I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 587 589 What are the advantages of the [Asylum] system?

Chapter 587 589. What are the merits of the [Shelter] system?

After watching the performance of the powerful Investigator Team, Lloyd looked back at the Classmate Team and the Joy Team.

Hmm... the result was a little unexpected?

Logically speaking, the Alumni Association should be the second strongest on paper, but because there are no top-level combat forces of level 8 and level 7, there are at least 2 level 5, 2 level 4 and 1 level 2, so the paper strength is only slightly weaker than the Investigator Team.

Logically speaking, their rating should probably be the same level as the Investigator Team, at most a little bit of ‘+’ and ‘-’.

As a result, Lloyd saw that they were still hovering at the ‘E’ level, and mixed with the Executor Team, which had the weakest paper strength...

The problem is still the same as those people in the academy, dealing with problems in a dogmatic way, not flexible enough, and not cunning enough.

Facing the large number of monsters rushing towards them, the investigator team took the approach of using the advantageous terrain to maneuver, and using the weapons and NPCs in the scene to improve combat power and cover.

And these students just yelled, shouted a few harsh words, and then went up shoulder to shoulder...

The bravery was indeed very brave, and Lloyd was also excited.

There is no coward from Mitzkatok!

But it was really fast, and it was gone in a moment of distraction...

Lloyd was also speechless. How many years have you graduated? Why do you still have a scholarly spirit? Haven't you been polished away by society?

For a moment, he suddenly understood why Dean Hazlade always emphasized that the college is a pure academic organization, not a military faction...

The actual combat experience is really incomparable with those veteran investigators...

It seems that I have to think of a way to let the students not always do things with just passion.

Lloyd shook his head and looked at the joy team led by his girlfriend Ai Luoluo.

The performance here is unexpectedly good?

The final rating is about the same as the investigator team, and some individuals even slightly exceed it, which is reflected in the extra points.

And it is not Eloro who has 300 critical damage who performs outstandingly, but the two male and two female knights of the Order led by her.

These knights from the Joy Order are very young, probably less than 30 years old, and their ranks are not high, the highest is only 4th level.

And from some of their expressions and behaviors, they should be two couples, as if Eloro specially selected them.

In the battle against monsters, these four knights cooperated very well, and their skills and tactics were extremely skilled, much more sophisticated than the investigator team. At first glance, they were trained by fighting monsters frequently.

And the shelter system that was originally looked down upon by many people, and even Lloyd and Hiltina thought it was very immature, actually shined in the battle?

The four knights plus Ai Luo Luo jointly activated the power of [Shelter]. The five people vaguely formed a subtle connection and achieved a magical resource sharing state?

But it was not about sharing thoughts, spiritual power, inspiration, etc., but about strength bonus, spiritual power recovery speed, and skill strength.

In short, if Ai Luo Luo, the saint, personally performed the iconic skill of the [Shelter] system, [Shelter Shield], the final protective effect would probably be...

Barely resisting the bullets of the old-fashioned matchlock gun?

A more advanced gun would not work. Like a bolt-action rifle, it might be able to shatter her [Shelter Shield] with three shots.

However, in the trial scene, the four knights took a half step forward together, and then cooperated with Ai Luo Luo to jointly activate [Shelter Shield]. The shield that was finally deployed could actually stand firm in the tide of monsters?

It was precisely relying on this solid barrier, coupled with the help of other weapons and NPCs in the scene, that they won quite a good evaluation.

In the end, it was their spiritual power that could not hold out first and they were drowned by the monsters. Before that, the thin [Shelter Shield] did not even have a crack.

This made Lloyd look at the strength of the [Shelter] system with new eyes.

And not only is the defense very strong, these [Shelter Shields] seem to have special effects such as resisting mental pollution and rebounding the opponent's attack.

When other teams kill monsters, even if they do not suffer from mental pollution in reality, their bodies are honestly showing various symptoms, which will inevitably affect their combat status.

