of such a trivial matter.

People still don’t understand me well enough…

Lloyd sighed silently in his heart as he ran to the logistics department and exchanged his credits for some equipment and props.

Basically, I took out the list, closed my eyes and swiped my finger down, whatever I pulled was what I got, it was more or less a matter of fate.

After shopping here, I swiped the portal non-stop and returned to the real world, and then went to the mall and the vegetable market to continue shopping, buying a lot of ingredients and daily necessities.

Then I went home, picked up the wrench, hammer and pipe clamp, and walked into the kitchen.

It has been a long time since I made dinner for my sister, she must miss it very much, right?

But just when Lloyd took out the tools and was about to start, he suddenly froze, then turned his head sharply and looked out the window.

He stared in that direction for quite a long time, as if he was petrified, with a slight frown on his face, as if he had encountered some kind of thorny problem.

In the end, he didn't even bother to make dinner, but just asked the little cat to go out to order takeout, and then walked to a window and continued to look out.

The direction he looked at was not the city, but the direction of the latest major development.

Lloyd vaguely felt that a familiar force had crossed an unpredictable distance and disappeared into the distance.

The power from [illusion]...

After looking at it for a long time, he took out a world map from his storage bag, spread it on the table, and pointed at it.

This map seemed to present an indescribable sense of despair. There was only a very small area with clear terrain and markings, representing the actual control area of ​​humans at present, while more places were pitch black.

Representing a wider area of ​​this continent.

The abnormality that Lloyd had noticed before came from the center of the dark area.

It was impossible to determine how far it was from the Brilliant City, because this map was very vague, there was no clear scale, and there was not even a specific boundary of the black area. It was unclear how big it was and what kind of terrain it had.

But it was definitely farther than Lloyd had imagined. Even if he stretched his inspiration to the limit, there was still a sighing sense of distance.

The subtle influence of the [illusion] did not last too long. It was basically just a short moment, like a raindrop falling into a bottomless lake, which could only stir up some subtle waves.

Theoretically, Lloyd could not detect such a weak fluctuation.

However, at that moment, his feeling was unusually clear, as if the raindrop just fell into his eyes.

So what is this...

Lloyd did not have any more clues for the time being, so he tried to open the "Book of Illusion" in his mind to see if there was any connection.

However, after flipping through it, at least there was no change on the surface, and there was no written record.

However, there were some traces left, with power flowing through, or traces of being used.

And the source of this power was not the "Book of Illusion", but pointed to Mitzkatok.

This is...

Lloyd rubbed his chin, thought for a long time, and finally came up with a bold guess:

Did the previous [Illusion Trial] trigger some kind of temporarily unknown reaction, or fluctuation?

This reaction and fluctuation, through the transfer between himself and the Book of Illusion, crossed the two levels of consciousness and material, surpassed the distant distance between the present world and the other world, and landed in the present world, causing a slight impact and interference on the present world?

And the specific landing point is likely to be the ruins of the giant fortress?

Is it so?

This series of speculations is really too bold, too divergent, and too optimistic.

If you can interfere with reality through a [Trial of Illusion], and it is the reality of the most dangerous and darkest area, then wouldn’t it be...

So Lloyd finally shook his head, and he didn’t quite believe that there could be such a good thing in the world.

Isn’t this equivalent to being looked at by a beautiful girl and thinking that she likes me;

Or saying that you only have 60 original stones/stars/films in your hand, and you think you can draw a new wife with full life and full essence in the card pool.

Yes, it’s so outrageous, even the theoretical possibility does not exist, because the minimum draw of krypton gold mobile games is 160.

Lloyd also couldn't find any theoretical basis to support his fantasy.

From the knowledge of the [illusion] system that he had obtained, this system did not yet have the function of interfering with reality.

It was just like the [stories] of the [manifestation] system. No matter how fancy they were, they were immovable in reality and could only affect people's thinking and consciousness.

Similarly, the "Book of Illusion" did not have such a function. Even though the academic level of the former dean was outstanding, it was not so powerful.

Interfering with reality with illusion can be simply translated as "wish come true". Those who can do this are often called...


And they can't be ordinary gods...

So Lloyd really didn't dare to stick to his fantasy from a rational and realistic perspective.

But then again...

