I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 609 611 The most advanced battery

Chapter 609 611. The most advanced battery

"Huh~ Among the powerful enemies I have met, you can be considered as one of the top three."

Lloyd sighed sincerely, took out a few bottles of potions, and started to drink them.

In front of him, the third priest, who was originally hideous, twisted and curious, was left with only a bare trunk. The faces on it were gone, and the messy branches were gone. The overall water retention was to the level of an ordinary adult.

But it was still not completely dead, but its thinking consciousness was completely emptied, and it became a real plant.

This is not an ordinary plant, but a vibrant plant, which has already involved the level of [Immortality]. No one except Lloyd can fight it alone.

When he started, Lloyd didn't expect that this guy would be so tricky and could break free from his own twisted thinking in a way that was almost self-mutilation and self-destruction.

Each of the human faces on its body can be regarded as an independent set of thinking consciousness, which is a bit similar to the method of splitting thinking, but more exaggerated.

Its entire brain is like countless partitions on a computer hard disk. They are obviously independent consciousnesses, but after gathering together, they form a kind of Gestalt bee colony structure, which together constitutes the "Third Priest".

Under such a structure, no matter how Lloyd attacks, he can only distort part of its consciousness and cannot completely control it.

This leads to the fact that when it realizes that its thinking has been distorted, it does not fight with Lloyd, but decisively gives up the distorted part to break free.

After Lloyd failed for the first time, he immediately chose a deeper thinking distortion, but soon found that the speed of this group splitting his thinking was faster than he distorted it?

Strictly speaking, it is not that the division is fast enough, but that the regeneration is fast enough. The "brain" it discarded can be regenerated in a breath, which is almost endless.

Moreover, its rank and four basic attributes are frighteningly high, at least over 10,000 points, which greatly affects the effect of Lloyd's ability. He must devote more spiritual power to barely control it.

Especially when Lloyd decisively gave up the mind distortion later, the burden and consumption were further aggravated when both sides entered the head-on confrontation.

The sparks exploding in the air, the lightning running around, and the direct stabbing of the branches, these attacks are not as simple as they seem on the surface, but each attack is accompanied by the power of [distortion]. Once hit, it is more than just a little skin injury.

At the same time, the bone cage surrounding the surroundings is not just as simple as trapping Lloyd, but it is constantly exerting the effect of mind distortion, trying to control Lloyd in turn.

Lloyd was able to cope with it in the end, definitely not because of his flexible movement and good body skills, but because of his high enough inspiration, accurately deflecting and dissolving every attack of the enemy.

In the most dangerous moment before, Lloyd twisted and deflected dozens of invisible attacks from the opponent in an instant, and by the way, he had to fight against the distortion of thinking in his mind.

If these attacks were accompanied by visual effects, it would be dozens of colorful lights entangled from all directions, and then twisted one by one by Lloyd in an instant.

Thanks to his solid foundation, stable rationality, abundant inspiration, strong spiritual power, and enough equipment to restore spiritual power, and high level of strength, he could barely keep up with the consumption.

So even in this level of confrontation, the basic attributes still play a solid role and effect.

However, Lloyd is not without a way to fight quickly. When he was chased by this guy and ran around everywhere before, he considered whether to use the ability of the space system to cut this guy directly or teleport him into the space storm.

But after careful consideration, Lloyd still valued the high-speed regeneration [Immortality] characteristic on it more and decided to capture it intact.

This is equivalent to increasing your own strength, just like a single player clearing the Abyss Spiral, so naturally you will be in trouble.

The reason for this choice is that before Lloyd took action, a sudden thought came to his mind-

If he could catch this guy back, wouldn’t he have a stable and powerful energy source?

Although Toledo suggested that he catch a descendant of the evil god before, he failed to find one, so catching an [Immortal] back should be able to make do with it?

However, strictly speaking, the third priest is not a true [Immortal], it has not even reached the highest level, but through some alternative means, it has some [Immortal] characteristics.

For example, the exaggerated self-healing ability of instant regeneration, the endless spiritual power, and the nearly eternal vitality.

So the rank of the third priest should also belong to the ninth rank, but it is not the path of the saint, but has already involved the highest level in advance.

It is a bit similar to the state of "half step" in online novels, right?

This special ninth level didn't have a clear written name yet, so Lloyd randomly gave it the name 'pseudo-saint'.

A genuine [Immortal] would definitely be stronger than this 'pseudo-saint', but even this youthful monkey version would be very difficult to fight.

Until later, Lloyd activated a trump card, and through the ability of [Offensive Speech], he emptied the "recycling bin" in his brain and directly poured a large amount of taboo knowledge into the third priest like a tide.

These taboo knowledge are not just the useless garbage knowledge he accumulated daily, but also many effective and even very dangerous ones, such as those obtained from the "taboo library".

Under the impact of this terrifying wave, no matter how the third priest could cut and regenerate, it would be useless. All its consciousness was completely submerged in an instant, falling into the abyss together and being completely wiped out.

If it was still a human, it would definitely have fallen into a loss of control at this time, but it had already completed the step of "alienation into a monster", so in the end, only a corpse that had completely lost consciousness was left, which was almost the same as a normal monster corpse.

But under the influence of [Immortality], it did not really die, those characteristics still existed, and the spiritual power was still endless, becoming a perfect "battery".

So Lloyd's hard work was not in vain, and he didn't have to go to great lengths to capture the offspring of the evil god.

