I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 615 Chapter 617 Saints Meeting

Chapter 615 617. Meeting of Saints

After dealing with these trivial matters in this world, Lloyd still has one major thing left to complete before he can return to the academy and continue a new round of 'retreat'.

So early that morning, he woke up from the big bed in his new home. After completing his routine, he carefully put on a set of decent formal clothes, wearing a collar clip, a watch chain, a silk top hat and other accessories, so that Everol When I saw him, I couldn't help but be stunned.

"Wow! Xiaoyi looks so handsome today. Are you going to attend some important occasion?"

"No, just attending a small meeting."

Lloyd smiled and combed his sister's hair as usual. After sending her to the editorial office, he told the little cat to take care of the house, and then went to Hildina's boudoir alone.

Hiltina also dressed up formally, put on the dress that Lloyd liked very much, and then reached out to hold his arm, as if going to register a marriage.

But she then took out another crystal ball and placed it between the two of them, then raised her finger and flicked it. The crystal ball immediately began to rotate, and a mysterious light flashed from it, which dazzled Lloyd for a while.

When his vision returned, he found that he had arrived in a simple conference room, sitting on a high-backed chair at the end.

Sitting at the front was the Saint of Redemption, whom he had not seen for a while. He was still wearing a hood and cloak and did not want to scare others. He greeted in a gentle tone:

"Welcome, Lloyd."

As for the rest of the people present, except for a burly and muscular man, Lloyd knew them all.

A severe schizophrenic patient in the Silent City, a severe autistic patient in the City of Illusion, his own shrew, and the beautiful and lovely Elolo.

"Of course, you are also welcome, another patron saint."

"Hehe, hello everyone, I am Elolo from the City of Joy, and I am also the fiancée of the seventh saint, Lloyd. Nice to meet you all."

"How presumptuous! You ignorant little goblin! You actually came here to steal a man from me?"

Hildina, who was beside Lloyd, jumped up on the spot.

Ailuoluo actually jumped up and refused to admit defeat, and responded unceremoniously:

"Hmph~ I was obviously the one who came here first. It was you, a fierce old witch, who stole my man!"

Lloyd didn't expect that these two guys would talk about this kind of thing as soon as they met, and he was immediately at a loss.

Fortunately, the burly man stood up in time, coughed twice, and reminded:

"Ahem... Please pay attention to the situation, two saints. We are not here to arbitrate your emotions. Please resolve your emotional disputes privately."

Hiltina and Elolo sat back unconvinced, and stared at each other fiercely.

Seeing this, Lloyd spoke quickly and tried to bring the topic back on track:

"I am also honored to see you all here. This is also my first time to attend a meeting of saints. Although it may be a bit early for me, it is just that the current situation requires such a meeting to exchange ideas with you. none……"

Thanks to Lloyd's efforts, the atmosphere at the scene finally relaxed a little, and we could talk about business.

The main topic of this meeting of saints is obviously related to the "Trial of Falsehood", the expedition to purify the abyss, redeem the saints, and the ancient remnants.

Around these four directions, the seven saints fully exchanged opinions and views, spent a whole day, and came up with a rough plan.

First of all, Lloyd will perfect the [Trial of Falsehood] as soon as possible to the point where it can be exposed to the public, and start to purify the surrounding abyss area.

Then several saints are needed to cooperate with their own plans and start promoting it in their respective territories.

As for the Saint of Redemption, despite everyone's opposition, he insisted on personally leading an expeditionary force and launching the attack first.

And it's not like the usual large-scale development, where you build roads and erect fortifications while enclosing the territory, but prepare to drive all the way into the abyss area, eliminate the monsters there, and forcibly open up a foothold there.

This plan was so reckless that it seemed to the other saints to be no different from committing suicide.

But Lloyd knew very well that this was the Redeemer Saint exploring the path for himself in advance.

And the Saint should also be able to know through his [Prophecy] that Lloyd will support him in various ways, so this seemingly reckless move is actually on the road to the future.

He then took on the task of explaining and helped the Redeemer Saint fill in some details, so that other Saints could understand the full plan.

To put it simply, it is to project the power generated by the [False Trial] in the direction of the Redeemer Saint, clear some obstacles for him, and help him open up and stabilize a new foothold.

Then, starting from that foothold, he began to project more false power to the surroundings, using this method to purify the abyss area.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve this ambitious goal solely through the unilateral efforts of Lloyd or the Redeemer Saint.

If you only rely on the power of [False], the monsters will still continue to multiply and grow in the abyss, and use their own numbers to stabilize the existence of the abyss.

And if he only relies on the Redemption Saint, even if those monsters are eliminated, it will not have much impact on the environment. Groups of monsters will still continue to multiply and completely submerge him.

So the transformation of the environment and the killing of monsters must be carried out at the same time, otherwise the abyss will always be an indestructible Jedi on earth.

This is the conclusion that Lloyd came to after testing and deepening his understanding of the abyss area in the previous six months.

If those places are ignored, the abyss will gradually grow and spread, encroaching on the existing living space of mankind until it completely sweeps the entire world.

No one knows how long this will take, and even the [Prophecy] of the Redeemer Saint only saw the arrival of this scene.

At the same time, this is also in line with the speculation of other saints and Mizkatok on the future form.

The unknown doomsday is more terrifying and desperate than the disaster that is just around the corner...

And there are also the ancient survivors lurking in the dark and ready to move...

So everyone is trying different directions and paths to reverse this outcome.

