I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 603 Chapter 605 Epiphany after killing the gods

Chapter 603 605. Epiphany after killing the gods

In addition to the four fragments, Lloyd also vaguely felt that he had gained some other improvements this time, but they were not prompted by the panel.

For example, he vaguely felt that his physical fitness seemed to have become stronger?

He clenched his fists, feeling the changes in his body, and suddenly became full of confidence in himself

Not to mention Weiya, adding Xildina or Ai Luoluo would not be a problem!

In short, today's trip not only cleared the hidden dangers in his back garden, but also solved some historical puzzles, and also mastered very important abilities by the way, making special skills more powerful.

Can it be considered a worthwhile trip?

So Lloyd waited until the spiritual power in his body recovered a little more, and then he activated the space teleportation and returned directly to the ancient laboratory before.

As a result, as soon as he landed, he saw Dr. Mao Mao rushing over, chattering non-stop.

It turned out that the demon suddenly died suddenly, asking Lloyd if he had done anything?

"Ah? I just left for a while and didn't do anything. Are your medicines too toxic?"

"Waibowaibo! Ababa!"

Dr. Mao Mao explained with a wave of his hands, probably saying that his medicines were not very effective against the demons, and they quickly developed drug resistance. If they could stay alive, they could be used to develop new drugs such as antibiotics.

But he suddenly died, causing a tragic loss to the medical community.

"This... It's okay, there should be a few more here, we can catch them again."

Lloyd hurriedly comforted him, and heard Professor Fernande on the other side ask:

"Lloyd, where did you go just now? Why did you suddenly disappear?"

"Nothing, I just went to deal with an ancient god."

Lloyd answered lightly, making the air at the scene quiet instantly.

It was not until half a minute later that everyone responded:


"What did you say???"

"Did I hear it wrong?"

"Wow wow wow???"

Lloyd waved his hands and explained:

"It's not as complicated as you think. In fact, there is a seriously injured ancient god deeper in the ruins. It is recovering. It should be the one mentioned in the previous experimental log. I went to solve it... Oh, doctor, don't suddenly shine the flashlight in my eyes?"

Professor Fernande was still surprised and astonished, and asked again:

"No, are you really not kidding? We were just discussing what the "great will" and "great existence" in the log are, and you ran to kill Him yourself?"

"Didn't I say it? He is seriously injured and can't move. If we don't take the opportunity to solve it, it will definitely be a huge hidden danger in the future."

"This is not a question of whether it is seriously injured or not, but..."

The professor opposite was a little unorganized for a while, and stamped his feet in anxiety.

But it's not hard to guess what he wanted to say. He probably wanted to ask, how can humans reach or even kill a god?

Even if it's a god that is seriously injured and recovering, it's hard for humans to understand, right?

"Ah~ It's actually not as complicated as you think. As long as your four basic attributes are high enough, your supernatural abilities are strong enough, your strength level is high enough, and the opponent is weak enough, you can do it."

"No, no, no, I don't think I can do it..."

Landi waved his hand quickly.

Learnor next to him said:

"Lloyd, I feel that you have reached a level that we can't imagine. Can you really become the [bright gold] of the new era like those old scholars in the department?"

Oh? The history department is actually quite optimistic about me?

Lloyd was a little surprised by this.

But on second thought, it seems reasonable. After all, for his own promotion, he sacrificed Professor Ashley, who presided over the history department...

It would be strange if they didn't have higher expectations for themselves, right?

So Lloyd immediately replied:

"Don't worry, I have always remembered Professor Ashley's sacrifice, and I will definitely not let you down."

"Well... well, it seems that the old man Lawrence's previous advice was right. He reminded me a long time ago that I should get used to the shock you brought..."

Professor Fernande smiled helplessly, and then threw all the work at hand to the two lecturers, and then pulled Lloyd to ask about the previous specific process.

Lloyd was also willing to share, and even planned to start from the beginning of the matter, that is, when the "good brother" was still walking alone.

"A long, long time ago, when there were no living creatures on this continent, there was a..."

As a result, Lloyd had just started, and Professor Fernande suddenly waved his hand.

"Wait... I feel something is wrong, don't say anything more."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"I can't describe it, it's just instinctive..."

Professor Fernande's expression suddenly became very solemn, and after thinking for a moment, he asked:

"Did you learn about the origin of mankind from that ancient god?"

"Uh... not entirely from Him, but I know a little bit."


The professor opposite changed his expression again, and asked quickly:

"Have you ever shared this with anyone else?"

"Not yet. I don't think I want to tell you because I think you are a history major."

"Then don't talk about it, if you still think of me as a friend and don't want me to die."

Professor Fernand said with a serious face.

"Not just me, don't say this to anyone, unless you want that person to die..."

Lloyd was stunned and seemed to realize something.

The origin of human beings comes from the Creator who devoured themselves, and they are born with some kind of original sin...

I may not feel much about this conclusion, because I was the experiencer and witness of this scene back then.

But for others, this is undoubtedly an extremely cruel truth...

And I'm afraid it's not just a matter of psychological acceptance, it's more likely to involve spiritual safety.

Maybe when they know this legend, they will fall into madness and return to the original state.

Therefore, the secret of this ancient era is not that Lloyd is unwilling to share it with others, but that he cannot.

