I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 622 Chapter 624 Complete and Broken

Chapter 622 624. Both complete and broken

This time, the team formed by Lloyd included himself, five members of the medical team, and four "foreign aids" from the engineering department, a total of six people.

It's quite short and concise.

There is no point in adding more people. It is useless to pile up the number of people with this kind of action.

Just like the history archeology that Royd participated in for the first time, he brought so many people down, but in the end it strengthened Royd, and it was very hard to recruit people. If it weren't for the timely remote support of his lovely wife at home, I would probably have lost everything at that time. The army was destroyed there.

And Lloyd has also thought about it, the weird spherical structure of the engineering department can't be wasted, right? If circumstances permit, he plans to drag the entire school district back and slowly conduct archaeological research.

Of course, this is the most optimistic expectation. In fact, it is impossible for this unstable spherical structure to maintain a complete spherical shape for such a long time. It is very valuable not to break too much.

If the previous divination results were not too optimistic, Lloyd would not even have such a fantasy.

"Okay, this journey is far away, the storm is fierce, and it will take a long time. Everyone, please recharge your batteries. There is food and drink in the house, please help yourself."

After walking out of the portal, Lloyd said casually.

The medical team looked around with shock on their faces.

I saw a mist-shrouded snow mountain in the distance, covered with snow, holy and sublime.

There is a neat and lush grove nearby, surrounding a pearl-like lake. It is crystal clear and sparkling, and you can see fish swimming and playing one after another.

In front of everyone, there are rows of well-proportioned, warm and elegant wooden villas, with a natural sense of relaxation. Just looking at them will make people feel relaxed and happy.

This is not the 'space battleship' that Lloyd calls it. It is simply a resort with beautiful scenery!

"It's so beautiful. It's hard to imagine that this is actually a cabin?"

"After I retire, I must find a place like this to settle down and take my wives with me."

"Is that snow-capped mountain real? Are the fish in the lake real?"

"The lake and fish, as well as the trees and shelters on the side are real. They were decorated by me these days."

Lloyd explained and pointed to the snowy mountains in the distance.

"It's a fake one over there. It's a background made with the [illusion] you're familiar with. This place is actually not as spacious and comfortable as you think. If you walk over there, you'll hit the 'air wall' and be teleported back here."

Although the scenery here is not that realistic, Professor Ladio nodded with satisfaction.

"It's beyond imagination. Originally, I thought it would be like before, with a large group of people crowded into a narrow space in the elevator."

"Yes, yes, and I also feel dizzy. It's really a terrible experience that I can't bear to look back on..."

“Can I catch fish here?”

"Of course, but you can only fish, you can't jump in to fish."

"Ha~ Who are you looking down on? Fishing is a dignified sport!"

In this way, the members of the medical team first found their favorite villas in this 'cabin', settled their luggage, and then eagerly took out a variety of equipment and ran to the lake to start fishing.

Lloyd also wanted to join, but he had other things to do.

The space coordinates obtained by divination are very far away from the academy, and the nearby 'sea conditions' are bad. You can neither open the portal directly nor let your newly built 'space battleship' run too fast.

He also focused on maintaining course, collecting readings, and monitoring the situation.

In short, Lloyd has to be busy for a while.

He then walked into his little villa, then snapped his fingers, released the shoeless 'Métis', and asked her to make him coffee.

Then he walked to a lot of space equipment in the living room, and with the hand speed of a married man, he quickly operated various equipment and light screens.

After manually completing the preliminary calibration of the equipment, Lloyd took out three silly little robots from his pocket and asked them to help him perform some simple data collection and monitoring work.

Finally, a light curtain came over to check the status readings of the 'space battleship'.

Hmm~ Everything is normal. Although the shape is a bit different, it is always more reliable than the canoe-class warships of the ancient survivors.

During the previous period of various preparations, Lloyd put most of his energy and time on the transformation of those three school districts.

With level 10 [Space Control], Professor Lawrence was away, and the other two professors were still in the mental hospital during their free time, they took advantage of their positions to mobilize a large number of 'babies' from the Equipment Department, and then conducted research on these three school districts. A comprehensive renovation and upgrade.

Nowadays, these three school districts are roughly arranged in an inverted triangle, with two empty school districts carrying only space storms in front, and then using space anchors to form a link with the third school district where he is currently located, forming a ' Dogsled' style layout.

He gathered together some bits and pieces of debris that had been stored in the school district before, and went to the college to retrieve two smaller abandoned school districts. They used them as storage areas and hung them on the 'sled'. the very back.

In this way, the three school districts formed a 'sled battleship', with the front school district providing power and protection in case of emergencies, while the rear school district was used as a control area, living area, and storage area.

By the way, several emergency space elevators are also equipped as lifeboats.

In general, except for the lack of naval guns, torpedoes, and anti-aircraft guns, this ‘sled battleship’ already has most of the functions of a battleship.

And under the power of the space storm, its offensiveness is not weak at all. As long as the storm is untied and allowed to sweep away, the ‘sled battleship’ is enough to crush everything in front.

At the same time, it also has a strong ability to resist risks. If you encounter space turbulence on the road, just use the space storm to absorb it.

In short, the canoe-level toys of the ancient survivors, or the space elevators used by the space department before, are completely incomparable to the ‘sled battleship’.

It’s like the gap between a four-star character with 0 life and a 6+5 graduation relic-limited character.

Even for the sake of comfort, Lloyd spent a sum of credits to find people from the civil engineering department to quickly build the resort outside, dig out a large lake, and deploy rituals for circulation and water purification at the bottom of the lake.

As for those fish, he bought them with credits from the Biology Department. They should be some kind of genetically modified fish, right? They have sweet meat, are chewy, grow quickly, and are extremely challenging. If they could not only survive in the alien space environment, they would have been released to the human world long ago to help everyone eat fish freely.