And Lloyd, or the Book of Madness, is at this critical time point. He regained his self-awareness, stepped forward in time, and pointed out this only path.

He could even vaguely feel that his way to godhood was in it.

These were some of the details he gradually realized after killing the ancient mushroom god.

In short, if you want to implement this plan, the efforts of one or two parties alone are definitely not enough, so Lloyd attended the Saints' meeting in advance and needed the support of other saints.

Fortunately, it was not difficult to convince the saints present.

The Redemption Saint himself was a participant and executor, so there was no need to say more.

The same was true for Hiltina and Eloro, who nodded to whatever Lloyd said.

Among the remaining three saints, the first one to nod was the Manifest Saint who had severe autism and remained silent throughout the whole process.

He even answered for the first time:

"I will send someone... to help... or help Lloyd... locate the landing point and impact area of ​​those forces."

This was an unexpected surprise for Lloyd, right?

Originally, he wanted to control the power of [illusion] generated from the trial and let it fall precisely in the area he wanted, but it was still a problem to be solved.

Lloyd planned to start working on this problem immediately after returning to the academy. He had to let the power of [illusion] cover him before the Redeemer Saint arrived at the outer area.

As a result, the Manifestation Saint unexpectedly did this?

Lloyd was a little curious about how he knew that he had not yet solved this problem, but before he could ask, the other party stuttered and took the initiative to explain:

"Actually... I noticed... your research a long time ago... and... have been... paying attention..."

"I thought... you would come to me... but you... were indifferent... I had to... study it myself..."

Uh... No, I didn't come to you, you can come to me?

And you can't even speak clearly, how can I come to you?

Lloyd complained in his heart, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

I can only say that his condition is really a bit serious...

After the Manifestation Saint stuttered these words, he immediately let out a long breath, showing a look of relief, and then stopped talking, as if he had said all the words for the rest of his life.

"Since even Zamuel said so, then I naturally have no objection. Besides, I originally planned to support Astra alone without your cooperation. My cult is already on the way. Now it's better to lay it out like this."

The burly man, the Saint of the Law, Baimon, said, then looked at Lloyd and said:

"To be honest, I have been wondering why you didn't come to me? You have visited them privately, right? It seems that you have helped them a lot? But why didn't you come to me?"

"Ah? This... …”

“Although I look relatively normal, you are not seeing my real body now. The real me is already seriously ill. If you have time, remember to come and help me? Of course, I won’t let you help me for nothing. I can help you convince Hiltina later so that she can accept your love.”

“Bah! Don’t even think about it!”

“Well…Okay, then I will change the conditions. There are still many good things in my private treasure house. You can pick whatever you want when the time comes.”

“Well…You don’t have to be so polite. I will come here when I have time.”

Lloyd waved his hand with a smile.

I didn’t expect that a saint who abides by the [Law] and gains power by restraining his own behavior would have such a personality and temperament?

But people in the [Law] department seem to have always been the more straightforward type? Judging from the few people Lloyd has come into contact with, such as Goldron in the previous seminar, the great knight Chang Shandu who had some contact with him, and the students in the [Law] department in the academy, generally have such personality traits.

This is also related to their power system.

The extraordinary people under the [Law] system generally use [Law] to restrain their own "hypocrisy", "courtesy", "cunning" and other less influential behaviors, and gain power without affecting their normal personality and thinking as much as possible.

Over time, the constraints become more and more, and the personalities become more and more similar, and even the whole person will become a little stubborn and stupid...

It can only be said that the [Law] system, as the second extraordinary system of the new era, still has many drawbacks that need to be improved, just like the [Redemption] system.

So after enduring the most dangerous period, these two systems will inevitably gradually decline and become unpopular, which is inevitable.

I just don’t know if the ‘fighting spirit’ restored by the academy can help them?

Lloyd can only think in an optimistic direction.

In the end, the only one who has not expressed his opinion is the intellectual saint.

But his attitude can actually be seen from his smiling expression, but he just didn’t rush to speak.

It wasn’t until his turn that he spoke:

“I’m sure there’s no problem. People in our [Intellectual] system are always preparing for an expedition.”

In this way, with the consent of several other saints, neither Lloyd nor the Redemption Saint would have to fight alone.

So in general, everyone reached a consensus on the general direction of this saint meeting.

This made Hiltyna smile, and she concluded:

"I almost forgot how long ago we reached an agreement like this, and I also forgot when we always had disagreements that we were unwilling to compromise... Of course, for me, there is still an uncompromising disagreement today."

As she spoke, she began to stare at Eloro fiercely again, as if she was going to pounce on him and tear him apart on the spot.

Seeing this, Lloyd quickly spoke to smooth things over:

"Ahem, okay, since we have reached a consensus on the general direction, let's not care about this little problem... Well, let's talk about the ancient survivors, shall we? Coincidentally, I just uncovered a conspiracy of theirs a while ago..."

Lloyd then talked about the previous wave of achievements, which controlled the atmosphere on the scene and lasted until the end of the meeting.

"Lord Uther, I'm going back first. Remember to come and see me more often. Hehe, I've prepared many beautiful new skirts and new socks..."

Eloro waved her little hand and said goodbye to Lloyd affectionately.

"Okay... Ouch... Ouch... No, no, no..."

Lloyd didn't have time to respond before he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. Then his vision blurred and he returned from the conference room to Hiltina's boudoir.

Next, it was really troublesome. He had to try his best to appease Hiltina, otherwise his backyard would really be lost...

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