Of course, in order to prevent this guy from possibly reviving, Lloyd planted more than a dozen twisted seeds on it, and took out ritual materials such as spiritual ink on the spot, and drew a lot of twisted rituals on the trunk to suppress possible regeneration of thoughts from multiple levels.

After all, it is always good to be more careful when it comes to things like [immortality].

While making these arrangements, Lloyd also relied on his own cognition, cognitive level, and up to level 9 [microscopic analysis] to have a better understanding of the existence of [immortals].

There are four existing roads to the highest level, the road to immortality, the road to domination, the road to domination, and the road to godhood. The path of [immortality] should be the easiest to take, and it is also the main path of the batch of [brilliant gold] back then. The former dean and the cheap uncle both chose this path.

The two of them are now in a half-dead state, and it is because of the influence of the [Immortality] that they were able to survive the terrible catastrophe of the year.

And the group of reckless people who went deep into the ‘Forbidden Library’ suffered a restoration attack on their thinking consciousness and reality at the same time, and finally died without a trace.

From a certain perspective, this is similar to the fall of the third priest? It was the thinking consciousness that couldn’t hold on first, and the remaining flesh, no matter how [Immortality], was just a corpse that everyone could eat.

However, the former dean didn’t have much to do. Although he survived and retained a little bit of his last thinking consciousness, he could only watch his corpse being desecrated by these monsters, and then yelled for Lloyd to pick it up...

So this ‘Road to Immortality’ is definitely powerful, but it seems to have some limitations and helplessness?

But the ‘Road to Domination’ and the ‘Road to Domination’ don’t seem to be suitable for humans to walk?

Otherwise, those guys who were so bored that they wanted to die would definitely find a way to explore this direction, so that they would not end up getting into trouble.

So after all the picking and choosing, the only thing left was the "Road to God" that Uncle Cheap had imagined?

But this path was criticized by people back then, and even his good friend, the former dean, did not approve of it, and commented that it was too naive and idealistic.

It can only be said that if the "Book of Madness" had not had a personality and had not kryptoned "protecting mankind" into the DNA of humans as a mission, this "Road to God" would definitely not work.

The only choice for humans in the end was the "Road to Immortality" which was not powerful enough and had obvious limitations.

Lloyd thought of this and suddenly understood those reckless men who wanted to die...

For those who stood at the top of the era, after the path to advance was completely blocked, they would either die or sink, and there would probably be no third option.

Lloyd smiled, and the thoughts in his mind turned again, and he thought of another one.

By the way, did Uncle Cheap discover something in me that year, so he made up this obviously more unreasonable "Road to God" in his mind?

Maybe it's really possible. When I was still sleeping, I was displayed like an exhibit in a museum for people to visit and study.

Alas... I feel... unclean...

Then maybe Uncle Cheap's ability to become a human again in the end was also some kind of arrangement by Uncle Cheap?

His state at that time was much stronger than the previous dean. He still had a certain ability to interfere with the present world, and his body was not captured by the ancient survivors.

Then with his understanding of human life, it might not be too difficult for him to implant me into a fetus?

And the last scene I saw during the fifth [Transcendence] was a scarred knight who said something like "entrusting an orphan to someone before his death" in front of me...

Maybe it was that scene that woke me up from my previous long sleep, and then Uncle Cheap noticed me and took me away?

The reason why he stuffed a lot of things into my pockets as soon as we met was not necessarily because he was optimistic about my talent and artistic aesthetics, but simply to continue to promote his plan?

Even the invitation letter that my sister and I received was also his deliberate operation?

Hiss... From this point of view, he is not just a cheap uncle, but a real uncle?

Lloyd couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought of this.

Of course, this is just his speculation and imagination, without much basis. What happened in the meantime, we still have to wait until we meet Uncle Cheap again to get the answer.

But whether it is the former dean or Uncle Cheap, they both highlight a long-term plan and love to tell riddles.

They clearly made plans for [Illusion] and [Godhood] a long time ago, but they refused to say anything.

These two old Dengs are really...

Lloyd was angry and amused.

But he still looked up at the sky and said to Uncle Cheap who didn't know where he was:

You have to hold on, hold on until I rescue you.

After that, he put his attention back on the third priest who had become a battery, activated the ability of the space system, and completely peeled it off together with the roots below, and teleported it back to the safe school district.

And where it was originally rooted, a deep well was revealed, which contained Lloyd's extra gains on this trip.

The well is full of a mixture of [Blood of the Supreme] and [Tears of the Stars], and is also mixed with a few gems that act like ‘additives’ and ‘catalysts’.

This is actually the source of the Third Priest’s ability to obtain those [Immortality] characteristics.

It relies on slowly absorbing this mixture with its roots to maintain its [Immortality]

But the price is naturally that it cannot move…

This liquid mixed with [Blood of the Supreme] and [Tears of the Stars] looks unexpectedly good, like more silvery and transparent mercury, emitting some kind of wonderful spirituality.

This is different from the situation at the museum. Although it is also a deep well layout, there are only [Tears of the Stars] and piles of human bones in that well, without [Blood of the Supreme].

Instead, the blood is cast into statues, maybe there is another use?

This is obviously worth studying, but Lloyd himself doesn't know much about materials science, and he can't get more information from the third priest. He can only extract the things and take them back to the academy.

Just like before, a whole well filled with a lot of high-sealed containers was directly teleported back to his secret treasure house by Lloyd.

After collecting the spoils, Lloyd clapped his hands again and thought about the next direction.

So next, should he stop while he is ahead? Or should he find a priest who is easier to deal with?

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