But the Joyful Team will not. They don't frown when fighting. The tingling and tinnitus that should be caused are all offset by the [Shelter Shield].

By the way, if a monster causes melee damage to them, not only will it not penetrate the shield, but it will suffer a rebound damage.

A few more rebounds will kill the monster itself, and no one else needs to do anything.

The monsters here are very brainless, and they rush at humans without thinking, which makes the efficiency of this recoil damage reach the extreme.

So the damage output of the entire Joy Squad on the battlefield is not inferior to that of the two high-ranking masters, Old York and Bai Yueguang.

So this is how the [Shelter] system is used?

I have learned a lot. I originally thought that this system was used for cuteness...

Lloyd kept nodding secretly beside him.

If the power of [Veto] is suitable for single combat, then the power of [Shelter] is undoubtedly very suitable for this large-scale battlefield.

It’s no wonder that during the City of Joy incident, the Joy Order, as a very young defense force, was able to deal with the dangerous tide of monsters.

But then again...

My little girlfriend, Elolo, behaved very badly on the battlefield, right?

His cute little face turned pale as soon as he entered the scene, and he acted in various shocks later on. He would do small things like transporting ammunition, and even fall flat on the ground, making himself look ashen as a clay pig. Monkey-like...

Sigh... Isn't 300 critical hit damage enough? She has to be given the title 'your eternal Lord Uther'?

Let's forget it, it's easy to show off your flaws and be seen by others.

There is a bitch like Hiltina at home, but I don't dare to let her join the relationship team. From now on, I will definitely only be able to play with her own people.

But objectively speaking, it is much better than the previous performance?

Although I was still very scared, I did not shrink back and still worked hard to contribute my own value.

She indeed contributed her value. It should be because of her, the saint, that the four knights would not suffer mental pollution.

At the same time, her high attribute bonus, under the special connection effect of [Asylum], has enhanced the combat effectiveness of those knights from the side, otherwise they would definitely not be able to match the results of the Investigators.

You must know that there is an eighth level and a seventh level, but there is no fifth level here. The gap in hard power is wider than the gap between humans and dogs. Without Lloyd's secret care, it would definitely be impossible.

So after their team experienced the first trial and returned to the rest area, they were still a little confused about this.

"Lord Saint, I feel that my shield is much stronger than usual. Is it because you are leading us?"

"Yes, although the four of us usually work together and have a tacit understanding, we still know our strength and it is unlikely that we can last for so long. Therefore, it must be because the saint is with us that we can perform exceptionally well. Bar?"

Faced with such questions, Airolo couldn't reveal the truth under Lloyd's instructions, so he could only force himself to say:

"Ah hahaha, you are right. After all, I am also a saint. As long as I am here, no one will be hurt!"

Fortunately, these young knights were very loyal to her and easily accepted this statement and selectively ignored the embarrassment she had made herself.

"Long live the saint! With you by my side, I will not be afraid of any difficulties no matter how great!"

"I will always follow your footsteps, follow your will, and open up a way forward for you!"

"I didn't believe before that Lord Saint would fight side by side with us. Such an honor is beyond my wildest dreams!"

These bold words made Eloro a little embarrassed. He quickly waved his hands and tried to change the topic:

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this for now. Everyone has obtained the attributes, right? This is the main purpose of our trip."

Those knights were very cooperative and immediately started chatting about their gains from the trip.

"I got it, I got it, I increased my spiritual power by 3 points at once! This is greater than the improvement I made after a month of hard training outside. This trial is really amazing, isn't it?"

"Although I don't have as many points as you, I have gained two points of rationality. I think rationality is more important."

"Speaking of which, Lord Saint, you said before that this trial was hosted by your fiancé, but why have we never heard of this important man or your engagement?"

"Are you stupid? How dare you inquire about the saint's private affairs?"

"Ah! I'm sorry, Lord Saint, please forgive me for overstepping my bounds!"