If he doesn't want to destroy the sacrifices and efforts of his 'good brother', the great Creator, he must hide all of this in his heart.

Including the nature and source of mental pollution, the same may be true. It doesn't matter to you, but for others, this will be a deadly secret...

This discovery and Professor Fernand's reminder made Lloyd feel emotional.

The nature of this world is really cruel...

Human beings who have not evolved naturally are like living in a [illusion], too fragile to face the truth of the world.

Thinking of this, he suddenly froze again, and a flash of inspiration came to his mind again.

Maybe this is why [illusion] can interfere with reality?

And the fundamental reason why I am able to get involved in the [False] system, apart from some arrangements made by the former dean, is that I have witnessed the reality of this world under [False]?

Just like if an artist wants to create a painting, the first step is to know what a 'canvas' is.

This sudden epiphany made Lloyd sit down immediately and fell into deep thought.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but forget the time. It wasn't until Dr. Maomao carefully poked him with his tentacles that Lloyd came back to his senses as if he was waking up from a dream.

"Ah~ I'm sorry, I was lost in thought just now..."

Professor Fernand on the side observed his expression and then suggested:

"Well... this place may not be a suitable place for thinking... How about we evacuate today? Anyway, we have collected the documents in this laboratory, and it's time to go back and sort them out."

"Okay, then I'll go and help Dr. Maomao catch another karma demon."

Lloyd nodded and led the team to the next experimental area.

However, what surprised him was that the Karma Demon originally imprisoned here had completely lost all signs of life.

He wasn't killed or poisoned, he just stood upright and died inexplicably.

It was as if something in his body had broken and could no longer sustain his life.

Even Lloyd was surprised by this result and started to circle around the huge corpse of Karma.

"Huh? There is such a good thing?"

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

Dr. Maomao also walked around and expressed his opinion.

He was probably saying that the death of this monster made him feel like a bee that had lost its queen.

"Hmm... According to your description, the technology to transform and control karma demons probably comes from the ancient god below? Have you found any relevant records later?"

Lloyd asked curiously.

"There should be some. In my quick browsing, there was mention of this aspect, but there was no clear direction."

Professor Fernand replied, adding in a slightly frightened tone:

"But if that's true, weren't humans too bold back then? They actually used the power of unknown gods to control monsters they didn't understand at all?"

"This is indeed madness, madness born of desperation."

Lloyd nodded and said:

"Although their crazy behavior achieved some results at the beginning of the plan, this is a very dangerous power after all. It is also expected that various accidents will occur later... But even I didn't guess it. That ancient god actually still maintains some kind of connection with the Karma Demon? "

Lecturer Randy next to him also interjected at this time:

"This can explain why a hybrid mechanical and biological life like the Karma Demon can exist, right? This was originally inconsistent with the most basic biological common sense, but under the influence of that ancient god, it made this impossible What happened happened."

"It's really unimaginable that such a being was killed so lightly by Lloyd. I still find it unbelievable... Uh... I can't think about it anymore. If I think about it again, I will be admitted to a mental hospital..."

Lloyd looked at Lecturer Randy's expression that suddenly turned ugly, and quickly advised:

"I'm not a human being, don't treat me like one."


"Uh... this is a popular spell in the space system. Try it. It might work. Remember to repeat it a few times."

"Okay... Lloyd is not a human being... Lloyd is not a human being..."

With this self-deception, his complexion gradually improved.

Professor Fernande on the side could not help but whispered:

"I don't know whether it is lucky or unfortunate that your space department has a guy like you..."

Lecturer Lille poured a few mouthfuls of strong liquor into his mouth, as if he wanted to use this method to relieve and suppress some dangerous thoughts and ideas, and then forced himself to think about something else, and suggested:

"Uh... I suggest that we don't talk about this, right? Why not talk about something more optimistic? For example, maybe the demons who suddenly died are not only here, but also those in the world outside. In this way, wouldn't we eliminate a huge threat?"

"Yes, if this is true, then the next round of great development will be much easier."

Lloyd took over the conversation tacitly, directed the direction to the great development, and mentioned the "stubbornness" of the Redeemer Saint to everyone.

This matter itself is not news to them. They have long known about the "crazy behavior" of the Eternal City through various information channels.

But what everyone didn't expect was that this was not the crazy suicide of the Redeemer Saint, but a sacrifice for the future of mankind.

"Your Majesty, you are really awe-inspiring! You are worthy of being the first guardian of the new era. If I have the opportunity to meet him in the future, I must pay him my most sincere respect."

"Woo woo ah wow ..."

Doctor Maomao also sighed, and asked if there was any way to help them without violating school rules.

Speaking of this, Lloyd was no longer sleepy.

"Let's find a place to have a meal first, and then introduce you to a good thing!"

So, the archaeological team temporarily left this underground area.

During the meal, Lloyd introduced his [False Trial] to everyone and invited everyone to join, while asking about the next archaeological action.

There is still a lot of work to be done later. After all, only one experimental area has been explored, and there are still many things to be investigated and collected.

But Lloyd no longer had to participate in person. After confirming that there were no monsters in the entire dungeon, at most there were some criminals hiding outside, so it was considered very safe. The rest of the matter could be left to the professionals in the history department.

He then needed to consider what he could do with this cleared "back garden"?

It was so large, why not use it to grow some mushrooms?

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