I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 62 62 This business should be okay, right?

Chapter 62 62. This business should be okay?

Lloyd has always been pragmatic. He will frankly admit his excellence and will not deliberately be low-key and modest, but he will also refuse to exaggerate and brag. He focuses on a clear self-awareness.

He was indeed immersed in other people's [stories] before. If it weren't for that "sister" who exposed her feet, I'm afraid he wouldn't have woken up so quickly, which was still quite dangerous.

Of course, this is also due to his [rationality] being high enough, so that he still retained rational thinking in that situation and did not completely let himself go.

Speaking of which... [materialization] This system is really weird and dangerous. It makes people unable to guard against it. If it were replaced by a less rational person, wouldn't he be trapped in it forever?

Lloyd couldn't help but think about it in his heart, and hesitated for a while, but still didn't ask the butler what would happen if he didn't wake up in the end.

But then he thought again, if it is just a competition of influence and interference on consciousness, this kind of materialized [story] seems to be inferior to his own [Distorted Realm]?

[Distorted Realm] is obviously more overbearing and unreasonable, there is no plot, and it does not need to care whether others believe it or not. There is no flaw that can make people sober. It just forcibly affects people's perception, thinking and cognition. You can only rely on reason to hold on. Once you can't hold on, there is no hope.

The [story] materialized by the housekeeper is much milder...

I don't know how this [story] works on monsters? Will high-risk monsters dream of electric sheep?

Since he thought of this, Lloyd couldn't help but feel worried.

I found that there was a strange thing that dared to disguise as my sister before, and I opened the [Distorted Realm] in a rage. Wouldn't the housekeeper notice something?

He quickly tried to ask indirectly:

"Mr. Randolph, were all my previous performances under your watch?"

"It was like I was watching a movie starring you."

The butler still smiled and answered, and continued his unfinished comments:

"In addition to your performance in rationality, you also surprised me in terms of your control of power. Your swordsmanship is already quite good, and you have mastered the power of the [Veto] system..."

"When you finally got rid of the [Role] I embodied, you used the [Veto Declaration], right? You can master this in such a short time. It seems that Lord Tiltus really favors you."

His answer surprised Lloyd. A high-ranking boss actually misjudged the power he used?

Is he deliberately concealing it?

It doesn't seem like it, and there is no need. Since he needs me to help him, the 'handle' is obviously more useful than the 'reward'.

Maybe his vision is not very broad? Or does he not know enough about the two systems of [Veto] and [Distortion]?

Lloyd speculated in his mind and continued to ask indirectly:

"If so, then you also know my thoughts and memories?"

"How is that possible? Why do you think so?"

The butler showed a natural surprise expression, just like an expert in the field of aerospace who heard someone say that rockets should burn kerosene.

"Spying on other people's thoughts and memories means extending inspiration into other people's consciousness, which is a very dangerous move! Especially for extraordinary people, no one knows what they will touch in it..."

"Even if you want to spy on a consciousness that has lost its activity, such as spiritual communication, you must be fully prepared and proceed very carefully;

And if you want to spy on an extraordinary person whose mind is in an active state, the dangers and difficulties involved are unimaginable. I'm afraid only a ninth-level saint would dare to take such a measure, right?"

The butler explained it to Lloyd in detail and seriously, for fear that he would have a sudden whim and try this kind of thing, which would affect his own arrangements.

Hearing what he said, Lloyd was relieved, and waved his hand and explained:

"Please rest assured, I'm just asking out of curiosity."

But the housekeeper shook his head and sighed in a low voice:

"Curiosity? For me, that is already a distant and precious thing..."


Lloyd didn't stay in the pub for too long. After talking through the whole story and finally agreeing to contact him after 60 days and asking him not to change his residence and work unit for the time being, he was sent back to the downstairs of the apartment by the housekeeper.

Lloyd hurried upstairs to go home. He was delayed by this matter today and went home late.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw his sister with her hair standing on her head, smiling sweetly, holding a hammerhead shark doll in her arms, and a kitten squatting at her feet, welcoming him at the door.

This made Lloyd feel a sense of warmth coming to him, and his heart was warm. He quickly gave his sister a hug of greeting nature, and then bent down to hold the kitten and rubbed it hard twice.

After the siblings sat back on the sofa, Everoel asked:

"How was your meeting with Mr. Randolph? He seemed to need your help with something?"

"Everything went well."

Lloyd gave a vague answer.

He still didn't dare to let his sister know that he had gone to meddle in the affairs of the seventh-level strongman, fearing that she would worry.

Everoel also trusted Lloyd unconditionally, and had no intention of asking further questions. She immediately told him a good news:

"Ms. Desda has completely given up her plan to become a folklorist today, but she will continue to collect folklore legends and has decided to set up a corresponding editorial department. I will be in charge of it temporarily. Will she publish a magazine in the future?"

As she spoke, she showed obvious pride on her childish face, raised her chin slightly, and puffed out her small chest, as if waiting for Lloyd to praise her.

Lloyd naturally asked tactfully:

"So, sister, you are promoted?"

"Hehe! From now on, I will be the editor-in-chief of Everole! How about it? Sister didn't hold you back, did she?"

Everole said proudly.

"Of course, we siblings have always been together. If I get promoted, sister should also get promoted."

Lloyd said, and then proposed:

"Then to celebrate sister's promotion and salary increase, when I come back to apply for a day off, let's go to the amusement park to play?"

Everole jumped up from the sofa in excitement.

"Okay! I thought so too. We haven't been to the amusement park for a long time!"

Looking like a child who hasn't grown up yet.

Lloyd was also smiling and seemed very excited.

But he actually had some doubts in his heart...

Editor-in-chief of a folklore magazine?

This job should be okay, right?

It's Tuesday again, please keep reading!!

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