My current understanding of the [illusion] system is only superficial, including the former dean. I may even have gone ahead of him. After all, the original [illusion trial] he created at the beginning could not play such a fancy operation as drawing holy relics.

So if this system continues to go deeper, will it produce some magical effects that we dare not imagine?

As for the tool "Book of Illusion", its original design indicators do not include the function of interfering with reality.

However, strictly speaking, the current "Book of Illusion" has completed a certain fusion with the "Book of Truth" in the brain, and the name has long been changed to "Book of Greatness". It's just that Lloyd still uses the original name to distinguish the two books that have been combined into one for the convenience of distinction.

So... the intersection of illusion and reality gave birth to greatness?

So can we no longer measure these two books with the original design indicators?

But then again, these two books were written by the former dean in his heyday. With his wisdom and academic level at that time, he did not come up with the operation of combining the two books into one.

Is it that he can't think of it?

It shouldn't be? Although I, Lloyd, am already good enough and have been working hard to make progress, there may still be a little gap between me and the peak dean of that year.

That is not the current chopped pepper fish head, but the real [Brilliant Gold], the Supreme.

So these two books can change in me, is it because...

I am a book myself?

Lloyd thought of his own panel, that is, the "Book of Madness".

When he thought of this, a flash of inspiration suddenly came to his mind, and a bolder and crazier idea came out.

Perhaps only in madness and chaos can illusion and reality be integrated and the so-called greatness be born?

And the moment he came up with this idea, the inspiration and weird intuition in his mind suddenly began to riot like crazy.

This is not the previous opening-style carnival, but a clear and severe pain that can make people have a splitting headache.

It's like a red-hot steel bar pierced into the ear.

And this is not a mental attack from the outside, but a protection mechanism in his own brain.

It is his inspiration and weird intuition that he must faint now.

If it weren't for the passive [Dizziness Resistance] skill, Lloyd would probably faint in an instant.

It is very likely that when he wakes up again, he will either be crazy or forget about it based on the magical self-protection mechanism of the human body.

However, [Dizziness Resistance] worked wonders at this critical moment, allowing Lloyd to remember this crazy idea.

However, at the same time, when the severe pain in his brain had not yet disappeared, a long-lost shudder that made his scalp numb swept over again.

It was as if there was some high and mighty existence, sitting in the clouds overlooking the world, and then wanted to find a bold ant.

At this critical moment, the strange key that Lloyd had always carried with him as a talisman, that is, the one given to him by his cheap uncle, which was not very useful for the time being, played a life-saving role.

It exuded a gentle power, quietly covering Lloyd, making him look less eye-catching, and not being found by the sight from above in the first time.

This helped Lloyd find a precious breathing opportunity, and also relieved the headache in his head a little, so that he could make more timely reactions.

So Lloyd threw the arrogant idea out of his mind and activated the vest on his body, which was the gift from Big Brother.

After hiding in the "outside the world", the severe pain in his head and the trembling in his body gradually subsided like a receding tide.

Lloyd was finally able to let out a long breath, and then took out a bottle of juice from the storage bag and drank two gulps.

But after only two sips, he shook his head, put the juice aside, and took out another bottle of strong liquor.

He never drank alcohol, and this wine was prepared to entertain guests.

But now, he inexplicably wanted to drink this.

The strong alcohol rolled over his throat, and it was so spicy that it felt like a knife cutting, and Lloyd was in pain.

But it magically calmed his mood gradually?

Lloyd only realized at this moment that everyone loved drinking so much, not because alcohol would paralyze the nerves, that was completely ineffective for the rational transcendents, so they simply pursued the pain from the throat to keep themselves awake and calm.

But anyway, he managed to get through this sudden crisis.

When Lloyd deactivated the function of the vest and returned to the world from the outside world, he had basically recovered.

The lofty gaze also disappeared, and just like before, he couldn't find anything.

If he was really noticed by that gaze, Lloyd had no doubt that he would disappear in an instant...

And it was the kind of disappearance that had never existed...

So who was this "arrogant bastard" in the cheap uncle's mouth...

As soon as this thought came to Lloyd's mind, before his inspiration and weird intuition could react, he hurriedly shook his head.

Don't think about it anymore! Never think about it again!

Maybe he has learned his lesson...

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