I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 581 582 Invitation from the Redeemer Saint

Chapter 581 582. Invitation of the Redeemer Saint

After several testers colluded and boasted to Lloyd, they reluctantly walked towards the portal to leave and ended the test.

That is, they could not bring their belongings when entering the trial, otherwise Everoel would definitely take out her camera and take a photo with everyone.

Because this is a trial in the real world, there is naturally no "historical scene" behind it. After everyone entered the portal, they returned to reality.

Lloyd waited until everyone left before closing the trial, then checked the error caused by the sister before, and tried to optimize it.

As a result, this optimization found that there were more and more problems?

There was a bug in this place before, but why can't it run after the repair?

In addition, there was no bug here originally, but after optimizing the new bug, there was no impact?

It's amazing...

After a lot of messing around, Lloyd weighed the pros and cons and chose to roll back the version...

It's better not to fix it. At most, I can ask my sister to be more careful in the future and not to spawn too many monsters at once.

If you can't solve the bug, can't you solve the person who created the bug?

After temporarily putting down the trial at hand, Lloyd continued to draw a portal, and the opposite side was naturally the "abyss" area in the past.

I still didn't dare to open the door directly, but just put my hand on the door handle to feel the movement behind the door.

Hmm...it seems that the weird, evil, crazy, chaotic, and inhuman breath before is a little bit lighter?

Not much, only a little bit, but it should not be an illusion.

It shows that the power created by [False Trial] has improved the environment there. In time, at least it can be transformed into a place where a portal can be opened.

It's just that the trial in reality takes too long. Even if the last "historical scene" is missing, it takes more than 3 hours to come here once.

The academy can save time, but there are not enough people...

So before large-scale promotion, we have to find a way to solve the time speed difference problem, otherwise the trials in the two places cannot be merged together.

If conditions permit, it is better to merge them all together. In this way, whether it is the cost difficulty of maintenance and management, or the integration of those [illusion] forces, it is better than dispersing them.

So is it better to set up the trial in the academy or in the real world?

Lloyd faced a new choice.

If it is placed in the academy, the flow of time will slow down, more trials can be carried out per unit time, more [illusion] forces can be created, and more people can benefit from it.

But those forces will inevitably be weakened and cause losses when they pass through the barriers of different spaces and time speed difference areas and finally fall into the real world.

And the academy cannot accommodate many people at present, which is inconvenient.

If it is set in the real world, it will face a time efficiency problem and a communication distance problem.

In any case, there is no perfect solution.

It is still not strong enough, not perfect enough, so we have to face these drawbacks...

I hope that the forbidden knowledge we can receive every day can be more and of higher quality, right?

Seeing that he had no clue about one problem for the time being, Lloyd quickly turned his mind to another problem.

Speaking of forbidden knowledge, I have to study it again. Why are all the low-risk garbage knowledge obtained in the trial?

As a result, this research was studied until it was dark...

It was found that there must be some, and just as he guessed before, the power of [Void] formed a kind of magical filter to resist some dangerous forbidden knowledge.

At the same time, it also formed a spiritual protection that can weaken the spiritual pollution caused by taboo knowledge.

These two functions were not designed by Lloyd, but came with the "Book of Void", from the handwriting of the former dean.

And it was not the mediocre version of the former dean, but the version of the chopped pepper fish head. He hid in the "Book of Void" for so many years and made many adjustments and optimizations to the book, and finally handed it to Lloyd.

So it is basically difficult for Lloyd to adjust these. It feels like the previous programmer has resigned and left a bunch of uncommented codes to him. It is good enough to maintain the operation and add new functions. How dare he tamper with it?

This method of weakening mental pollution can be regarded as one of Mizkatok's "ancestral skills", and it can even be said to be one of the foundations for the survival of the academy. Dean Hazlade and professors of other disciplines can also do it.

Otherwise, the taboo system, ancient magic system, and even the space system, which are useless saints in the academy, would not be able to continue. They have long been impacted by mental pollution and turned into a real madhouse... Oh no, it may be more than a madhouse, it should be said that it is a crazy demon cave in another space.

Unfortunately, this filtering function still has some drawbacks and defects, and it still cannot completely block mental pollution.

And it can only target mental pollution on taboo knowledge, but it has no effect on the other main source, mental pollution created by various demons and monsters.

That’s why Dean Hazlade thought this was not a viable path, and finally chose to find another way and bet on the more comprehensive "Book of Madness"...

Pah, pah, pah! What "Book of Madness"? I am who I am, I don’t know what "Book of Madness" is!

Lloyd shook his head vigorously and stopped thinking about this issue.

He took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. It was almost 8 o'clock in the evening. He hadn't eaten yet, so he planned to deal with it casually and then go home to accompany his sister.

As a result, when I was rummaging for food, I noticed a gentle gaze falling nearby, scanning back and forth, as if looking for something?

But after looking around for a long time, he couldn't find anything. His eyes couldn't help but show anxiety, just like a newlywed wife who is anxious about not being able to find her husband.

Lloyd was still a little confused at first, but then he suddenly remembered that he had arranged a set of spatial loops near the apartment...

So he quickly walked out of the apartment and came to the corridor outside.

That gentle gaze immediately locked on him, and instantly conveyed a series of complex emotions.

‘Where have you been hiding? Why can't I find you? It almost made me cry! I thought the man had been snatched away! ’

Lloyd didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, and then he felt the eyes continue to say:

‘Astra replied to me and invited you to be his guest, and the sooner the better! ’

‘I have never seen Astra so eager. It’s probably because his prophecy has changed again, so if you have time, go back as soon as possible? ’

‘Don’t worry at home, I will find time to go back to accompany my sister. ’

Well, Hiltina has said this, what else can Lloyd say?