"Okay, okay, Lord Saint will not blame you for this little thing. She is the gentlest Saint... But... I am also curious, Sir, who is your fiancé? With such a beauty like you, I am sure It needs to be matched with a handsome guy, right?”

"Hmph! Of course, there is no one in this world who is more beautiful than my Lord Uther."

"Hehe, Lord Saint, can you tell us more about you and him? Don't worry, we will never tell anyone about it."

"Well... a lot of things did happen between me and him, but the starting point of everything was the first time we met. At that time, we just looked at each other for the first time and fell deeply in love with each other."

"It was love at first sight? Wow! So romantic!"

Lloyd, who was outside, finally couldn't bear to listen anymore. It was really disgusting...


A few hours later, several teams present had completed the previous four trials one after another.

Although the scenes of each trial are different, they are arranged in the order set by Lloyd before, two "historical" and two "virtual".

Therefore, there are currently no abnormal symptoms described by Professor Deco in the report.

But even the related team, none of them have received a D-level or higher rating so far.

There is a significant increase in difficulty...

But the participants didn't care, and were still excited about the three or five attributes they could easily earn.

Are user needs easily met?

As the portal back to reality appeared, Lloyd suddenly felt that the piece of knowledge crystal he had placed before began to change slightly.

The crystal that was originally unusable suddenly became 'soft', that is, soft in the literal sense. The texture that should have been hard began to change like smooth silk.

Then it gradually became virtual and transparent, until the smile was completely in the air.

But it didn't really disappear. Strictly speaking, it should be integrated into Lloyd's trial?

So Lloyd felt that the trial atmosphere, which had been changing a little before, suddenly had some new changes.

Maybe it was more serious and more serious? And a little bit depressed?

Even the team that was heading to the 'exit', that is, the executor team with the weakest hard power, noticed this change.

Their paper hard power can be said to be the weakest among the several teams. They all just completed the first level of [Enlightenment], so it is reasonable that they performed poorly.

But they were quite brave. Facing the terrifying monsters that pounced on them, even if their hands and feet were shaking, they still fought back and did not sit and wait for death.

In the subsequent virtual scenes, even though they were soon eliminated because of their weak strength, everyone was still working hard and did not give up on themselves.

But when they came to the last portal, they were still a little scared...

"Huh? How come it seems... like we've arrived at the -2 floor? Wasn't the atmosphere here quite relaxed and cheerful before? These trials are also very interesting. Although they are very difficult, I'm probably too weak."

"Well, I also feel like something seems to be different. Will there be any accidents?"

"And this last door always makes me feel a little uneasy. Is it really the exit mentioned in the instructions? Why does it feel like a door to some unknown area?"

Just when they were a little uneasy, a line of subtitles appeared in front of them, comforting them:

"That is indeed not the exit, but the last trial of the day. Don't be afraid, I will watch you."

When these people saw the subtitles, they immediately became excited:

"Wow? Is this Senior Lloyd?"

"Long time no see, Senior Lloyd!"

"Senior, you haven't been back to District 18 for a long time. Did you forget about us?"

This made Lloyd a little embarrassed, and he quickly comforted him with another line of subtitles :

"I'll find time to come back later."

"Ahaha, senior, we were just joking. We all know that you are busy with important things. There is no need to waste time on trivial matters in District 18. We can all understand."

"Yes, yes. For example, this trial that can help us become stronger is definitely more important than the work in District 18. Senior, just be busy. It is more important to allow more people to join this trial. Let us take care of the trivial matters in District 18!"

"Oh, oh, oh! You made my blood boil. It just so happened that I grew 3 points of rationality and 2 points of inspiration in the previous trial. I feel that I am already terribly strong! Nothing can stop me!"

Lloyd looked at these enthusiastic young people, feeling both amused and relieved, so he sent another subtitle:

"Well! Let's work hard together for the future of mankind!"

"Ah! For the future of mankind! For Senior Lloyd!"

Under his atmosphere, this team with the weakest hard power resolutely walked towards the last portal full of unknowns and dangers.

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