So the only question is...

What does that extremely challenging mean?

Lloyd didn't understand it yet, but soon he heard someone from the medical team knocking on the door and asking:

"Professor Lloyd, is there something wrong with the fish in your lake?"

"Hmm? I bought this fish from the Biology Department. What's wrong? Is it not delicious?"

"Uh... It's not a question of whether it tastes good or not, but we can't catch it at all... It ate the bait, and then floated to the surface, spitting bubbles at us, as if humiliating me!"

"Is there anything else? Wait a minute, I'll come to clean them up after I'm done here."

Lloyd said excitedly.

So about two hours later...

"Professor Lloyd, calm down! Calm down! You said it yourself, you can't go down and fish by yourself."

"Yes, yes, don't argue with the fish. If you really want to eat fish, I brought canned fish."

Two doctors from the medical team held Lloyd's arms on the left and right, and while persuading him, they secretly took the scoop net from his hands.

Lloyd's forehead was brimming with veins, and he said angrily:

"Let me go! I'm going to let them know who is the master here today."

In fact...it would be fine if he just couldn't catch any fish.

The key point is that this beast not only surfaced and spit bubbles to taunt, but also jumped up and slapped Lloyd's face with water with his tail.

When has Lloyd ever been so embarrassed? Even when he was on the line with the descendants of the evil god and the ancient god, he had never suffered such humiliation, and his defense was broken immediately.

It means that the doctors of the medical team are really strong and strong, so they can hold him down.

But at this moment, there was a sudden cheer from the side.

It turned out that a doctor, after a battle of wits and courage, pulled the hook hard and caught a fat bass weighing at least ten pounds.

"Ah! Good! I got it! I got it!"

So everyone gathered around him and looked at him with envy.

"Quick, quick, quick! Take two photos for me!"

The doctor held the big bass that was still struggling desperately, with a smug smile on his face.

As a result, perhaps he was too proud, and accidentally slapped the fish with its tail, broke free from his arms and jumped back into the lake.

The doctor was stunned on the spot, as if he was petrified.


Until the "sled battleship" had arrived near the coordinates after a long 20-hour voyage, no one in Lloyd's group knew whether the fish meat was delicious or fresh.

Fortunately, everyone was a veteran and would not be shaken by this little setback. They had already begun to actively prepare for the next "landing".

The previous divination was indeed the most successful and optimistic one Lloyd had ever experienced. The spatial coordinates analyzed were very accurate, saving the trouble of further searching.

However, the situation in the old school district of the Engineering Department was a little different from what he expected.

It had maintained a roughly spherical shape, but it was so fragmented that it looked like a cookie that had fallen to the ground and was broken. With such a large scale, there were only a few areas to settle down.

And even those relatively intact areas were full of spatial cracks and turbulence, which made it very difficult to sort out, giving Lloyd a headache.

In addition to these spatial troubles, Lloyd vaguely "smelled" some unusual smells.

It was a bit like the remnants of the [Miracle] of the previous dean, but there were some differences, so he had to be more careful.

Fortunately, he had accumulated a lot of experience when "playing puzzles" before, so it shouldn't be too slow to deal with it.

However, it is important to choose a good location, otherwise it would be a bit ridiculous to work hard to restore the girls' dormitory of the past.

In addition, the fragmentation of this place was what Lloyd expected, but it was a bit strange that it was not dispersed by various spatial turbulences.

Normally speaking, after the collapse of the school district, thousands of years have passed, and this place should have been in pieces.

But they still miraculously come together, which to Lloyd is simply more outrageous and weird than being intact.

He had a vague feeling that there might be an undiscovered force inside that was maintaining the overall integrity of the school district.

But I don’t know whether it is an enemy or a friend, whether it is bad or good.

Let’s have a meeting first to discuss the next ‘landing’ location.

Lloyd then snapped his fingers four times in a row, releasing the four [Projections] he had prepared before.

In terms of image, in order to save trouble, they all use the existing templates in the "Krypton Gold Mobile Game". Each one is wearing a gorgeous golden armor, which looks different from other real people.

"Uh... does this feel really magical? Although it is a little inconvenient to control, the picture is very clear and you can hear your discussion."

A warrior in golden armor who was controlled by the old professor raised his hand stiffly and muttered again.

"It's no problem if you can hear it. Okay, professors, let's take a look at the current situation first."

Lloyd said, waving his hand and dragging a light curtain over. On it was a map of the school district that had been revised based on the actual situation on the ground.

"It's actually broken into pieces like this? Oh...it's really scary..."

"Fortunately, the core area seems to be intact? The things we need most are there. The living areas and dormitories on the periphery can be selectively abandoned."

"The workshop area, storage area, and data area are not that exaggeratedly broken. Is there any chance of getting them back? Professor Lloyd."

"I can give it a try, but the distance is still too far at the moment. Even if I release my inspiration, I don't know what's going on inside. I urgently need to find a place to stay. So, do you think I should go straight to the topic? Or should I circumvent it?"

Lloyd said, reaching out and adjusting the light screen to enlarge the areas available for landing, and then waited for the professors' opinions.

The three old professors then entered into a discussion, and Professor Toledo was the first to speak:

"Although I don't know much about the past situation, but with the last experience, I think it's better not to go straight to the topic... It's hard to say what happened there. If we encounter the same change as last time, there will be no second chance. Lloyd can come to save you."

It can be seen that he is still worried about the last archaeological expedition.

Lloyd agrees with this sound line of thinking.

It just so happened that the three old professors also came to a preliminary conclusion.

"We suggest you try choosing here first."

The golden armored warrior pointed at a relatively complete storage area.

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