We can only obey the orders of the saints.

Lloyd then stretched out his hand to open a portal and located it at Jenkins' home to see if he could make an introduction for him.

And not long after he left, Everol, who was still eating snacks on the sofa and writing and drawing on the table, suddenly felt a gentle and comfortable gaze falling on her.

Then, she also interpreted the command contained in her eyes.

‘Shall we study together tonight? ’

"Okay, I also want to become stronger as soon as possible so that I can help Xiaoyi more."

Everol nodded vigorously and waved her cute little fist.

It turns out that the companionship Hiltina was referring to was [Meeting the Saint]...

Then he quickly ran to the sofa, lay down casually on it, closed his eyes, and directly entered the stage of [Meeting the Saint].

Compared to others, including Lloyd, who had to arrange various things and make various preparations before entering this stage, Everol's process seemed a bit too casual.

It's as casual as looking in the mirror...

And her [thinking realm] is not like the underworld like her brother's. Instead, it is very warm and nostalgic, just like the home of her childhood.

And it is still a beautified version. The overall texture of various furniture looks a bit soft and messy, very girlish and fairy tale-like.

As soon as Yverol landed, she quickly walked over and picked up the statue of the saint placed on the living room floor.

It is said to be a statue of a saint, but both in appearance and feel, it looks more like a fluffy stuffed animal...

The image is also the Q version of Hiltina's two-headed body. She looks cute and naive, and has the same purpose as the previous "Cute Little Yi".

Because this is Everol's [thinking realm], this saint statue must have appeared based on her own impressions. It is so similar to the puppet designed by Lloyd. It can only be said that the aesthetics of the siblings are highly similar.

Everol picked up the puppet saint statue, first rubbed the puppet's big head with her cheek, and then asked:

"Do you know about Xiao Yi and Miss Wei Ya?"

The puppet saint also replied in the form of an edict:

"Well, I acquiesced. Because of my physical condition, I can't fulfill my duties as a wife, so I can only take advantage of that big carrot."

"Eh? Xiaoyi is out there...very carefree?"

"Well... if you weigh it based on his current strength and status, you can't say that, right? But I have always been a very selfish woman, that is, Wei Ya is a pretty good person and she is my follower, so I will Make an exception this time...like that little fairy from the City of Joy, don’t even think about it!”

"Eh? Little fairy?"

"Yes, an ignorant old woman, older than me, but as tender as a little girl. She tried every means to seduce my man as soon as we met. Fortunately, I drove him away in time, otherwise she would have succeeded. "

"This...I haven't heard Xiao Yi say this?"

"That happened a long time ago. That little goblin had a special identity, and I didn't confirm our relationship with him at that time. He had never met me, so he didn't know how to tell you, right?"

"Is that so... eh? No! According to this, Hildina, aren't you... trying to steal love with a knife?"

"Huh? Why do you think so? I was obviously the one who came here first, right? Have you forgotten the relationship between us?"

"Ugh... So that sounds like it? Forget it, let's not talk about this for now and start today's study?"

"Okay, then let me first teach you how to inject more spiritual power into the declaration to enhance performance."

Everol then started the learning process this time.

But because of the previous conversation, I was somewhat distracted.

Especially when thinking about Hiltina's wary attitude towards that 'little goblin'.

This possessiveness is really another self in the world...

Sigh... I hope that by then, she can be as tolerant to 'himself' as Wei Ya?


At this time, Lloyd was pulling the food on the plate with a slight embarrassment, barely keeping a normal smile on his face.

When he arrived at Jenkins' residence, the old couple was having a candlelight dinner in a very romantic manner...

Although they didn't mind and warmly invited Lloyd to sit down, Lloyd still inevitably felt a sense of embarrassment.

If I had known earlier, I should have brought Wei Ya here in advance...

He was thinking wildly in his mind and stuffed the last bit of grass on the plate into his mouth.

It tastes terrible!

Fortunately, after I expressed my intention to the old couple, the dinner was not too long and ended relatively quickly.

Then Lao Zhan and Bishop Milly each put on a glamorous and decent outfit, and took Lloyd to meet the saint.

It's not even ten o'clock yet, so it's still the best time to enjoy nightlife in the City of Brilliance and City of Joy. However, in the Eternal City, there is almost no light in the entire city, and even the lights on the street The street lights flickered, not as bright as the carriage lights.

"There is no way. Ever since we started independently preparing for a major development, the energy supply in the city has been unstable."

Bishop Milly sat opposite Lloyd and explained.

"Huh? This shouldn't be right? During the great development period, there should be no shortage of monsters, right? Why is there still a shortage of electricity?"

"This...I'm not sure. I'm not from the Holy Inquisition...but I heard that the recovered monster corpses were not sent to power plants and factories as usual, but seemed to be sent to other places. place?"

Hiss... If you don't use monster corpses to generate electricity and make steel, what are you doing?

Doesn't the Redeemer Saint want to live a shocking life?

Lloyd suddenly became a little wary.

As the carriage bounced along the uneven road, about half an hour later, it stopped in front of a low building.

Lloyd originally thought there was something wrong, but Bishop Milly said that the sanctuary had arrived.

ah? That's it?

Lloyd looked at this three-story building in the darkness. Not to mention compared to sanctuaries elsewhere, it was even inferior to his sister's editorial department, right?

Is the simplicity of the Redeemer Saint a bit too much?

But when he followed Bishop Milly into it, he actually went down instead of up?

Under this small building, there is actually a maze-like underground fortification hidden, which looks like a secret military base.

But the scale is not big enough, far inferior to the one below the Brilliant City, so it can only be regarded as a headquarters?

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